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Harry & Meghan 18: Faux Royals

Coconut Flan

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I suspect that was  maybe the typical Markle half truth, exaggeration, selective hearing, drama   and balking  at being told/asked to do something she did not want to do.. “Her Majesty thinks that that expensive couture dress is not suitable, sends the wrong message, too fancy for so and so event. Please choose another.”


Becomes:”I was not allowed to ever wear color”!1!


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17 hours ago, tabitha2 said:

I suspect that was  maybe the typical Markle half truth, exaggeration, selective hearing, drama   and balking  at being told/asked to do something she did not want to do.. “Her Majesty thinks that that expensive couture dress is not suitable, sends the wrong message, too fancy for so and so event. Please choose another.”


Becomes:”I was not allowed to ever wear color”!1!


At events like Trooping, everyone in the "upper ranks" avoided dressing in the same colors as the Queen so that she stood out for people to see her. So she was likely told each year they were actually there for that to not wear whatever color the Queen had chosen. She extrapolated that to "never dress in the same color as someone else" which she turned in to "they made me wear neutrals". Neither of those things were true, of course. There are countless examples at small, less formal events of royal women wearing the same colors as each other. And the Queen favored bright shades and certainly wouldn't have instructed anyone to live in beige. Plus she was not, contrary to popular gossip, the wardrobe police and there were not dress codes. All those articles are just BS. 

The glimpses we've had of M's house prove that she just likes neutrals, too. All white and beige everywhere. 

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I had thought they got invited and had the expenses for the Colombia expedition paid but it seems like H&M may have financed the royal posturing themselves (at least partly)  https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/royals/cost-prince-harry-meghan-markles-33522052


the Ministry confirmed the Sussexes covered their own travel expenses. A spokesperson from the Ministry revealed: "The Duke and Duchess of Sussex financed their trip and that of their team with their own resources."

While Harry and Meghan's personal engagements in Colombia were apparently "co-financed", it's understood that international agencies chipped in to help with the costs.

i suppose all Colombian tax payers might not be happy with the thought of paying for this so the ministry wanted to issue a disclaimer?

Edited by AmazonGrace
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"International agencies" chipped in?  Are they self-funding through their charity arm somewhat?

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I haven’t understood since the Oprah interview, where they are getting all the money they are spending.  

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I thought I read that Invictus paid for their private plane to Colombia.  Maybe Invictus is one of the "International Agencies"

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I really don't understand what the benefit of "charitable" globe trotting is to the countries they are visiting.  Unlike actual diplomatic visits Harry and Meghan have absolutely no political power to influence.  What are the countries getting out of it?  

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1 hour ago, treehugger said:

I really don't understand what the benefit of "charitable" globe trotting is to the countries they are visiting.  Unlike actual diplomatic visits Harry and Meghan have absolutely no political power to influence.  What are the countries getting out of it?  

Drum sets, upgrades to a learning enviroment and expansion to a socio-emotional gym program



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Yes, small things that literally hundreds of NGO’s and private doners do every day. Nothing that I can see that warrants these quasi royal visits. The sheer cost/benefit analysis of their visits doesn’t compute to me. 

And I’m not saying this ignorantly. I grew up in Guatemala as the child of relief workers. My entire childhood was spent around charities and NGO’s, and Harry and Meghan’s visits border on the ludicrous. 

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If you want to use star power for charities you use it to fundraise in wealthy countries.

Spending millions on a visit to developing countries while wearing Loro Piana and several hundred thousand dollars worth of jewelry is performative bullshit and I don’t see the benefit to the country they are visiting. 

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On 8/17/2024 at 11:58 AM, viii said:

David and Wallis were Nazis. Or at least Nazi sympathizers. Harry & Meghan are a lot of things but they are not David/Wallis level to me. I find that comparison rather offensive tbh. 

They are associated with some sketchy people. Some possible connection to Black Rock. Watch the Sidley Twins on youtube. They have done research. 

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Their current puff piece statement about the Colombia trip is nothing but presently popular inclusivity buzz words and word salad.  

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9 hours ago, Coconut Flan said:

Their current puff piece statement about the Colombia trip is nothing but presently popular inclusivity buzz words and word salad.  

Do you have a link? I'm not coming up with anything like that. 

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I'll see if I can remember where I saw it.  That was yesterday and my mind has moved on.

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Wasn‘t a black bra under a white shirt a thing in the mid 2000s? Might be coming back.

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It was ugly then and hasn't improved since.

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::sigh::  Second response to Google query:



We were deeply moved by the progress and passion demonstrated in Colombia as we continue, through The Archewell Foundation, to advance our mission to create positive change around the world.

The Afro-Descendant Women and Power: Voice of Equity panel, featuring The Duchess of Sussex, was a powerful platform for highlighting the remarkable work of The Parents’ Network and The Welcome Project. By shining a spotlight on these organizations, we aim to amplify their efforts in supporting marginalized communities and fostering inclusivity.

Our visit with young people in Cali further reinforced our commitment to empowering vulnerable youth. Through the transformative power of arts and dance, we witnessed firsthand how creative expression can aid in healing and help young people forge brighter futures. The joy and resilience of these students were truly inspiring.

The energizing drum circle at Escuela Tambores de Cabildo in Cartagena continued our focus on youth empowerment. This engaging activity provided an opportunity for participants to connect, express themselves, and build confidence, reinforcing the vital role of community and creativity. We are proud to support this work to ensure that the cultural traditions of this community are preserved and celebrated.

Additionally, our insight session and responsible technology summit brought together thought leaders and innovators to explore the intersection of technology and social impact. These discussions are crucial as we work towards harnessing technology responsibly to benefit communities and drive positive change.

As always, our foundation’s mission is to show up and do good, no matter where we are in the world. In alignment with this, The Archewell Foundation is excited to announce three significant contributions in the region. We will be providing new drumming sets to Escuela Tambores de Cabildo, supporting a secure environment for local children to explore, learn, and connect in San Basilio de Palenque, and expanding the socio-emotional Gym program at Colegio La Giralda. Each of these initiatives underscores our commitment to making a difference and supporting programs that uplift and empower individuals and communities.

Thank you to everyone involved for your dedication and passion. Together, we are making strides toward a more equitable and compassionate world.


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I don't know about the authors of this piece, but I rather hope they're wrong.  It makes Harry and Meghan seem a bit delusional and like they aren't moving forward with their lives.



When Prince Harry and Meghan Markle agreed to do a tour of Colombia, they were hoping that the success of it would help confirm their status as the world’s ‘alternative royal family ’. However, the four-day trip didn’t exactly create the reception they wanted and instead, there was a huge backlash against their visit.

That's a rather hopeless position wanting to be an alternative royal family.  They were in the royal family and wanted out so why now try to ape what they left?


But they need to decide if they want to be Hollywood stars or royalty, you can’t be both.”

Exactly.  Pick a lane and stick with it.

Plus they are being bashed for basically wasting so much money that could have gone to better uses.


They are keen to be seen on the same level as Prince William and Kate Middleton, a source claimed, but without all the royal protocol, but their plan doesn’t seem to be working at the moment.

There's the delusional part.  They'll never be on the level of William since the only way for Harry to be the next King is for five people to die.  Truly do they wish his father, his brother, his nephews, and his niece all dead?  Accept reality and quit fighting it or trying for something that was never yours.

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I truly believe Meghan Markle set her mind on becoming Royal, specifically a high ranking Royal Princess, with all the attention and glamour and influence that she imagined automatically comes with it  and as they say What Meghan wants Meghan gets( not true but anyway). 

If Harry had not been an option another high ranking unmarried of age European Prince might have been the luck guy:) but they are all either children or teens or married at the moment or too low on pecking order for her interest. 


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She told her dish soap story again in Columbia. Harry thinks John Travolta was dining out on dancing with his mother? Meghan has been trying to live on that dishsoap story for 30+ years...

Also, she served the public and maybe the world by--checks notes--moving a fan: 



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I don’t think Harry has any desire to be king. I think he wanted out of the royal circus but now that he is out, he’s realizing how much was done for him and is missing that. I don’t think he’d wish death on any family member though. 

Meghan has always been ambitious, though, and I wouldn’t be surprised if she focused on Harry for a purpose. Nobody likes to be compared to family, so it must grind her gears to constantly be compared to Kate. And it’s not like your family or mine where sister in laws are compared and there’s competition etc. There are higher stakes here and I bet it bother Meghan to be “second place”. 

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I think Harry would love the pampering and the feeling of importance and the love of the nation part of being a king but he'd hate having the press all up in his business and be bored to death by the stolid garden parties and all the patronage with the less glamorous community leaders.

And I can't see him getting excited about signing routine bills and documents.

He may be mad that his brother gets to be king instead of him, even if he wouldn't love the job.

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