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Trump 67: Why Does He Never Suffer Any Significant Consequences?


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The campaign is run by a group of charmers:



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...My own theory about the lisp is less interesting and comes from experience with podcasting and microphones. Sometimes an audio compression issue can produce a distinct lisp on a mic or a recording that wasn’t present in person. This actually happened to me recently as I recorded an interview with my brother Kaiser’s Sinica podcast. Given that much of the subject matter was the birth of the gay community in Beijing, we decided a pronounced lisp would not serve the interview well. So I re-recorded it.

Such a basic audio issue shouldn’t be happening during an important livestream of a presidential candidate on a major platform like Twitter, but here we are. Because of incompetence and technical glitches, the biggest stories coming out of the event are how it started 42 minutes late and how Trump sounded like Sylvester the Cat the whole time.

While it is probably something mundane, like the technical issue suggested above, I prefer to think that he forgot his teeth. It's a much more amusing take on why he sounded like "Sylvester the Cat". 😆

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Look! A new (potential) lawsuit!



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On 8/12/2024 at 1:36 PM, GreyhoundFan said:

Interesting. Most candidates would try to minimize their association with sex traffickers. Of course, TFG is not most candidates. They even rebranded the plane.


Now TFG's campaign is saying, "oops".


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Oh, for pity sake, the Merry Christmas crap again...


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9 hours ago, GreyhoundFan said:

Oh, for pity sake, the Merry Christmas crap again...


He is such an idiot. Then again, there are idiots who believe this crap. 

9 hours ago, GreyhoundFan said:

Now TFG's campaign is saying, "oops".


Accident? Sure Jan. 

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10 hours ago, GreyhoundFan said:

Oh, for pity sake, the Merry Christmas crap again...


Yes, it was awful spending the last few Christmases in jail because I insisted on saying Merry Christmas. Thanks a lot, Joe Biden 😡

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I've been the one responsible every year for getting together the holiday cards for the building staff at my company. This involves finding the cards, stuffing them with the monetary gift, and distributing to the various offices. Every year, I have the irritating problem of NOT being able to find a secular enough card in the quantity needed. Even on Amazon! There were a couple of years that found me sitting on the floor of the third CVS of the day, rummaging through all of their backup stock to be able to piece together enough non-Christmas/religious cards. War on Christmas, my ass!

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1 hour ago, AnywhereButHere said:

I've been the one responsible every year for getting together the holiday cards for the building staff at my company. This involves finding the cards, stuffing them with the monetary gift, and distributing to the various offices. Every year, I have the irritating problem of NOT being able to find a secular enough card in the quantity needed. Even on Amazon! There were a couple of years that found me sitting on the floor of the third CVS of the day, rummaging through all of their backup stock to be able to piece together enough non-Christmas/religious cards. War on Christmas, my ass!

I have a good friend who is Jewish and even though she puts up a tree and likes Christmas music, I try to find a "Happy Holidays" card for her every year. 

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11 hours ago, GreyhoundFan said:

Oh, for pity sake, the Merry Christmas crap again...


That’s rich coming from the guy who’s wife was recorded saying ‘I don’t give a F about Christmas’ during her tenure at the White House.

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1 hour ago, sndral said:

That’s rich coming from the guy who’s wife was recorded saying ‘I don’t give a F about Christmas’ during her tenure at the White House.

I didn’t realize Melania said that.  Wow! 

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2 hours ago, libgirl2 said:

I remember when that came out. She really is as bad as he is. And her "decorating" looked like crap. 

She even beat out JRod if that’s possible 

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3 hours ago, libgirl2 said:

I remember when that came out. She really is as bad as he is. And her "decorating" looked like crap. 

And it’s not as though she was unraveling Christmas lights, and climbing ladders to put a Santa on the roof. 
I’d love to have a staff of many to decorate my house. 

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TFG had a bund meeting in Asheville NC tonight. It was in a small (approximately 2400 person capacity) arena and his campaign had to pay up front. I guess having lots of empty seats in larger arenas is embarrassing him. Also, cities are wising up that he will stiff them if they don't get cash up front.










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Um, no.


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I thought the headline from above was a joke that he didn't really say what it said...but you guys "got me" again. Watched the video and it's literally what he said.

I wish I could say it's beyond strange that trump literally thinks he saved christmas.  but...ya know.

Melania is a piece of work. You don't have to love christmas or whatever but some of the stuff she's done is just callous almost inhuman.  I'm sure she approved the scary christmas decor. She makes me think of those horrible serial killer or child abusers you hear about from time to time where it turns out the wife was in on it by luring the girls in or helping do the abusive things. I've always thought what kind of person would help such a sicko. Because ya know what are the odd of two total violent psycho paths getting together, getting married/staying together, and collaborating proactively. But Melania's coldness give me a sort of mental blueprint ya know.

If I knew half the things I know about trump - I couldn't stay with him. Even if it was just for show and 2 events a year.

It is surprisingly difficult to simply find a card that says happy holidays. If you want something non-xtian and not "happy holidays" - wow just good luck. So boring.


I can't understand why trump spent ANY time in Asheville NC. - That's one of, if not the most liberal spot in NC, it's gotten more moderate since I moved away. But this was a place not too long ago that refused to pass any kind of rules limiting panhandling despite the fact that it's a tourist town as spent many years with homeless camps in the main town area and a panhandler on every corner. Which even I was like "this is a bit much, I don't want to go down town" - And the big discussion was about how it wouldn't be fair to the panhandlers to limit their freedoms. They have a dedicated are where people protest pretty much nonstop every day....

I mean who on the trump team was like "yep, THIS is the place" I'm pretty sure literally any other NC town would have been more appropriate.





3 minutes ago, GreyhoundFan said:

Um, no.


haha that's funny. He's hearing about the harris joy thing. I'm not sure you can quite pull that off, you depressing fuck.



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6 hours ago, GreyhoundFan said:

Um, no.


He’s so transparent. Somebody told him he needs to be more positive, and he heard the word joy being used for the Harris campaign, so that’s what he came up with. 
What an ass. 

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13 hours ago, GreyhoundFan said:

Trump claims that if he wins the election "every day will be filled with opportunity, hope, and joy"

True. For himself that is. Not so much for the rest of us.

In other news, Trump is getting pretty desperate about the upcoming sentencing: 


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Trump may have PTSD.



Donald Trump has watched a video clip of the attempt on his life at a Pennsylvania rally “over and over again,” leading to fears that he may be suffering from PTSD, according to a report.

The former president has viewed the “seven-second” clip, in which his right ear was grazed with a bullet, multiple times – an act which has not helped a reported mental spiral brought on by Joe Biden’s decision to drop out of the 2024 race.

“He’s been watching that seven-second clip of how close he was to getting shot right in the head—over and over and over again,” the Republican close to the campaign told Vanity Fair. “He may actually legit have PTSD.”


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fixing formatting
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1 hour ago, thoughtful said:

How ironic that the man who wants to limit VA services to a certain number of years after you return and or then you go to your own private doctor and pay for it yourself has been shot at and now he's seeing what these men and women go through every day. I don't see this changing the way he treats her service members though.

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On 8/14/2024 at 12:37 AM, GreyhoundFan said:

Now TFG's campaign is saying, "oops".


People keep saying "Oh it was a last minute replacement, they didn't know it was Epstein's...

Yet it had a full Trump livery painted on it, and the tail number hasn't changed making it SUPER easy to check the history of the aircraft.

Even if the livery was a wrap and not paint that is not an instant last minute process. They had that plane ready at minimum days in advance.

On 8/14/2024 at 10:19 AM, GreyhoundFan said:


NOW he's concerned about things being legal? He should be careful about throwing stones there.

15 hours ago, GreyhoundFan said:

TFG had a bund meeting in Asheville NC tonight. It was in a small (approximately 2400 person capacity) arena and his campaign had to pay up front. I guess having lots of empty seats in larger arenas is embarrassing him. Also, cities are wising up that he will stiff them if they don't get cash up front.

That same building has a much bigger arena, but they were using the small room there.

14 hours ago, WatchingTheTireFireBurn said:

I can't understand why trump spent ANY time in Asheville NC. - That's one of, if not the most liberal spot in NC, it's gotten more moderate since I moved away. But this was a place not too long ago that refused to pass any kind of rules limiting panhandling despite the fact that it's a tourist town as spent many years with homeless camps in the main town area and a panhandler on every corner. Which even I was like "this is a bit much, I don't want to go down town" - And the big discussion was about how it wouldn't be fair to the panhandlers to limit their freedoms. They have a dedicated are where people protest pretty much nonstop every day....

I mean who on the trump team was like "yep, THIS is the place" I'm pretty sure literally any other NC town would have been more appropriate.

Asheville is definitely crunchy granola hippie blue, but the surrounding areas are very red and Asheville is the most accessible mountain location with both a venue and an airport that can handle his plane. Everywhere else in the mountains has too small an airfield, airport too far from an appropriate venue, etc. So while they had to know most people in Asheville itself were not welcoming, it was a place they could get into and out of quickly where the mountain people supporting Trump could come to the rally, while getting Trump in and out quickly.

ALL the cities of any real size in NC are blue. They are also where the sizable airports are. So if he wants to do a rally for the red areas, he basically HAS to fly into a blue city first to get there. Asheville, Wilmington, Charlotte, Raleigh/Durham, even Greensboro.

It is interesting how they don't seem to be even trying to pretend they can fill larger venues, though. In Charlotte they weren't in the smallest venue in town (we have a few theater type venues, for example), but the smallest arena we have - they were in what is variously called "the old coliseum, Independence Arena, the Chicken Bucket..." but I think is currently the Bojangle's Coliseum. Best place I've been to watch hockey, but small compared to the football stadium and NBA arena, AND out on the fringes compared to those and the baseball stadium, or even the Soccer venue here. Not sure if it was cost or practicality or common sense, but they stayed OUT of uptown in favor of a much less desirable area farther away, avoiding all the newer nicer venues in favor of the 1950s one.

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