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Trump 67: Why Does He Never Suffer Any Significant Consequences?


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With pictures like that one (🥴🤢🤮) I always wonder whether there are some braindead followers of his who actually believe he has a body like this? 

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That's so gross. I have to assume that's an actual olympian whose body has been stolen for right wing propaganda. Just disgusting.

Also his old, limp skin, orange face on a Olympian's body is really f'd up.


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Gee, this is not surprising:


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5 hours ago, GreyhoundFan said:

Gee, this is not surprising:


It wasn't Ronny Jackson was it?

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On 7/26/2024 at 3:59 PM, thoughtful said:

Haven't seen this posted yet - sorry if I just missed it, and am being redundant.

For those who haven't heard about it yet, here is the excerpt from Trump's nephew's book. The N-word one? Oh, no - the kill-your-disabled-kid-because-he-costs-money one; full excerpt at the link, the bits about Donald's priorities in the quote boxes.

Fred III after a White House meeting with Donald  and people who were interested in helping people with conditions like Fred's son has:

Another time:


I'm not the least surprised by this. Unless you're able to make him money, give him money, or maybe are a hot young woman (or girl, he's not picky) willing to at minimum let him ogle you, you're worthless to him. And I've spokent to conservatives who believe similarly - if a person is never going to be able to work and support themselves and "contribute to society" in a way they believe is worthy, they would really much prefer for you not to exist. People with severe disabilities are a drain on society they'd rather not have around.

They are, also, somehow also "pro-life" with no exceptions. So if someone's found out the child they are expecting will live a life of suffering and pain in and out of hospitals with minimal consciousness, they aren't allowed to terminate the pregnancy. But they'd be fine with the child being allowed to die slowly and painfully once it's here. No euthanasia though, because that's "playing God."

I think it's consistent in their brains - at least the ones who claim Christianity - because even if they don't say it they believe that a disabled child is a punishment from God. "If you don 't want a baby keep your legs shut" translates easily into "if you can't afford to raise a child don't get pregnant" which they can shrug and ease over into "God won't give you more than you can handle!" platitudes. And if that's true...

And it all ties back into them wanting to be able to pick and choose who gets help. That nice couple from their church? Yeah sure they'll cook them a casserole and send a bit of money to their GoFundMe. A couple that is gay/brown/poor/immigrant/not Christian? How sad. Not gonna help though. Bootstraps!

On 7/27/2024 at 3:28 AM, GreyhoundFan said:

He says it straight out. If he wins, 2024 will be our last election.


I'm glad he's saying it out loud and hope he continues to do so. Unfortunately I think his followers will twist things in their minds so that it doesn't scare them like it should. But he's made it clear repeatedly... he's stacked the Supreme Court, this would be his second term, and the Court has allowed immunity for "official acts" by the president. There literally will not be a presidential election after this if he manages to get into office. 

On 7/27/2024 at 10:47 PM, WatchingTheTireFireBurn said:

Well that's cryptic. Because we well know that he mostly accuses the left of doing what he has done or is planning to do.

So, I, literally, take this to mean he is planning on killing or detaining people who don't agree with him. Why else would he say this? Where else is it coming from?

He would, because that's what dictators do, and that's what he wants to be. He's like the Queen of Hearts - "off with their head!"  for anyone who even slightly offends him.

On 7/27/2024 at 11:01 PM, GreyhoundFan said:

I guess the Kotex had magical healing powers:


I got a worse injury bumping into a shelf one time.

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soooo he had an opportunity to explain his never vote again statement and he said....

After Ingraham pressed further, Trump said he told Christians in the room that “you have to vote on November 5. After that, you don’t have to worry about voting anymore. I don’t care, because … the country will be fixed, and we won’t need your vote anymore. … And I think everybody understood it.” 

He's not refuting it. Fucking hell.

He also went on a rant about how they/dems were gonna steal the votes in minnesota (even though minnesota almost always votes dems). It's like he's continuously telling us his plans only instead of "I am gonna..." he says "They are gonna" and that tells us what he's thinking about. 

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I like the Lincoln Project response:


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I know it's long, but it's worth a listen.


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Apparently we need to start a war with Mexico?



Donald Trump went on national TV last week and proposed bombing Mexico.

Asked by Fox News’s Jesse Watters if he’d consider strikes against drug cartels operating in the country, Trump said yes — and framed his answer as a threat against the Mexican government. “Mexico’s gonna have to straighten it out really fast, or the answer is absolutely,” the former president said.

This is not a one-off answer to a stray question. Trump suggested firing missiles at Mexico during his presidency, asked advisers for a “battle plan” against the cartels last year, and recently proposed sending special operators to assassinate drug kingpins. The idea of war in Mexico is popular among the Republican elite; a Trump-aligned think tank even drew up a broad-strokes plan for how such a war might work."

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5 hours ago, WatchingTheTireFireBurn said:

Apparently we need to start a war with Mexico?



Donald Trump went on national TV last week and proposed bombing Mexico.

Asked by Fox News’s Jesse Watters if he’d consider strikes against drug cartels operating in the country, Trump said yes — and framed his answer as a threat against the Mexican government. “Mexico’s gonna have to straighten it out really fast, or the answer is absolutely,” the former president said.

This is not a one-off answer to a stray question. Trump suggested firing missiles at Mexico during his presidency, asked advisers for a “battle plan” against the cartels last year, and recently proposed sending special operators to assassinate drug kingpins. The idea of war in Mexico is popular among the Republican elite; a Trump-aligned think tank even drew up a broad-strokes plan for how such a war might work."

Also, not the first time he has proposed it.  The final line in the linked article: "It's time to start covering Trump like he means what he says."  I agree wholeheartedly.  And the media need to make sure people understand what his extremist policies would actually mean to average Americans - it would be catastrophic.  

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There is no end to the grifting. 

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Of course, we have more racist rants from fuck head


Vice President Kamala Harris’ campaign is slamming former President Donald Trump for his comments at the National Association of Black Journalists convention, saying that Trump “lobbed personal attacks and insults at Black journalists the same way he did throughout his presidency.” 

“The hostility Donald Trump showed on stage today is the same hostility he has shown throughout his life, throughout his term in office, and throughout his campaign for president as he seeks to regain power and inflict his harmful Project 2025 agenda on the American people,” Harris campaign communications director Michael Tyler said in a statement. “Trump lobbed personal attacks and insults at Black journalists the same way he did throughout his presidency – while he failed Black families and left the entire country digging out of the ditch he left us in. Donald Trump has already proven he cannot unite America, so he attempts to divide us.” 

The campaign did not specifically respond to Trump falsely suggesting that Harris “happened to turn Black.” Trump’s comments came when an interviewer asked why Black voters should consider backing a candidate with his history of racist attacks on political rivals. Trump responded by questioning Harris’ heritage. 

Responding to a question at the convention from ABC’s Rachel Scott about why Black voters should trust him given his past racist comments about members of Congress and political rivals like Nikki Haley and Barack Obama, and his past flirtation with racist elements of his MAGA movement, Trump said: “Well, first of all I don’t think I’ve ever been asked a question so, in such a horrible manner. The first question.”


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On 7/29/2024 at 7:53 PM, WatchingTheTireFireBurn said:

soooo he had an opportunity to explain his never vote again statement and he said....

After Ingraham pressed further, Trump said he told Christians in the room that “you have to vote on November 5. After that, you don’t have to worry about voting anymore. I don’t care, because … the country will be fixed, and we won’t need your vote anymore. … And I think everybody understood it.” 

He's not refuting it. Fucking hell.

He also went on a rant about how they/dems were gonna steal the votes in minnesota (even though minnesota almost always votes dems). It's like he's continuously telling us his plans only instead of "I am gonna..." he says "They are gonna" and that tells us what he's thinking about. 

Him not refuting it is the wildest part of it to me. I fully expected him to recant and pretend what he meant to say was they won't have to vote for him in four years because he won't be eligible to run again. I know this is the orange dipshit I'm talking about but I was still surprised* he doubled down on it. 

*eta surprised and disgusted. I'm glad to see at least one republican publicly support Harris. I hope that opens a floodgate to other R's supporting her. 

Edited by Giraffe
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TFG appeared at the National Association of Black Journalists. It didn't go well for him.






Here is the full video, if you're interested.


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11 minutes ago, GreyhoundFan said:

TFG appeared at the National Association of Black Journalists. It didn't go well for him.




Even the way he says "black".... FTG

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13 minutes ago, GreyhoundFan said:

TFG appeared at the National Association of Black Journalists. It didn't go well for him.






Here is the full video, if you're interested.


How can an elected official be a DEI hire?

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29 minutes ago, noseybutt said:

How can an elected official be a DEI hire?

He's playing buzzword bingo for his followers.


Here's how MAGAland is reacting. They live in a different reality.


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1 hour ago, noseybutt said:

How can an elected official be a DEI hire?

You could tell, he doesn't understand what it means... DEI as a "buzzword" concept has been around for awhile, and as someone who has done programming, etc. related to diversity (essentially deia) for more than 20yrs it's not a new concept...but we know he's basically a racist misogynist homophobic (all the -ists, -isms and dumbFuck). mein Drumpf, agent orange, TFG... 

The moderators were so professional, obviously, but to not just laugh at him or call his as out But obviously more effective how they handled it as the professionals they are. I was surprised because at times it sounded like some attendees were clapping and cheering (not just booing, etc) of course, not a monolith hive mind but tfg how can anyone support the stoooopidity and vitriol ? 

Hopping off my soapbox 

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OH MY GOD! I'm trying to get through his rambling Black journalists interview....

I don't usually watch him directly but look for summaries....

But this is GOLD.

This has to be one of the worst interviews ever given by a political guy. It's sooooooo bad and unhinged. I'm not even to the end yet!

I want to read comments and other people's rebuttals. There's about 20 things I want to respond to but I'm only 6 mins in 

couldn't contain myself and had to post!

Let the snark roll!

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1 hour ago, GreyhoundFan said:

He's playing buzzword bingo for his followers.


Here's how MAGAland is reacting. They live in a different reality.



1 hour ago, GreyhoundFan said:

He's playing buzzword bingo for his followers.


Here's how MAGAland is reacting. They live in a different reality.


"masterfully" my ass, that whiny little 

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40 minutes ago, WatchingTheTireFireBurn said:

OH MY GOD! I'm trying to get through his rambling Black journalists interview....

I don't usually watch him directly but look for summaries....

But this is GOLD.

This has to be one of the worst interviews ever given by a political guy. It's sooooooo bad and unhinged. I'm not even to the end yet!

I want to read comments and other people's rebuttals. There's about 20 things I want to respond to but I'm only 6 mins in 

couldn't contain myself and had to post!

Let the snark roll!

The best part about the interview are the guffaws from the audience.

Let the meme-making begin.

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oh I'm so excited for the memes! People are so creative and sarcastic. I love sarcastic humor!

I finally finished it. I hate hearing his voice so I had to pause some.

1. the interviewers overall - there were 3 and at times you couldn't necessarily tell which was asking him the question based on the video angles and sound.

BUT you could tell cuz he HATED the one closest to him in blue. And he LOVED the one furthest away in pink. And after some googling around it turns out the pink lady is from fox news. SURPRISE! I couldn't tell for sure what the middle lady asked about. 

2. The Blue ABC lady - I love her. She was ASKING THE QUESTIONS! He was so stupid and childish towards her. Wah wah wah baby trumpy is sad. Dey mean to baby twumpy.

Boo hoo motherfucker. I ain't kissing your booboo.

Blue lady killed it and it's beyond me why they don't all talk to him like this!!!

3. the Pink Fox Lady - I didn't know who they were to start but I was like "Who is this lady who is talking to him the way to talk to a confused 100 year old patient who things the hospital is their house and they need to make dinner for the children and you talk calmly, over enunciate, and try to soothe them "It's ok....we're gonna go have a seat on our nice comfy bed....the children already ate...so don't worry about it. Let's watch some nice tv on our pillows Oooookkkkk????"

She talked to him literally like he's senile and needs help remembering where he is "Siirrrr.... I . want. to . ask. you. about . X. I think. you . have. some. good. points. to say about X. Can. you. tell. us? please?"

And I think she was the one interrupting Blue lady and stopping her from continuing to ask the real questions!

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11 minutes ago, noseybutt said:

The best part about the interview are the guffaws from the audience.

Let the meme-making begin.

Also, I can't stop laughing over the two cognitive tests he "passed." He is talking about the Montreal Cognitive Assessment, which is a 10 minute screening test. That he treats it like a flex is...something.

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