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JD Vance: TFG's VP Candidate


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VD can "go to hell " as he suggests the vice president can do. HE is the disrespectful one, along with TFG. They dishonor and disgrace our service members and veterans. There's a video of him, recent rally re: Arlington incident where, shocker, Trump was trying to do something ILLEGAL, AGAIN! 

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4 hours ago, LongTimeLurkerOG said:

VD can "go to hell " as he suggests the vice president can do. HE is the disrespectful one, along with TFG. They dishonor and disgrace our service members and veterans. There's a video of him, recent rally re: Arlington incident where, shocker, Trump was trying to do something ILLEGAL, AGAIN! 

*dishonor and disrespect 

can't edit now 

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3 hours ago, LongTimeLurkerOG said:

*dishonor and disrespect 

can't edit now 

BEC but it bothers me when people who believe in a literal hell use the phrase “go to hell” unless they are talking about the murderer of their child or such.

I mean, she was vice president during the Afghan withdrawal. Does he really believe he will have power as veep?

Such theatrics.

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16 minutes ago, noseybutt said:

BEC but it bothers me when people who believe in a literal hell use the phrase “go to hell” unless they are talking about the murderer of their child or such.

I mean, she was vice president during the Afghan withdrawal. Does he really believe he will have power as veep?

Such theatrics.

That is what it is theatrics to stir up the ignorant base. 

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LMFAO firefighters...LUV them! Boooed VD lol then he sempre fi -ed and it was IAFF group of them he was speaking to! Dumbass 

*IAFF is ff union 

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JD is really a trumpster...he spews lies with a straight face.


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didn't he basically film a tv commercial in the cemetery....I mean I guess tik tok and X aren't "tv" but theu serve that function. and what other function was there of releasing video if not for advertising?


Vance is so smug. He can't even sort of try to cover it up. I actually prefer trump to him. Which is saying something.

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I certainly know what it's like. JD can go fuck himself.



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Dear JD, the only thing that makes me miserable is listening to your BS. Shut the fuck up.


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On 8/31/2024 at 11:14 PM, GreyhoundFan said:

Dear JD, the only thing that makes me miserable is listening to your BS. Shut the fuck up.


I think he's terrified. He knows women who haven't had kids - whether by choice or by circumstance - have more time than women who are managing parenting. And most women also eventually will get to the "take no crap" stage, and those with no kids or grown kids have more time and energy to see his BS and call him out on it. He's talking about post-menopausal women here, and most post-menopausal women have less tolerance for crap than younger women do, IME. The level of "give an F" goes way down, and if there aren't kids and grandkids (or a manbaby husband, in some women's cases) to manage there's also more time to pay attention and call out the crap they see.

He would much prefer women be undereducated and stuck at home caring for babies and grandchildren and not have the time or mental bandwidth to pay attention or vote.

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On 8/31/2024 at 7:51 PM, GreyhoundFan said:

I certainly know what it's like. JD can go fuck himself.



JD Vance inadvertently gave a perfect definition of rape culture. 

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On 8/31/2024 at 7:51 PM, GreyhoundFan said:

I certainly know what it's like. JD can go fuck himself.



JD it seems like you weren't paying attention when your kindergarten teacher covered this so I think it's up to me.

Is everyone laughing JD? If you think they are is it a real laugh or is it that nervous laugh that people get when they're really uncomfortable and don't know how to say that? If everyone is not laughing then it's not funny when you are targeting a person or group. 

Also I've been ruminating on this. So what are those of us who would love to have been married and had children but didn't have the opportunity supposed to do? Those little incells that you speak just like and I think you in the back of your mind kind of still consider yourself when all women to look like the Fox News blonde anchors. Remember in order to be chosen in a relationship it takes two yeses or one no. So for those of us who weren't chosen but open to the opportunity are we supposed to become single mothers? Then wouldn't you complain about us because we're single mothers?

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I think JD has issues.  I read his awful book.   (Well, I had too.  I was born in the Appalachian area and I needed to see if the book sounded valid.  It didn't.)  JD's mother had substance abuse problems and his grandmother wasn't exactly warm and cuddly.  Now old JD thinks he got where he is by pulling himself up by his own bootstraps and those lousy women just held him back.

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Typical idiotic answer from JD.


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11 minutes ago, GreyhoundFan said:

Typical idiotic answer from JD.


Some of the responses:




Yo idiot, Grandma and Grandpas are probably still working too. If they're really lucky great grandma and a great grandpa is still alive. They may not be working but they're probably old enough and fragile enough that they couldn't be counted on for constant child care and probably need care themselves.

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18 hours ago, Audrey2 said:

Yo idiot, Grandma and Grandpas are probably still working too. 

But, but, but, childcare is the duty and only purpose of the post-menopausal woman.  Haven’t you heard?





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18 minutes ago, kpmom said:

But, but, but, childcare is the duty and only purpose of the post-menopausal woman.  Haven’t you heard?





Yeah I have. I've also heard that he wants to get rid of social security and medicare. He talks out of both sides of his mouth just like his orange overlord.

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My mom likes to occasionally watch my nieces but she doesn't do it all the time.  Most times my brother and sister in law rely on daycare to watch my nieces because the grandparents are getting up there in years.  And if I lived closer I probably couldn't watch them all the time like that fornicate Vance thinks I should because I'd be working myself.

He is so fornicating out of touch. 

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19 hours ago, GreyhoundFan said:

Typical idiotic answer from JD.


Some of the responses:




I couldn't listen to all of his BS 

How will people have Access to Education if they fkup DoEd w P25?!! Dumbass

And the certifications, education, and everything for ECE* and CC are not ridiculous. I don't have kids or cats, but I know that. 

The stray cats would be better than him at well, anything jfc

It's also not 6yrs of education

And they are paid less than school teachers 

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37 minutes ago, LongTimeLurkerOG said:

I couldn't listen to all of his BS 

How will people have Access to Education if they fkup DoEd w P25?!! Dumbass

And the certifications, education, and everything for ECE* and CC are not ridiculous. I don't have kids or cats, but I know that. 

The stray cats would be better than him at well, anything jfc

It's also not 6yrs of education

And they are paid less than school teachers 

I know some people who constantly complain about the state of our criminal justice system.  I finally broke down yesterday and said well fuck, they're overworked and underpaid.  That's one thing a lot of these arm chair criminal justice experts don't understand is that the legal people working in the public sector get paid a fuck of a lot less than their private sector counterparts.  Such counterparts usually make six figures to goddamn start while public sector employees do nothing of the sort.  And these same people think people making above $50 grand a year is too goddamn much.  Sometimes they can get public service assistance but the people working in the public sector don't make near enough to live comfortably and are getting slammed.  They can barely keep up as it is right now.

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Well JD Vance's response to the school shooting is disgusting....basically those democrats and their gun restrictions don't work because some states with gun restrictions still have shootings.

Absolutely fucking heartless. Go to hell JD Vance.

It is also super weird to say in this particular instance since GA would fall into no/less restrictions type state.

I just cannot understand the republican mindset that it's not the guns that are a problem.

I was speaking to a relative about this 2 weeks ago and when I said other countries don't have mass school shootings. She was like "they have knives! if somebody wants to they can"

and I was like - that's not the same and you know it. She started talking about how you can't trust "statistics" (re the idea that stats show that places with tough gun laws don't have mass school shootings all the time)

Then she started going on about some muslim country that some christian newletter was telling her about where the muslims were kidnapping the women and holding them in captivity presumably raping them until they converted.....and she scoffed when I said it's probably not about religion in the 1st place (probably about political control - if this is even happening) but in the 2nd place I'm not sure how trustworthy I find the reporting or "statistics" of what is obviously a religious organization raising money and 3rdly I'm pretty sure christians have done the same thing to  nonchristians throughout history (which she obviously found to be an unsettling remark but did not disagree)

I went on to add there's no point in talking about anything if "you can't believe any statistics or reports" like this

And she conceded that maybe sometimes, in certain situations, we could actually use such information for reference if we take it with a grain of salt.

But even so gun regulations wouldn't solve anything.

We ended the conversation with a sort of agree to disagree without me agreeing but simply saying there's no point in talking about this if you don't accept common knowledge.

I shall refrain from calling her up and asking her thought about it today and whether at some point she might accept that the people to listen to as experts about this topic are not the gun lobbies.


go to hell jd vance and take your right wing fascist state with you. 

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1 hour ago, WatchingTheTireFireBurn said:

I was speaking to a relative about this 2 weeks ago and when I said other countries don't have mass school shootings. She was like "they have knives! if somebody wants to they can"


This is an excellent one to turn around on them, isn't it? 

"Why have abortion regulations? If somebody wants to they can!"

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So JD Vance, the woman hater, has said school shooting are a "fact of life"


FUCK YOU. go to fucking hell you sick fuck.


I don't have to ask my non-american FJers - Are school shootings an accepted "fact of life" ??? of course not. this is a fucking right wing christian bullshit and I'm so sick of it



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