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Artemis (Cynthia Jeub) 3: The Grift Goes On

Coconut Flan

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Artemis is pretty close mouthed about their diagnoses.  She says that is it no one's business.  It is true that legally under HIPAA, their diagnosis is private but if they want people to donate money to them, it might be in their advantage to share it.  





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I have serious doubts that Artemis has a qualifying disability.

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If they had a formal diagnosis I'm 95% sure they'd rub it in people's faces constantly. While making clear that the normal coping strategies for people with that specific issue don't apply in their case.

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They've said that due to carrying around siblings at a young age and doing unspecified heavy manual labor (washing dishes and housework, probably) that they are permanently unable to do physical work.  Newsflash Art, welcome to most of the world for women (particularly older daughters) for hundreds of years.  I am the youngest child of EIGHT and I still spent my childhood chopping and gathering wood, working in our huge garden, making meals for everyone, hauling around furniture for our business, harvesting fruit and vegetables a full day at a time, and much more.  Although I have my issues both with health and many things about my upbringing it didn't make me unfit for work as an adult.  

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10 hours ago, MargieB said:

Artemis is pretty close mouthed about their diagnoses.  She says that is it no one's business.  It is true that legally under HIPAA, their diagnosis is private but if they want people to donate money to them, it might be in their advantage to share it.  

I'm not sure what HIPAA has to do with anything, as it only applies to medical professionals/other parties with access to a person's health information from disclosing that information to a third party. 

But I do agree, if they wanted donations, they should disclose their diagnosis. 

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Many many people carried younger siblings around and took care of them, many people have done hard manual labor(I live in farm country—the farm kids are doing manual labor early on far beyond household tasks), and I just don’t buy that that alone would make Art completely unable to work.

Hell, I grew up fundie light, in a large family, where we didn’t do farm work but we did garden and can and carry young siblings around and vacuum and mop even as kids. On top of that I have a connective tissue disorder and almost am certainly on the autism spectrum.

And guess what—I’m a firefighter-paramedic.  I very much want to help people who are on disability and needs resources, but blaming your childhood full of manual labor for your inability to get out of bed and have to use expensive wipes to clean yourself is just not it.

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Posted (edited)
2 hours ago, LilMissMetaphor said:

They've said that due to carrying around siblings at a young age and doing unspecified heavy manual labor (washing dishes and housework, probably) that they are permanently unable to do physical work.  

Who's demanding you do physical work, Art? I reiterate my earlier comment - just because you can't do some jobs doesn't mean you can't do any job. 

People are entitled to whatever medical privacy they deem necessary. That said, because Art has been open about specific medical diagnoses Ryann has, I suspect "privacy" is Art's way of admitting they haven't been diagnosed with anything specifically but really really don't want to work so don't tell me to get a J.O.B.

Edited by Giraffe
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3 hours ago, sableduck said:

On top of that I have a connective tissue disorder and almost am certainly on the autism spectrum.

Off topic but I have EDS and I’m on the autism spectrum! It’s nice to meet someone in similar circumstances!

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Art says they can't work even from home because they don't feel they could meet deadlines.  But I haven't seen where Art said they lost a job due to inability to meet deadlines  Art doesn't know if they really won't be able to meet deadlines.  Seeing money come in and not living in abject poverty might  be the spark that lets them meet deadlines.  Especially if it something Ryann can help with.  (My mom teaches math at the local city college and my dad helps her with some things like inputting grades - they are in their late 70s) And not all jobs have deadlines.  I used to tutor Chinese kids who were learning English.  It was all virtual and the lessons were provided for me.  I could choose the days/hours I wanted to be available.  Did I always want to show up for my classes?  No, but I knew that I was getting paid for them and honestly it wasn't a lot of work.  That option really isn't available anymore but there are ways to make money that don't involve "deadlines" and can work around whatever schedule you need.  Does Art need a day (or days) off inbetween working?  Fine.  Some jobs accomodate that.  I am a notary.  I know this isn't a job that is suited to Art because first you really need a car.  But I can work whatever hours I want.  I run google ads and turn them off when I am not feeling well (currently I am sick so my ads are off).  When people call to schedule me, I let them know when I am available.  The rewards are immediate because I am paid at each appointment (most of the time).  I make more money than Jill Rodrigues claims to bring in as senior gold with Plexus and for a whole lot less work.

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9 hours ago, Giraffe said:

Who's demanding you do physical work, Art? I reiterate my earlier comment - just because you can't do some jobs doesn't mean you can't do any job. 

People are entitled to whatever medical privacy they deem necessary. That said, because Art has been open about specific medical diagnoses Ryann has, I suspect "privacy" is Art's way of admitting they haven't been diagnosed with anything specifically but really really don't want to work so don't tell me to get a J.O.B.

The other thing I've noticed is that many people who are disabled (and able to) want to help out in some way. One lady used to make flower arrangements for nursing homes and churches. Another answered phones and was a front desk greeter (when she'd be gone for an appointment, people who knew her were disappointed). One lady did nail care at a long term care facility once a week. One guy I remember volunteered at an animal shelter, sitting with the cats and playing fetch with the dogs. One guy worked in a daycare, my kids called him Grandpa Orville. He'd go from classroom to classroom to see how things were going. He'd hold babies, join tea parties with toddlers, and read with the pre-schoolers. 

They don't want pity. They want to leave their mark on the world and want to live out their lives, making a difference. 

Art could do so many things and find happiness if they'd put in a pinch of the effort they do at playing the pity card.

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I wonder where they get some of their cost estimates from.  For example, Artemis is asking for $200.00 to update ID cards but the cost for getting a state ID in Washington is $55 for 6 years.  Even if this is for both of them, it is still almost $100 over what is required.  

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I would be surprised at Art not going the "ID is a tool of the government" sovereign citizen route except I think they're found it useful. NJ looks like $24 for a licence, $35 for real ID. Maybe passports, although that would be undercosted. Are there are additional costs around getting licence/ID photos that aren't covered in the quoted cost?

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10 minutes ago, MargieB said:

I wonder where they get some of their cost estimates from.  For example, Artemis is asking for $200.00 to update ID cards but the cost for getting a state ID in Washington is $55 for 6 years.  Even if this is for both of them, it is still almost $100 over what is required.  

there including the cost of transportation to and from the DMV. Why cant they take the bus. Also there are plenty of across the country bus companies, yet there flying. these two refers to leave the apartment but will go on a plane. I hope they bathe before flying.

Art posted a new and urgent post asking for more donations but saying they lowered the costs to 2000 since its to late to book the movers so there selling most of there stuff. 

They are also bringing the cats on the plane so they need 300 for vet and shots to fly and 100 for travel kitty litter. As well as 400 to check bags at the airport. someone is covering there tickets but they have to pay the check fee.

they also need disposable dishes. dishes are the last thing you pack and the first thing you open when moving. during the travel u eat out or dont need paper plates and plastic silverware. these two are anything but realistic

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I don't see why they need to check luggage.  Everywhere I've flown, I take an overnight bag and rarely ever check baggage.  It not like Artemis is flying to another continent. Ship some things ahead of time.

I also agree with whoever said that they should not have pets if they can't afford their basic needs -- vet visits, food, and litter. 

I doubt their move will stop the grifting. I do not think Artemis can show that they are unable to work at any job and I would be truly astonished if they get qualified for disability.  Not wanting to work does not qualify one for disability benefits.  Laziness is not a disability.







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I wonder if they've already turned in their notice on their current apartment--that would tend to light a fire under getting funds to move.




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There is no way they need $300 to check a suitcase at the airport.  The bag will be $50 at most.  Probably something like $35.  They could check 6+ bags for $300.  They could easily find a suitcase for less than $100 on facebook marketplace.  A cursory search in my location (california) shows lots of them for $50 or less. 

Their estimates of costs are just way off.  Take the vet visits.  Maybe $100 for the visit.  $50 for meds (high estimate - they don't need a lot of sedative).  $40 for a travel litter box and litter  (they definitely don't need more than 1 and most likely the cat will not use it).  That is less than $200 total.  Is it really over $100 for rides to and from the vet? Maybe but I dunno. 

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1 hour ago, keepercjr said:


There is no way they need $300 to check a suitcase at the airport.  The bag will be $50 at most.  Probably something like $35.  They could check 6+ bags for $300.  They could easily find a suitcase for less than $100 on facebook marketplace.  A cursory search in my location (california) shows lots of them for $50 or less. 

I almost always fly Alaska and have like whatever level of MVP (gold?), but I also live in Alaska. And Alaskan Air is the absolute best for us. They let Alaskan residents check bags for free, and are so awesome for pets. Every flight I get on has so many animals.  

Anyway, one time we took a spirit air flight from location a on east coast to location b on east coast. And it was so expensive! Like we had to pay to carry on bags (normally not an issue but we had three each and it was less expensive to carry on) and pay to reserve seats! I heard Frontier has a fee to check bags and it's like $100!

1 hour ago, keepercjr said:

Their estimates of costs are just way off.  Take the vet visits.  Maybe $100 for the visit.  $50 for meds (high estimate - they don't need a lot of sedative).  $40 for a travel litter box and litter  (they definitely don't need more than 1 and most likely the cat will not use it).  That is less than $200 total.  Is it really over $100 for rides to and from the vet? Maybe but I dunno. 

My bougie alaska vet would be about $80  for the visit and $20-$50 for meds. The plane, though, usually charges $150 for animals in cabin. 

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Posted (edited)

My cat with the heart murmur is always around $400 because he gets an chest xray and murmur specific bloodwork along with whatever vaccines he needs that year. The other one's $55 for the exam and like 35 for whatever vaccine he needs. I'll give them the benefit of the doubt on the animal stuff. But the flight cost seems oddly high.

I'm curious as to why the person paying for the flight isn't paying for luggage. Was it so Art & Ryann have to put something into this move? Or was it a boundary that was put up when Art & Ryann wanted to fly everything they own onboard and their donor balked at how unreasonable they were being so their dinor pushed back. I could easily see someone saying "I'll pay for one item" but Art & Ryann insisting they'd need not only numerous checked bags paid for but that the donor would also need to buy them luggage. At that point I think a lot of people would take offense to that and say no to covering even one suitcase after that. 

Edited by Giraffe
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9 hours ago, MargieB said:

I don't see why they need to check luggage.  Everywhere I've flown, I take an overnight bag and rarely ever check baggage.  It not like Artemis is flying to another continent. Ship some things ahead of time.

I don't think they can afford to ship, or afford to check luggage. Or afford to move actually.

The flights I have some sympathy for - if Ryann has long covid then long distance bus travel is not really an option. But it's pretty much at the point of "sell everything you can't take on the plane and sort out what you can ship/check from those funds."

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I wonder if whoever is offering to "help" Ryann and Art is aware of their grifting lifestyle.  I can see offering to assist a family member in crisis, helping them get back on their feet, navigate doctor's visits, apply for benefits, find a JOB, etc.  I doubt they are signing up to support these two and their pets for life.  Perhaps this kind person can help them see the way to a productive and less dependent life, but they are just so convinced of their own entitlement.  Gonna be interesting, and I suspect there will eventually be a reckoning.

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Have they said anything about having a place to live once they get to their new location?  If I remember correctly, finding a low income handicapped accessible apartment (and getting approved) took some work last year.

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It's all for a new begging opportunity.  They'll be asking to have everything replaced with either outrageously priced or allegedly luxury level items. 

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3 hours ago, Becky said:

I wonder if whoever is offering to "help" Ryann and Art is aware of their grifting lifestyle.  I can see offering to assist a family member in crisis, helping them get back on their feet, navigate doctor's visits, apply for benefits, find a JOB, etc.  I doubt they are signing up to support these two and their pets for life.  Perhaps this kind person can help them see the way to a productive and less dependent life, but they are just so convinced of their own entitlement.  Gonna be interesting, and I suspect there will eventually be a reckoning.

I for one don’t think this anonymous donor/supporter exists. I think they know others are more likely to give if there’s someone else validating the cause. Same goes for all those “one of my supporters has offered to MATCH all donations until X  time” posts that crop up occasionally. 

Seattle has an a large LGBTQ leftist/ activist scene. It’s odd to me that they don’t seem involved at all in local activism given how vocal they are online about injustice. They  really need a community that’s NOT just a tumblr-esque echo chamber and codependent partners. 



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31 minutes ago, Kolache said:

I for one don’t think this anonymous donor/supporter exists. I think they know others are more likely to give if there’s someone else validating the cause. Same goes for all those “one of my supporters has offered to MATCH all donations until X  time” posts that crop up occasionally. 

Seattle has an a large LGBTQ leftist/ activist scene. It’s odd to me that they don’t seem involved at all in local activism given how vocal they are online about injustice. They  really need a community that’s NOT just a tumblr-esque echo chamber and codependent partners. 



cause after a while those people will see through them. Its one things to yell through the I ferment in the comfort of your own bed. but to go outside and do on the grounds volunteering and work. that's a no go.

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46 minutes ago, Coconut Flan said:

It's all for a new begging opportunity.  They'll be asking to have everything replaced with either outrageously priced or allegedly luxury level items. 

Absolutely- they will get to the "undisclosed location" and start posting about how they had to sell everything to move and first they need dishes and a bamboo dish drainer and some towels and art supplies. Go to the thrift store and make do. Many of us have had to make do in the early years with stuff we found/borrowed/got for free on Craigslist/Facebook/the side of the road.  

2 hours ago, Kolache said:

Seattle has an a large LGBTQ leftist/ activist scene. It’s odd to me that they don’t seem involved at all in local activism given how vocal they are online about injustice. They  really need a community that’s NOT just a tumblr-esque echo chamber and codependent partners. 

They don't seem to be interested in doing anything outside of their fully adjustable bed. The revolution will not be fully online. They want to make changes to the world? They need to get involved with their neighborhood council. And then they will find out that there is an actual process for things, and rules to be followed and that it takes years to get legislation passed, and that's for small, somewhat obvious stuff with bipartisan support. 

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