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Seriously Steve 5: He Never Changes

Coconut Flan

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Steve is such an ass


Teri and I were on our normal walk when we heard a cheerful “Hello” behind us. A car was stopped at the stop sign with the window rolled down. It took a moment for me to recognize the man even though I have known him for quite a while. I happily returned the greeting as I turned to walk over to him.

My friend had lost significant weight and didn’t look healthy. As I approached him, I said how good it was to see him. He replied, “It is better to be seen than viewed.” I got his humor as he is dying of cancer and likely will only live a few more months before he is in a casket for viewing.

He is a heartbreak for us. We have known him for several years and have been able to develop a friendship. One day about three months ago, he told us that he had just been diagnosed with terminal cancer. I asked if I could come over and talk with him further, and he agreed.

I arranged a time to visit and was soon sitting in his living room. I gave my testimony of Who Jesus is and that He saved me. As I began sharing the Gospel, I hit a roadblock. This God-blaspheming person defiantly said he WAS going to heaven because he was a good person and he didn’t need Jesus. We cordially wound down the discussion, and I left he and his wife with a Good Person tract. They said they would read and discuss it.

With a heavy heart, I continue to pray while his clock counts down. Thankfully we have maintained our friendship as demonstrated by his calling me over at the stop sign to talk. “But if our gospel be hid, it is hid to them that are lost: In whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not, lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine unto them” (2 Corinthians 4:3-4).

Oh my brothers, get to know your neighbors, love them, and seek opportunities to share our glorious Lord and salvation with them. You won’t regret it. However, if you don’t, you will have regrets.





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Oh my stars, Steve, how rude trying to impose your beliefs on a dying man.

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Plus the god-complex level of arrogance to think that he knows better than the poor guy what the guys faith demands and if he is fulfilling those criteria. Steve Maxwell has judged him and found him lacking. How Christlike and biblical!!

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Steve never ceases to show us what an asshat he is.

He shows his arrogance, his pride, his holier-than-thou beliefs, his I'm the bestest Christian attitude, his I speak for God and am always right condescension every time he opens his mouth. At every opportunity. Everywhere.

I wish someone would publicly tell him to shut up and FOAD. But it wouldn't do any good. Stevehovah would just  know the person was godless unbeliever and he (Steve) had every right and duty to castigate the unbeliever.

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I can just imagine Steve standing just outside the Pearly Gates, peering in angrily at all of the people he chastised and harangued during his life, who are now living it up in a heavenly afterlife. Meanwhile, as Steve stands outside, glaring at his spiritual inferiors, St. Peter reads off a long list of the times Steve god-bothered others who were far more likely to go to heaven than he ever was.

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14 hours ago, Red Hair, Black Dress said:


I wish someone would publicly tell him to shut up and FOAD. But it wouldn't do any good. Stevehovah would just  know the person was godless unbeliever and he (Steve) had every right and duty to castigate the unbeliever.

And then he’d write a post about the person.  
Poor guy, he probably thought Steve was being nice to visit him. Then he tells Steve he doesn’t believe the same things Steve does and gets called a blasphemer. 
Nice way to talk about a dying man, Steve. 


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I'm sure Steve knows exactly where that man is going when he dies.

Stevehovah knows these things.

Edited by Red Hair, Black Dress
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Steve is like John Shrader.  They believe they're among the precious few who know the exact, magic words that you use to get into heaven.  Everyone else is worshipping wrong and they don't stand a chance.  So, in the Maxwell/Shrader heaven there are maybe a dozen people.  

Nope.  Not going.  That sounds like the worst party and it would go on forever.  There would people getting in who invent sins just to get booted out.

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I would be really angry if I was Steve's friend. I hate when people think you have to be in our church to go to heaven and no one else will be get in.

That being said, I can't entirely blame Steve. A lot of churches promote this type of thinking. Many churches encourage people to evangelize and recruit new members in part, because it is necessary to save their souls and help them get into heaven.

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  • 1 month later...

This is amazing. I thought he meant one of his neighbours had died when he talked about "the worst" having happened.  But no, they have split up, probably due to poor choices of toys for their kids? It was very hard to decode. If anyone else read it I'd love to hear how they interpreted it. 😂


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3 minutes ago, ClareDeLune said:

This is amazing. I thought he meant one of his neighbours had died when he talked about "the worst" having happened.  But no, they have split up, probably due to poor choices of toys for their kids? It was very hard to decode. If anyone else read it I'd love to hear how they interpreted it. 😂


That was weird.  Stevie seems more bothered over the choice of children's books than over the marriage breaking up.  I suppose the couple didn't exactly cozy up to Steve so all he was able to talk about is the stuff they left in the driveway.  He's making the children's books do a lot of the heavy lifting in his judgment of the level of religious belief in that home.

Yeah, Steve.  I have some Stephen King books in my bookcase.  That means that I practically have Satan oozing out of my walls...

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Here's the whole screed, Seriously Steve mind your own Rufus damned business!

We met a sweet, young family with two cute littles a couple of years ago on our walking route when they were doing yard work. We loved seeing them in their happiness functioning as a family. Then, this spring we noticed there were no cars in the drive, the yard wasn’t being mowed, and there were no signs of life. We suspected the worst and asked their neighbor who was doing yard work, if he knew whether they were okay. He grimaced and shook his head “No.”

Over time we observed furnishings, miscellaneous items, children’s toys, and books at the end of the drive for the taking. We stopped to look through the books in case we could use them with our grandkids. No way! There were little kiddos story books with dragons, witches, and magic. How sad to be filling the minds of children with such evil. It was an indication that the Lord Jesus likely had no place in that home, which is now up for sale.

My brothers, we can’t expect the world not to fill their children’s minds with evil. But may it never be that anyone who names the name of Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior would ever allow such evil things in their homes and certainly not around their children. Sadly, I’m confident that many believers consider these harmless children’s books, not putting up any safeguards to protect their children against them. Have they not read the Word?

“Ye that love the LORD, hate evil: he preserveth the souls of his saints; he delivereth them out of the hand of the wicked” (Psalms 97:10). There is no such thing as innocent evil. I plead with you. Cleanse your homes of anything evil.

“But as he which hath called you is holy, so be ye holy in all manner of conversation; Because it is written, Be ye holy; for I am holy” (1 Peter 1:15-16).

Also, make no assumptions about your marriage. Nurture it. Love and cherish your wife as a gift from God. She is.

1 hour ago, Xan said:

That was weird.  Stevie seems more bothered over the choice of children's books than over the marriage breaking up.  I suppose the couple didn't exactly cozy up to Steve so all he was able to talk about is the stuff they left in the driveway.  He's making the children's books do a lot of the heavy lifting in his judgment of the level of religious belief in that home.

Yeah, Steve.  I have some Stephen King books in my bookcase.  That means that I practically have Satan oozing out of my walls...

I have books about JFK (Catholic), Franklin and Eleanor Roosevelt (New Dealers and ocial reformers), Abraham Lincoln (never joined a church) and Ruth Bader Ginsburg (no explanation necessary) on my bookshelves.  Guess I'm going to hell.

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I didn’t understand what Steve wrote at all. 
How does he know they divorced?  Maybe they just moved away  

Did I miss something?



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5 minutes ago, kpmom said:

I didn’t understand what Steve wrote at all. 
How does he know they divorced?  Maybe they just moved away  

Did I miss something?



Their neighbor said tthe family weren't doing good so I guessed the marriage ended.  Kinda funny Steve was more freaked out about the Harry Pottee books then the divorce.  I bet the took the books anyway and burned them.

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  • 2 weeks later...

New Seriously email.  Steve's whining about football season.  Must suck for him to live near Kansas City home of the two time defending Super Bowl Champs and one of their star players is dating Taylor Swift.  BWAHAHAHA!

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We suspected the worst and asked their neighbor who was doing yard work, if he knew whether they were okay. He grimaced and shook his head “No.”

Could also be medical issues or job loss. 

But again, it's Stevehovah HATING FUN.  Witches and dragons are related to an active fantasy life and reading fantasy sparks imagination.  Note that he doesn't consider this simply unwholesome - it's evil. 

What a dreary, joyless man. 

An aside:  A nice two-story house across the street has now had three owners since we bought our house. All three have been young couples with a young child.  The first two couples ended up divorced after about three or four years each and the  house was sold each time.   I'm rooting for the third couple to hang in there! 

Edited by Howl
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