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CarVan 15: Exposed Bras Make Baby Jesus Cry, Carlin.


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Nobody has body-shamed the Rod kids. People were truly worried about them. They are average now, but have been very thin and unhealthy looking in the past. It's obvious that there's more food in the house now, but years ago when the older kids didn't work, there wasn't enough food. The lack of regular sleep time only mde it worse. It was not only the weight, but also their faces looked so fragile... I have never read a comment mocking them or body shaming. There were body shaming comments about Jill and Dave, but mostly were angry people who saw fragile-looking kids while parents went to restaurants, bought snacks and slept in a comfy bed.

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I think stress also plays a role in how thin and pale the Rod kids appear. My girl just had her nursery celebration (last day of school was today) and in the past year, she has grown 5 inches and gained 5 pounds. Paying for private school cost me just over $5000 but getting her out of the daycare where she was being maltreated was worth every penny. She had nightly night terrors, wasn’t growing and wasn’t developing speech or motor skills. 10 months in an environment where she was safe and she can print her letters and numbers, colour neatly and has a good vocabulary. Her cheeks are pink, she’s smiling all the time and has gone up two sizes. The Rods would likely be the same. 

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On 6/20/2024 at 2:49 PM, JDuggs said:

On Carlin’s IG story, it appears that she and Layla are in NWA. Carlin tagged Jessa in her video of Layla holding George (I assume). I thought it’s been awhile since we’ve seen Carlin and Joy together.

Jessa, Ben, and I think just Baby George were in Knoxville.

Carlin doesn't dress modestly because Evan doesn't care.  She was already wearing jeans when she was taking off for her honeymoon the day after her wedding. And I think Gil doesn't meddle and respects that these girls have their own "headships." I don't think he wants tension like JB has with some of his daughters.

Edited by dawn9476
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On 6/29/2024 at 3:16 PM, dawn9476 said:

Jessa, Ben, and I think just Baby George were in Knoxville.

Carlin doesn't dress modestly because Evan doesn't care.  She was already wearing jeans when she was taking off for her honeymoon the day after her wedding. And I think Gil doesn't meddle and respects that these girls have their own "headships." I don't think he wants tension like JB has with some of his daughters.

Gil seems to follow the leave and cleave mentality. However, I do think that he does step in when things go off the rails or would step in at those moments. If a couple were close to divorce, I think he would be jumping in to "counsel" them back to Jesus and that might include a discussion on modesty. 

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8 hours ago, rebeccawriter01 said:

Gil seems to follow the leave and cleave mentality. However, I do think that he does step in when things go off the rails or would step in at those moments. If a couple were close to divorce, I think he would be jumping in to "counsel" them back to Jesus and that might include a discussion on modesty. 

"Wife, you need to wear lengthy denim skirts and oversized vests like my Godly vagina, I mean, helpmeet. Husband, go out and buy a bunch of stonewashed jeans and turtlenecks. PROBLEM SOLVED."

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The Stew Crew merch (t-shirts and baseball caps) has dropped. I don’t know who in their right mind would buy this stuff that has, according to Carlin, “catchy phrases” that they use, like Bruh and Craazy. I can see buying real clothes from BSB, or Lawson merch, since he is a “country music singer,” as ways for fans to support them. But the existence of Stew Crew merch, like they are celebrities for having a YouTube channel, shows so much hubris. I really shouldn’t underestimate how “craazy” their fans must be to want to help pay for Carlin and Evan’s new swimming pool.


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14 hours ago, JDuggs said:

The Stew Crew merch (t-shirts and baseball caps) has dropped. I don’t know who in their right mind would buy this stuff that has, according to Carlin, “catchy phrases” that they use, like Bruh and Craazy. I can see buying real clothes from BSB, or Lawson merch, since he is a “country music singer,” as ways for fans to support them. But the existence of Stew Crew merch, like they are celebrities for having a YouTube channel, shows so much hubris. I really shouldn’t underestimate how “craazy” their fans must be to want to help pay for Carlin and Evan’s new swimming pool.


Agreed. And I see that there are plenty of other people who will sell you trucker hats with phrases on them such as "Bruh," so why on earth would you also want the meaningless phrase "Stew Crew" on them as well (unless your name is also Stewart)? https://www.amazon.com/s?k=bruh+hat&crid=1JCFPWND0BBVL&sprefix=bruh+hat%2Caps%2C103&ref=nb_sb_noss_1

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