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Lawson and Tiffany 10: Grifting for Children's Toys on the Newborn Registry

Coconut Flan

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1 hour ago, HereticHick said:

 I'm tired of transactions that should be private affairs (promposals, wedding proposals) having to become big creative public affairs. 

The effort put into these events when they are kept private seems more genuine, as in, "you put in this all effort to surprise me, and not to fancy yourself on social media". 

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I actually don’t think everything needs to be kept private (though I would personally HATE, HATE, HATE to have any of those experiences in public) It just doesn’t have to be a social media curated spectacle. You and your partner both love being the centre of attention and are super close to friends/family? Cool, do it in front of them! Love themed parties and can pull them off without tons of disposable rubbish, major costs and stress? Awesome, have a great party! 
But can the stressful, costly and environmentally damaging performances for likes please be over!! Or people who do something in private in their pjs without professional photos not be looked down upon and pitied/snarked on…

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She's married to a Bates. Disappointment should be the name of the game by now.


Also, I feel badly her parents wasted their money on this.

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We told our friends and family the sex when we told them we were pregnant, and in a way almost as an afterthought. 
“hey, we’re pregnant!” 
“oh! that’s amazing, congrats! do you know what you’re having?”
”yes, a girl! We’re so excited to be parents” 

we also decided to keep everything off social media, including pics of her now that she’s here. And (shockingly /s) we are still so overjoyed even though we don’t post about it. 

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2 hours ago, front hugs > duggs said:

We told our friends and family the sex when we told them we were pregnant, and in a way almost as an afterthought. 
“hey, we’re pregnant!” 
“oh! that’s amazing, congrats! do you know what you’re having?”
”yes, a girl! We’re so excited to be parents” 

we also decided to keep everything off social media, including pics of her now that she’s here. And (shockingly /s) we are still so overjoyed even though we don’t post about it. 

Same! We learned of the sex (not the gender - fundies, get it right!) at 10 weeks because of some genetic testing we had done. Then we told all our family at Christmas when we saw them. We announced our pregnancy of Facebook, but that was one of the last times our little one has been mentioned on social media. We post photos on Tiny Beans for friends and family to see. 

The biggest challenge has been to get my mom to not post pictures of our little one on Facebook. She doesn’t get what the big deal is while we’re over here thinking of all the Josh Duggar creepers in the world who could manipulate her photo into literally anything. 

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I kind of think that Lawson’s over the top proclamation for wanting a boy is actually him overcompensating for having a boy that will not match the vision he had for a son before meeting Tiffany. Lawson’s baby boy will not be his mini-me. He will not be Lawson’s (or many people in Tennessee’s) version of an All American boy. I think Lawson is trying to convince himself that that his son’s outward appearance doesn’t matter to him because this little boy will be the most rugged masculine cowboy ever. I think Lawson is putting a lot of extremely unrealistic expectations on his son. I hope Lawson will love his son for whoever he is, and Lawson will look back on this video and realize what a jackass he was.

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2 hours ago, JDuggs said:

Lawson’s baby boy will not be his mini-me. He will not be Lawson’s (or many people in Tennessee’s) version of an All American boy.

Are you referring to the kid possibly looking Asian? You never know. We have friends who are a German / Chinese couple, and you wouldn’t be able to tell that their kids have a Chinese mom from looks. They are both red-haired, blue-eyed boys (not that the parents would have cared either way - they just think it’s really funny how much they favor their red-haired dad).

It really shouldn’t matter. But it is the Bates family with their confederate room… I was surprised that Lawson married Tiffany at all. 

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11 hours ago, Sk8ter said:

Unpopular opinion ahead:  I wish everyone would stop these ridiculous gender reveals. They're just dumb. Call/text your family and friends and tell them. Then move along with your life. 

The number of videos/reels, etc that show up with one or more adults crying because they are disappointed in the sex of the baby is embarrassing. What is that kid going to feel like in 10-12 years when they discover the video of their mom/dad upset because they are a boy or girl and that video has been shared all over the internet? I can tell you they are going to feel like sh*t. My mom wanted one child, a boy. I was the first born and a girl. She told me all about how she never wanted a girl and that they had no name for me bc they were certain that I was a boy. (this was pre-ultrasound days). It's pretty crappy to grow up knowing your mom never wanted you to be a girl. But at least that information wasn't plastered all over the internet in a gender reveal video. 

I get having one for the first one, but having and and doing a photoshoot for every kid # 5 and 6 is ridiculous. just find out and tell people. plus I get she wanted a girl, but If your planning on hav ing more kids, good chance you probably gonna get a girl then, why does it matter what order they come.

3 hours ago, JDuggs said:

I kind of think that Lawson’s over the top proclamation for wanting a boy is actually him overcompensating for having a boy that will not match the vision he had for a son before meeting Tiffany. Lawson’s baby boy will not be his mini-me. He will not be Lawson’s (or many people in Tennessee’s) version of an All American boy. I think Lawson is trying to convince himself that that his son’s outward appearance doesn’t matter to him because this little boy will be the most rugged masculine cowboy ever. I think Lawson is putting a lot of extremely unrealistic expectations on his son. I hope Lawson will love his son for whoever he is, and Lawson will look back on this video and realize what a jackass he was.

if he cared about his son not looking like him or not being fully white, then why would he marry Tiffany. He's gonna try to turn him into a cowboy, but watch this kid grow up to be interested in everything lawson is not. 

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I wonder if Lawson fully understands that his son probably isn't going to look much like an "All American Bates Boy,"  I know genes are funny things and everyone has an anecdote about them. But I have 6 kids in my extended family who are half Asian (either Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Thai or a combo of 2 of these) and half Caucasian, and none turned out blonde or red-haired. None have blue, gray or green eyes. All have dark brown or black hair.

Although if it makes Lawson feel better about "manliness", one of my half-Chinese cousins is a 6 ft tall teen who is still growing, and plays varsity basketball and soccer.

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6 hours ago, raayx01 said:

if he cared about his son not looking like him or not being fully white, then why would he marry Tiffany. He's gonna try to turn him into a cowboy, but watch this kid grow up to be interested in everything lawson is not. 

I think Lawson probably loves Tiffany more than he cares about what his kids will look like, but he still cares what his kids will look like. That’s he’s convincing himself and the world that he’s thrilled about a boy, to negate his own uncertain feelings. I think he’ll be fine with his daughters looking like Tiffany. He probably thinks she’s beautiful. But his son probably won’t look much like him, or be blond like Bradley, Carson, Jadon, Ryker, Kolter. And while Nashville is more diverse than the rest of Tennessee, his son will look different than the average kid there. Tiffany grew up in a much more diverse environment, so it was possibly easier for her in that regard. She was also cute and an actress, which probably helped. Although she might have had more difficulties being adopted and not looking like her family members. I think Lawson needs to reassure himself that little boy is going to be the manliness baby ever to make up for his possible lack of Lawsonesque features. 

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10 hours ago, JDuggs said:

I kind of think that Lawson’s over the top proclamation for wanting a boy is actually him overcompensating for having a boy that will not match the vision he had for a son before meeting Tiffany. Lawson’s baby boy will not be his mini-me. He will not be Lawson’s (or many people in Tennessee’s) version of an All American boy. I think Lawson is trying to convince himself that that his son’s outward appearance doesn’t matter to him because this little boy will be the most rugged masculine cowboy ever. I think Lawson is putting a lot of extremely unrealistic expectations on his son. I hope Lawson will love his son for whoever he is, and Lawson will look back on this video and realize what a jackass he was.

Both Tiff and Lawson are cute and don't look rough by any means. So the little boy will look cute and not rough, too. Not because his half Chinese physical features, but because he will probably look as his parents. Lawson can pose with tight t-shirts and guns but he doesn't look manly, just ridiculous. 

I agree that Lawson is putting unrealistic expectations on his son. But some of his nephews are not *rough* looking and he likes them. It's funny, because the roughest grandchildren (at least on pictures) are a couple girls.

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13 hours ago, Melissa1977 said:

Both Tiff and Lawson are cute and don't look rough by any means. So the little boy will look cute and not rough, too. Not because his half Chinese physical features, but because he will probably look as his parents. Lawson can pose with tight t-shirts and guns but he doesn't look manly, just ridiculous. 

I agree that Lawson is putting unrealistic expectations on his son. But some of his nephews are not *rough* looking and he likes them. It's funny, because the roughest grandchildren (at least on pictures) are a couple girls.

It's hard to look manly with that Sleestak-ass hair.

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On 5/19/2024 at 7:34 PM, front hugs > duggs said:

We told our friends and family the sex when we told them we were pregnant, and in a way almost as an afterthought. 
“hey, we’re pregnant!” 
“oh! that’s amazing, congrats! do you know what you’re having?”
”yes, a girl! We’re so excited to be parents” 

we also decided to keep everything off social media, including pics of her now that she’s here. And (shockingly /s) we are still so overjoyed even though we don’t post about it. 

I announced both at the same time too. I put a cake in the staff room at my school with « coming in Dec…. Baby Patronus » the cake had pink icing so it was obvious. Extended family my mom announced to (with my permission) in a toast at a family function and gave sex, ethnicity and the fact that I had adopted the embryo thus would never know the genetic parents. Easy, peasy and not over the top because I’m pretty boring and hate the spotlight. 

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Maybe bc Chip Gaines did it, Lawson thinks he can have partially Asian kids too and be okay with it?

Besides being Asian, Tiffany is also extremely tiny. Gil and Lawson are not super tall people either. Lawson and Tiffany could end up with extremely petite children with many Asian features, both of which Lawson probably considers the opposite of his picture of southern hyper-masculinity. 

Also, it’s often a pretty big deal for adopted children who do not share ethnicity with their parents to have a biological child. For many adopted kids, this is the first biological relative they have ever known. Maybe Tiffany is just very private about this or is discouraged by her parents from exploring it, but it does not seem like she has given it a lot of thought or discussion. 

At the same time, I can imagine having a girl to replicate a physical version of herself might hold more importance for a Chinese adoptee of white parents, even if Tiffany does not say so, and might provide some context for her gender disappointment, and also makes Lawson’s gloating about having a boy even more distasteful than it already was. 

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The obsession with having sons is probably the reason Tiffany was put up for adoption. I don’t like sex reveals - it’s crazy to be disappointed with your baby before it’s even born- just be happy and excited that you’re going to have a baby. 

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  • 3 weeks later...

Ok I'm soooo late to the party but somebody said BUB was on Tubi so since I hurt my back and had to miss work I was stuck watching something - anything and now I've watched Katie's wedding episode. And wow Lawson's singing is just so terrible.  These people are so obsessed about having this instagram perfect wedding and there's lawson caterwauling . OMG. the cringe. I mean I guess they love him and just can't bring themselves to tell him no. I can't imagine any other reason Katie would have a yowling unfixed cat at her perfect wedding. I wonder what Travis was thinking - a guy who seems to actually be able to hold a tune. What does he do to earn money? Why don't people tell him how bad he sounds? I just don't understand

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I think outsiders are much more objective. Family, though? They are probably proud of him and have always seemed supportive of his dreams. He probably sounds amazing to them. Now all the in-laws, they might have a more discerning ear... 😂

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Travis and Evan both have exponentially better singing voices than Lawson. 

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I think they HAVE To hear how bad he is. We're not talking about a family full of people who sing along and one person is a bit off while they sing happy birthday or christmas songs.

We're talking about  family full of singers and players of instruments who at least understand "tuning" their instruments.  I just have to assume they've collectively decided to not say anything.  Wasn't Evan's whole family some sort of singing group too? And Carlin's yodeling is pretty cool. They know.

It's sweet that he writes them songs but at some point when you're being recorded for TV and doing concerts and whatnot - you just need to get real.  

I wonder if he'll still be pretending he's a music star in 2 years or will he settle down and open a lawn business and just be a happy home dad. It seems to suit Zach well, maybe Lawson can make the transition.

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I think he could build a very successful lawn business in Nashville. Tiffany mentioned once on IG if her followers think Lawson should start a lawn business again and the poll was overwhelmingly yes. 

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Well at least he *can* do that should he come to the decision that he has to work for a living. He knows how to set that up and do it. I'll give lawson that much. 

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If starting another lawn business will make Lawson too busy to focus on his singing "career," then it's a win-win!

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I don't mean to be mean, but a person will not make it in country music if they aren't willing to play the bar scene. Period. I say this regardless of his lack of talent. 

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30 minutes ago, gobucks said:

I don't mean to be mean, but a person will not make it in country music if they aren't willing to play the bar scene. Period. I say this regardless of his lack of talent. 

Even more, I can’t even remember the last time he’s performed in concert. Around me, there are summer festivals every weekend. There are plenty of opportunities for good performers. Lawson’s just lazy. He wants to be a star without actually doing the work. 

And I’m surprised people think that Lawson would even consider a career doing manual labor at this point. In his mind, he's a celebrity, not a worker bee. He takes videos of himself traveling or doing mundane things, people watch them, and he gets paid. He records a song every once in awhile, makes a music video, and sells Lawson merch. He and Tiff put out a huge baby registry,and strangers send them gifts. This is the life he wants. 

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49 minutes ago, gobucks said:

I don't mean to be mean, but a person will not make it in country music if they aren't willing to play the bar scene. Period. I say this regardless of his lack of talent. 

It seems like he won’t even play the church scene! I bet there are a few churches that would host him. If Jill Rod can find some, so can Lawson. He just doesn’t want to. 

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