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Trump 67: Why Does He Never Suffer Any Significant Consequences?


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ugh it's gross. Did he give his ear bandage to somebody as a keep sake? is he saving it to auction off? is he mass producing ear bandage replicas in china for sale on QVC?

make it stop....please!

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A couple of things.  First,  from Twitter: "@TheJan6Plaque: Is it possible TFG straight doesn’t know that “asylum” has two meanings? Could explain why he thinks political prisoners claiming asylum from Venezuela are being emptied out of insane asylums…"


@AshaRangappa_: Omg I think this is the missing link. When he hears the word “asylum” in connection with migrants he thinks it means insane asylums, not refuge from persecution. Hence Hannibal Lecter, etc. Omg.

Next, here's a URL to a tweet with a reconstruction/timeline video of the shooting. I can't find the source to the video.  (I've tried to get tweet URLs to show as a tweet in my posts, but doesn't work.  I've also tried to copy the URL in the address box and it still doesn't work.)

And last, what MAGA don't understand is that Trump is a malignant narcissist who now believes (literally) that he is so powerful and special that God intercedes on his behalf.  Geoge Conway has started Anti-Psychopath PAC with an emphasis on getting the word out that Trump is mentally ill. 

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All will be well, folks - Kenneth Copeland's son in law prayed over Donald's ear, the day after the shooting.

Hemant Mehta tells us all about it, and shows the clip. I recommend watching it up to about the three minute mark, for the full comic and bizarre effect, but a recap is under the second spoiler for those who don't have the patience, time, or stomach for it.




At the beginning of the clip Mehta shows, Copeland's son in law George says they are going to pray over Trump's ear, and Copeland's daughter says something about others being critically wounded. He responds with "And th'others too. So let's start with him. Put your hand over your ear."

They do so (Copeland's hand is over the wrong ear), as does some of the audience.


George prays that there will be an accelerated healing, and it will be as if he was never injured. "Lord, I thank you that Jesus healed - an ear."

Mehta explains the reference to Jesus healing an ear (Malchus, ear cut off by a disciple, possibly Peter, depending on which gospel you are reading - Jesus heals him in Luke, but lets him bleed, I guess, in Matthew, Mark and John). Then he talks about Trump's followers bandaging their ears, and their cult behavior, for the rest of the video.


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I love Rachel.


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Did nobody tell trump biden is out??

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6 minutes ago, WatchingTheTireFireBurn said:

Did nobody tell trump biden is out??

Yes, he's already been ugly about it. No surprise.



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Everything is a grifting opportunity:


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On 7/19/2024 at 2:27 PM, WatchingTheTireFireBurn said:

I somehow doubt there's a chunk of his ear missing. I think if so we would have seen it. I feel like it's a scratch and didn't even need a band aid. The big bandage is to cover up that it's nothing.

We'll see. he can't cover his ear forever.

Is there any written transcript of what he said? I cannot watch a trump video or even a clip right now. 

The best - and most true - reaction to the shooting I've seen is along the lines of "People have gotten worse ear injuries at Claire's having their ears pierced!"

I do think TFG is trying to gloat but simultaneously panicking. All his railing against voting by mail (and his mishandling of Covid) bit him in the butt. He's now spent a couple years going on about how old Biden is, and that's no longer a concern. Now he's the old guy.

I worry we might get stuck with him again, which might be permanent - or at least screw things up permanently. But it'll be interesting to see how his upcoming speeches go. Can he remember he's not campaigning against Biden anymore?

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1 hour ago, Alisamer said:

Can he remember he's not campaigning against Biden anymore?

He can't remember that he's not campaigning against Obama.

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1 hour ago, GreyhoundFan said:



Oh Donnie, you are obsessed with Joe Biden, aren't you. But then there's only room in your teeny brain for Putin, and golf, with the rest taking up almost no space. I wonder how long it will be before he talks about battling Hillary for the presidency instead of Kamala.

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3 hours ago, Alisamer said:

He's now spent a couple years going on about how old Biden is, and that's no longer a concern. Now he's the old guy.

This.  Now he's the sitting duck for Dems who can hammer him relentlessly on his mental incompetence and mental health issues.  SRSLY, Trump's emails are deranged and so astoundingly ugly to every one.  Dems could seize on any Trump email over the last 7 years to point out, repeatedly and endlessly, that he's

  1. incompetent 
  2. not fit for office 
  3. malevolent
  4. a danger to the country
  5. a traitor
  6. Putin's lapdog
  7. a felon
  8. an asshole


Some things on the list have been pointed out by highest ranking members of his administration, including Cabinet members. 

It's a huge opportunity for Harris, but knowing us Dems,  there will be endless handwringing and the opportunity will go unused.  

And, sweet jeebus on a stick, they better not screw up the VP pick. 

I hope that Harris can set the youngest voters, women, people of color, ON FIRE.  

Also, my feelings about Biden suspending his campaig?  Grief.  I feel grief. 

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I will be happy to hear Democrats rip into any and all of the truths that can be used against Trump, including his age and the cognitive decline he shows. Even more, I'd be happy to hear Democrats talk about the truly useful policies of the Biden administration, and how they will be continued or improved upon.

But after November, can everybody please knock off the ageism? In any direction - old to young, young to old, either end to middle-aged and vice versa, you name it - it's all shitty. Just look at individual people.

Trump is a filthy, dangerous individual person, who is surrounded by other filthy, dangerous individual people. 

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He’s unhinged. 


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Some interesting points:


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Oohhhh I like the conway take!! That makes sense.

That trump tweet was something else and it's wild that the other guy can "translate it"

What do non-insiders who support trump think when they read that babbling mass of nonsense?

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11 hours ago, WatchingTheTireFireBurn said:

What do non-insiders who support trump think when they read that babbling mass of nonsense?

I think some of them don't read it. Some of them don't read at ALL. Some ignore it because he lets them get away with being bigots and it's less him than the symbolism of him. Some think he's probably a little off but at least he says he's against abortion/pretends to be conservative/isn't a black woman/whatever excuse their sunk cost fallacy comes up with that day.

And I think some of them are literally so stupid that they think Trump is smart, and assume they don't understand his word salad because he's so much smarter than them.

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1 hour ago, Alisamer said:

And I think some of them are literally so stupid that they think Trump is smart, and assume they don't understand his word salad because he's so much smarter than them.

I read years ago that he is an ignorant person’s idea of a smart man and a weak person’s idea of a strong man. 

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What is he talking about in those several tweets?

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9 hours ago, GreyhoundFan said:

I read years ago that he is an ignorant person’s idea of a smart man and a weak person’s idea of a strong man. 

I don’t get it. He presents as a total buffoon; has the temperament and intellect of a below average 3rd grader. He’s an old, out of shape, gas bag- Smart and strong are nowhere on his radar.

He is a con man who uses thug tactics. 

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10 hours ago, GreyhoundFan said:


Were there ever any hamsters turning Trump's wheels? Maybe the wheels were solar powered in a perpetually dark mind.

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