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Lori Alexander 84: Stay Away from the Pool

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11 hours ago, quiversR4hunting said:

I haven't been here in awhile because Lori makes my blood boil and she absolutely says nothing new. 

Scrolling through IG this am and imagine my suprise when Lori's face pops up on my for you. 


Now I know why because I follow him.😂 Proud ro be a feral woman! 

I just followed him. I watched one reel where he talked about a daughter who “rage cleans”.  BINGO. He just described OneKid.
 When she is in a bad mood she’ll scrub, polish, and shine the kitchen until it sparkles (With banging, shouting at the air and mumbling)

I often think I should piss her off every time she comes back home from campus.  

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20 hours ago, onekidanddone said:


I often think I should piss her off every time she comes back home from campus.  

And then send her to my house! 

She doesn’t rage cook too by any chance?

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One of Lori's recent posts is about raising her children:


I have to say that I raised three children and I don't recall ever sitting around and thinking that my greatest desire would be that they would walk in Truth.  What does that even mean?  I guess Lori thinks they choose the cult beliefs every time and never do anything naughty or question her authority.  What a stifled bunch of individuals.

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...... that they would grow up to walk in Truth......

Exactly whose Truth were they supposed to walk in?  Ken's truth? Biblical truth? Jesus's truth or Paul's? Old Testament truth? New Testament truth?

Or could it be ....... Lori's truth?  Lori's twisted reading of 5 Bible verses to support her extremely twisted version of what Lori God commands?

Yeah ... I think it's Lori's "truth".

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I cannot diagnose because I don’t work in the medical field, but the difference between Lori in the 90s (thanks for the photo, @Xan) and Lori now doesn’t seem to only be due to natural aging. There must be psychological issues at play (as we have suspected here since a while) but the way she deteriorated isn’t normal. She doesn’t look like a healthy older woman today, though she was very attractive in the past. Maybe it’s the lack of self-care she displays now or the unhappiness that becomes visible nowadays. But Lori would have greatly benefited from medical intervention many years ago. She is a deeply bitter and resentful woman and it’s damaging for her and likely also her family. 

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19 hours ago, Red Hair, Black Dress said:

Exactly whose Truth were they supposed to walk in?  Ken's truth? Biblical truth? Jesus's truth or Paul's? Old Testament truth? New Testament truth?

Or could it be ....... Lori's truth?  Lori's twisted reading of 5 Bible verses to support her extremely twisted version of what Lori God commands?

Yeah ... I think it's Lori's "truth".

Ruby and Jodi talked about walking in truth and look how well that turned out.  

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Hemant Mehta has a new video about Lori. He gives some background for anyone who isn't caught up on Lori, then on to why she is angry at him, starting at about 17 minutes in.

She was pissed that he showed edited bits of a video in which she did her routine about not being attracted to Ken. Hoisted by her own petard, and unwilling to admit it. What else is new?



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Thanks, @thoughtful, I never saw this YouTuber before. I really enjoyed this.   

The part where Lori told a writer that her predator father should have been allowed to visit the kids under the supervision of the mother or other adult so they could have a relationship with him , that was directly from Michael Pearl’s “teachings”.

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15 minutes ago, kpmom said:

Thanks, @thoughtful, I never saw this YouTuber before. I really enjoyed this.   

I like Mehta (aka The Friendly Atheist), among other reasons, because he will cover stories that nobody else seems to be covering, about people trying to shove religion into government at local levels.

Going back to the sunscreen/suntan lotion discussion - my Mom and aunts used Bain de Soleil, which had a smell so distinctive that I can easily mind-smell it 60 years later.


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1 hour ago, thoughtful said:

oing back to the sunscreen/suntan lotion discussion - my Mom and aunts used Bain de Soleil, which had a smell so distinctive that I can easily mind-smell it 60 years later.

i remember that. I think it was a little more expensive than the regular brands. I remember buying it just once and feeling so extravagant!


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My MIL used it exclusively - but only for herself.  The kids had Coppertone.  :mouse-shock:  I think MIL was the first person I heard someone call a narcissist.  :shocked:

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Not sure if you are all following the dust up with Ken and well...everyone over on Twitter/X.  Ken is claiming that if a wife makes her husband wait more than 2-3 weeks after giving birth before being intimate again with her husband-- she is being "selfish" He says that it doesn't have to be "full intercourse" but surely the wife can muster up some effort to "provide satisfaction" to her husband.  And a hot meal. 

He is getting murdered and it is extending into several FB pages. One of his exact comments was a husband is being "very understanding if he has to wait 3 weeks, and extremely understanding if he has to wait 4"

Listen up, Ken: even if you aren't talking full fledged P in V intercourse, MOST women I know are sleep deprived, their breasts are leaking and swollen, they are still sore, bleeding, crampy, etc at 2-3 weeks and don't most don't want to be touched at all.  But please, I'm sorry you are suffering because you can't get off. 

There is something deeply wrong with both of them. 

Edited by SongRed7
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I can still remember how painful it was when I stupidly consented to PIV four weeks after I gave birth--and it was 46 years ago.

Fuck you, Ken.

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Yes Kenny boy is an asshat for saying that, but you know Lori believes the exact same thing.

This kertuffle does raise the question of how long Lori made Kenny wait after giving birth.  2-3-4-5-6 .... weeks.....or months.... or longer? Perhaps Kenny is speaking from experience.

I'm not saying she should have been intimate while still in pain -- but you know she believes that women should just grit their teeth and bear it.

She's actually said it. Friendly Atheist's video has a quote from her that sex is always painful for her, but she does it anyway. He has another quote from her that if she had waited to feel in the mood she wouldn't have had sex for 30 years.

Lori is completely TMI about her sex life. Which I don't find  to be demure or chaste, etc. etc,  -- everything she demands that women be. Everything that she isn't.

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Ken needs to step away from Twitter. He's not helping his case. His posts about how long he feels it is appropriate to wait to have sex after childbirth has veered into how fundy/patriarchy sex is JUST about the man's pleasure. But Ken comes riding in on  his horse again to prove that that just isn't true and provides the advice below he gives to husbands:.

Oh, Ken. This isn't the flex you think it is. I think I'll pass on the 5-minute head massage, thank you very much. This also says so much about Ken and Lori's relationship. She gives 5-minutes and some lube, and he reciprocates with 5-minutes of massages. Question: do they set a timer?



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Lori posted this today on FB:


I’ve loved having groups of women into my home and showing them how to bake bread and answering any questions they have about marriage and raising children. I do this for free!

Unless by "having groups of women into my home........" Lori means posting on FB/ social media All day. Every day. she's lying.  She's a lying liar who lies.

Lori -- lying makes Baby Jesus cry and I'm also pretty sure God's against it.  Not to mention it's one of the 10 Commandments.

Lori  -- stop lying.  Don't make Baby Jesus cry

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I have to laugh. In Ken-world men want sex and women want massages. ALL men. ALL women. 

I’m going to assume the person who sarcastically said, “…her pleasure be darned.”, was talking about sexual pleasure.
Psst, Ken. Women can have sexual pleasure too!  Ok, maybe not your woman…



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Little Miss Lyin' Lori** has written a back cover endorsement of a new edition of that evil book Created to Be His Helpmeet. She is soooooooo thrilled at that great honor she braggingly posted it to FB this morning. Complete with a photo of the back cover. https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=1094013392094159&set=a.226400988855408

Lori -- who seems to have learned nothing in Elementary, High School or College, writes Debi Pearl's name as "debi". The book prints her endorsement as "debi"

There is this exchange with a fangirl (bolding mine😞


XXXXXXX That’s pretty cool!
I hope they fixed the fact that Debi isn’t capitalized in Lori’s endorsement.
The Transformed Wife
XXXXXXXX I’m not sure what you mean.

** Lyin' Lori always lies about everything but her most recent and egregious one is   "I never travel" from here https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=1046862907450926&set=a.476505857819970 

I guess going to her Door County WI vacation home for months every summer isn't "travel".

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I guess she considers that she's reached the pinnacle of fundie female success now, with that endorsement on the back of Pearl's book. 🙄 I doubt it will help sales much, since Lori's been advertising the book for years on her blog and FB page anyway, and her followers who would buy the book have already done so. It might help LORI'S book sales, though, women who have never heard of her might check her out and buy some of her books. Or check her out and realise what a crackpot she is. 🥴

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