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Artemis (Cynthia Jeub) 3: The Grift Goes On

Coconut Flan

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On 6/18/2024 at 2:49 PM, keepercjr said:

That leaves 14 boxes that need to be shipped. Right now we have 10 boxes packed and ready to ship, and we only have enough money to ship two of them.

Well... my prediction was incorrect. I thought they would ship 10 boxes of their accumulated possessions, but instead they are planning on shipping 14!!! If it's $100 a pop, that's $1400 just for shipping. Imagine just replacing stuff at that price? But of course, it's not their money. Easy come, easy go.

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2 hours ago, GreenBeans said:

100$ to ship one single box. That can’t be right. Here (Germany) I could ship a massive box (up to 70 lbs) for the equivalent of 22 USD.

Unfortunately it could be correct.  I don't know what method they are using (postal service, fedex, ups) but it is expensive and they are shipping heavy boxes.  They are also shipping it clear across the US.  The destination will also factor into the cost. 

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3 hours ago, GreenBeans said:

100$ to ship one single box. That can’t be right. Here (Germany) I could ship a massive box (up to 70 lbs) for the equivalent of 22 USD.

Keep in mind that Germany is about the size of one of our larger states - New Mexico. It would probably cost about that much to ship using ground post in that area.  But they are in Western Washington and moving to the other coast.  

It could be the same distance as shipping from Ireland to Türkiye. 

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Shipping boxes interstate can be very expensive. I'm not surprised they're spending $100 each. I'm surprised they're shipping as many as they are. 

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@GreenBeans I calculated a box on usps. Seattle to New Jersey. 70 pounds. Home Depot's large size at 15x16x16.  $183.05

eta: the lowest with UPS using the same info was $193. 

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19 minutes ago, Giraffe said:

@GreenBeans I calculated a box on usps. Seattle to New Jersey. 70 pounds. Home Depot's large size at 15x16x16.  $183.05

eta: the lowest with UPS using the same info was $193. 

Switch that to ground shipping. It should be quite a bit cheaper. 

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7 minutes ago, Maggie Mae said:

Switch that to ground shipping. It should be quite a bit cheaper. 

Ok it looks like media mail could be around $55 per box. 

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I don't think they could ship a box weighing anywhere near 70 lbs. Isn't Art (who has physical issues) taking the boxes to the post office in a wagon? 

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They are probably shipping first class which is the most expensive way to go.


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3 hours ago, Maggie Mae said:

Keep in mind that Germany is about the size of one of our larger states - New Mexico. It would probably cost about that much to ship using ground post in that area.  But they are in Western Washington and moving to the other coast.  

It could be the same distance as shipping from Ireland to Türkiye. 

I just checked, and for 100$ I could literally ship a box all the way to China. 😁

But even if this is a normal price for parcel shipping in the US, It just seems really odd to be shipping such quantities at such a high cost. There must be a more cost efficient way to do this. 

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21 minutes ago, GreenBeans said:

There must be a more cost efficient way to do this. 

That is absolutely correct. You could have just written the tagline for their entire existence. 

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Shipping their goods by surface common carrier LTL could possibly be done for 30 cents per pound.  It's based on distance and type of cargo.  

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7 hours ago, formerhsfundie said:

Well... my prediction was incorrect. I thought they would ship 10 boxes of their accumulated possessions, but instead they are planning on shipping 14!!! If it's $100 a pop, that's $1400 just for shipping. Imagine just replacing stuff at that price? But of course, it's not their money. Easy come, easy go.

That is 14 boxes they have left to ship.  They have already shipped some so who knows what their box total is.

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3 hours ago, Coconut Flan said:

Shipping their goods by surface common carrier LTL could possibly be done for 30 cents per pound.  It's based on distance and type of cargo.  

That's way less than my other suggestion, which is that Alaska Air (based in Seattle) will ship to most major cities for 50 cent to 1 a pound, depending on distance. They also are the only airline I'd trust with an animal. 

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17 hours ago, GreenBeans said:

I just checked, and for 100$ I could literally ship a box all the way to China. 😁

But even if this is a normal price for parcel shipping in the US, It just seems really odd to be shipping such quantities at such a high cost. There must be a more cost efficient way to do this. 

The most efficient way is to not ship all that crap.  Ship ONLY the super sentimental stuff that isn't replaceable.  Get rid of the rest.  For the price of all those boxes they could BUY everything new or used that they were shipping in the first place.  I saw someone on facebook marketplace advertise all the furniture in a 2 bedroom apartment for $1500.  They didn't want to move it.  It all looked really nice and was just the major stuff you need in an apartment. 

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37 minutes ago, keepercjr said:

The most efficient way is to not ship all that crap.

Yep. Friends of ours moved from Melbourne to Perth (2100 miles) and sold/gave away literally all their furniture and household goods because the cost of shipping was higher than just replacing, even with higher prices in Perth.

Hell even just moving 8.1 miles across the city we downsized like crazy (and still should have done more!) just because being in one place you tend to accumulate stuff.

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They still need $1500 to complete the  move, as per Artemis' latest blog point (quoted below):


My household was part of the US Census this year, and it was interesting to answer questions according to categories we don’t really fit into. My partner is on disability benefits, so questions about work didn’t apply. As for me, I have been without a regular job for over four years, but on paper I’m self-employed with few working hours. I work from home about ten hours a week on a variety of projects. I run a blog, and I have supporters on both Patreon and Substack. I fundraise as needed, too – right now we have a fundraiser going to get out of Seattle and to a better location.

I find it interesting that they are super special and so don't fit in to census questions. 

On the plus side, Artemis claims to be planning to resume their education after the move. I hope they do! Education can be a game changer.


After we move, I really hope that we’ll be able to settle into this new location for longer than a year. Moving twice, one year apart, has been a LOT to deal with. Once we’re settled in, we hope to do more than worry about housing. I am planning to resume my education once again in the fall.

And, their opening sentence, which I will close with, is interestingly self-aware/accurate.


It feels profoundly selfish to be constantly in need. 

Glad they are optimistic and feeling better. But since they still need to raise $1,500 to fly across the country and ship all of their precious things, it makes sense to instill readers with optimism so they will reach into their bank accounts and fund this latest adventure. 

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Even though Artemis seems to realize that they are profoundly selfish for constantly grifting for money, I don't see them stopping.  They mention going back to school but NOTHING about how they are going to support themselves.   IMO they are a lazy, self-centered brat who feels they are entitled to be supported because they had a lousy childhood.  Lots of us had crummy childhoods and we support ourselves.  Grow up, Artemis, and take responsibility for your life instead of free-loading off strangers.




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It (should) feel profoundly selfish to be constantly in need want.

Time and again they have shown they can't differentiate between need (something to eat) and want (cheesecake).

https://www.dmi.co.za/dminewsletters.asp?articleid=6182#:~:text=A beggar asks for himself,needs of others not themselves.

A beggar asks for himself.
A fundraiser never asks for money for himself. He is always asking people to give towards the needs of others. Fundraisers are people with a heart for the needs of others not themselves.

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On 6/15/2024 at 8:40 PM, Expectopatronus said:

I’m fascinated by how much those two look alike. 

They look almost like twins!

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I may have brought this up in a prior thread but there's this thing called "idiot compassion." It's basically: if I keep helping someone who has shown they don't actually want to be helped then I'm simply wasting my resources. That's where I feel like they're at. None of their money grabs have been to bridge a gap or help them get back on their feet. For the year or so I've been following them their asks have always been if the "fund my lifestyle" variety. 

If Art is planning on attending school we'll get a continuation of asks because they won't be able to work while they go to school because of whatever reason they come up with on a given day. 

And then if/when they drop out of school it will be because the teachers had it out for homeschoolers or "people like fill in the blank." I hope they go back to school and do great but I'm not holding my breath. 

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I will be genuinely surprised if Artemis succeeds at school because they’ve already shown themselves to be arrogant to the point of being unteachable in so many other areas, and I don’t see how this one will be any different. Succeeding in education is far more about having an open mind, humility, and a good work ethic than just being “smart.” As I often say to the people I work with—“You get out of your education what you put into it. If you show up, make minimal effort, and coast, you may get a passing grade, but that work ethic will not translate well to life after graduation, especially if you don’t learn anything from your classes on top of it.” Artemis, thus far, has been categorically unwilling to work for anything and just expects things to be handed to them. 

It’s always very depressing to watch children of fundie-gelicals grow up and leave the church only to continue behaving exactly like their parents. The expectation that everyone else fund their lifestyle because they’re too ideologically pure and important to get a job themselves is Chris Jeub all over, as is take-take-taking resources and assistance without ever giving anything back. Unfortunately, there’s a whole crew of these people who are extremely active on xitter, and they actively reinforce this mentality amongst themselves while being extremely hostile towards anyone who tries to help them with anything other than cash. Observing the way they weaponize social justice language to avoid employment in the same way their parents do with the Bible would be funny if it weren’t so fucking sad.

I would like to be wrong about this, but at this point, they’re at least six years into being on their own and have made negative progress towards being a functioning adult. 

Edited by JesusCampSongs
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11 hours ago, NurseNell said:

They look almost like twins!

I wonder how much is deliberate intent.

3 hours ago, JesusCampSongs said:

The expectation that everyone else fund their lifestyle because they’re too ideologically pure and important to get a job themselves is Chris Jeub all over, as is take-take-taking resources and assistance without ever giving anything back.

Oddly enough Chris does work and comes up with money making plans.  That he does grift and ask for handouts has also been true, but push coming to shove, he will get a job or start a business.  

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6 hours ago, JesusCampSongs said:

Unfortunately, there’s a whole crew of these people who are extremely active on xitter

Don't know if "xitter" is your own creation but I love it. I can read it as either chitter or shitter and both fit.

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Where are they moving to?  

Also, education (not the homeschool type) can be very structured.   I've mentioned this in other threads, but a relative in the extended family was teaching a remedial English course (summer school) at a community college.  All four homeschool students in the class were failed.  These students couldn't follow a syllabus, didn't have a concept of completing and submitting  assignments on time and had no idea that if there is an assigned topic, you have to write ON THAT TOPIC!  All four had their homeschool high school "diplomas" but couldn't function in a structured edcational environment, and, by extension, I'm assuming they'd be hopeless at typical entry-level jobs.  

I started my first office job as an adult in my early 50s.  I'd been working for a long time, of course, but not in an office environment.  I did great because I know how to get to work on time every day, deal with co-workers, work hard and do my damn job (a complicated job which I had to learn from scratch). 

Considering their physical limitations, I assume Artemis and partner will do something online, and it had better be an education that can be used to improve their financial situation, so "applied degree" or certification of some type that leads directly to employment. 


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