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CarVan 15: Exposed Bras Make Baby Jesus Cry, Carlin.


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6 minutes ago, HereticHick said:

oh, thanks! That is a lot less than I thought.

It may depend on the set up too, we have an alarm and a fence around the pool. The insurance company sent someone out to inspect it and take pictures. 

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10 minutes ago, HereticHick said:

I assume they will grift their way into one of those robotic pool cleaners.  Having a pool makes your homeowners insurance go up, right?

I'm sure they will. I just don't see them wanting to do any extra work. 

I feel for their neighbors though if there are drainage issues due to the pool installation. Personal issue but years ago my parents were building a new bed and bath for me onto their house. The neighbor had a pool installed just before that happened. The day that construction was to begin there was some rain (not enough that it would have normally been an issue) but because of the pool and lack of landscaping in her yard, our yard flooded. My bedroom was delayed a few months while sorting out the drainage issue. 

Insurance can vary. For example, if they have a heavy liability policy (doubt it) then it would go way up probably. However, a standard policy that covered replacement costs would probably stay about the same. 

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10 minutes ago, rebeccawriter01 said:


Insurance can vary. For example, if they have a heavy liability policy (doubt it) then it would go way up probably. However, a standard policy that covered replacement costs would probably stay about the same. 

Thats a good point. We have an umbrella policy that covers the liability aspect. We had that pre pool though, and it didn't change cost wise post pool. 

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I can't see them maintaining the pool. I'm sure they'll hire somebody to come out and do it. They don't seem like people who can maintain a regular schedule.

OR they'll let the pool go green after the initial novelty wears off.

I wonder how much they are actually at home.

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1 hour ago, WatchingTheTireFireBurn said:

I can't see them maintaining the pool. I'm sure they'll hire somebody to come out and do it. They don't seem like people who can maintain a regular schedule.

OR they'll let the pool go green after the initial novelty wears off.

I wonder how much they are actually at home.

I'm sure it will be good for a video or two with Carlin freaking out about what animal got in the pool. There will probably be some clickbait caption about some sort of pool drama like a pump malfunctions or something like that. I am curious where they plan to put the playset that they just had to have and Evan couldn't bother to pretend like he helped build. Even with the dirt piles not being an actual part of the pool, they have very little flat or level land for it. 

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On 7/8/2024 at 6:59 PM, rebeccawriter01 said:

The house is pretty standard, but I wouldn't trust that particular builder. I have looked at homes in that neighborhood and there are issues. 


Theirs had issues too, i remember they had really bad leaking not too long after they moved.

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29 minutes ago, llucie said:

Theirs had issues too, i remember they had really bad leaking not too long after they moved.

Yes, it was a plumbing issue with their bathtub in the primary bath. From what I heard from the inspector I work with on my purchases, that leak issue was common with that developer. I remember seeing the videos about it and thinking that Ray, my inspector, wasn't so wrong after all. 


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18 hours ago, rebeccawriter01 said:

I'm sure it will be good for a video or two with Carlin freaking out about what animal got in the pool. There will probably be some clickbait caption about some sort of pool drama like a pump malfunctions or something like that. I am curious where they plan to put the playset that they just had to have and Evan couldn't bother to pretend like he helped build. Even with the dirt piles not being an actual part of the pool, they have very little flat or level land for it. 

So we have this interesting toad out here called a spadefoot. They live underground and only come out when it rains heavily. They have a LOUD, braying mating call and will respond to me if I burp loudly at them.


So anyway, I went for a swim once the day after a major thunderstorm, and checked the skimmer afterward. There were 3 dead toads in it. I almost hurled, and ended up taking the longest shower of my life lol. That's my animal-in-the-pool story!

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Evan is getting Lasik. That is what the clickbait title on their YouTube vlog is. 

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And Layla is getting enrolled in a school in some kind of homeschooling program, i dont understand how it works well but Carlin said it will allow her to graduate and take sports there, and she will need to get tested to see she has the correct level of knowledge. 

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It sounds like her standardized testing has to go through a brick and mortar school. Not really sure. They are just excited to see her walk the stage at Kindergarten graduation. I just don't get it. If you want those sports, walking the stage moments, send your kid to a school! 

Edited by gobucks
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9 hours ago, gobucks said:

It sounds like her standardized testing has to go through a brick and mortar school. Not really sure. They are just excited to see her walk the stage at Kindergarten graduation. I just don't get it. If you want those sports, walking the stage moments, send your kid to a school! 

As in it being mandatory? But most fundies dont seem to do this. Its a TN thing only? But it has to be recent because the bates kids themselves dont seem to have had that option in their schooling. They have mentioned multiple times how they missed out on not being able to do sports. If its a new law then i am glad that they have to get standardized testing, at least the parents will have to make sure they have an adecuate level of homeschooling.

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11 hours ago, llucie said:

As in it being mandatory? But most fundies dont seem to do this. Its a TN thing only? But it has to be recent because the bates kids themselves dont seem to have had that option in their schooling. They have mentioned multiple times how they missed out on not being able to do sports. If its a new law then i am glad that they have to get standardized testing, at least the parents will have to make sure they have an adecuate level of homeschooling.

hopefully the testing will keep her at a good pace unlike erin having Carson in the 6th grade. also with all the money they seem to be making why not just send her to private christian school. I think her cousins on Evans side do private school (not sure), they are all in dance, that's why Layla is in dance, 

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Private school has set open hours and some level of regular attendance expected. Why would they pay for that instead of notebooks and videos which can be used any time they want.


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I got curious. So off googling I went.  the link below ties Jew, some website related to Tennessee homeschooling and explain the current law which looks like it’s been in place since 2011.




The law compels enrollment and attendance.  Homeschoolers can satisfy the enrollment criteria by enrolling in one of two ways – with their local superintendent or by signing up with a church related school that offers an umbrella program for home schooling families.

Reading this and mind you I know nothing about homeschooling and I’m not a lawyer. It looks like the extended family previously has been covered by a church related school that offers umbrella program for homeschooling families whatever in the world that means perhaps they have buy from a local superintendent. 

Oh wait, I found an even more interesting Paragraph.

I’m noting in the quote below where it says that accredited online schools research indicates it is the least successful means of educating a child is not really a form of home education


During the ages in which a child is confined by state law into a school – 7 through 16 for homeschoolers, that law can be satisfied either by enrolling with your local superintendent of schools or the family can enroll their child with a church related school that offers an umbrella program.  On their web site the TN Department of Education offers three ways to "homeschool" - >Independent HomeSchool; > Church-related Umbrella School; > Accredited Online School.  (Please be advised, research shows that an Accredited Online School is the least successful means of educating a child and that in reality this is not a form of home education.  It is in fact public school at home with full state control of all the educational content for the child.  Many Church Related School umbrella programs and colleges do offer on line courses that are quite wonderful.) 

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2 hours ago, clueliss said:

I got curious. So off googling I went.  the link below ties Jew, some website related to Tennessee homeschooling and explain the current law which looks like it’s been in place since 2011.



Reading this and mind you I know nothing about homeschooling and I’m not a lawyer. It looks like the extended family previously has been covered by a church related school that offers umbrella program for homeschooling families whatever in the world that means perhaps they have buy from a local superintendent. 

Oh wait, I found an even more interesting Paragraph.

I’m noting in the quote below where it says that accredited online schools research indicates it is the least successful means of educating a child is not really a form of home education


I can’t figure out how to quote your except from the info from the homeschool association but I want to point out that their problem with an accredited online school is that “it is in fact public education at home with full state control of the educational content for the child”.    

They are not objecting to online learning, they are objecting to the content.

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I wonder if it ever occurred to them that the online accredited schools might be « the worst performing group » because they are being assessed by an independent body who has no vested interest in how they score. Parents can easily report that their children have straight As regardless of how well they really score. Parents can call baking cookies a test on measurement, fractions etc or popcorn preaching à la Rods persuasive writing, speech and award a perfect score. It’s comparing apples and crayons. 

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So i imagine all the other Bateses must be doing the independent homeschool route then. Its interesting how Carlin presented the Layla schooling situation like it was not a big deal, but for her and her family i think its actually a big deal, next step would be going to public school.

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8 hours ago, llucie said:

 Its interesting how Carlin presented the Layla schooling situation like it was not a big deal, but for her and her family i think its actually a big deal, next step would be going to public school.

I doubt it; private Christian school would be the next step. Public (government-run schools in the US are secular. 83% of US kids attend public schools).

For example, First Baptist Academy in Powell, TN would be nearby: https://www.fbaeagles.org/ 

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1 hour ago, HereticHick said:

I doubt it; private Christian school would be the next step. Public (government-run schools in the US are secular. 83% of US kids attend public schools).

For example, First Baptist Academy in Powell, TN would be nearby: https://www.fbaeagles.org/ 

To be honest we dont really know if the school she is enrolling Layla into (as a homeschooler) is a private or a public one. She mentioned she had been looking into schools in the area and i had assumed public but now thinking about it, it makes more sense to be a private christian school since it wouldn be such a big leap.

If its public i think its huge for someone raised like her, even if its going there for testing and sports only. I mean her own sister-in law is a "refugee" from germany because her parents were so against her mingling with heathen kids in public schools. Public schools are demoniced so much in their circles.

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  • 2 weeks later...
3 hours ago, gobucks said:

Youtube video today is clickbait. She's not pregnant. 

They did that just for us, isn't that special.......

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On 7/15/2024 at 8:43 PM, llucie said:

If its public i think its huge for someone raised like her, even if its going there for testing and sports only.

I’d be very surprised if they allowed Layla to mingle with public school kids. She could make non-fundamentalist friends and be exposed to non-fundamentalist ideas.

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Evan making Carlin take the test even when she said , "I don't like taking these when I'm not pregnant. It makes me sad." 🤬Get a clue that this was not a big joke for her but actually bad for her mental health.

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On 7/28/2024 at 4:30 AM, GreenBeans said:

I’d be very surprised if they allowed Layla to mingle with public school kids. She could make non-fundamentalist friends and be exposed to non-fundamentalist ideas.

It's not that much of a leap for a kindergartener. I can't think of any sport through the school system in the area that includes kindergarten. Carlin is just thinking of the social media influencing dollars that will come in with her crying as Layla wears her cap and gown and half the kids ask who she is anyway. 

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