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Trump 67: Why Does He Never Suffer Any Significant Consequences?


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The alt-right Supreme Court has ruled King Drumpf has immunity, so the teflon don once again gets away without any significant consequences. He's going downhill quickly mentally, much more quickly than Joe, but the media doesn't seem to want to focus on that. Basically, things suck right now. I'm sorry I couldn't come up with anything witty today.


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I guess Orban is bringing orders from Putin to TFG and the GQP:


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I feel like this should be the top news story. Why does nobody care?!!??

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Apparently, Trump was shot today at his Rally in PA? He looks to be fine, a little blood on his right ear. I haven't heard/read a whole lot about it but the Trump supporters in my family are all up in arms about it and praying for him now.

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Seems to be a developing story still, but if they shot at him and didn’t manage to kill him, they’ve practically handed him the election, I fear.

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It grazed his ear. We had 9 adults and 2 teens all saying, “shit - he’s not dead”. We got excited for 2 minutes. I think it was a stunt, although I also can’t see him wanting to get even marginally hurt. But he really hasn’t been in the news lately, so I can see him agreeing to something drastic to get back on the air. And now he’s going to milk the whole martyr bit. Shit. 

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I hope the Former President is okay, as well as everyone else. This is not good. Thank God he wasn't more seriously hurt.

Obviously I think he's a terrible person and leader, but this is not okay.

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Agreeing this is not good for our democracy. He’s a terrible person but a worse martyr.

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I was surprised to see all over my social media that people think it seemed staged. I mean now they point it out - yeah it does seem kinda weird. If trump believed people were shooting at him to kill him would he be exposing himself  to do a fist in the air multiple times? And yelling fight? Seems very odd.

And how does somebody trying to shoot him get THAT close and yet miss...seems so extremely unlikely.

But this is just soooo bad. Is this going to rile up a  maga supporter to do the same to democrats? Is trump going to encourage that sentiment? I feel like trump might encourage that.

between this and biden's issues - democrats/we/ everybody (because I don't believe that what maga wants is actually good for regular people) are so fucked.



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Very scary.  I’m trying to figure out what happened from the initial video clip.  There was a lot of fist pumping under the circumstances - all the way into his vehicle.  I will be interested in more details.  

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The reaction and imagery afterwards (sky in the background, fist raised) is why it seemed plus, the martyr persecuted stance. That was my first thought because I don't trust him. I was watching the footage like zapruder. Though the person killed and who knows else injured.. violence obviously should be condemned. Or perhaps the one percenters 

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People on social media are saying "oh this will guarantee him the win" - I dont see how though. Are all of us non-trump people somehow more sympathetic to him now?? I really doubt any of the democrat decided voters are going to switch at this point. 

Is this likely to sway the few percent of independent voters? Seems unlikely - all the other nonsense that's gone down didn't sway them into a decision - why would this? 

The only thing I can see as a distinct benefit is this may bring out more maga voters with respect to turn out...*may* -because I think the die hards probably would have already been motivated to turn out.

Honestly  - a conspiracy theory that this is in fact staged to get him the win may actually help democrats turn out more. Something needs to rile the democrats up. I don't understand the wishy washy-ness or fatalism(?) of the democrats but it seems to be strong. Dems should be out pounding the pavement about project 2025, abortion rights, LGTB+ rights, talking to unions etc etc. There's literally thousands of talking points and great crazy trump clips.... But if they're doing it I don't hear about it. I've just seen the same stupid biden ad over and over about not needing a college degree - weird flex on your college educated constituents..... I saw/heard? an interview from somewhere the other day that all the dems are sitting this election out/laying low in the hopes of having a clear field in 2028 and not getting too much attention right now so they can bust out later. 

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I haven't sorted yet whether the sniper was on the roof outside the venue "security" zone, or in the crowd.  I'm very sad that a bystander (and another person?) were killed. 

Also, when you are watching video of Trump at the lectern, and immediately after he's shot, there's a guy standing up with a dark hat, a dark jacket and a large yellow bandana or something in his pocket.  He's to the left and slightly above Trump, maybe the 3rd row up in the stands.  Very dark 5 o'clock shadow.  He seems oblivious to the fact that there's actual gunfire and the target is a few feet away. 

I'm certain it's Vince Fusca, who some in Q Anon believe is actually JFK, Jr., who *checks notes* didn't actually die in a plane crash on the way to Martha's Vinyard.  Vince Fusca, who some suspect of being a Kennedy, is running for Senate as his own man

Anyway, now we'll get 24-7 coverage of this.  I won't watch.  I do want to find out the identify and motivation of the shooter.  Atl reich tweeters are already blaming Biden's rhetoric. 



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4 hours ago, AnywhereButHere said:

It grazed his ear. We had 9 adults and 2 teens all saying, “shit - he’s not dead”. We got excited for 2 minutes. I think it was a stunt, although I also can’t see him wanting to get even marginally hurt. But he really hasn’t been in the news lately, so I can see him agreeing to something drastic to get back on the air. And now he’s going to milk the whole martyr bit. Shit. 

My mother was disappointed he wasn’t killed. If he had turn just a bit he would have been killed. And I agree he is going to milk for all it’s worth. 

Edited by Jana814
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I wonder who wrote this. They forgot to use all caps and screech about enemies.


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Personally I don’t think that Trump getting shot was staged— he’s too much of a coward to knowingly endanger himself— but you can bet it will have the press falling over themselves condemning it, and somehow blaming Biden’s/ the Democrats’ rhetoric.

At this point I am just so disgusted with American politics. Trump getting away with literally anything and everything and nobody talking about the danger to democracy he and project 2025 pose, and focusing on Biden’s age instead (when Hakeem Jeffries held a press conference about project 2025 this week, the only questions he was asked by the press were about Biden’s age ffs) is so frustrating and frankly infuriating.

I still don’t believe Trump will win the election— the vast majority of Americans aren’t that stupid— but I am afraid that the current imbalance of powers is dangerous to democracy’s survival. Trump is an idiot, and most people know that and won’t vote for him. But what will happen and a smarter leader stands up and takes control of the MAGA party— in the current situation where there is a corrupt SCOTUS, corrupt politicians, a political party hijacked by rich radical rightwing powerbrokers, a weak political party opposing them that is still treating the current situation as if the other side are not all bad actors, and who naively have a let’s try to seek common ground attitude, an executive branch that seems unwilling or incapable of holding the other branches to account and the MSM not focused on getting to the truth but instead on whatever sells and in many cases facilitating if not openly promulgating populistic rightwing propaganda?

I shudder at the thought, and I’m bracing myself for the eventuality of an authoritarian at the helm of the world’s largest military superpower. If the elections in November aren’t lost, the coming four years will be decisive. Will anyone finally address the elephant in the room (pun intended) and start fixing the whole political system? It will take some radical actions like getting rid of the Electoral College, purging SCOTUS and Capitol Hill of corruption and breaking the power of donors— and much, much more. And I’m not convinced that there is any sense of urgency or political will to do what is necessary. Sadly, I am not optimistic.

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I've been out of cell phone connectivity all day so imagine my surprise when I got home and discovered this. I've been collecting my thoughts so I can give the appropriate response. 

I'm sending thoughts and prayers. It's too early to talk about any changes we would want to make to the accessibility of guns. Someone was just exercising their second amendment right. If everyone at the rally was armed then the shooter wouldn't have shot. Don't take my guns away which the second amendment of the Constitution allows me to have because 'Murica.

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5 hours ago, Howl said:

Atl reich tweeters are already blaming Biden's rhetoric. 

?!? What the hell? 

3 hours ago, fraurosena said:

It will take some radical actions like getting rid of the Electoral College, purging SCOTUS and Capitol Hill of corruption and breaking the power of donors— and much, much more. And I’m not convinced that there is any sense of urgency or political will to do what is necessary. Sadly, I am not optimistic.

But that would be violating the entire Vision of the Founders! I would like the Supreme Court at minimum to be investigated and prosecuted for corruption, and the appointment process reviewed. Even just setting up an independent body to run elections would help.

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2 hours ago, Ozlsn said:

But that would be violating the entire Vision of the Founders!

Yep, the Founders got it wrong. They weren't demigods, but mere mortal and fallible men. I know, I know, it's almost blasphemy for a lot of Americans to point that out, but as an atheist, and a foreigner to boot, I have no qualms stating the obvious. :pb_wink:

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While I am relieved Trump survived I don't feel a bit sorry for him.  My sympathy for Republicans that get endangered went out the window after Paul Pelosi was attacked and all the disgusting comments afterwards. I regret feeling bad for Steve Scalise.

It is reported the shooter is a white 20 year old male from an affluent suburb of Pittsburgh and that he is a registered Republican.   He used an AR-15 same type of guns Republicans don't want banned.

It was also reported that he donated to a Democratic cause in January 2021 when he would have been about 16-17.  Name is Thomas Matthew Crooks.

Edited by SPHASH
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I feel neutral I guess about Trump surviving this attack. There is a piece of doubt in my mind that it was staged. Because trump is literally capable of anything. And he seemed waaaaaay too calm about this. Although people react oddly to stress (I get nervous giggles and it's very inappropriate).

Usually a shooting like this would result in a mass casualties. Why didn't it? Was this guy even aiming for trump? If he's a republican why would he? If he was aiming for trump why didn't he continue to shoot into the people surrounding trump?

It's very weird. If you're in the mindset to kill somebody - and presumably go down trying - it seems like a half assed effort no?

White males in their 20s are so freaking dangerous at this point. What the hell? And people wonder why we'd choose the bear?

I don't agree with the above statement that most americans won't vote for trump - if we're thinking most means 60%, sure ok. But something very close to half this country thinks trump is either great, pretty good, or the lesser of two evils. Americans are damn stupid and poorly educated. Rational thought is really not encouraged. Faith is encouraged.  I have a public college educated friend who went to normal public high school with, who does not consider herself conservative and yet .... doesn't "believe in sedimentary rocks" who got mad at me for pointing out some cool moss covered rocks to her small kids by saying "look at those old rocks!"   She and I took Earth Science together and she was an A student.  Americans want to be stupid. It's a sign of faith and faith is more important than other stuff.



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I wouldn’t put it past Trump to stage something like this, but I doubt he would go for them clipping his ear or otherwise actually hitting him, so I guess it’s more likely that he wasn’t in on it.

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unless it wasn't supposed to clip him...

Shannen Doherty died. I feeling that extra today for some reason. I hope she tops the news instead of dumbfuck. I was pleasantly surprised that the algorithm decided to not show me a bunch of OMG ASSASINATION news.

I'm hoping that's cuz it didn't garner clicks elsewhere

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It’s now being said that it was a piece of flying glass rather than an actual bullet that caught his ear, and I’m also seeing a whole lot of “it was staged” theories. Like why was he allowed by the secret service to poke his head up and do that fist in the air thing? There seemed to be no real rush to get him out of there, and presumably, there hadn’t been a report at that time that the shooter was neutralized. I wouldn’t put it past some factions to do such a stunt, and it royally sucks that a member of the audience had to pay for it. 

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I also suspect it was staged to draw attention to Trump and to show all voters that when something like this happens at a Trump they don't make any comments about regulating guns in any way. If this is true, whether they meant to injure anyone or not, it is another piece of evidence that Trump doesn't care for his voters and Trump doesn't think things through.

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