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CarVan 15: Exposed Bras Make Baby Jesus Cry, Carlin.


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A negative pregnancy test when you wish it was positive is one of the most defeated feelings you can get.  Sorry, Carlin, just like your health issues you need to convince Evan it isn't worth the clicks.

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It appeared the only reason she took the test was the car sickness from the previous week's vlog. She insisted over and over in that vlog and this one that she wasn't pregnant. She was probably not even late on her cycle given her insistence in both videos that she wasn't pregnant. They ended the vlog saying they needed to talk, implying they needed to discuss if they were ready to start trying to get pregnant with #3. 

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On 7/28/2024 at 9:30 PM, GreenBeans said:

I’d be very surprised if they allowed Layla to mingle with public school kids. She could make non-fundamentalist friends and be exposed to non-fundamentalist ideas.

Maybe ones with green hair lol

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The Layla schooling situation makes me think that Carlin wants her at school, but is afraid of her family reaction (and afraid of strict schedules!). So she has taken a mix, which helps eventually enrolling the girl to the regular school program, maybe when Zade will be school aged. Then, both siblings can go together. 

All those steps (co-ops, sports programs..) are good for the children. At least, they are not isolated.

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17 hours ago, AussieKrissy said:

Maybe ones with green hair lol

I have turquoise-ish hair right now.

Okay, you guys, how much does Evan resemble US men's gymnast Paul Juda???



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On 7/29/2024 at 10:45 PM, nolongerIFBx said:

Evan making Carlin take the test even when she said , "I don't like taking these when I'm not pregnant. It makes me sad." 🤬Get a clue that this was not a big joke for her but actually bad for her mental health.

And she said multiple times there was no way she could be, wich to me seems like they must be using some kind of birth control. He knew this but still wanted her to take the test for the clickbait.

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On 7/31/2024 at 1:04 PM, Kiki03910 said:

I have turquoise-ish hair right now.

Okay, you guys, how much does Evan resemble US men's gymnast Paul Juda???



I agree. And here’s Travis’ doppelgänger from Ukraine





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4 minutes ago, justmy2cents said:

I agree. And here’s Travis’ doppelgänger from Ukraine


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Holy shit. YES.

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Carlin and Evan are at Disney World with another couple (no kids trip). I get that they have the time/money/childcare to go on trips without the kids, but Disney World without your 4 and 2 year old? I assume they’ll take the kids soon. I did spend a few days at Disney when I was pregnant with my first as a reconnaissance mission before I would be bringing kids, so I can see it from that perspective. Carlin was just there with girlfriends recently too.  She probably doesn’t want to totally alienate her anti-Disney fans by admitting that she’s a huge fan.

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I can’t imagine not taking kids on a Disney trip. My sister and I took our kids two years ago; they loved it AND my daughter was still two so she was free. The highlight for her was definitely Animal Kingdom. She called out to every animal « Hi Hippo! Hi Lion » etc. I wouldn’t have been as fun knowing I was there and the girls were missing out. We plan on Lego Land for next year(was supposed to be this year but my sister’s boss told her she could only take 4.5 days holiday time. What a cow). 

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I think it was the same friend that Carlin went to Disney World with (yankeegirl is her instagram name) for her birthday and now for a couples' trip. I wonder if her friend is a Disney travel agent or annual pass holder because she seems to go there frequently. 

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17 minutes ago, gobucks said:

I think it was the same friend that Carlin went to Disney World with (yankeegirl is her instagram name) for her birthday and now for a couples' trip. I wonder if her friend is a Disney travel agent or annual pass holder because she seems to go there frequently. 

That is correct. It’s their pastor and his wife. It never clicks in with me that’s who they are. She and Carlin seem to love to travel together. From her IG, she is a hair stylist and it wouldn’t surprise me if they were annual pass holders. I think I’m suspicious of any ”person of the cloth” who lives a somewhat extravagant lifestyle. 

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This is where she said they were eating dinner. A one day ticket at Disney where you can go to multiple parks (x2) + dinner at this steakhouse would have easily set them back $500 for a single day. Not including wherever they are staying, any food in the parks,  any souvenirs they bought the kids, etc.

Business must be good. Alyssa lives 25 minutes away and admits it's far too expensive for them to go. Carlin has been at least 3 times in the past year or two, twice without her kids.

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On 8/8/2024 at 1:25 PM, Coconut Flan said:

Which Lego Land will you visit? @Expectopatronus

It depends on the result of the election. We were planning on San Diego but my kid is Chinese and my niece is Haitian so if Trump wins, we are concerned about their safety so we might switch and go the one in Windsor. 

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I live in San Diego so I was curious.  Here in SoCal Trump being or elected or not will probably not affect tourist safety especially around Carlsbad.  We're greatly removed from the usually affected areas.  SoCal is a very culturally diverse area so being non-Causcasian is normally a non-issue.  However, you should do what suits you.  

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Disney is my own personal version of hell, and I cannot imagine going without your kids. Like why do people want to put themselves through that?!?! We're taking our kids for the first (and hopefully only!!!) time this December to Disney World and I'm DREADING it. We've been putting it off but finally decided we're just going to do it. 

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1 hour ago, LillyP said:

Disney is my own personal version of hell, and I cannot imagine going without your kids. Like why do people want to put themselves through that?!?! We're taking our kids for the first (and hopefully only!!!) time this December to Disney World and I'm DREADING it. We've been putting it off but finally decided we're just going to do it. 

Disney is pretty much a love it or hate it kind of vacation. When you go in with the attitude that you’re going to hate the crowds, the lines, the prices, that’s pretty much all you’ll find. You actually have to try and tune all of that out and just appreciate the atmosphere, the fun, the smiles, the laughs. If the parents are dead set on having a horrible time, the kids will also positively have a horrible time. I hope it’s going to be better than you expect, but it’s probably just not your thing.

The last time I went to Disney World, it was just my husband and me (the kids were college aged). We didn’t go to any of the theme parks. We stayed at the cheapest hotel on the property and spent our days walking around the expensive hotels. We rode the monorail. We got Dole Whips at the Polynesian. We got beignets at the French Quarter. We strolled through the stores at Disney Springs. I had a great time!


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Disney was a once in a life trip for my family because of how much it costs. for these wo just putting in a 100,000 dollar pool, they idea of just going to Disney for a few days for the two of them for the 3rd or 4th time is insane.

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2 hours ago, raayx01 said:

Disney was a once in a life trip for my family because of how much it costs. for these wo just putting in a 100,000 dollar pool, they idea of just going to Disney for a few days for the two of them for the 3rd or 4th time is insane.

Same! Like... when I was young, someone going down to Disney World was considered the luckiest kid ever and we were all envious. Certainly not something families would do multiple time in their life.

I went when I was 8 and have not gone back since. I am an adult now and it seems so expensive. Still grateful my dad paid for it when I was a kid (my parents were divorced, and he took me when it was his time to have summer vacation with me). And I know my dad thought of going when I was younger but decided to wait a few years; yes because it's super expensive and he put money aside for the trip but also because he wished for this to be a real father-daughter vacation that I would remember.

All of that to say that the influencer lifestyle is wild and they do stuff that are not in reach of most families.

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1 hour ago, Vivi_music said:

Same! Like... when I was young, someone going down to Disney World was considered the luckiest kid ever and we were all envious. Certainly not something families would do multiple time in their life.

I went when I was 8 and have not gone back since. I am an adult now and it seems so expensive. Still grateful my dad paid for it when I was a kid (my parents were divorced, and he took me when it was his time to have summer vacation with me). And I know my dad thought of going when I was younger but decided to wait a few years; yes because it's super expensive and he put money aside for the trip but also because he wished for this to be a real father-daughter vacation that I would remember.

All of that to say that the influencer lifestyle is wild and they do stuff that are not in reach of most families.

I also went when I was 8 and my mom saved for 3 years and waited til we were older so we'd remember and enjoy it. 

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15 hours ago, LillyP said:

Disney is my own personal version of hell, and I cannot imagine going without your kids. Like why do people want to put themselves through that?!?! We're taking our kids for the first (and hopefully only!!!) time this December to Disney World and I'm DREADING it. We've been putting it off but finally decided we're just going to do it. 

We took our son to Disney World one and only time when he was 10.  Part of the reason we went was because my best friend had moved down to Florida several months prior and was about 90 minutes away from the park, so we were meeting her in the park and staying with her once we left the Disney area.  We were at WDW for four days and did a pretty good job seeing a lot of things in the parks. 

Unfortunately for my son, he was already negatively biased from having Disney repeatedly shoved down his throat since birth by my husband's immediate family who at the time were all self-proclaimed Disney freaks.  And I mean freaks. They always wore Disney clothes, only shopped in the Disney Store, watched Disney videos and listened to Disney CDs non-stop and even had their own version of Disney character breakfasts, complete with Mickey Mouse waffles and people dressed in costumes. And if you didn't wear anything Disney to the breakfast, you weren't getting into my in-laws' house with a dining room table set with Disney themed place settings, tablecloths and napkins. 

So, as we were flying home from Florida, my son turns to us and says "Well, Mom and Dad, you did your job as good parents and took me to Disney World.  And you know something?  We never have to go back again".  And we never did. 

My son is now 28. To this day, he has no desire to return to Disney World and says that he loved Hersheypark, where we took him when he was 8, much more.  



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I love me some Disney movies, etc. However, I'm not a fan of Disney World and all that entails. I took my girls once and suffered through it. I have a friend who goes twice a year without her children and once with her children. I have another friend who lives steps away from park property and can watch the fireworks from her backyard. Sounds like hell to me. I could think of a lot better places to go.

Preacher man is creepy to me.

New video - pool is making some progress but now they are adding a putting green and bunker. I can't wait for the lawsuits from the neighbors with they flood the neighborhood. 

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I reacted with the eyeroll because who the fuck needs a PUTTING GREEN AND BUNKER in a moderate, suburban backyard? The pool isn't enough? Where will the swing set go, or will that be a causality of CarVan's idiotic playscape. 

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why Ould you put this much money into a house your going to move from within 5 years. They keep talking about wanting to move and build on some land. these "upgrades" are not going to upgrade the house financially. 

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