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Trump 67: Why Does He Never Suffer Any Significant Consequences?


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He actually said something like Kamala "changed" to being black. It was wild. Watch the clip.

They pressed him on Vance and he just got more and more confused. He didn't even attack back which I was surprised about - Why don't they have some talking point for him about this by now?

He harped on about the same old things and it was very off topic and rambling. Get with the times old man.

He cannot get off biden and complained about them switching out on him - like they OWED  it to him personally to not switch out. shut up baby twumpy. Wah WAH

He wah wah'd about a woman getting shot in the face during Jan6. while defending the attackers and blew off their questions and comments about how many police were injured. I missed it but I think he was trying to make the argument that the minneapolis and seattle riots were wrong but J6 was right. It was SO TONE DEAF!

Continuing in that vein he started defending cops who "make a one time mistake" in killing people and saying/implying that black people who get killed by the cops were probably doing something suspicious anyway.  Here the Blue lady failed me! She should have called him out about the cops who have killed women sleeping in their beds and who called for help from the police.  He sounded moronic either way and was just stuck on repeat for his talking points and totally unable to pivot or even get off that subject that was obviously making him look bad. 



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Not just memes from this interview, but Harris commercials. He just handed the Harris campaign a treasure trove of sound bites/video clips to use in the next three months. Not that they don't already have a crap ton, but this...this is just perFECtion. 😁

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I'm giddy!!

He was just an old man whining about the sound and how they ran late...wah wah wah....

Sleepy Donny did you miss your nap time? - ssssoooo gwumpy.

I mean...I'm so excited...because I REALLY thought that he'd have practiced with his base and worked with his people and come up with some one liners or whatever and at least do the donald nasty thing well. But he didn't even do that.

Instead he just bitched and moaned.

and his tie....it was so absurdly long. I always think the political cartoons are overdoing his tie - and then you see it hanging down below the seat of the chair and it's like dude....why did you approve him sitting in a chair like that? no table to block the weird view or anything.

WHO let him do this interview!


oh oh - I forgot he spent precious time complaining that his opponent was supposed to be there when he accepted and since his opponent wasn't there....waaaahhhh.

then something about wah wah zoom. 


PLEEEAASSSSSEEEE debate!! PLEASEEEE! Kamala shame him into debating!!!!

I wish people would start mailing him those rubber comedy chickens.

Cluck Cluck Chicken.


He also went on a rather detailed rant about how "democrats" are "aborting" newborn babies. That they let them "lie there" after they're born and decide whether to kill them. 

Then said EVERYBODY dems, liberals, republicans etc wanted abortion to be a states rights issue.

Wrong you idiot. Republicans wanted it to be a state issue because we used to have roe v wade protection nationally. So used "state's rights" to slowly chip away at it. Liberals have always wanted a federal level protective status.

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I found an article (that's free) that quoted the interview:


"In one of the grossest moments in recent political history, Donald Trump, the Republican Party's nominee for president of the United States, attempted to strip Harris of the birthright given to her by her Jamaican father and experience of life as a biracial woman in America.

"I didn't know she was Black until a number of years ago when she happened to turn Black, and now she wants to be known as Black," the former president said of Harris, the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee, at the National Association of Black Journalists conference in Chicago on Wednesday."

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1 hour ago, WatchingTheTireFireBurn said:

3. the Pink Fox Lady - I didn't know who they were to start but I was like "Who is this lady who is talking to him the way to talk to a confused 100 year old patient who things the hospital is their house and they need to make dinner for the children and you talk calmly, over enunciate, and try to soothe them "It's ok....we're gonna go have a seat on our nice comfy bed....the children already ate...so don't worry about it. Let's watch some nice tv on our pillows Oooookkkkk????"

That's Harris Faulkner from Faux. She's a piece of work.

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He's insane.


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This is a good take:


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Wait.....is Dwight Shrute's cousin Mose at the Maga rally???

Also he want on a ramble about people saying it's weird he keeps mentioning hannibal lector. At least in that clip he didn't explain why he brought it up yet again....did he just bring it up again and leave it hanging??

Screenshot 2024-08-01 022147.png

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7 hours ago, WatchingTheTireFireBurn said:

Wait.....is Dwight Shrute's cousin Mose at the Maga rally???

Also he want on a ramble about people saying it's weird he keeps mentioning hannibal lector. At least in that clip he didn't explain why he brought it up yet again....did he just bring it up again and leave it hanging??

Screenshot 2024-08-01 022147.png

He looks Amish. I didn't think they attended rallies like this even though they are very conservative. And the beard means he is married so it isn't as if he is a kid on rumsprigga. 

12 hours ago, WatchingTheTireFireBurn said:

He also went on a rather detailed rant about how "democrats" are "aborting" newborn babies. That they let them "lie there" after they're born and decide whether to kill them. 

Then said EVERYBODY dems, liberals, republicans etc wanted abortion to be a states rights issue.

Wrong you idiot. Republicans wanted it to be a state issue because we used to have roe v wade protection nationally. So used "state's rights" to slowly chip away at it. Liberals have always wanted a federal level protective status.

My friend's very religious and conservative husband actually believes this pile of crap. 

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I don't understand where the "they" kill babies after they're born thing came from.

1st part - why is it specifically democrats

2nd part - why after they are born

It's so strange that it's not "laws allow rogue doctors to do this" which is sorta believable.

But they seem to believe that a political group is hanging out at the hospital and making the actual decision? which doesn't make sense at any level.




I'm so sick of all of it. My glee from yesterday has worn off again. 

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Trump's entrance at the NABJ was unhinged. Imo the way he responded to every question sound like people I know with alcohol induced dementia. 

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Raphael Warnock addresses Trump's racism and brainlessness well. I bolded the part I liked best. Harris is the All-American woman, and Trump can't see past his own carefully looped-around blonde transplanted forelock.



Look as disappointing as it is to hear this if it’s anything, it’s certainly not surprising. This is who Donald Trump is. And he reminds us time and time again the only thing he knows is the politics of division and hatred and this is what we’re confronted with again, and he doesn’t even recognize the sad irony of his remark. In a real sense Kamala Harris’s story is an iteration of the American story the diversity that is among us and often within us and that is the American story, out of many one, he put this on them and she, she carries that literally in her veins and in that sense, he didn’t know who we are and if you don’t know when she can’t represent us, you certainly can’t lead us. There are many people who watched that and thought, is he fixated on, quote unquote, what she is as opposed to what she stands for as an approach for his campaign?

Coates interjected to add: “It struck me as an odd departure from a policy-focused opportunity that he could have had in front of a room full of notable journalists.”

Warnock agreed and continued to reflect on Trump’s record in interrogating former President Barack Obama’s racial identity and the dangers of politicians whose modus operandi is “division.”

Well, the man has no agenda, he has no vision. And so people who have no vision, traffic in division. They don’t know how to lead us. And so they’re focused on dividing us.

We should not forget how Donald Trump entered into the world of politics in the first place. Remember? It was literally challenging the birth certificate of Barack Obama. He literally rode in on division even before he announced his candidacy. And then he came down that escalator and later on as he announced that he was running for the presidency… and he spent all of his time trying to convince each of us to be afraid of other people who are neighbors – to be afraid of our neighbors. And we should always be afraid of politicians would tell us to be afraid of our neighbors. We should be wary of those politicians at the debate saying that these immigrants are coming across the border taking black jobs…

So whether it’s trying to separate brown people from black people trying to somehow lift up part of Kamala Harris’s identity over against the other part, as if she has to choose, as if we have to choose between who we embrace. I mean, it’s a very narrow bigoted short-sighted vision. It’s who he is and I think the more we are reminded of it, the more we know what’s at stake – the very soul of our country.


Edited by thoughtful
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I agree with the article above that Trump has no vision or agenda, but the people around him certainly do. They’ll use him to bring that vision into reality. 
They used him to appoint over 200 Federal judges, and three Supreme Court justices during his one term in office. They have even bigger plans for a 2nd term. 
And he’s such  a useful idiot he doesn’t even know he’s being used. 


Edited by kpmom
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Of course Trump is racist, and of course he babbles nonsense. But sometimes I do try to pin down what his thought processes are, and I haven't heard anyone say this yet. I think his bizarre comments and posts about VP Harris suddenly claiming to be black are supposed to be a way of saying that she only started claiming to be Black to get votes from Black people.

Somewhere in his muddled brain, he or someone who advises him thought about the fact that the Indian-American voting bloc was not as large as the Black voting bloc. And he thinks it's clever to say that she suddenly stared claiming to be Black, without following it up by specifying that she only claims to be Black to get votes. Nod, nod, wink, wink - we're just supposed to infer . . . something unethical, I guess.

But, Trump being Trump, even if he has a reason he makes a comment or tells a story, he loses track of whatever it was as his mind wanders and he repeats his crap. The shark vs. battery, female weight lifter calling for her mother, and even Hannibal Lecter all started with a connection to a point he was making. I mean, they're all stupid, bigoted, weak points, but they were points, nonetheless.

It's also right up there with his "nasty, rude" insults. Listening to him lecture the journalists from NABJ, all I could think was that he looked at these professionals and saw a room full of chambermaids in his cheapest hotel - that's who non-white women are to him.

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38 minutes ago, thoughtful said:

Of course Trump is racist, and of course he babbles nonsense. But sometimes I do try to pin down what his thought processes are, and I haven't heard anyone say this yet. I think his bizarre comments and posts about VP Harris suddenly claiming to be black are supposed to be a way of saying that she only started claiming to be Black to get votes from Black people.

Somewhere in his muddled brain, he or someone who advises him thought about the fact that the Indian-American voting bloc was not as large as the Black voting bloc. And he thinks it's clever to say that she suddenly stared claiming to be Black, without following it up by specifying that she only claims to be Black to get votes. Nod, nod, wink, wink - we're just supposed to infer . . . something unethical, I guess.

But, Trump being Trump, even if he has a reason he makes a comment or tells a story, he loses track of whatever it was as his mind wanders and he repeats his crap. The shark vs. battery, female weight lifter calling for her mother, and even Hannibal Lecter all started with a connection to a point he was making. I mean, they're all stupid, bigoted, weak points, but they were points, nonetheless.

It's also right up there with his "nasty, rude" insults. Listening to him lecture the journalists from NABJ, all I could think was that he looked at these professionals and saw a room full of chambermaids in his cheapest hotel - that's who non-white women are to him.

The subtext absolutely was that she "changed to Black," albeit as you said not following through with his thought. But enough to get the dog whistle shit started. 

He is so disgusting and disrespectful. I don't understand when others have and continue to be 'canceled' that he's still sucking up air and bandwidth. 

I started reading daily, positive and motivational emails from Schwarzenegger. (there's an app, too but that cost$). The Arnold doc on Netflix was interesting (IMO). Yes, he, like Bill, has flaws but I still really like them. ... I know there was more of a point there LOL it will come back to me! Need dinner and it's been a long day 🙂

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I'm so sick of hearing about Trump and his claim that Kamala changed more recently to be black. She was in Alpha Kappa Alpha sorority, the oldest sorority of the divine nine African-American fraternities and sororities. He might think it's recent but that would have been part of her identity in college.

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I think trump is the only person "confused" by this. I honestly think he was trying to be relatable.  I think he's trying to appeal to people who get confused by "pronouns" and "gender equality" and all that. (like my grandma). He's used to trying to appeal to that idea - to the sort of old people rigidity. I think a lot of the time that works for Trump. I think he genuinely thought that by talking about this to a group of black journalists they would agree with him and be like "aha - you're right! she's been trying to pass as something else! she doesn't understand the true black experience like we do - and like you do mr trump!"

(I don't agree but I think in his mind this was relatable).

Honestly it's super weird to me - I really didn't know much about Harris before. I didn't know she was half South east Asian or that she married a jewish person or that they put the 1st mezuzah on the VP house or that she was a step mom. I never thought about it much ... I think I just "knew" she identified at some level as a black woman and that's about it. So extra funny to me cuz if you had asked me what race or ethnicity 2 months ago I think I would have said "isn't she black?" with no addendums. The idea that she was hiding the black part and promoting the SE Asian part - when I'd never heard of that - really?? 

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Untruth Social is hemorrhaging users now


Donald Trump’s social media venture is losing users every month, hurting his bottom line and possibly showing that his rhetoric is losing appeal even among his own base.

The Guardian spoke to a right-wing media analyst, Howard Polskin, who said that Truth Social had only 2.11 million unique users in June, a decline of 38 percent from one year ago.

“The diminishing audience levels for Truth Social suggest a rejection of the harsh rhetoric expressed by the ex-president and his political allies that is one of the hallmarks of the two-year-old platform,” Ploskin said.

Trump Media & Technology, the parent company of Truth Social, had experienced a jump in its stock price of $46 per share after a gunman tried to kill Trump earlier this month. But those gains appear to have been short-lived, as the stock dropped to about $29 per share Wednesday. Both numbers are nowhere near the peak price this year, which was close to $72 per share in March after its initial public offering.

Hide the ketchup bottles.

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The fact that Kamala was the First woman, First Asian (Indian) American, and First African American elected as VP was ALL over the news previously, so to be "confused" or it's "brand new information" is BS. 

Edited by LongTimeLurkerOG
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On 7/29/2024 at 9:37 AM, Alisamer said:

I'm not the least surprised by this. Unless you're able to make him money, give him money, or maybe are a hot young woman (or girl, he's not picky) willing to at minimum let him ogle you, you're worthless to him. And I've spokent to conservatives who believe similarly - if a person is never going to be able to work and support themselves and "contribute to society" in a way they believe is worthy, they would really much prefer for you not to exist. People with severe disabilities are a drain on society they'd rather not have around.

They are, also, somehow also "pro-life" with no exceptions. So if someone's found out the child they are expecting will live a life of suffering and pain in and out of hospitals with minimal consciousness, they aren't allowed to terminate the pregnancy. But they'd be fine with the child being allowed to die slowly and painfully once it's here. No euthanasia though, because that's "playing God."

I think it's consistent in their brains - at least the ones who claim Christianity - because even if they don't say it they believe that a disabled child is a punishment from God. "If you don 't want a baby keep your legs shut" translates easily into "if you can't afford to raise a child don't get pregnant" which they can shrug and ease over into "God won't give you more than you can handle!" platitudes. And if that's true...

And it all ties back into them wanting to be able to pick and choose who gets help. That nice couple from their church? Yeah sure they'll cook them a casserole and send a bit of money to their GoFundMe. A couple that is gay/brown/poor/immigrant/not Christian? How sad. Not gonna help though. Bootstraps!

I'm glad he's saying it out loud and hope he continues to do so. Unfortunately I think his followers will twist things in their minds so that it doesn't scare them like it should. But he's made it clear repeatedly... he's stacked the Supreme Court, this would be his second term, and the Court has allowed immunity for "official acts" by the president. There literally will not be a presidential election after this if he manages to get into office. 

He would, because that's what dictators do, and that's what he wants to be. He's like the Queen of Hearts - "off with their head!"  for anyone who even slightly offends him.

I got a worse injury bumping into a shelf one time.

Gee, picking and choosing who is the "right" sort of person to live... I can't think what that is like /s People need to remember history. 

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it's funny to me that his stock is dropping (again).

I have 2 stocks  I check that I have and both are WAAAAAAY up. The stock market has been going crazy high. 

His stock is a meme stock. There's no value in the company. Nobody else is really using truth social - so there's no growth.

Here's hoping the hate and divisiveness has just tired people out and they quit logging in to get ramped up again. 

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Trump is an ass plain & simple. He don sent understand why people don’t think he is the greatest person on earth. 

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Apropos of absolutely everything that is vile about DonOld and most of the rest of his family, Mary Trump posted a 7 minute YT video after Eric Trump tweeted a disgusting response to Mary's brother Fred's book which was published this past week. I think we've discussed Fred's son William here; he has severe disabilities and the Trump family had promised Fred that William's medical bills would always be taken care of. And then they reneged. Anyway, in her usual succinct and direct style, Mary has responded to Eric. It is well worth a listen. How Mary came away from that family as sane and humane as she has is a testament to the veracity of miracles, in my opinion. 


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10 hours ago, WatchingTheTireFireBurn said:

I think trump is the only person "confused" by this. I honestly think he was trying to be relatable.  I think he's trying to appeal to people who get confused by "pronouns" and "gender equality" and all that. (like my grandma). He's used to trying to appeal to that idea - to the sort of old people rigidity. I think a lot of the time that works for Trump. I think he genuinely thought that by talking about this to a group of black journalists they would agree with him and be like "aha - you're right! she's been trying to pass as something else! she doesn't understand the true black experience like we do - and like you do mr trump!"


I don't think he's confused about what race Harris is. 

I think he's confused about a LOT of things, but not that.

It's very simple. If the audience is white people, she is black. Because Trump and his handlers are racist and assume other white people are racist and so it's important that they know she is black. The more disgusting followers like Laura Loomer will double down on this and proclaim her "ghetto" and make other not-even-veiled racist accusations implying (just as some did with Obama) that she will embody whatever terrible stereotypes they apply to black people as a group, plus the additional prejudice aimed at black women in particular. They want white people to see her as a stereotypical "angry black woman" and to therefore not vote for her.

If the audience is black, then she's Indian, NOT black. Because they look at the black population as if they are a monolith who would only choose to vote for her because of her race, so it's important to make that group think that Kamala Harris is an outsider trying to appropriate their culture so they hopefully, in Trump and his peoples' minds, will be like "Well, I was going to vote for her because we are both black but since she's not I guess I won't!"

If the Indian-American population was much larger, like similar in size to the hispanic population, they'd probably also be making sure to point out to them how she's not actually Indian, she's black! So they shouldn't vote for her either.

No matter what your background is, the Rs have a race or social related reason you shouldn't vote for Kamala Harris. I've not seen all of these personally yet, but I expect they may be out there: If you support Palestine, you shouldn't vote for her because her husband is Jewish and she supports Israel. If you're Jewish, you shouldn't vote for her because she didn't convert when marrying her husband, who is Jewish, and doesn't support Israel. If you're hispanic, she doesn't represent your values. If you're white, she's black. If you're black, she's Indian. If you're Indian, she's black. If you're a Christian, she's satanic. If you're a prude, she's a hoe. If you're a hoe, she's stealing your business. If you're a knitter, she crochets. 

OK maybe not those last two. Maybe.

They will use literally anything they can think of, no matter how contradictory or nonsensical, to try to convince people not to vote for her.

9 hours ago, LongTimeLurkerOG said:

The fact that Kamala was the First woman, First Asian (Indian) American, and First African American elected as VP was ALL over the news previously, so to be "confused" or it's "brand new information" is BS. 

Yeah there's no controversy about who she is. My understanding has always been she's born of a black Jamaican father and an Indian mother, both immigrants. She was born in the US, and is therefore a natural born citizen over age 35 and qualified for the office of president. (Also I notice this was never a huge talking point with Rs when it came to McCain - born in Panama; and Cruz - born in Canada.) Her husband is Jewish. She's apparently a member of a Baptist church. She's a step-mom, and a former district attorney. Her step-daughter is into fashion and modeling. Harris is a member of a traditionally black sorority, attended Howard University, and as best I can tell puts up with very little BS but seems able to let some attacks slide off as if they never reached her, likely in part due to a lifetime of growing up as a black person in a society that still, unfortunately, has too much prejudice in it.

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