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Harry & Meghan 18: Faux Royals

Coconut Flan

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I think the whole duchess thing is a bit incongruous to the jam maker scene.

I know she wasn't born into it, but when I think "duchess" I think of fancy gowns and balls and maids helping them to put socks on in the morning, not somebody who toils in her garden and makes the best pumpkin preserve in the village.

Like, if I go looking for the best rhubarb pie recipe, and wonder who might have it, my first thought isn't going to be, "hmm, do I know any duchesses?"

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I wouldn’t raise my eyebrows if Kate came out with jam, a seed collection and knitted stuff. Because we know that she allegedly enjoys this stuff. It’s so much part of the boring Kate image, it made its way into satire. Charles and his Duchy Original Limited toots the same horn. (Wonder if that is taken over by Wiliam now as well? Would that be something Kate as PoW could get invested in? It would be an ingenious strike if their whole outdoorsy, cooking, gardening narrative was carefully build to be believable heirs to this brand…).

The difference is- it fits what we already know about them. Or what they wanted us to know. 
M seemed more into travelling and food but more the restaurants, “exotic” like a small Italien village tavern, wine, recreational in terms of yoga and meditation type of person. Not exactly getting her hands dirty to pick slugs from her strawberries (not that I believe for a second Kate does that). Why didn’t she set it up in that direct? Just because more rural, simple and regional stuff is all the hype doesn’t know she couldn’t succeed in the other direction.
I know I just repeat what we all have said already- but there is (or rather was at that point) SO MUCH potential. Especially with her. H is a bit more difficult. They could be raking in shit loads of money. And be liked well enough and giving just enough content to stay relevant but not too much to be over-exposed. We have seen so many fantastic ideas on these threads alone. It’s crazy. What’s going on with them?

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Charles and his organic growing and selling is the genuine article though. Remember He was deeply into organic growing long before most people even knew what the word meant and They have been at this at his at his private estates for many many years.  I could actually see Charles putting expensive gloves and picking off the unlucky presumptuous slug  :) 

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34 minutes ago, tabitha2 said:

Charles and his organic growing and selling is the genuine article though. Remember He was deeply into organic growing long before most people even knew what the word meant and They have been at this at his at his private estates for many many years.  I could actually see Charles putting expensive gloves and picking off the unlucky presumptuous slug  :) 

Me, too. Not on a regular basis, of course, but certainly for the cameras in a documentary or something (which I believe he has done in the past). I could see him mucking right in, having a bit of a laugh with the actual gardeners, asking knowledgeable questions about growing methods and organic pest control, harvesting a few marrows and swedes. All while dressed appropriately in practical gardening clothes. Because he's actually interested in the subject, not because he wants to just LOOK the part. 

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Posted (edited)

As others have said about Charles, Martha, and Gwyneth, they grew their businesses from genuine interests and experience.  They began by doing things in their own lives and eventually the selling gradually moved in.  It was truly authentic to them.

Meghan proclaims she's authentic instead of living it.  It's the old show don't tell issue.  Meghan tried to jump into something where she has no experience or background simply to take advantage of a likely unfounded internet count of alleged followers.  That seldom works well.  In this case with no substance behind the venture, it shows.  She has no true interest in the subject so she drops it as easily as the idea entered her head. 

Actually, like Harry, she could have been a fit for what the BRF does.  On the surface the potential is there.  Showing up for day events where there is no lasting commitment, making a little word salad speech, and moving on seems like it should suit her.  She and Harry could be a great duo for handling fill in visits when there are diary issues or someone gets sick.  But then we get the sticking point of needing to dress appropriately, following some royal etiquette, getting the clothes properly fitted etc.  All too much trouble it seems in exchange for security, housing, clothes budget, and tremendous privilege. 

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On 6/8/2024 at 11:25 PM, just_ordinary said:

@louisa05 ah thanks. I didn’t know that.

I second that siblings can form all kind of jealousy and experience hurt feelings towards their siblings - not because these did anything wrong but because the parents did something. Mustn’t even mean that the parents were doing anything wrong. Emotions aren’t rational. And there are several truths at play. Diana did the best she could in that department. Doesn’t mean she didn’t failed her boys in some points. It’s easy to judge in retrospect. But we don’t really know if W&H and their relationship would have turned out much differently or they would have turned out at all. if C&D and RF would have done things differently. They would have been spared that drama but could still have turned out abusive, stupid, grifting addicts. To carelessly slap some words together. What if…. is a dangerous game in that regard. While I think he would have preferred Gordonstoun academically, he might have easily hated it because it’s so far away and might have felt rejected and shipped off.

In other news- have we ever found out who for the jars 1-10? It seems we saw 5 jars and that was about it. Why do they promote such a big launch only to not have a website with stock and an Order button ready to go? I can easily see some crazies buying the jam only to talk shit about it. Which doesn’t matter as long as H&M get paid. It’s absolutely mind blowing that they always hype up a big thing only to under-deliver. Again and again. Archwell, Netflix, Spotify, throwing in their website to tackle miss-information about COVID and the vaccines for good measure. It’s not that complicated.
WTF going on?????

They are not the brilliant people so many want to believe they are. And they seem to have shorter attention spans than the average gnat. 

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He was out gathering Mushrooms instead of at his mothers bedside? Not Preparing with the officials/courtiers/family for the next coming days?  That’s not very believable. 

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44 minutes ago, tabitha2 said:

He was out gathering Mushrooms instead of at his mothers bedside? Not Preparing with the officials/courtiers/family for the next coming days?  That’s not very believable. 

Perhaps it was his way of coping with what was coming? Most of us don't become a head of state the instant a parent dies. I'm not going to criticize how someone copes. 

We know that the court had prepared documents and a video to help him prepare that he and William went over that evening after she had died. I don't blame him for not tending to any of that before she was gone, either. 

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48 minutes ago, tabitha2 said:

He was out gathering Mushrooms instead of at his mothers bedside? Not Preparing with the officials/courtiers/family for the next coming days?  That’s not very believable. 

I thought the story went he was at his mothers side for most of the day and then took a short break and went outside for some fresh air and she passed away during that time. 

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Posted (edited)
29 minutes ago, viii said:

I thought the story went he was at his mothers side for most of the day and then took a short break and went outside for some fresh air and she passed away during that time. 

That's basically what I read.  The doctors told them they had some hours to go so he went back to Birkhall and out for a walk supposedly.  Anne took her turn staying. Then she slipped away more quickly than expected.  When my mother was dying last year and we knew we were in her last hours, I couldn't concentrate on anything and going on a walk would have been nice except she passed in the middle of the night.

ETA: Some googling reveals the mushroom addition is from Daily Mail writer Robert Hardman's book Charles III: New King, New Court. The Inside Story.

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Perhaps Her Majesty waited until Charles was away before she passed. We all saw how emotional he was at the funeral.


My own mother waited until my father dozed off to pass. When he awakened, she was gone.

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1 hour ago, Four is Enough said:

Perhaps Her Majesty waited until Charles was away before she passed. We all saw how emotional he was at the funeral.


My own mother waited until my father dozed off to pass. When he awakened, she was gone.

I spent most of the morning of my mother's death sitting in her chair next to her bed. I left the room around 10:30 to go to the bathroom and get a drink of water, and when I came back about ten minutes later, she had passed. I truly think she waited til I was out of the room to go. I could certainly believe it of the Queen.😢

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That wouldn't surprise me. I think that's a very common thing with terminally ill patients. When my grandpa passed away, he lingered for hours with me, my nana, and my parents in the room. Eventually my parents stepped out to walk the pastor out and my nana dozed off. I took his hand, told him he could go, and he was gone less than a minute later. I truly do believe sometimes they wait for their own time to go. 

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My dad had been dying for a few weeks (brain tumour) and I was taking care of him 24/7, with help from a sibling and some paid carers. The house was NUTS though, always full of family and friends coming and going, dropping off food or just checking in to see if we needed shopping, meds collected, whatever. The doctor came to see him one day and said to me that there was probably still a couple of weeks to go, that Dad was such a physically strong man that he wasn't going to die anytime soon. 

The next day there was a rare window where it was just Dad and I alone in the house. Silence descended and I remember thinking 'I should really go mop the floors while it's quiet'. Then for some reason I just knew and I got up on the bed beside him, cuddled him into me and told him it was ok, that we'd be fine and we'd look after each other and he should go be with Mama. And he took one deep breath and died in my arms.

I am 100% certain he waited till it was just me and him, waited till there was peace and calmness and no background noise of people chatting or touching him. 

Fifteen years this Thursday ❤️ 

Still hurts like a motherfucker but also I wouldn't change a thing. Perfect. 🤷‍♀️

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My mother has a weird thing where she was there or the last person before somebody died - over and over again. She has several stories where she went to visit X old person and stepped out and they died while she stepped out or when she gave a break to the regular family and it was just her sitting quietly.

She had a theory that they wait for her to come so that they know somebody will be there after and their body isn't left for a long time, since it happened a few times with elderly people who lived alone when she went to visit them.

It's such a thing that I've always just assumed she would be there when my grandmother (father's mother, not her mother!) dies. And I'm sort of confused because currently my mother has significant health issues and it's not good - while my 90 plus grandmother is doing fine....The universe will somehow be topsy turvy is my mother isn't there when grandma goes. 

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Wasn’t it something like two jars of raspberry jam? As if she picked them by hand in her backyard and made it. Maybe she did. But it’s not as if that would be the product anyone could buy. 
So what exactly is the strategy here? You can’t buy anything yet. Will there actually be jams to buy? Because I would have expected to have the strawberry jam available after the last jam went out. I am left confused and sadly it feels like we see a pattern.

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The Strategy was to woo the power players like Kris Jenner and other important “friends” she thinks can use to to get her places and open doors. You really think She cares enough to make and send her bougie Jam to all those Squatties who adore her and would probably buy jars upon jars of as with her books? Harry’s old friends back home? No. Because They do nothing to benefit her. 

As usual its all rather desperate and pointless and blatant 


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1 hour ago, tabitha2 said:

Because They do nothing to benefit her. 

This sums Meghan's public persona up quite nicely. 

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6 hours ago, tabitha2 said:

As usual its all rather desperate and pointless and blatant 

This also sums it up well.

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18 hours ago, tabitha2 said:

The Strategy was to woo the power players like Kris Jenner and other important “friends” she thinks can use to to get her places and open doors. You really think She cares enough to make and send her bougie Jam to all those Squatties who adore her and would probably buy jars upon jars of as with her books? Harry’s old friends back home? No. Because They do nothing to benefit her. 

As usual its all rather desperate and pointless and blatant 


Of course she wouldn’t send it to her fans. But why create a brand and website, sent your products(?) to important people that hopefully post about it and then ….. nothing. Even if that was all an elaborate plot to charm potential door openers, where is the strategy? Acting as if you are to create a lifestyle brand wasn’t the smartest idea. Because now it looks like another weak thought out business that’s already ridiculed and failing. Not necessarily something people are impressed by if you want their support. 

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11 hours ago, just_ordinary said:

Of course she wouldn’t send it to her fans. But why create a brand and website, sent your products(?) to important people that hopefully post about it and then ….. nothing. Even if that was all an elaborate plot to charm potential door openers, where is the strategy? Acting as if you are to create a lifestyle brand wasn’t the smartest idea. Because now it looks like another weak thought out business that’s already ridiculed and failing. Not necessarily something people are impressed by if you want their support. 

Yep. And all these headlines telling us that Meghan is selling jam/introducing another product for her line. There is no line. There is nothing for sale. She's selling exactly nothing. She's just sending jam to acquaintances. 

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Prince Harry and Meghan Markle were criticised by a royal commentator over trying to push their own 'agenda' and upstage King Charles's Trooping the Colour ceremony.

The King's birthday celebrations this year included the triumphant return of the Kate, the Princess of Wales, who made her first appearance in months, as she, like the monarch, undergoes cancer treatment.

Hours before last Saturday's festivities began, Nacho Figueras, a polo player and friend of the Duke and Duchess of Sussex revealed the latest products he got sent from Meghan's American Riviera Orchard brand, a jar of raspberry jam and dog biscuits.

Royal commentator Kinsey Schofield blasted the couple's timing and said in this week's episode of Heirs & Spares: "Whether this was coincidental or not, they [Harry and Meghan] could have ended the negative headlines or talk of how inappropriate and catty this looks by wishing the King a happy birthday.


this was a bit funny to me... If all the pomp and circumstance of the Trooping the Colour can be upstaged by some dog biscuits, what is even the point lol`?

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8 hours ago, AmazonGrace said:


this was a bit funny to me... If all the pomp and circumstance of the Trooping the Colour can be upstaged by some dog biscuits, what is even the point lol`?

I don't think that anyone thought it was upstaged. But, like clockwork, something comes out of Montecito if 1--Harry is doing something Meghan is not involved in and 2--when there is a big event or big news for the royal family. At this point, it's just humorous. 

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