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Trump 67: Why Does He Never Suffer Any Significant Consequences?


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More from the whiny little bitch:


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How disgusting.


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Awww, he needs another hamberder.


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2 hours ago, GreyhoundFan said:

More from the whiny little bitch:


Cool. Since walls work so well, could we please build one around Mar-A-Lago and one around MTG and one around Lauren Bobert's congressional districts so they can't get out and actually go to Congress? Can we then remove all media from inside these walls?

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9 minutes ago, GreyhoundFan said:



Scarily, I'm ready for him to contest the election results because he didn't get to run against Biden again when he hopefully loses.

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DJT, like other abusers when his victims are attempting to escape, has descended to dry drunk dialing Fox News associates when gets very, very upset about how mean people are being to him. Even the associates are getting uncomfortable about it, if only because they realized DJT is not doing himself any favors by acting like the addled uncle who is allowed to attend family events once a year at Thanksgiving, and has to spew all of his pent up rage and resentment at once. With great difficulty, they cut the connection to DJT so he had to call Newsmax, and even the Newsmax people had a "deer in the headlights" look listening to him.

However, the most notable thing thing from this short MeidasTouch video is that as the perky blonde associate was wrapping it up after they cut the connection to DJT, she said, honest to Rufus, "It's been a great week." This was after the close of the DNC, the four days of which is already being hailed as a masterpiece of political theater. It's been a great week. From a Fox News entertainer. (Also, too. in the Newsmax portion, DJT seems to be inviting the staff to travel with him to Venuzuela.)

Years ago, LBJ purportedly said, with respect to Walter Cronkite's reporting on the US involvement in the Vietnamese war, "If I've lost Cronkite, I've lost America." This led to  LBJ's announcement to not seek re-election a few weeks later.  Fox News owner Murdoch has been reported to really dislike Trump. If the Murdoch family has decided that supporting DJT is no longer in their best interest, DJT will not be a happy camper.

It's been a great week.    (MTN's titles can be a bit click-baity, but I think this one is warranted.)


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CNN's website is all trump this morning...bah. I have become convinced that CNN is actually trying to get trump re elected. The morning after DNC we do not need 20 different trump based articles and one of the top "democratic" articles is about elle emhoff's dress.

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2 minutes ago, WatchingTheTireFireBurn said:

CNN's website is all trump this morning...bah. I have become convinced that CNN is actually trying to get trump re elected. The morning after DNC we do not need 20 different trump based articles and one of the top "democratic" articles is about elle emhoff's dress.

Trump is good for a 24/7 media operation. He’s always providing fresh fodder, which is great for the current infotainment industry masquerading as news. My suggestion? Cut the cord. We no longer  have cable and don’t really watch any news. We knew we’d never last another election year where Trump was 1 of the candidates. 

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12 hours ago, GreyhoundFan said:

How disgusting.


I am morbidly curious about this "Donald J Trump & J6 Prison Choir" ... song? Apparently?

Also I notice the speakers are listed as "invited" so no guarantee they'll actually show up. And the event is basically in 2 weeks - that's a very tight time frame to have an invitation go out! Average is 6 weeks prior, could be less but normally a "save the date" or other marketing goes on prior in that case.

It certainly seems like DonOld and his crew are going off the deep end and desperately flailing for something, anything, to help them out. And he keeps landing on the worst possible options. There are a lot of disgruntled people who whenever Harris is mentioned start crying "but... but... Genocide!!!11!" talking about Israel and Gaza. Yet Trump's go to the last day or two is how much of a friend to Israel he is and how Harris is not. Which frankly might swing those people toward Harris, the ones with sense enough to realize a third party vote is a Trump vote in our current situation, anyway. The ones who want to be self-righteous social justice warriors and be able to smugly say they refused to vote for either of them are a lost cause, IMO. Idealism is great until it causes the opposite of your goals to happen, which is reality right now in our current system.

And now he's having a gala celebration with awards celebrating the coup he instigated because he couldn't accept the fact that he did not win. He's going on about believing in exceptions that allow abortion, which will alienate some of the hardcore Christians who already barely tolerated him. He's suddenly kissing up to a person he's been dragging through the mud for years. And he's losing the audience at his rallies. He's flip flopping like a fish out of water and making it clearer and clearer that he cares nothing for the country, only for himself. 

And at least traditionally, conservatives can't stand flip floppers. Evangelicals can't stand those who are "lukewarm" in their convictions. I hope more and more of his followers are paying attention and realizing just how far from reality and sense he's gotten.

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A little snark fic that I wrote:

Somewhere, there is a DJT campaign situation room and some dispirited operatives are sitting around a table strewn with empty boxes of pizza and used Styrofoam coffee cups.

"How do we get him to stop mentioning running off to Venezuela?"

"If we tell him it looks bad, he will just babble that he has been told not run off to Venezuela the next time he is in front of a camera and start talking about how great it is there."

A moment of silence.

"Hey Chris, any luck in finding a new makeup artist?"

"No. Apparently they talk to each other and the word is out that he becomes abusive because they can't make him look like the drawings on the NFTs."

More silence.

"Any good news?"

"The bookies are starting to give pretty good odds that he will be firing us all soon because we are incompetent."

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I hadn't seen this one before:




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5 hours ago, Alisamer said:

I am morbidly curious about this "Donald J Trump & J6 Prison Choir" ... song?

It's no mystery - I think he plays it at the beginning of his rallies.  It's just some assholes who were rightfully imprisoned for the insurrection singing the Star Spangled Banner, interspersed with Trump reciting the Pledge of Allegiance, then there are yells of "USA!" at the end.


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Did someone slip puppy uppers into his Diet Coke? Instead of his doggie downers word  slurring salad he sounds like Don Jr. 



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I imagine that DJT is trying all the performance enhancers that he can get hold of these days.

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Coming up, a September surprise with Trump trying to swap out Vance for Kennedy. I mean the reset worked so well for the Democrats, right?

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I’ve had a truly bad day, but once I saw this, I started laughing uncontrollably. 

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@GreyhoundFan That’s freaking hysterical, but I hope your day gets better!

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On 8/23/2024 at 7:59 AM, GreyhoundFan said:


So. Much. BS.!!

Exceptions... For himself.

He hasn't kept any women safe. 

Why does he keep specifying and differentiating families and jobs of AfA and HA ? Hmmm... 🤔 

Yes, they want to block access to birth control, too...scary AF. 


Just keep plugging away FJers! and sharing messages/ chat with people and highlight how it would affect them/their loved ones... 💙

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This is on Truth Social now:


You know, this is something that I can get behind.  Let's put Donald on a lion's back and see what happens...

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On 8/23/2024 at 6:05 PM, FiveAcres said:

I imagine that DJT is trying all the performance enhancers that he can get hold of these days.

I knew what you meant 😉 sadly, my brain went to a bad place lol pass the brain bleach!

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