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Trump 67: Why Does He Never Suffer Any Significant Consequences?


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I read somewhere that nothing stinks worse than desperation. TFG must smell really bad between his overfilled diapers and his desperate ramblings. 

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More and more unhinged…


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More panic…


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51 minutes ago, GreyhoundFan said:

More panic…


Where’s Ivanka? I thought she was the one to calm him down?

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People keep saying he's getting more unhinged....but...no...I mean what's the difference between 99.98% unhinged and 99.99% at this point.

I wish people would quit saying that because I think it leads left leaners thinking "ah ha! people will see it NOW....ok not yet...but NOW.....ok but now he's REALLY unhinged....so NOW they will see it?"

49% of this country thinks 99.98% unhinged trump is hunky dory. If it's 99.99% unhinged now - I'm gonna go ahead an assume they're still ok with it.


I hope taylor swift comes out publicly against him. I would be absolutely aghast if people make AI pics of me supporting disgusting issues.  This is where AI is taking us....that and AI porn of any human you'd like to make it of.

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Did Van call him "sir"?


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18 minutes ago, GreyhoundFan said:

Did Van call him "sir"?


Can anyone read that and not know he’s completely unhinged.

how can anyone read the ‘he came up to me but tears in his eyes’ and that ‘never been liked like it before biggest crowds like never seen before’ blithering nonsense.

All he does is repeat the same phrases over and over and why the hell don’t people get it. It’s all complete bullshit and yet his followers still lap up that word vomit. 

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He wouldn't be able to handle picking up a cart at the front of a grocery store, much less actually shopping.


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4 minutes ago, GreyhoundFan said:

He wouldn't be able to handle picking up a cart at the front of a grocery store, much less actually shopping.


Well when you expect your cereal to be covered in gold leaf...

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If Biden had said these things, there would be non-stop cable news and newspaper coverage for weeks.


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13 hours ago, GreyhoundFan said:

He wouldn't be able to handle picking up a cart at the front of a grocery store, much less actually shopping.


I think this is a combo of "never lived in the real life" and "is super dumb and doesn't understand most of what's told to him." 

I suspect someone at some point must have been talking to him about food prices in regards to growing the actual grains and such - and used the term "cereal" in that context. Trump, only knowing cereal from Froot Loops and Coco Puffs, took that discussion of cereal grains to be about breakfast cereal in a box at the store. Having lived a life where he basically says "I want that" or points at something and some flunkie makes sure it appears before him, he has no idea how actual shopping - especially grocery shopping - works, so he thinks there must be some sort of "grocery ID" linked to a bank account that the peasants out there must use to buy their breakfast cereal. Kind of like keeping a tab at a bar or restaurant for your assistant to deal with and pay later.

That's my guess anyway. He's super out of touch, not very smart, and has never actually lived in the real world at all. He has no concept of how anything works. He wants something, says so, and it magically appears before him. Everything is kept clean without him seeing how it happens. Someone else handles reality for him. He's never thought about food prices, why would he? That's the chef's problem. He's never had to deal with a car breaking down and worrying about if it can be fixed and how much it'd cost - if it happened the chauffeur would have another car on hand for him as quickly as humanly possible. Or, as actually happened, if the private plane has an issue, another already-custom-painted plane is ready and waiting to show up and replace it without him having to even think about it.

He's the sort of person that his MAGA followers would make fun of and despise in "real life" while also wanting to be just like him. And somehow they've drank the flavor-aid and convinced themselves that this out of touch rich dumbass is a "man of the people" just like them.

Also "cereal" is one of those words that the more you look at it the more wrong it looks, isn't it? 

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Cue rage tweets about Faux…


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On 8/17/2024 at 7:58 PM, LongTimeLurkerOG said:

Serial number... for people... Um, no. We're not 1939 Germany.. please God, no

IMO, he is an idiot, barely can read , such low energy... Who did his work and tests for school? 🫤

Backtracking on this to add... Why does he think they would have serial numbers anyway? 🤣 Just mil ...

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1 hour ago, GreyhoundFan said:

Cue rage tweets about Faux…


I don't trust Fox because they use these polls to fire up the base.

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5 hours ago, Alisamer said:

I think this is a combo of "never lived in the real life" and "is super dumb and doesn't understand most of what's told to him." 

I think you're exactly right.  He has no clue as to how the real world works.  No wonder he wasn't concerned about the bacon, sausage, and milk sitting out in the heat.  He probably wasn't aware that those need to be refrigerated.  He doesn't know how normal people pay for things since he just signs his name at the end of the month or someone else picks up the tab.  He doesn't know how rechargeable batteries work.  He doesn't know how anything works.  He's a special kind of stupid.

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19 hours ago, GreyhoundFan said:

He wouldn't be able to handle picking up a cart at the front of a grocery store, much less actually shopping.


I thought that was a parody?

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3 hours ago, zeebaneighba said:

I thought that was a parody?


How did I miss this? Maybe the stoooopidity, or the fever I had, blocked him out lol Bushels of things sure... What a dumbFk

Yea, if Biden had said any of these the media would be non-stop, but not for Herr orange.. why TF not?!!

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P25 scares the Fuck out of me. We don't need a dictator or to F w govt employees, etc. or Any of it!


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He is so disgusting:


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16 minutes ago, GreyhoundFan said:

He is so disgusting:


Vote for trmpf, monster goes after you or your daughter 


Disgusting human and followers

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I believe this is true:


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is he not sure? 

Did he mean to say "The democrats say, I'M a threat to democracy?"

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38 minutes ago, GreyhoundFan said:


Oh it's not fair? Need another diaper change Herr baby? He is  the actual threat to democracy. Duh

We would only become a communist country if He and Putin are elected 

Edited by LongTimeLurkerOG
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16 hours ago, zeebaneighba said:

I thought that was a parody?

It's so hard to tell with him. But I know for sure he's said things about needing an ID to shop at the grocery store AND that he's made it abundantly clear he's never done anything mundane that normal people have to do regularly, so I tend to assume whatever stupidity is attributed to him is most likely true. If it's clueless or an obvious lie, that fits him.

Anything he reportedly says that is factually true, makes sense and isn't evil, however, I want references to confirm. Because chances are that's someone twisting his words to make them less idiotic or offensive.

9 hours ago, LongTimeLurkerOG said:

Oh it's not fair? Need another diaper change Herr baby? He is  the actual threat to democracy. Duh

We would only become a communist country if He and Putin are elected 

I keep hoping Putin will decide he's too much of a wild card to be the puppet Putin wants.

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