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M is for Mama 18

Coconut Flan

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6 minutes ago, Red Hair, Black Dress said:

BEC, but I'm giggling at the flat tire.

So am I. It couldn't have happened to a more deserving couple. I hope the rest of their trip continues in the same way. 

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2 hours ago, Red Hair, Black Dress said:

BEC, but I'm giggling at the flat tire.

ME TOO. Lmao. 

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In her stories area, Braggie shows the twinbies  FaceTiming with her.  We see her frazzled looking mother in the background.

Must be nice to just pick up and leave that many kids to have a little European adventure.  She seems to be eating her way through Scotland.




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3 hours on the side of the road waiting to have the tire changed. I’m betting she is extra bitchy tonight. 

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43 minutes ago, Xan said:

In her stories area, Braggie shows the twinbies  FaceTiming with her.  We see her frazzled looking mother in the background.

Must be nice to just pick up and leave that many kids to have a little European adventure.  She seems to be eating her way through Scotland.

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I genuinely can’t imagine having a mother like that. Even though I will say my mom has that kind of personality. I live about 75 miles away from my mother so I can’t ask much of her. I only ask for babysitting like 3 times a year. And sometimes I’m the one who brings them to her. If I lived in the same city, I would probably ask her to babysit more. But I have 2 kids, not 10. My mom is anxious like me so she could never handle 10. And neither could I. But my sister got a lot of help from my parents when her kids were little. Lots of babysitting and tons of driving them around to practice and games. Yet I think Braggie’s mom does way more than my parents ever did for my sister. Plus those kids are grown up now. Braggie keeps popping them out so Grandma’s job is never ending! She’s been doing this for 18 years already and she will be doing it for another 14! 

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43 minutes ago, JermajestyDuggar said:

I genuinely can’t imagine having a mother like that. Even though I will say my mom has that kind of personality. I live about 75 miles away from my mother so I can’t ask much of her. I only ask for babysitting like 3 times a year. And sometimes I’m the one who brings them to her. If I lived in the same city, I would probably ask her to babysit more. But I have 2 kids, not 10. My mom is anxious like me so she could never handle 10. And neither could I. But my sister got a lot of help from my parents when her kids were little. Lots of babysitting and tons of driving them around to practice and games. Yet I think Braggie’s mom does way more than my parents ever did for my sister. Plus those kids are grown up now. Braggie keeps popping them out so Grandma’s job is never ending! She’s been doing this for 18 years already and she will be doing it for another 14! 

And GM has to have the older ones help her. The 3 girls are sister moms, no doubt about it. I feel sorry for her mother. In another 14 years she’ll be near or at 80. And I won’t be surprised if AH had another 1 or 2.

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7 minutes ago, SassyPants said:

And GM has to have the older ones help her. The 3 girls are sister moms, no doubt about it. I feel sorry for her mother. In another 14 years she’ll be near or at 80. And I won’t be surprised if AH had another 1 or 2.

And you can guarantee that if Braggie’s mom ever has a stroke like Jill’s mom (I hope she doesn’t), Braggie will drop her like a hot potato. 

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1 hour ago, JermajestyDuggar said:

And you can guarantee that if Braggie’s mom ever has a stroke like Jill’s mom (I hope she doesn’t), Braggie will drop her like a hot potato. 

Just like Jill did. 

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People with young children who are able to take vacations without their children are very privileged. Thankfully, most of those parents recognize that, but a lot, especially fundies, don't, and it really grinds my gears.

I'm the oldest of three, I have two brothers. We are all neurodivergent. My parents were unable to vacation without children until the youngest was 12. And even then, they never went for more than 2 nights, and it was very rare.
My mom has adhd and anxiety, although she wasn't diagnosed when we were children. But her anxiety issues played a big part in why they didn't vacation without us. She was always scared something could happen to us.
In addition, brothers and I weren't your run of the mill easy kids. We all have adhd, diagnosed as either teens or adults, I have autism and we're al pretty sure my youngest brother is autistic as well. We needed a lot of structure. 

What I'm trying to say is, all these 'issues' that come with being neurodivergent and having neurodivergent kids, meant that my parents couldn't just go on a vacation without us. It was difficult to find people who were willing to take us overnight, and difficult to find people we were willing to stay at overnight. 

Then there's also the issue of money and family/social network. For poor people or people with a very small social network, it will be much harder to find reliable (and affordable) babysitters. 

I'm really happy for those with children who can take overnight/multiple day trips without their children. I can imagine that sometimes you really need it. I think what rubs me the wrong way is when it's presented like something completely normal and achievable for all parents, when in fact there are various reasons why it isn't achievable for a lot of parents. 

I know I'm preaching to the choir here. My apologies. Braggie is just incredibly insufferable. 


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On 5/29/2024 at 2:27 PM, theotherelise said:

My husband and I just went on a trip for our 10th anniversary. It was 1.5 hours from home, 3 nights at a hotel while my parents watched my 4 year old. It was great. Looking forward to our next trip together in another 10 years lol.

LOL, same.  For our 10th anniversary, we drove a few hours to Amish country in IN and stayed in a B&B for the weekend.  Our 20th coincided with a business trip to FL for him, so we celebrated there, on the company's dime!  ;) 

For our 30th he gave me pearls and we sat at home and enjoyed our house. 

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15 hours ago, JermajestyDuggar said:

Grandma’s job is never ending! She’s been doing this for 18 years already and she will be doing it for another 14! 

How old is her mum? We live a fair distance from both sets of parents, but even without that my husband's parents are past being able to look after a child for more than an hour or two. My parents are a bit younger, but the maximum would be a day, not overnight. We have been away together overnight since our child was born, but only because he was able to go on camp. Abbie may find herself - or more likely the sister-moms - having to do more as her parents age.

I'm trying to remember if we've ever been away for our anniversary, and I don't think so. It's usually a busy time of year but also lack of childcare for overnight. Our 10th anniversary we had brunch at the place we got married, worked well because child was in school and we could chill a bit.


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What’s funny is that I was thoroughly pleased to give birth on our third anniversary. I thought it was the perfect gift. Of course now it gets overlooked but that’s ok. We always have cake and ice cream and good food on our anniversary no matter what. I could see Braggie being pissed she went into labor and had a baby on HER anniversary. The audacity of a baby coming on her special day. 

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My parents would go to the mountains for a few days every summer when I was little, and my aunt and uncle, who didn't have kids (we didn't know it then, but they desperately wanted them and never had them) would come to take care of us. My grandparents certainly never did childcare. They weren't that type of people. My dad has never been left alone with the kids from either sibling as far as I know, but my mom was a very devoted babysitter when they were younger and I was much more able to help her. Like one sibling and their spouse went away for two days for a few years and my mom and I cared for the kids fine during that time. Now that she's older, and there are more of them, she will help out, but we won't care for them alone overnight like we used to. It's too exhausting, and she *always* gets sick from them. (I keep explaining that this is because Covid destroys your immune systems so they are always sick and her immune system is shot also, but I'm not sure if she believes me.)

I am trying very hard actually to depend less on my mother and it's really hard. My medical needs are so great these days, and my executive functioning is much worse than it used to be. I'm trying to get funding to hire a medical advocate or someone to go to the doctor with me so that she doesn't have to. I'm trying to put systems in place. I want my mom to be there with me to just celebrate things, not always to help. But the differences is that I'm 40, not 4. Little kids need their parents. They need them an awful lot more than Braggie  shows up. I know it's not like she does that much parenting on a day-to-day basis now, but you know that she will never, ever babysit any of her grandkids the way that her mom babysits for her. She will never change a grandkids diaper and when they cry she will immediately hand them off. 

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4 hours ago, JermajestyDuggar said:

What’s funny is that I was thoroughly pleased to give birth on our third anniversary. I thought it was the perfect gift. Of course now it gets overlooked but that’s ok. We always have cake and ice cream and good food on our anniversary no matter what. I could see Braggie being pissed she went into labor and had a baby on HER anniversary. The audacity of a baby coming on her special day. 

She'll deliberately make four of her kids share a birthday, but you know she'd hate it if she had to share HER birthday!

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But didn’t they know she’s a best selling christian author of books about parenting?!?


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The other cafe probably breathed a massive sigh of relief after they left.  Hey guys, look, apparently ignoring customers you don't want to serve does work! 😅

In all honesty though, people with the enormous amount of privilege Braggie has should be bastions of positivity. Instead she is the most negative human I've ever run across.  What arrogant twat. 

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11 minutes ago, treehugger said:

The other cafe probably breathed a massive sigh of relief after they left.  Hey guys, look, apparently ignoring customers you don't want to serve does work! 😅

In all honesty though, people with the enormous amount of privilege Braggie has should be bastions of positivity. Instead she is the most negative human I've ever run across.  What arrogant twat. 

You bring up something I often think about. I hear people all the time saying, “wow they are so nice!” When talking about rich people. As if they expect all rich people to be rude. And it just mystifies me that so many rich people are like that in order to cause that prevalent a belief. Rich people should be the nicest folks yet that’s often not the case. 

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What restaurant is serving venison? Wild game meat is not allowed to be sold in restaurants. 

I also don't know what king ranch chicken is, but it sounds like it involves ranch dressing, so that's a no from me. 

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3 hours ago, Maggie Mae said:

What restaurant is serving venison? Wild game meat is not allowed to be sold in restaurants. 

I also don't know what king ranch chicken is, but it sounds like it involves ranch dressing, so that's a no from me. 

Isn't she in Europe? I think it's a common food in some countries and the meat comes from farms.

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3 hours ago, Maggie Mae said:

What restaurant is serving venison? Wild game meat is not allowed to be sold in restaurants. 

They're in Scotland, so the rules are different and they can serve wild game there under certain circumstances. 

Regardless, though, game meant does not have to equal wild game meat. I have easy access to restaurants that serve bison, venison, rabbit, alligator, boar, turtle, elk, lots of different game. 

6 minutes ago, Melissa1977 said:

Isn't she in Europe? I think it's a common food in some countries and the meat comes from farms.

It's a common food in America, and yes, the venison at restaurants comes from farms/ranches.

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6 hours ago, Melissa1977 said:

Isn't she in Europe? I think it's a common food in some countries and the meat comes from farms.

Venison is available in restaurants all over Scotland. Personally I find it too rich and gamey. Mr GS plus sons  all love it. 

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I personally don’t like venison. I have avid hunters in my family so it’s always available. I admit to being extremely picky about meat. I basically only eat fish and poultry. I always say I don’t like eating anything that walks on four legs. It’s just the taste I’m not a fan of. 

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I looked it up because I was curious:

"King Ranch chicken is a Tex-Mex casserole with unknown origins, though it's assumed the dish is named after King Ranch, Texas. The casserole consists of pulled chicken, canned soup, green chiles, corn tortillas, sour cream, veggies, and lots of cheese."

So, it seems to me that they had some kind of venison dish, maybe a stew, with white-sauce (béchamel?) and vegetables. I doubt if it had cheese, chiles, or corn tortillas.

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9 hours ago, Melissa1977 said:

Isn't she in Europe? I think it's a common food in some countries and the meat comes from farms.

Here in Austria restaurants typically buy wild game off hunters, not from farms.

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16 hours ago, Maggie Mae said:

What restaurant is serving venison? Wild game meat is not allowed to be sold in restaurants. 

I also don't know what king ranch chicken is, but it sounds like it involves ranch dressing, so that's a no from me. 

Game animals can be farmed.  I'm pretty sure there are a LOT of restaurants in the US that serve game meat. This website lists a top 10 and I know there are MANY more.

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