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Harry & Meghan 18: Faux Royals

Coconut Flan

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Yeah, the key words in that article were 'trying to,' not that they actually DID upstage the event. They made an effort to, like they always seem to do lately, it's ridiculously predictable. But it never really seems to work out for them. It really is humorous. And a little pathetic.

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It seems like the very opposite of upstaged to me.  Like, if my estranged family was having a grand party that I was not invited to, and I wanted everyone to know that I was totally not doing anything special while they were at it,  this is the way to make that point.

Here is a boring party I never wanted to go to anyway:



Meanwhile, here's something I baked for a random dog:





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Harry is going to receive a special ESPY - the Pat Tillman Award for Service - for his work with the Invictus Games. 


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Fixing typo
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8 hours ago, AmazonGrace said:

Harry and Meghan have been painted.

He looks like Van Gogh before he lost his ear, and she looks like a medieval queen starving in the Tower.


Oh, dear. They're both quite...hideous, aren't they?😳

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And scrolling down, Elizabeth looks like a drag queen.  

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Yeah… I’m definitely not much of an artist because I think all three of them are terrible. 

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 6/28/2024 at 5:41 AM, KnittingOwl said:

Harry is going to receive a special ESPY - the Pat Tillman Award for Service - for his work with the Invictus Games. 


The PR employee that engineered this is a genius. ESPN's comment sections as well as those of other sports outlets are full of old white dudes calling him a war hero, citing his "commendation medals" (one service medal for just being in Afghanistan and four medals for being the grandson/son of a monarch), and his being "the only royal in history to serve in the military" (more than one confidently proclaiming when told otherwise that Prince Philip did not in fact serve in WW2). 

Bunker Harry has been transformed into a combat hero for attending the Queen's jubilees.  

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SNL REALLY needs to jump on this … it’s gold. 


Edited by tabitha2
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On 6/1/2024 at 12:26 PM, WatchingTheTireFireBurn said:

Elizabeth II would have probably been queen anyway just a little later. Edward only lived 20 more years and never had kids, and who's to say he wouldn't have been stressed out and died sooner? Seems like he was a deeply flawed person but I sort of have the sense that he would have been a fairly absentee king and much less public. Elizabeth may have been brought to the front anyhow but maybe would have had a little be more time to be a human person. So who knows how all that would have worked out. Mildly interesting to ponder.

People like to hate on Meghan - I don't see it. Yeah she makes some choices but she also went from a 30 something adult,  fairly anonymous, established upper middle class/sorta rich person California style life to being chased and hounded with no freedom any more. I would not have dealt with it well so I really can't bring myself to criticize her much. Whether she knew a little or a lot about the BRF before her marriage - there's just no way you can truly comprehend how much that changed her life and in a very short period of time. Diana was raised all around that, did not have any particular established life she left (being so young) and she handled it very poorly as well. 

Now Harry- what the fuck his problem is I can't quite figure out. I still can't wrap my mind around how he genuinely seemed to think that airing all his personal problems plus family secrets in a book for profit for himself would somehow help him heal the bonds with his family. Like - is he brain damaged from drugs or drinking or tripping and hitting his head? Is he that stupid? I can't decide. Why do that oprah interview?? Hey - I was down to watch it - but it wasn't a good move for whatever he wanted.

How much did he get interested in M because she's an actress and he figured that she'd be more accepting of the attention and lack of privacy (vs all his previous g.friends who didn't want that)? How much because she did charity work and so would "fit in" more? How much because he, not so secretly, wanted a way out of his BRF life? At 30+, how many rich or aristocratic single women were there left in his circle to date any way? Seems like anybody who might have been interested 10 years before would probably have gotten married by then or thought better of it having watched out his girlfriends and Kate were treated.

I hope he's happy in CA and I hope they are happy together. I think as time goes on their odd schemes for money will die off as their relevance continues to go down. Maybe they will get smarter and start producing stuff that doesn't have anything specific to do with them. I'm sure a lot of things happen because of the network/contacts you have and between the two of them they should have plenty if they can just step away from their egos for a bit.

People don't like Megan because she is an unaware narcissist who only does things for herself even though she would like you to believe she cares about others. She really doesn't. She has ruined relationships everywhere she has gone and it is sad to see that she has no self awareness of the damage she has done. Harry was deeply flawed and she knew, unconsciously perhaps, that he would be easy to manipulate to get what she wanted, which is attention, good or bad. I feel sorry for her children. 

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On 6/11/2024 at 5:02 PM, IrishCarrie said:

My dad had been dying for a few weeks (brain tumour) and I was taking care of him 24/7, with help from a sibling and some paid carers. The house was NUTS though, always full of family and friends coming and going, dropping off food or just checking in to see if we needed shopping, meds collected, whatever. The doctor came to see him one day and said to me that there was probably still a couple of weeks to go, that Dad was such a physically strong man that he wasn't going to die anytime soon. 

The next day there was a rare window where it was just Dad and I alone in the house. Silence descended and I remember thinking 'I should really go mop the floors while it's quiet'. Then for some reason I just knew and I got up on the bed beside him, cuddled him into me and told him it was ok, that we'd be fine and we'd look after each other and he should go be with Mama. And he took one deep breath and died in my arms.

I am 100% certain he waited till it was just me and him, waited till there was peace and calmness and no background noise of people chatting or touching him. 

Fifteen years this Thursday ❤️ 

Still hurts like a motherfucker but also I wouldn't change a thing. Perfect. 🤷‍♀️

My dad spent his last Friday all day with the three of us. It was the first time in 8 years we siblings had all been together with just Dad. We took him out to the Costa coffee garden in the hospital grounds, had lunch and a good blether reminiscing about the old days. He chattered and laughed, told us tales of his childhood with his older brothers.  We stayed with him all day until he asked to be helped to bed. Once he was settled we all kissed him, said goodnight and see you tomorrow. The hospital called us on Saturday morning to say he had showered and dressed after breakfast ( he was always smart- a result of Naval service ), he then waited until the ward had quietened down after everyone was sorted for the day, took his oxygen cannula out of his nose  and went to the bathroom. He sat himself down on the bathroom chair and quietly died. He had said his goodbyes, seen us all gathered together one last time then set off with no fuss on his final journey on his own chosen time. 

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  • 4 weeks later...

I'm not fond of Meghan. She reminds me too much of a friend that went in and out of my life for 30+ years creating havoc. Last time, she told me she'd been diagnosed with BPD, which, of course, she insisted was the psychologist being "out to get" her. Had I kept them, I have four versions of the letter Meghan sent to her father and one set of endless texts of the same. The same words and phrases throughout as if there is a handbook with "you have hurt me" letter templates in the back. 

But the ridiculous rumors and conspiracy theories that the haters ascribe to Meghan on social media are absurd and really need to stop. She has two children and she birthed them. There is no reason to lie about it. I suspect that she doesn't spend too much time with them or she and Harry make things up to make them and by reflection themselves look intelligent and advanced (three syllable first words, gasping in awe at scenery in infancy, using professional cameras at 4, speaking philosophically about the mother-child relationship, etc...), but they are her children. She likely did not throw half the tantrums the tabloids accuse her of (though based on her own accounts and Spare, the woman is not above manipulating Harry by sobbing on the floor, and her body language often indicates she is capable of being unkind). She did not fight with Serena Williams in a hired car on the way to Serena's U.S. Open Match because professional athletes don't ride to matches with random acquaintances just before they start. She is not going to be part of Kamala Harris' administration (last week they were all claiming she was the VP pick). She is not going to be on the ballot for anything in November because primaries are over and ballot deadlines have passed. Her mother was never in jail (please, do you think all the people researching her life would not have uncovered that? And the BRF cannot get a prison record expunged in a foreign country). I don't even think she has any plans to physically harm any member of the BRF and that's the one I see most often. 

People need to stop. Just as much as they needed to stop with the conspiracy theories about Catherine's illness. 

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2 hours ago, AmazonGrace said:

Says they're going on another faux royal tour, and there are concerns they are being used as political pawns  https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13731549/Harry-Meghan-used-political-pawns-Colombia.html

But, well, you know. I can't blame them. If somebody paid for my trip, I would go too. Nyttkuva2024-08-12193229.png.3a5a7d5fc774aa85de8ca537bab8d0d5.png



They probably are being manipulated. But, for context, the US and the UK (to a lesser extent) have long meddled in Columbian affairs and provided various military and financial support to covert operations. So yeah. They are a minor drop in the bucket of political affairs and IMO far less dangerous than the official governments.


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they're becoming forgettable very fast.  

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9 hours ago, WatchingTheTireFireBurn said:

they're becoming forgettable very fast.  

Who? 😁

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They went to Nigeria, and now Colombia, but refuse to go to the UK citing security concerns. I’m so confused. 

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2 hours ago, treehugger said:

They went to Nigeria, and now Colombia, but refuse to go to the UK citing security concerns. I’m so confused. 

It makes zero sense. Harry says he won’t go to his uncle’s funeral because of security reasons, but will go to countries that have travel warnings. Go figure. 

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It's really weird. Why are they even doing that? They're rich and live in CA. Why go to risky places?? Is he channeling Andrew's sketchy business connections?

But why anybody would want to wine and dine a prince who basically got kicked out of the castle - I dunno. 

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They are getting paid obviously and their arrogant entitled Faux Royal fantasy of being treated like they are the shit and somehow sticking it to his family who most likely could gives a rats.


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He didn’t get kicked out of the castle - he left. Of course, now he’s trying to squirm his way back in but the castle is boarded up. 

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On 5/12/2024 at 10:01 AM, viii said:

He is a senior royal as of right now. I doubt he will ever be a working royal again. Senior royal and working royal are not the same thing. He is too high in the line of succession to be anything but a senior royal. Once William’s kids start having children, that’s when Harry will drop and become just a royal, rather than a senior royal. 

Look at Prince Edward. For years he was a senior royal because he was third in line to the throne. Now he’s 14th in line. Royals roles change all the time so while Harry is a senior royal right now, despite everything that has happened, eventually his role will change. 

“Senior royal” is not a real thing. It is not a status in the peerage and it is not a status used internally. “Working royal”  is, however. I think it is a press or media invention.

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On 8/14/2024 at 1:10 PM, viii said:

He didn’t get kicked out of the castle - he left. Of course, now he’s trying to squirm his way back in but the castle is boarded up. 

I have recently gone through a minor obsession with Queen Mary (Princess Mary of Teck) - QEII’s grandmother. It lead me to read several bios of people around her which inevitably led me back to David (Edward VIII) and Wallis Simpson. I have not visited them in a while and typically my interest in them was the connection to fascism.  Damn. Harry and Meghan really are the Wallis and David of the 21st century - at least as they were in the 1930s and 40s.  Both wanted all the glory and fun stuff and status and money without real obligation.  

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3 hours ago, nelliebelle1197 said:

“Senior royal” is not a real thing. It is not a status in the peerage and it is not a status used internally. “Working royal”  is, however. I think it is a press or media invention.

Senior Royal is very much a real thing. It’s not a status in peerage by that name, instead it goes by line of succession. The second in line holds more power and status than someone who is fiftieth in line. It’s how when other monarchies come to the UK for a royal visit, they’re not sending out Princess Eugenie and her husband to greet them. It’s normally either the monarch or the crown prince/princess. So while senior royal isn’t an official term, the idea behind it is very much real. 

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“Senior” and “working” almost correlate, but not quite. Young and old royals may be senior but not working. Older royals may continue working long after they’re not senior, like the late Queen’s cousins, and the Edinburghs. 

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