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Artemis (Cynthia Jeub) 3: The Grift Goes On

Coconut Flan

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5 minutes ago, Howl said:

Where are they moving to?  

Also, education (not the homeschool type) can be very structured.   I've mentioned this in other threads, but a relative in the extended family was teaching a remedial English course (summer school) at a community college.  All four homeschool students in the class were failed.  These students couldn't follow a syllabus, didn't have a concept of completing and submitting  assignments on time and had no idea that if there is an assigned topic, you have to write ON THAT TOPIC!  All four had their homeschool high school "diplomas" but couldn't function in a structured edcational environment, and, by extension, I'm assuming they'd be hopeless at typical entry-level jobs.  

I started my first office job as an adult in my early 50s.  I'd been working for a long time, of course, but not in an office environment.  I did great because I know how to get to work on time every day, deal with co-workers, work hard and do my damn job (a complicated job which I had to learn from scratch). 

Considering their physical limitations, I assume Artemis and partner will do something online, and it had better be an education that can be used to improve their financial situation, so "applied degree" or certification of some type that leads directly to employment. 


It is speculated they are moving to New Jersey. 

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1 hour ago, keepercjr said:

It is speculated they are moving to New Jersey. 

Is the cost of living in New Jersey significantly less than where they live now?  

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No, but the cheesecake might be better.

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Having been through the hell that is flying with cats twice, I sympathize with how hard it is to get a straight answer out of airline/airport employees about costs and protocols. But they really should've done more research before pitching the initial budget.

EDIT: And I'm not sure where they would've gotten the idea that emotional support animals wouldn't come with a cost? In my (limited) understanding, having your cats classified as emotional support animals is a degree of insurance that airline employees can't unexpectedly be dicks to you on the day of your flight, but that's about it.

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3 minutes ago, Willowfer said:

Having been through the hell that is flying with cats twice, I sympathize with how hard it is to get a straight answer out of airline/airport employees about costs and protocols. But they really should've done more research before pitching the initial budget.

If they're moving to New Jersey they're about to be severely disappointed how little change there is in the cost of living! I get the feeling "research" and "planning" are contraband to them. 

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The overly self-entitled duo can thank another overly self-entitled duo for having raised such a stink over emotional support animals that airlines changed their rules.  Leon Brown and partner tried this ruse already.  

I think their idea for a change in the cost of living will have to do with having family to mooch on and to help take care of them.  Do we give the family member a year before they become exhausted from these two? 

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7 minutes ago, Coconut Flan said:

The overly self-entitled duo can thank another overly self-entitled duo for having raised such a stink over emotional support animals that airlines changed their rules.  Leon Brown and partner tried this ruse already.  

I think their idea for a change in the cost of living will have to do with having family to mooch on and to help take care of them.  Do we give the family member a year before they become exhausted from these two? 

Much less, especially if they are moving to NJ. Anyone know where in NJ the sibling lives? Some places there are going to be almost as impossibly high as NYC. 

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1 hour ago, Coconut Flan said:

Do we give the family member a year before they become exhausted from these two? 

A year seems about right, probably less where Art is concerned. 

From a quick search it looks like not much difference in cost of living between NJ and Washington. 

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1 hour ago, Willowfer said:

Having been through the hell that is flying with cats twice, I sympathize with how hard it is to get a straight answer out of airline/airport employees about costs and protocols. But they really should've done more research before pitching the initial budget.

EDIT: And I'm not sure where they would've gotten the idea that emotional support animals wouldn't come with a cost? In my (limited) understanding, having your cats classified as emotional support animals is a degree of insurance that airline employees can't unexpectedly be dicks to you on the day of your flight, but that's about it.

I believe they can't be charged pet rent when renting an apartment or turned away from an animal-free apartment. I wasn't aware there was any other reduction in fees anywhere. I'm sure they thought "let's register them as service animals and we'll never have to pay for them anywhere including the vet!" 

(for the record I'm all for therapy animals. In this case though I could see them assuming they would suddenly get everything free)

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1 hour ago, Giraffe said:

If they're moving to New Jersey they're about to be severely disappointed how little change there is in the cost of living! I get the feeling "research" and "planning" are contraband to them. 

Well they did find a place to live that must have cost less than where they are living.  I don't get this thing with the cats.  WHY are they splitting the trip into 2 trips?  Is it because a layover or are they staying somewhere for a few days or what?  Splitting a cross country flight into 2 trips makes zero sense

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1 hour ago, keepercjr said:

Well they did find a place to live that must have cost less than where they are living.  I don't get this thing with the cats.  WHY are they splitting the trip into 2 trips?  Is it because a layover or are they staying somewhere for a few days or what?  Splitting a cross country flight into 2 trips makes zero sense

I was trying to figure out what that meant. Is it a layover? At which point they shouldn't need double payment. And if it's two trips, why and what does that mean? Are they flying to one destination on one airline and their final destination on another? It was either poorly written or written to be intentionally deceptive. 

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3 hours ago, Coconut Flan said:

I think their idea for a change in the cost of living will have to do with having family to mooch on and to help take care of them.  Do we give the family member a year before they become exhausted from these two? 

I don't think it will take as long as a year until Ryann's family is fed up with Art.  Ryann at least has disability income and he is a relative.  Artemis has no job, no intention of getting a job, and counts on grifting to pay the bills.  I don't see Ryann's family finding Artemis a desirable partner for Ryann.  Most families want their child's partner to at least have employment.  I give Ryann's family nine months until they are totally fed up with Artemis.

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3 hours ago, Giraffe said:

Much less, especially if they are moving to NJ. Anyone know where in NJ the sibling lives? Some places there are going to be almost as impossibly high as NYC. 

Ryan is originally from Mine Hill, according to their Facebook. 

I'm about to show my ass here and ask some questions about being transgender and I hope I don't offend anyone. I want to start by saying that I respect all trans people as people, and will do my best to switch pronouns and names. Still, like when a long-time friend or acquaintance changes their name for any reason, there's occasionally a use of "oh, yeah, they used to be called X" (at least in a professional capacity.)

Ryan is a transman, correct? I saw that they previously described themself as a lesbian, and they just had top surgery. I'm 90% sure that transman means "assigned female at birth but is male." Please let me know if I'm way off. 

However, Art also ran a fundraiser for a partner who was sick and had a different male name and looked very different.  Did Art jump from a disabled partner to a different disabled partner? I'm so confused. 

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6 minutes ago, Maggie Mae said:

However, Art also ran a fundraiser for a partner who was sick who had a different male name and looks very different.  Did Art jump from disabled partner to a different disabled partner? I'm so confused. 

Yes, Art previously had a male partner named Josiah.  I don't know if there are others --Art seems to bounce from one relationship to another.  Art does seem to choose disabled partners probably as they make them feel needed.

Edited by MargieB
Correct gender pronouns
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Hmm, Mine Hill. So the closest rental I could find that was "inexpensive" was in a nearby town and does have income limits so they would qualify. It is still just over $1000. It does accept pets. 

As for how long the partner's family will be sick of the grift, 5 months before they will be trying to kick Art out. 


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18 minutes ago, Maggie Mae said:

Ryan is a transman, correct? I saw that they previously described themself as a lesbian, and they just had top surgery. I'm 90% sure that transman means "assigned female at birth but is male." Please let me know if I'm way off. 

I'm not sure that Ryan has ever explicitly identified as a man (gender is complicated!), but it would be correct based on what I do know to say that he's transmasculine and nonbinary. Your definition of trans man as "assigned female at birth but is male" is accurate! Trans- femme, woman, masc, man, etc., always refers to how someone identifies now.

It's also pretty common for people to think they're gay before figuring out that they're actually trans and possibly also queer. Especially for those of us 30+ who didn't have access to the vocabulary and education kids have now.

21 minutes ago, Maggie Mae said:

However, Art also ran a fundraiser for a partner who was sick and had a different male name and looked very different.  Did Art jump from a disabled partner to a different disabled partner? I'm so confused. 

Yes, Art had a different disabled partner a few years ago with whom they fundraised for accessible housing, Josiah. Art is polyam and was with both the prior partner and Ryan with some amount of overlap.

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19 hours ago, quiversR4hunting said:

Hmm, Mine Hill. So the closest rental I could find that was "inexpensive" was in a nearby town and does have income limits so they would qualify. It is still just over $1000. It does accept pets. 

As for how long the partner's family will be sick of the grift, 5 months before they will be trying to kick Art out. 


I did a google search for low income housing and Mine Hill and a few results came up  Some stuff in the $600 range even. 

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I was thinking more about the cats and the flights.  I don't think Art has ever flown before.  They don't realize that a layover is not considered a 2nd flight for fee purposes.  I'm just speculating, but they won't need to pay 2x for each cat.  (do they think they need to pay for their checked bag 2x too?)  When they spoke to the airline, I wonder if they just got a random customer service agent and didn't ask specifically about their flight plans.

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I checked the allergyasthmanetwork.org and apparently emotional support animals used fly free; however, many people insisted their pet was an emotional support animal just so their pet could fly free.  That is why the DOT let airlines classify emotional support animals as pets and passengers have to pay for their animal's flight.  There are limits on how many pets can be in a flight as to minimize other passengers animal allergies.  All these concerns have to balanced out.

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30 minutes ago, MargieB said:

I checked the allergyasthmanetwork.org and apparently emotional support animals used fly free; however, many people insisted their pet was an emotional support animal just so their pet could fly free.  That is why the DOT let airlines classify emotional support animals as pets and passengers have to pay for their animal's flight.  There are limits on how many pets can be in a flight as to minimize other passengers animal allergies.  All these concerns have to balanced out.

Big stink, tantrums thrown, letters exchanged, and rules changed.  

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Coming out of lurkdom to hop on my soapbox / PSA 🤣 Emotional Support Animals (ESA) are NOT covered under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). And this also is making it harder for people with disabilities with legit service animals because people have abused this by taking their pets and ESAs Everywhere! 

As people with disabilities, they could get a service animal. But cats are not eligible under ADA: dogs and miniature horses. ETA: as of 2011, only dogs. I've dealt with this for work, with the public, for a long time (especially the abusers; legit too, totally cool); and for a lot of reasons, am very informed and passionate about rights and services for people with disabilities.

Hopping back down now 😁

Edited by LongTimeLurkerOG
Update info & clarity
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If Artemis loves their cats as much as they say they do, maybe they should get a temporary job to raise money for airline fees for cats and to ship the rest of their stuff, instead of asking for more and more and more money CONSTANTLY.  If they won't make the SLIGHTEST EFFORT to earn money for their move, then why others should give the hard earned cash to them?  Artemis' selfish greed is astronomical.



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