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Artemis (Cynthia Jeub) 3: The Grift Goes On

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20 hours ago, MargieB said:

Living in almost any livable city is not going to be inexpensive.

One of my sons lives in a small college town in the south. He is vision impaired and cannot drive. 

He loves living there because the price of living is reasonable and the available services are excellent. He has enough vision to ride his bike and he commutes to work 90% of the time on two wheels! When weather is inclement he uses the Public Transport System which will pick him up at his door and drop him at work. He is a special education teacher and he just bought his own house last year. He got a cute two bedroom brick bungalow with hardwood floors and a tree covered lot for $120,000

Before he bought the house,  he lived in a studio apartment a couple of blocks from the University for $700, including utilities. 

Within a one mile radius of either place there are restaurants, shops, pharmacy, dentist, coffee shops, and several grocery stores including a Natural Grocers. 

There are places where the cost of living is lower and the disability services are excellent, but in won’t be in a large city, but rather a medium sized town. 

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I would not feel safe as a queer person living in the south. So we pay our $2300/mo for a 975 sf, 3-bdrm apartment for five adults, sigh.

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18 minutes ago, Jasmar said:

I would not feel safe as a queer person living in the south. So we pay our $2300/mo for a 975 sf, 3-bdrm apartment for five adults, sigh.

He lives in a college town that is very safe and inclusive. He is a person of color and has always felt wanted and safe. 

His neighbors fly a rainbow flag and have had no problems at all. 

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They have raised $360 out of $3500.  No way they will reach the goal.  I wonder if there is any back up plan.

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On 5/20/2024 at 12:52 PM, Jasmar said:

I would not feel safe as a queer person living in the south. So we pay our $2300/mo for a 975 sf, 3-bdrm apartment for five adults, sigh.

there plenty of blue cities in the south, maybe if your trans I get it but my gay cousin and his husband live in Dallas, very liberal. plenty of like minded people around there.

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20 hours ago, quiversR4hunting said:

They should move to one of these cities. Some good size cities are on the list


LOL!! I can't imagine Artemis or Ryann living in any of these places, cheap or not. 

I disagree with the premise, I don't really think they have much reason to move. They don't have money to move. I don't think they will be MORE accepted anywhere than Seattle.

They have to dig in and find some way to support themselves from day-to-day. That's my back bencher opinion.

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They have $661 in donations.  So they can get their licenses updated and transport their cats.  Can't ship stuff, check a bag or have extra for miscellaneous expenses (although, they said they've received a few direct donations, so they might be able to check a bag).  With the airline tickets already taken care of (what a HUGE gift!), they can make this move if they really want to.  

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They don't need their licenses updated. They need to not be lazy and just go to the airport like 3-4 hours early and tell tsa that someone stole their wallet yesterday and they didnt have time to go to the dmv and catch their flight and be sympathetic, patient, and sorry. Not an entitled asshole. They also can used expired ID and again, say that the new one was stolen and they kept the old one for hiking.  

I'm very confused about the bags. They say they need to buy a bag to share and check, but also they need to check "bags". The cat carriers should be about $30 each if they buy the cheap TSA ones from Petsmart. (I bought the $75 one and then found the one that was half price like a week later ugh). They should get harnesses and leashes incase tsa refuses to let them go into a room while the carrier goes through the machine. The most expensive thing should be the two pet reservations for the flight. 

And since I know they don't have status or a club 49 membership they will have to pay $35/bag for two bags each, or they can ship their stuff via parcel post or a shipping company. 

Did they even google "how to move across country for cheap?" Do neither of them have friends for family they can ask for support? 

I realized the other day that I haven't seen posts from Art about the emotional side of things. Personally, I don't go more than a week without some sort of mixed emotion about my family of origin, and I didn't go through half the garbage they did, nor is my immediate origin family as large. I know I need therapy and it's available to me, I just choose not to do it and instead self sabatoge. I am aware of that as a fault and often think "I should make an appointment." And then I schedule botox/dermatologist/acupuncture/Personal training/pilates/yoga retreats instead. But Art makes it sound like they are doing all this work but we don't really hear about it. Just logistics and asks and unengaging reposts of boring unfunny memes. 

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14 hours ago, Maggie Mae said:

I realized the other day that I haven't seen posts from Art about the emotional side of things. Personally, I don't go more than a week without some sort of mixed emotion about my family of origin, and I didn't go through half the garbage they did, nor is my immediate origin family as large. I know I need therapy and it's available to me, I just choose not to do it and instead self sabatoge. I am aware of that as a fault and often think "I should make an appointment." And then I schedule botox/dermatologist/acupuncture/Personal training/pilates/yoga retreats instead. But Art makes it sound like they are doing all this work but we don't really hear about it. Just logistics and asks and unengaging reposts of boring unfunny memes. 

Ditto. I am working on a memoir about my childhood trauma, and it is re-traumatizing to do so. I also can't afford therapy. But I'm toughing it out, and using free resources like the local library and social media friends for emotional support. It's NOT easy. At all. I could talk all day about the various things I do to stay calm and grounded and work on my anxiety. 

Artemis is doubling down on their disability claims, while demonstrating all of their inherent skills in fundraising online. Get. A. Job. In fundie circles there are often parochial issues with the pastor and his family leaching off the congregation, and then turning around and preaching to everyone else how to conserve money so they can tithe more.

Pastor Kid Royalty is a weird form of privilege and hard to understand outside the given cult. But I see it at play here. The world owes them, and they are so  much more special than everyone else. Pardon me if I've gone too far, as I said I'm writing about this stuff all the time and trying to put it into words. It's not easy.

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On 5/12/2024 at 12:09 AM, MargieB said:

Artemis is pretty close mouthed about their diagnoses.  She says that is it no one's business.  It is true that legally under HIPAA, their diagnosis is private but if they want people to donate money to them, it might be in their advantage to share it.  





The medical privacy act in the US only applies to providers. It has no power over anyone else.

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On 4/30/2024 at 2:09 AM, keepercjr said:

I think Art carries all the physical and mental labor of this couple - at least that is the impression they give. 

Going back a bit here, but I agree. I am a bit curious as to how this will play out when they are closer to Ryann's family and how much that will change the dynamics.

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On 5/24/2024 at 4:08 PM, Foursquare said:

They have $661 in donations.  So they can get their licenses updated and transport their cats.  Can't ship stuff, check a bag or have extra for miscellaneous expenses (although, they said they've received a few direct donations, so they might be able to check a bag).  With the airline tickets already taken care of (what a HUGE gift!), they can make this move if they really want to.  

I think they'll make it, with another month to crowdfund. Amazing what Artemis can do when they decide they really want something. Imagine if they put their energy towards improving their day-to-day quality of life, what they could achieve.

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They need money for food until the food stamps refresh. I don't understand how they haven't figured out how to buy food that lasts a bit longer - if they are each filing as head of household, there should be more than enough ebt to go around. At the very least, when you see the balance go low, why not stock up on things like instant noodles, bread, peanut butter, etc? Or make soup and freeze it. They aren't working. They have time to meal plan and prep, and to travel to get better prices. 

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Posted (edited)

In one of their old posts, Artemis says poor people deserve good food.  It would not surprise me if they refused to eat cheap food, like tuna or ramen noodles.  I'm sure they think they deserve better.  In my early adulthood decades ago, my first jobs did not pay much so some weeks i lived on ramen noodles, boxed mac and cheese, and canned soup.  We did not have crowd funding when I was young but I survived it without begging strangers for money. 

Edited by MargieB
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In my new job I am helping people that need resources find them. I hope if any one of you need this, that it will help you!

For my fellow Americans, check out www.findhelp.org. There's programs, both local and nationwide, for housing, food, legal, mental health, etc. The programs are either free or low cost.

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17 hours ago, Maggie Mae said:

They need money for food until the food stamps refresh. I don't understand how they haven't figured out how to buy food that lasts a bit longer - if they are each filing as head of household, there should be more than enough ebt to go around. At the very least, when you see the balance go low, why not stock up on things like instant noodles, bread, peanut butter, etc? Or make soup and freeze it. They aren't working. They have time to meal plan and prep, and to travel to get better prices. 

Beans are also really cheap, filling and nutritious.  Art has an instant pot.  I make pinto beans in there and it is so so easy.  Just beans, a cut up onion, water, taco seasoning and some bacon fat if you have it.  Then it cooks for like an hour (can't remember exactly).  When art feels good they could cut up and freeze a few onions so they are always ready.  Pick up some tortillas (or have it in a bowl), add some cheese and you have a bean and cheese burrito for a couple bucks for several meals for both of them.  Maybe put some meat if you have it, maybe salsa, etc.  There are many ways to make beans and many ways to use them.  I make a really good chili in the instant pot too but I use 2 lbs of ground beef, which can be expensive. 

Art posted that they loaded up a wagon and took it to a pawn shop but the pawn shop only took one of the items.  I don't understand this.  This was the most labor intensive thing they could have done getting rid of stuff.  Seriously.  There is facebook marketplace, craigslist, offer up, etc.  Lots of ways to just list a picture and your price and people will come to you (or wherever you want to meet them) to get the items.  Or even ebay.  There were 12 comments on the post but they are all gone so I wonder what people were saying. 

Art also made a new blog post today.  I copied and pasted it into the spoiler below.


We are down to just six weeks before we leave! We are so grateful to the people who have donated to our campaign so far!

May has been a very busy month. Each day we’ve been organizing, packing, and making piles of what to donate or sell. We’ve also been doing administrative tasks like researching new apartments, finishing paperwork with our current location, and figuring out the details of flying with two assistive devices and two cats. My license has been updated and is on the way in the mail, and Ryann still needs to make a trip to the DMV to update his. My taxes are done and things are sorted out with the IRS, which is a big relief.

We’re making good progress, but June is going to be even busier as the move date gets closer!

The most pressing need right now is submitting applications for a new apartment. We’ve been looking for places that will become available in mid-July, and there are several good options in the area we’re aiming for. It’s very important that we secure the location as soon as possible so we have a destination. Ryann’s sister is helping out by touring the possibilities and checking for wheelchair accessibility.

As we explained in the last update, we are NOT able to use a moving service, so we are shipping our belongings to another part of the country. This is less expensive than paying someone to move everything, but it is still a significant cost in postage. Our first box has arrived safely, and it was $80 to send.

Not every box is going to weigh exactly the same and some need more insurance than others, so we’re estimating that it’s going to cost about $80-$100 per box. We have twenty boxes, which is really not much when you’re talking about every single belonging of two people, including books.

We’re making vet appointments for the cats so they can be up-to-date on vaccines, get exams to make sure they’re ready for a big trip, and get prescribed medicine to help them tolerate flying. The local vet costs $86 up front, plus $55 for each vaccine. The prescription shouldn’t cost much to fill, but we need to be ready to pay whatever the full cost of each visit is.

We’ve raised $1000 toward our goal! That makes a massive difference. When we received some donations outside of GoFundMe, we reduced the overall goal to account for everything, so it says $661 right now. The first person to add $5 has a chance to get us to a hilarious number…but seriously, anything helps right now.

Thank you so much for your help and support! If you can’t donate, sharing this link helps a lot, too!

We cannot thank you all enough for everything you’ve done for us over the years!

ALSO: If you’d like to buy one of my paintings, they are available here! Ryann made this cool graphic about that below:

Ok.  First, why aren't they going to one of Seattle's FREE vaccine clinics?  https://www.seattle.gov/animal-shelter/resources/pet-vaccination-clinics  There are also several low cost vets in the seattle area.  Here is a story about a vet clinic that is FREE


Every time I scratch my head and wonder why they aren't using all the free or low cost resources available to them.  Also it seems confirmed they are moving to be near Ryann's sister.  For $80-$100 per box - is the stuff they are packing in there worth that much?  I am guessing it would be cheaper to just buy new or gently used stuff. 


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Wait, I thought they insinuated earlier that they already had housing lined up. Am I remembering wrong?? So they're moving to a place without having housing? Are they staying with Ryann's sister til they find something? I'm even more confused ny this whole thing now. 

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13 hours ago, Giraffe said:

Wait, I thought they insinuated earlier that they already had housing lined up. Am I remembering wrong?? So they're moving to a place without having housing? Are they staying with Ryann's sister til they find something? I'm even more confused ny this whole thing now. 

I, too, thought that their housing was taken care of.  So, are they shipping their items to Ryann's sister to store and then have to move it all to an apartment?   Wouldn't it have made more sense to get an apartment first to have their stuff sent there?  

I do not understand Artemis' thought processes at all.  I think they are doing this the most difficult way possible.  

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4 hours ago, MargieB said:

I, too, thought that their housing was taken care of.  So, are they shipping their items to Ryann's sister to store and then have to move it all to an apartment?   Wouldn't it have made more sense to get an apartment first to have their stuff sent there?  

I do not understand Artemis' thought processes at all.  I think they are doing this the most difficult way possible.  

That’s always the way they do things. 

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8 hours ago, MargieB said:

I, too, thought that their housing was taken care of.  So, are they shipping their items to Ryann's sister to store and then have to move it all to an apartment?   Wouldn't it have made more sense to get an apartment first to have their stuff sent there?  

I do not understand Artemis' thought processes at all.  I think they are doing this the most difficult way possible.  

The story is ever-changing to meet the moment. Our problem is that we are trying to make sense of it.
The main thing is to keep the $$$ coming in. They may not even move, who knows. This could just be an elaborate grift.

Time will tell.

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aren't there food kitchens pantries near them where they can get free food until food stamps come in.

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Posted (edited)
28 minutes ago, raayx01 said:

aren't there food kitchens pantries near them where they can get free food until food stamps come in.

But that would require putting some effort into getting out of bed and do something productive.

Much easier to grift money and do Instacart or Doordash.

Edited by atlantagirl30084
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3 hours ago, formerhsfundie said:

The story is ever-changing to meet the moment. Our problem is that we are trying to make sense of it.
The main thing is to keep the $$$ coming in. They may not even move, who knows. This could just be an elaborate grift.

Time will tell.

I think they will move. It sounds like Ryan's sister gifted them airline miles to move closer to her. I also doubt that they will keep it super secret for very long. Eventually they will say something like "we need money to buy wine at HEB" or "I found a sandwich at Publix and need it." 

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On 5/31/2024 at 5:38 AM, keepercjr said:

Art posted that they loaded up a wagon and took it to a pawn shop but the pawn shop only took one of the items.  I don't understand this.  This was the most labor intensive thing they could have done getting rid of stuff.  Seriously.  There is facebook marketplace, craigslist, offer up, etc.  Lots of ways to just list a picture and your price and people will come to you (or wherever you want to meet them) to get the items.  Or even ebay.  There were 12 comments on the post but they are all gone so I wonder what people were saying. 

Damn, I saw some of them earlier (there was about 4 at that stage) but can't remember what the comments were now! I honestly don't understand why they take the absolute hardest route to do anything. 

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