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Trump 67: Why Does He Never Suffer Any Significant Consequences?


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23 hours ago, Alisamer said:

I think Vance was a strategic pick - he was a Marine. So he shores up the gap Trump made with his "suckers and losers" comments and draft dodging, for the ardent military supporters who found those things distasteful.

I don't think Trump has the ability to be strategic,  I think Vance just did the best suck up job.

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2 hours ago, GreyhoundFan said:



Saw this coming, but still makes me sick AF 

My gut still says something is just not right about that situation and he has said he doesn't care about the voters/people at his rallies. I'm not conspiracy but lol but I do.not.trust. that monster 

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3 hours ago, GreyhoundFan said:

Looks like he had blood coming out of his ear.  Blood coming out of his whatever.  


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1 hour ago, LongTimeLurkerOG said:

Saw this coming, but still makes me sick AF 

My gut still says something is just not right about that situation and he has said he doesn't care about the voters/people at his rallies. I'm not conspiracy but lol but I do.not.trust. that monster 

*not a conspiracy Nut 

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On 7/15/2024 at 7:24 AM, yeahthatsme74 said:

I still haven’t read through the ruling, but did find a podcast which unpacked it a bit and gave some historical parallels.  The whole thing terrifies me.  If you don’t want to hear the historical comparisons to Nixon/Watergate, start about one-third in.  The podcaster is sure it will be appealed, but too late if Trump is re-elected.  The Cross Examiner podcast re Judge Cannon’s ruling - YouTube

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12 hours ago, GreyhoundFan said:



Capitalism in a nutshell.

I don't know much about Vance, so I googled and the things that worry me are:

- he is only 39

- a competent writer and presumably somewhat articulate speaker

- he went from 'never trumper' to sycophant enough to wind up VP pick

- he has been tied to neoreactionary movement that 'sees mass participatory democracy, particularly liberal democracy, as a threat to or incompatible with freedom' (just quoting from wiki)

In other words:

On 7/16/2024 at 5:59 AM, libgirl2 said:

My husband has said many times, killing trump won't solve the real problem. Someone else will just take his spot. The whole Republican party is rotten. 

Trump is an old man with health issues and 'ambition' appears to be Vance's middle name.

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23 minutes ago, Smee said:

Capitalism in a nutshell.

I don't know much about Vance, so I googled and the things that worry me are:

- he is only 39

- a competent writer and presumably somewhat articulate speaker

- he went from 'never trumper' to sycophant enough to wind up VP pick

- he has been tied to neoreactionary movement that 'sees mass participatory democracy, particularly liberal democracy, as a threat to or incompatible with freedom' (just quoting from wiki)

In other words:

Trump is an old man with health issues and 'ambition' appears to be Vance's middle name.

Some info on Vance: 


"Vance has supported a nationwide abortion ban and even criticized exceptions for rape and incest. He actually said, “Two wrongs don’t make a right.”

He has called Social Security and Medicare “the biggest roadblocks to real fiscal sanity.”

He said women should stay in violent marriages.

He admits he wouldn’t have certified the election results immediately on January 6 if he’d been vice president, and even said that he’s “skeptical” that Pence was in danger."

(Source: Biden-Harris campaign, but I'm sure I could find it elsewhere in an additional credible source)

Edited by LongTimeLurkerOG
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52 minutes ago, Smee said:

Trump is an old man with health issues and 'ambition' appears to be Vance's middle name.

Vance has read the wind direction well. About the only minor positive I can see is if he becomes President then Eric and Don Jr are screwed.

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god that's some temu shit


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On 7/16/2024 at 5:11 PM, apple1 said:

To add a little bit of inside humor - or irony, or something - this photo is making internet rounds, with the statement that this bandaging is what you get if the doctor puts the bandage on, instead of letting the nurses - who actually know how - do it. Gotta admit it sounds plausible.

The best one I saw was saying the bandage looked like what someone backstage at a community theater would put on for a play.

On 7/16/2024 at 6:05 PM, Ozlsn said:

I don't think Trump has the ability to be strategic,  I think Vance just did the best suck up job.

Trump doesn't, but people around him do, and Trump's gullible, lazy, and with the right flattery will do just about whatever someone wants if they convince him it's beneficial to him.

I also think this pick makes it very clear that Trump, but more likely also those guiding him, don't really "get" their base. The ones who show up at the rallies and buy the merch and fly huge Trump flags. Which makes sense because many of the base are working class people, and those in Trump's circle are very much NOT.

Vance says the right things (after previously comparing Trump to Hitler), and he was a Marine, and he talks about having poor working class roots... but he comes off as a douche. His wife is American, but her parents were immigrants from India, and her skin is very much the wrong color for many MAGA faithful. She's also a highly educated experienced attorney. The racists are openly disgusted that Vance married and had kids with a brown woman. The Evangelicals and especially Fundies are not happy that Vance is a Catholic married to a Hindu, and that she's not only the wrong skin color and religion but she's also highly educated and worked up until his nomination. They know Trump is not the slightest bit religious and that's why many of them (especially the less crazy one-issue Christian voters) liked Pence in the beginning. He was performatively the right sort of Christian for their preferences, and Vance isn't.

I think he was a strategic pick but one lots of the rank and file find reasons to dislike.

There are tons of people out there complaining about how Vance might be soft on immigration because his wife is the daughter of immigrants to the US - some of these same people just last week were claiming Kamala Harris wasn't a "natural born citizen" for some of the same reasons. It's all about skin color for both of them though.

Because they never mention the fact that Trump's mother was an immigrant. That two of his wives were immigrants, and all his kids except Tiffany are the children of an immigrant. Or that Melania used chain migration for her parents to immigrate here. They're "the right kind" of immigrant to many of these people. Which clearly means "they're white."

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Vance claimed to be from Appalachia even though he only visited there and then the book he wrote was far from a love letter to the region. So yeah. He may be Trump’s heir apparent but I think there are details about him that make the MAGA faithful go, hang on a sec. 

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So true:


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Rough to watch the RNC (I am streaming Hulu, but hubsters is watching): The Frump actually claimed (at least twice) that "everyone thought he was dead" when he got shot: well, I was watching it live and I can assure you that no one in the crowd seemed to be responding to the event in front of them, and certainly not in a manner that might suggest he was dead.  Some just sat there with no expression.  An odd scenario.  His claim that blood was "pouring out" made me raise an eyebrow - it looked to me like a Hollywood attempt at an injury.  I am not a CT, however, if ears bleed as much as he claims, this would have been a "bloodbath" and he would not have had only  two streaks of blood.  

Good gravy.  Has anyone seen the movie "Wag The Dog"?  I feel like we are watching it live.

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3 hours ago, MarblesMom said:

Good gravy.  Has anyone seen the movie "Wag The Dog"?  I feel like we are watching it live.

Yes, “Wag The Dog” and “Bob Roberts” are both playing out live. 

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12 hours ago, GreyhoundFan said:

So true:


I came to the conclusion yesterday that the shooter exemplifies the classic lone wolf scenario -- 20, depressed, likely the bullied misfit in high school. Access to an AR-15, easy access to ammunition, a Trump rally within an easy drive home. There is no conspiracy; he just wanted to kill someone and be killed himself and  then things went his way with beyond epic Secret Service screw ups.   

Many in MSM land are pointing out that there has been exactly zero medical confirmation of the extent of Trump's "injury" (flying glass, grazed by a bullet?).  At some point the ridiculous gauze pad will have to come off, and it likely will be something worthy of a nice BandAid. 

Also Trump: his RNC speech was widely considered an absolute complete total utter disaster.  He got up and did his usual incoherent rambling rally schtick and people weren't having it. It was so bad that reich-wing journalists who have had almost a decade of Trump's idiotic shit were appalled. Like maybe they thought that THIS TIME Trump would be presidential, and their hopes were dashed. 

He also fell asleep during Don Jr.'s speech.  I have to wonder if he's being heavily medicated for something. 


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I couldn’t bring myself to watch TFG’s speech. I like  this take:


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I saw clips from last night. I felt my blood pressure going up. 

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I somehow doubt there's a chunk of his ear missing. I think if so we would have seen it. I feel like it's a scratch and didn't even need a band aid. The big bandage is to cover up that it's nothing.

We'll see. he can't cover his ear forever.

Is there any written transcript of what he said? I cannot watch a trump video or even a clip right now. 

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On 7/19/2024 at 2:27 PM, WatchingTheTireFireBurn said:

Is there any written transcript of what he said? I cannot watch a trump video or even a clip right now. 

I haven't seen a written transcript, but Chris Hayes gives a good summary.


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Fuckhead's "doctor" is spouting off again.....


Donald Trump’s White House physician gave an update on how the Republican presidential nominee is doing a week after he was injured in an assassination attempt.

Congressman Ronny Jackson, who served as a physician to President Trump and President Barack Obama, said he was concerned about Trump after he was shot and met up with the former president last Saturday.

Jackson included in his health update that Trump will continue to have further evaluations but he “is doing well, and he is recovering as expected from the gunshot wound.”

Jackson added, “I am extremely thankful his life was spared. It is an absolute miracle he wasn’t killed.”

Jackson should go fornicate himself.  Just like I told a MAGA TV reporter who re-posted this garbage.  I further asked this MAGA TV reporter if he and his piece of shit company were actually interested in telling the truth (especially about Project 2025) now or if they were content about spouting bullshit about former guy being hurt a lot worse or how President Biden is totally senile now.  I suppose the MAGA reporter will respond soon with bullshit about how objective he's being. 

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Oh, for fuck’s sake:


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