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Political Memes, Comics, and other Shenanigans, Part 54


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This is accurate but quite disgusting. Notice the white power hand gestures. 


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I have a hard time believing that Trump really accepts Vance, instead of just wanting to use him.image.png.5f4f25be6ac6fc1bed5d1d9ee62f56bb.png

I especially like the Hello Kitty Band-Aid.


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"Bobbing For Cannon"


Unfortunately for Senator Bob Menendez, he got an honest judge.

The Democratic senator from New Jersey was found guilty by a New York jury on all 16 charges he faced that included wire fraud, bribery, and extortion in a scheme to sell his office to foreign powers and crooked businessmen in exchange for hundreds of thousands of dollars in cash, a luxury car and bars of solid gold.

Menendez is only the seventh sitting senator to be convicted of a crime. We may have a president in January who has been convicted of a crime, but not the crime of stealing classified documents and obstructing justice.

Democrats are calling for Menendez to resign whereas Republicans believe Trump’s conviction has made him more powerful and tomorrow night, they’ll officially make him their nominee.

Federal judge Aileen Cannon has dismissed the case against Donald Trump that was brought by the government over the classified documents he stole.

Cannon wrote, “The Superseding Indictment is DISMISSED because Special Counsel Smith’s appointment violates the Appointments Clause of the United States Constitution.” She said the Constitution gives only Congress or the president the authority to appoint a special counsel — not the U.S. Attorney General.

Cannon is asking us to believe she’s the first federal judge to catch this clause in the Constitution. This would mean every special counsel investigation into the administrations of Richard Nixon, Ronald Reagan, Bill Clinton, George W. Bush, and Donald Trump has been illegal. Even the appointment of a special counsel into Hunter Biden is now illegal…well, according to Judge Cannon, so his recent conviction should be overturned. See how that works, MAGAts?

But here’s the thing… Cannon made this ruling the first court business day after Trump was grazed in the ear by what was probably shrapnel or a piece of his teleprompter after someone shot at him. This is a gift from Cannon to Trump, who appointed her to the bench despite the fact she had zero experience as a judge beforehand. To be fair, I do believe she did watch Law & Order a few times and did stay in a Holiday Inn Express once.

And I’m sure it’s just a mere coincidence that Judge (sic) Cannon’s ruling came down on the very first day of the Republican National Convention.

Judge Cannon isn’t clever enough to come up with this argument alone. Her ruling closely tracked the reasoning outlined by conservative Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas in a recent concurrence in a separate case against Trump.

MAGAts are right. We do have a corrupt justice system, but it’s not the Justice Department for charging Trump in legitimate cases. The corruption lies in our federal court system where we have Supreme Court justices accepting bribes and a justice in South Florida who’s probably going to be rewarded with a seat on the Supreme Court for her Monday ruling.

This ruling will be appealed and Special Counsel Jack Smith will win, but by then, Donald Trump may be in office and he’ll appoint a corrupt Attorney General who’ll then throw out the case.

Judge (sic) Aileen Cannon was appointed by Trump. The judge in the Menendez case was appointed by a Democrat, but that didn’t stop him from being a fair and honest judge in a case involving a Democrat.

I’m still skulking around the convention zone in Milwaukee which feels like a police state with all the out-of-state cops in the area. In fact, five cops from Ohio shot a homeless man Monday night, the first night of the convention. Note, Milwaukee is in Wisconsin, NOT Ohio.

Somehow, it seems fitting that at the Republican National Convention, it’d take five cops from Ohio, the home state of Trump’s running mate, to shoot a homeless black man armed with a knife.

These cops are all over the place and they shouldn’t be here. I asked cops from Miami/Dade last night in an ice cream shop if they’re going to help secure the security of the Democratic convention in Chicago as well, and they told me don’t have any plans for it.

There are over 4,500 cops in Milwaukee to join this police state circle jerk. I’m going to remember and document this when I’m in Chicago next month.

The cops from out of state aren’t here to assist security. They’re here as a sign that they support Trump and the military state he plans to install if he retakes the White House. These cops should not be armed while in Milwaukee, outside of their jurisdiction. If I shot a homeless man in this city on Monday night, I would be in jail. These cops don’t have any more authority to “police” the area than I do.

But I guess the Milwaukee Police gave them the authority to come to their city with their guns and tiny dicks and welcomed them to shoot black homeless men. This shooting also occurred several blocks away from the convention area.

Cops who are supposedly policing outside of their jurisdiction shouldn’t be armed. Allowing cops from out of state to come into your city to shoot your citizens is a bunch of bullshit. The Milwaukee government never should have allowed this.

I visited a pub in the security zone last night along the first block before “the wall.” There were two customers in the place. It was a little after 9 p.m. The bartender asked rhetorically, “There are 50,000 people visiting for this convention…where are they?”

A server at that bar told me that not only are MAGAt tourist not giving them business, but they and the police presence have chased off their regulars. Typically, summertime increases business for these establishments in the riverwalk area but the convention is killing them when they were promised an economic boost. Some establishments were even forced to shut down for the week because they’re in the convention perimeter.

One pub manager told me, “I see why cities turn this shit down now.”

Reportedly, there’s about six miles of fence surrounding the Fiserv Forum, the home of the Milwaukee Bucks and where the convention is being held. Republicans, who were upset over businesses forced to close over a deadly virus are just fine with businesses being forced to close so they can attend the Kiss-Trump’s-Ass-Party.

I made a friend who works at one of the pubs in the convention zone. He told me that a group from Fox News visited his pub yesterday and it included cameramen and some of their most famous personalities. He reported that Sean Hannity is a great tipper and he personally took care of the check, which was $500 and he tipped 100 percent. That’s awesome of him but he’s still a slimy shitweasel.


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On 7/16/2024 at 5:05 PM, GreyhoundFan said:


That tracks 🤣🤣🤣

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"Trippy Botox"


I had a few other ideas but I decided to be goofy today without a serious point…other than to point out how goofy these guys are.

When I first heard that Rudy Giuliani had fallen down at the Republican National Convention, I just thought it was really sad. If it’s alcohol-related, then Rudy needs help. However, his spokesgoon said it wasn’t alcohol related…sort of.

He said, “Those falsely suggesting anything else are misleading the public for their own agendas. Anyone who wants to question Mayor Giuliani’s stamina or abilities should check out the half dozen interviews he had just completed before coming over to the convention floor.” Yeah, I’m sure that’s a big help. Are we to compare his recent interviews to those he gave while drunk?

The spokesgoon continued, “The mayor immediately stood up and continued with his jam-packed schedule, collecting video footage and talking with reporters. Mayor Giuliani is thrilled to be here in support of his friend, the 45th and soon-to-be 47th President of the United States, Donald J Trump.”

He refers to Rudy as mayor and not esquire because he can’t. Rudy was recently disbarred.

Rudy tripped all by himself at the convention and landed on a bunch of empty chairs…or did he trip all by himself?

Matt Gaetz gave a speech at the convention Wednesday night but nobody remembers what he said because we were all too busy staring at his face. I haven’t been that fascinated with someone’s gross forehead since that time Stephen Baby Goebbels Miller went on CNN after spraying his head with Hair In A Can. Esquire magazine (just a coincidence) described Gaetz’s new face as “taught,” “shiny,” and “extremely angular-browed.” His new face has been compared to the vampires on Buffy, Eddie Munster, and to the Real Housewives, whom he’d never try to bang because none of them are high school-aged.

Dr. Corey Hartman, a board-certified dermatologist credits Gaetz’s new face to an “overly heavy hand and poor placement” of neuromodulators like Botox. Maybe he used Botox In A Can. The doc also said, “It’s too heavy in the forehead and not lateral enough to prevent Spock Eye,” which is why Gaetz’s brows now make him look like Dr. Spock if Spock had a ridiculously high forehead. The doctor (not Spock) also said that “the glabellar injections [the vertical lines between the eyebrows] use an older technique that pushes the brow down and makes him look more menacing than usual. He also has lid ptosis bilaterally.” That means that the neuromodulator placement has also caused his eyelids to droop. I didn’t know that, I just read it.

Convention notes: There were more MAGAts out last night and I made more videos of the madness than usual which you can find on my Facebook page. Later in the evening, I landed at a party for New York Republicans. Since it was their party, I didn’t start arguments with any of them, but a few approached me throughout the evening. I was wearing a Gibson guitar shirt so they probably knew I wasn’t with them.

A long line of religious zealots passed me earlier in the evening and one saw my shirt and asked if I “Played guitar for Jesus.”

Also earlier, I was walking on the sidewalk on MLK Avenue and was stuck behind a slow-moving line of cops walking single file. A MAGA dude was walking in the opposite direction and repeated over and over as he passed a cop, “Thank you for your service,” with each cop responding, “You’re welcome.” Since I was in a black T-Shirt, and probably because he was on a roll, he said to me, “Thank your service,” and I’m so sorry, because I wasn’t really thinking, but just as he finished, “Thank you for your service,” out from my mouth came, “Fuck you, MAGAt.” I shouldn’t have done that but his expression was hilarious.

It went like this:
Thank you for your service.
You’re welcome.
Thank you for your service.
You’re welcome.
Thank you for your service.
You’re welcome.
Thank you for your service.
Fuck you, MAGAt.

I promise, that’s the only MAGAt I said something nasty to except for the one who called Nadine the N-word.

I also saw John Boehner standing outside a pub smoking a cigarette. He waved at me while I was recording him.

Back at the New York MAGA party, I had a nice conversation with a guy in a Trumper hat and we mostly talked about the strategy of previous races instead of our opinions. I think we both knew where we stood with that stuff, so we talked about election history. He bought me a Spotted Cow. His wife and a few friends joined but they didn’t really engage in our talk.

I also talked to a very cute lady Republican and it seemed like maybe, possibly, perhaps, that she kinda liked me. After we talked for a while, she asked if there was any chance I would change to a conservative in the future. I told her not as long as I continued to believe in facts, civil rights, women’s rights, patriotism, responsible foreign policies, voting rights, and that presidents should be elected and not installed into office through white nationalist MAGA terrorist insurrections. Dammit…she was cute too.

Note to self, don’t discuss politics until AFTER you get the room key.

This is my last night in Milwaukee and honestly, I may not go to the convention for its last night. We’ll see if I get a second wind but I’m burned out on beer and Republicans for the moment. My new friends are expecting to see me so I don’t know yet and I still have to try the beer and cheese soup.

Oh, I did score some free wings courtesy of the New York Republican Party. One of my new friends gave them to me as I was leaving.


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