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Political Memes, Comics, and other Shenanigans, Part 54


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New rule: Rapists don’t have the right to make sex jokes about women.

Trump and MAGAts blamed hateful rhetoric for the assassination attempt on his life and said liberals and Democrats needed to tone it down. Forget for a moment that they spent the past four years calling us pedophiles and groomers. This isn’t ancient history but maybe during a presidential race, July seems like years ago. Trump must have forgotten because just yesterday he asked rhetorically at one of his hate rallies, “Is there anywhere more fun to be than a Trump rally.”

He should ask Corey Comperatore that question….oh, wait. He can’t because he got shot and killed at a Trump rally.

Now, Trump and his goons are calling Kamala Harris “Comrade” and “Cacklin,” but it gets worse. This week, Trump reposted on X/Twitter a crude, vulgar, sexist joke about Kamala Harris.

Trump reshared a meme making a blowjob joke about Harris which was a reference to a narrative MAGAts have been using over the past four years, that Harris slept her way into political jobs through her romantic relationship with former San Francisco Mayor Willie Brown in the 1990s. It also included a reference to Hillary Clinton and Monica Lewinsky.

He also shared memes from QAnon featuring his enemies, such as Harris, Joe Biden, Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, and Nancy Pelosi, in orange jumpsuits. Never mind the fact that out of all those people, Trump is the one most likely to be wearing an orange jumpsuit in the future.

He also reposted a meme about locking up the January 6th committee, and an image with the letter 'Q', a Qanon reference, over a sunrise with the words, "In the end, God wins." Again, Donald…if anyone’s about to be locked up…

He posted each of these memes within a few hours of each other which means the Adderall must have been especially good that day.

Rapists don’t have the right to accuse women of being sluts. I firmly believe that if Donald Trump wasn’t rich, then women like Ivanka Trump, Marla Maples, Melania Trump, and all the women he cheated on them with (not counting the rapes and sexual assaults) never would have given him the time of day because Donald Trump looks like an orange C.H.U.D.

After JD Vance said Trump was “lifting people up,” CNN's John Berman asked him, “Would you describe his posts over the last 48 hours as lifting people up? Reposting QAnon statements, reposting these misogynistic memes about Vice President Harris and Hillary Clinton? That's the kind of open discussion that you think he's lifting people up?"

JD replied, "I think if you look at Donald Trump's full campaign appearances and yes, social media appearances, what you see is two things – a guy with an agenda to lower prices and bring back American prosperity and a political candidate who isn't stodgy, who likes to have some fun and likes to tell some jokes," Vance said. "I'd much rather have a candidate who's willing to go off script, who's willing to give every interview and is willing to tell some jokes. I do think that's how you lift people up. A politics of boring scolds telling people they can't laugh. That is not lifting Americans up, that's how to tear us down."

JD thinks people who don’t find adolescent sexist jokes funny are stodgy tearing us down, but thanks for proving what I’m always saying…Republicans are not funny. Republicans don’t do humor because they have zero radar for sarcasm, irony, and satire. To them, Greg Gutfeld is a funny guy. Psst….he’s not.

JD had his own immature sexist attacks on X/Twitter this week, posting a video of a teen beauty pageant contestant struggling to answer a question, and comparing it to Kamala Harris’ interview. Looking at his interview above, JD isn’t one to talk about giving bad interviews.

The video was from years ago and the contestant says she was ridiculed so much that she contemplated suicide. When asked to apologize, JD refused, even after knowing she almost committed suicide. And I get it as apologizing to a woman he insulted would probably get him kicked off the Trump Campaign, but that just proves that you can’t be a decent human being if you’re a part of Trump World. Have you seen any tweets from Laura Loomer? She’s like Ann Coulter on crack when it comes to being vile.

When asked about this by Berman, JD said he thinks the best way to deal with it “is to laugh at ourselves, laugh at this stuff, and try to have some fun in politics.” Except JD wasn’t laughing at himself…he was laughing and ridiculing a woman for something from her teen years.

Then JD said that while he posted “a meme from 20 years ago,” he thinks “the fact that we’re talking about that instead of the fact that American families can’t afford groceries or health care, young families can’t afford to buy a home to raise their families in. Those are the real crises that we should focus on.”

OK, JD… then focus on the cost of groceries, health care, and housing instead of sharing stupid sexist memes. You can’t post a stupid sexist meme and then whine that people are talking about it.

Stop playing the victim, you fucking couch fucker.

The crisis I’m focusing on is that Sir. HumpsALot might become our vice president which is only second worse than Donald Trump becoming our president. We’re going to have to saranwrap every couch in the White House.

Since we’re having fun and joking at other people’s expense, then I hope JD likes this cartoon making fun of him humping a couch and Googling dolphin porn.

Guess what, JD. I’m not going to apologize.


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A lot of people are giving Vice President Kamala Harris hell for flip-flopping on fracking and a few other issues. Ya know what? That’s fair. Politicians should be asked when they change their stance on an issue.

At the same time, I totally understand changing your position as years go by. I was anti-abortion when I was much younger but that changed over 25 years ago when I started to really think about it. Who was I to tell a woman what she has to do with her body?

Donald Trump went the other way as he was pro-choice but flipped to anti-choice when he wanted Republican votes.

When I changed my position on abortion many years ago, it was because a friend had one and that’s what made me start thinking about it. My wife at the time was also anti-choice but she told me before our friend came over that I shouldn’t give her shit about it. And that’s when I thought, “Oh my gosh…how horrible of a person would I be if I gave her shit over something so personal, something so difficult for her, and that’s totally none of my business?” And then, the lightbulb lit up and I thought, “Oh! I get it now.” My ex thought about it too and today, she’s also pro-choice.

The only thing Donald Trump thought about was pandering to the anti-choice faction of the Republican Party. Donald Trump didn’t think about other people. As with everything, Donald Trump only thought about himself.

Donald Trump flips a lot. The media needs to stop giving Kamala Harris hell over the shit they ignore about Donald Trump. Ask him about being against electric cars until Elon Musk endorsed him. Ask him about his flip to support Bitcoin. Ask him about his flip on presidents playing golf.

In 1999, Trump said in an interview on NBC’s Meet The Press, “I am very pro-choice. I hate the concept of abortion. ... I just believe in choice. Again, it may be a little bit of a New York background, because there is some different attitude in some different parts of the country. ... I was raised in New York and grew up and worked and everything else in New York City. But I am strongly pro-choice."

Asked whether he would ban any abortion, including “partial-birth” abortion, he said: “No. I am pro-choice in every respect in as far as it goes. But I just hate it.”

In 2011, Trump was thinking about running for president and displayed that being “strongly” pro anything doesn’t apply to him. In a speech before the right-wing Political Action Conference, Trumpy said, “I am pro-life.”

In 2015, CNN asked Trump about ending funding to Planned Parenthood and Trump said, “I would look at the good aspects of it, and I would also look because I’m sure they do some things properly and good, good for women, and I would look at that.” He didn’t know which position to take on this one at the time because nobody had told him what it was yet.

In 2016, someone had told him which side to take and he said, “I would defund it because I’m pro-life, but millions of women are helped by Planned Parenthood.” This also shows how horrible of a human Trump is because he knew Planned Parenthood helped save lives but would still defund it for politics. He said during the same conversation, “Millions of millions of women — cervical cancer, breast cancer — are helped by Planned Parenthood.” So, why would he defund PP when it helps “millions of millions of women?”

In March 2016, Trump said there should be some “form of punishment” for women who seek abortions.

In October 2016, he said he would appoint the number of justices necessary to the Supreme Court to overturn Roe v. Wade.

In October of 2017, the Republican-led House of Representatives passed a bill that would ban abortions after 20 weeks and Trump’s White House (sic) said he “strongly supports” the bill “and applauds the House of Representatives for continuing its efforts to secure critical pro-life protections.”

In 2018, Trump asked the Senate to pass the same bill banning abortions after 20 weeks and he promised to sign it.

During his presidency (sic), Trump sent Neil Gorsuch, Brett Kavanaugh, and Amy Coney Barrett to the Supreme Court who would later vote to overturn Roe v. Wade, just as he promised. Of course, Mitch McConnell did a lot of manipulating to secure three picks for Trump.

In 2022, after his three Supreme Court justices voted to overturn Roe v. Wade, Trump told Fox News that “God made the decision.” No, it was his appointees who made that ruling and only with his and McConnell’s help. He said, “I think, in the end, this is something that will work out for everybody. This brings everything back to the states, where it has always belonged,” ignoring that he asked the Senate to send him an abortion to ban to sign in 2017. Fox News ignored that too.

Remember, the majority in this nation voted against Trump and McConnell’s Senate, meaning the majority voted against Donald Trump having ANY Supreme Court appointments.

In 2023, after Republicans failed to win the Senate in the 2022 midterm elections and the GOP failed to secure the House victory they were promised Trump posted on Truth Social, “It wasn’t my fault that the Republicans didn’t live up to expectations in the MidTerms. It was the ‘abortion issue,’ poorly handled by many Republicans, especially those that firmly insisted on No Exceptions, even in the case of Rape, Incest, or Life of the Mother, that lost large numbers of Voters.”

In September 2023, Trump told Meet The Press, “Let me just tell you what I’d do. I’m going to come together with all groups, and we’re going to have something that’s acceptable.”

In March and February of this year, allies of Trump said he was in favor of a national abortion ban at 15 weeks. His campaign denied he was in favor of a national ban. Then Lindsey Graham said, “Trump is warming up to 16 weeks.” Later, Trump suggested he’d support a 15-week ban.

In April, Trump refused to ask questions about a six-week abortion ban in Florida which the state supreme court had just upheld.

Last week, Trump said he’d be “great for women and their reproductive rights” and said if elected, he would make the government pay for in vitro fertilization which undermines the argument that Kamala Harris is a socialist promising free stuff.

Trump also said last week that a six-week abortion ban in Florida was too strict and suggested he would vote for an amendment overturning it. The very next day, Trump said he would vote against it and keep the six-week ban in place.

We can’t talk about flip-flopping on abortion without mentioning JD Vance who said he “thinks” Trump would veto a national abortion ban while he himself proposed a national abortion ban.

Trump is caught between the majority of anti-choice Republicans and the majority of non-Republicans who support choice. Trump is trying to have it both ways.

The thing is, Trump doesn’t really have a position on abortion because he doesn’t actually care. His position is whatever position will return him to the White House (sic).

Kamala Harris said that even if her position changes on an issue, her values do not. The thing with Trump is that he doesn’t have any values. For Christ’s sake, the guy’s talked about dating his daughter.


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A recap of the circus:


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I made this one for @47of74 and my other fellow Trek lovers:




One of two staffers involved in the altercation at Arlington National Cemetery is a deputy campaign manager for Donald Trump’s reelection bid, NPR has learned. The former president insisted this week the incident did not happen, highlighting a growing disconnect between the messaging of the candidate and his campaign. NPR is identifying both staffers after the campaign’s conflicting responses to the incident last week outside Section 60 of the cemetery, where many casualties of Iraq and Afghanistan are buried.

The two staffers, according to a source with knowledge of the incident, are deputy campaign manager Justin Caporale and Michel Picard, a member of Trump’s advance team.


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