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JD Vance: TFG's VP Candidate


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J D Vance is anti-divorce perhaps even in the situations of family violence. (link to article right here).


“This is one of the great tricks that I think the sexual revolution pulled on the American populace, which is the idea that like, ‘well, OK, these marriages were fundamentally, you know, they were maybe even violent, but certainly they were unhappy. And so getting rid of them and making it easier for people to shift spouses like they change their underwear, that’s going to make people happier in the long term,’” Vance said.

Most people don't get divorced that frequently. His mother had many marriages, and I think this anger at his parents. 


“And maybe it worked out for the moms and dads, though I’m skeptical. But it really didn’t work out for the kids of those marriages,” Vance continued. “And that’s what I think all of us should be honest about, is we’ve run this experiment in real time. And what we have is a lot of very, very real family dysfunction that’s making our kids unhappy.”

He means he wishes his parents had stayed married, but they probably divorced for good reason like his mother's addiction.


Vance was responding to a moderator who referenced his grandparents’ relationship before asking, “What’s causing one generation to give up on fatherhood when the other one was so doggedly determined to stick it out, even in tough times?” And those comments came immediately after he brought up his grandparents’ relationship and how it differed from his parents’ generation. He described their marriage as “violent” in his best-selling book “Hillbilly Elegy,” though they’d reconciled by the time he came along and helped raise him, giving him a sense of safety and stability his mother was unable to provide. 

“Culturally, something has clearly shifted. I think it’s easy but also probably true to blame the sexual revolution of the 1960s. My grandparents had an incredibly chaotic marriage in a lot of ways, but they never got divorced, right? They were together to the end, ’til death do us part. That was a really important thing to my grandmother and my grandfather. That was clearly not true by the 70s or 80s,” he said.

His grandparents had a terrible marriage. His grandfather was abusive to Grandma. She got so fed up with her husband's abuse that she lit him on fire in front of their daughter (link to a confirming source). I think divorce is a better option. I also pray that I never end up in a marriage that bad. 

I realize that he's a victim of family abuse and I would feel sorry for him except I don't want this deeply traumatized man in politics and I want him to go away and leave us alone!!! I'm so tired of his opinions, particularly on women!  

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All of his comments also make me afraid for his wife and children. If he's constantly spewing such nonsense about women and how violence is in a marriage is okay and that a woman should take it, what is he doing behind closed doors? What would he do if he didn't have as many national eyes on him?

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11 hours ago, Bluebirdbluebell said:

J D Vance is anti-divorce perhaps even in the situations of family violence. (link to article right here).

Most people don't get divorced that frequently. His mother had many marriages, and I think this anger at his parents. 

He means he wishes his parents had stayed married, but they probably divorced for good reason like his mother's addiction.

His grandparents had a terrible marriage. His grandfather was abusive to Grandma. She got so fed up with her husband's abuse that she lit him on fire in front of their daughter (link to a confirming source). I think divorce is a better option. I also pray that I never end up in a marriage that bad. 

I realize that he's a victim of family abuse and I would feel sorry for him except I don't want this deeply traumatized man in politics and I want him to go away and leave us alone!!! I'm so tired of his opinions, particularly on women!  

Perhaps "culturally" people chose not to stay in abusive and/or stifling, horrible marriages. Dumb Fuck. He should know more about actual history, but I know that's asking too much. He can take several seats and fuck off. Hopefully, his adoring-gaze wife who recently stopped working isn't being hurt by this tiny D incel

8 hours ago, Audrey2 said:

All of his comments also make me afraid for his wife and children. If he's constantly spewing such nonsense about women and how violence is in a marriage is okay and that a woman should take it, what is he doing behind closed doors? What would he do if he didn't have as many national eyes on him?

HUGE red flags

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Moron doubled down on his racist anti-immigrant claims. 


Republican vice presidential candidate JD Vance on Sunday defended false claims about Haitian immigrants eating the pets of residents in Springfield, Ohio in an interview with CNN’s Dana Bash on “State of the Union.”

Asked to support his claims, Vance pointed to what he said are firsthand accounts from constituents who have told him this is happening, though he didn’t provide the evidence. 

The city of Springfield notes on its website that approximately 12,000 to 15,000 immigrants live in Clark County, and that Haitian immigrants are there legally as part of a parole program that allows citizens and lawful residents to apply to have their family members from Haiti come to the United States.

Local officials at the city and state level have repeatedly tried to end the rumor about immigrants eating pets. Springfield officials have told press and city commission meetings that there are no credible reports of animal abuse by immigrants in the area.


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This week, Springfield had to evacuate city hall, elementary and high schools, a nearby university, and the library because of threats of violence aimed at immigrants.

Not a single word of apology from TFG or Vance or their surrogates.  Nope, they just keep talking about how the scary scary Haitians are carrying off Fido and Fluffy to the kitchen.  How Venezuela is sending their prisoners here, how mental hospitals all over South America are packing their residents off to America.  There's no indication that any of this is happening.  Somebody just made it up.  The first person who posted about the "immigrants are eating pets" thing on Facebook said it was something she heard somewhere so she posted about it, despite the fact that she was well aware it was essentially a rumor someone on FB came up with.  It's about as real as Slenderman.

And they KNOW that.  They know it's not real.  They know none of this is happening, but they're happy to put real people in danger to create an enemy that their followers can target.


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47 minutes ago, bea said:

This week, Springfield had to evacuate city hall, elementary and high schools, a nearby university, and the library because of threats of violence aimed at immigrants.

This makes me sick. There was an absolutely lovely woman from Springfield in my freshman corridor at college and I feel badly that her town is going through this. 

It's yet another example of trump and his big mouth wasting money for a city. We already know he doesn't pay his bills although some places are getting smart and making them pay up front.

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5 minutes ago, Giraffe said:

Trump & Vance are going to get people killed. 

By design, I think.  You don't stoke people to this level of rage without being aware that they will lash out.

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trump has already got people killed, sent to jail, harassed, doxxed, death threats etc.

He wants it and likes it. The more that happens the more he can say "see what a crazy country we live in? you need to bring me back to calm it down, I'm the only one!"

Now why JD Vance isn't playing the reasonable middle man - that's odd. I mean I guess he was brought in to not be an easy going in the middle sort of dude. But Vance is clearly able to change his tune to get what he wants - so why is he playing with fire here? He could come out looking clean and normal relative to trump. He doesn't have the charisma that trump has to work people. Why is he doubling down on the trump style. Seems dumb and I had thought as slimy as Vance is that he isn't dumb. Vance certainly, I believe, has the *ability* to do noncommittal political blather and just say "oh you know trump, it's nothing, boy talk - but here's some real issues....."

but he's choosing to stand by his stupid remarks and say more stupid remarks.

It's interesting. I mean I'm glad he's doing it.

otherwise I think trump would be doing a lot better. If Vance was playing the reasonable character I think people would do what they did with pence and say "well, trump is trump, but pence is there and he's solid."  - If Vance was playing that character I think lots of middle ground people would be like "well...I did ok with trump last time. I don't like the guy but he's got Vance to temper that edge"



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I live in a part of the country that has a fairly large Haitian community. 
Our bishop asked us to pray for the Haitian community at church today. He didn’t say anything political, just asked that we pray, which we did. Of course we all knew why, but nothing was said. 

Shit’s getting real and it’s very disturbing. 

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can anybody watch this CNN interview below and tell me what asshole said and how he said it(re politicized the son's death)? I can't watch it. his smarmy face makes me want to both punch him and throw up. 

"JD Vance reacts to Springfield father saying he politicized his son's death (Part 2/2)"


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7 hours ago, kpmom said:

I live in a part of the country that has a fairly large Haitian community. 
Our bishop asked us to pray for the Haitian community at church today. He didn’t say anything political, just asked that we pray, which we did. Of course we all knew why, but nothing was said. 

Shit’s getting real and it’s very disturbing. 

The parish I go to is working with people down in Haiti now to help improve conditions down there so I know the people in the parish are no doubt pained to hear all the bullshit Vance and fuck head are spouting now.

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13 hours ago, WatchingTheTireFireBurn said:

can anybody watch this CNN interview below and tell me what asshole said and how he said it(re politicized the son's death)? I can't watch it. his smarmy face makes me want to both punch him and throw up. 

"JD Vance reacts to Springfield father saying he politicized his son's death (Part 2/2)"

An 11-year-old (white, local) boy, Aiden Clark, was killed in a car accident when his school bus was hit by a minivan driven by an immigrant from Haiti. The right wing has been using this an example of 'migrant crime' and saying, in Vance's words: “a child was murdered by a Haitian migrant.” They have been using this as a kickoff to go into the usual bullshit about all migrants being criminals and generally causing havoc and misery. According to Vance in this interview, migrants are murdering local kids left and right and the mainstram media has been ignoring it.

Aiden's father has asked them to stop using his son's death in their talking points. He says that his son was acidentally killed by the driver--it was not murder. (The driver was convicted of involuntary manslaughter and vehicular homicide; he was at fault, but he did not intend to kill anyone.) The father went so far as to say that he wishes that his son had been killed by a 60-year-old white guy because then [paraphrasing] it would be seen as the tragic accident it was and not a political tool to demonize immigrants. He said that he will not listen to these politicans unless it is an apology. Interestingly, at least in that statement, the father seemed to be fine with the general 'migrants are evil' rhetoric, he just wanted his son's death kept out of it.

Vance was asked about this, and he brushed it off and did the usual pivot to Harris's "open-border policies" (you know, the ones she doesn't have and would have no power to enact even if she did) and his xenophobic, racist talking points. And "I'm gonna keep talking about that" (referring to the nonexistent policies and resultant, equally fictional, crime wave). He clearly does not give a flying fuck about the grieving family, only that he can point to an immigrant who did something wrong to cast them all as evil.

This was moments before Vance admitted that the "they're eating the dogs!" story was something they made up: "If I have to create stories so that the American media actually has to pay attention to the suffering of American people, then that’s what I’m going to do." When interviewer Dana Bash pressed him on this, he tried to spin it as saying that the anecdote was true and that he was making it into a news story, which was obvious bullshit to try to walk back his confession: “I say that we’re creating a story, meaning we’re creating the American media focusing on it." 

When Bash pressed further, he told her to "shut up" because, according to Vance, violence caused by xenophobic and racist rhetoric is the fault of the person who reports on the violence (maybe? it's not really clear what he thinks happened here), not the one who spews the rhetoric and inspires the violence: “What is the implication when you say calling out these problems has caused a bomb threat? You accused me of causing a bomb threat. Doesn’t that mean you should shut up about the residents of Springfield? Don’t you realize you’re engaged in basic propaganda to silence the concerns of American citizens?”

Your instinct to both want to punch that incredibly punchable face and throw up is appropriate. What I wrote here was bad enough, but it doesn't convey the smarmy, condescending way he taked to Bash (who he kept calling by her first name). He was clearly irritated that someone--a woman!--dared imply that he had said or done anything wrong.


I need to go watch a Tim Walz speech. It'll be a Silkwood shower of rhetoric.

Edited by K'Z'K
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20 minutes ago, K'Z'K said:

An 11-year-old (white, local) boy, Aiden Clark, was killed in a car accident when his school bus was hit by a minivan driven by an immigrant from Haiti. The right wing has been using this an example of 'migrant crime' and saying that the child was murdered by an immigrant; in Vance's words: “a child was murdered by a Haitian migrant.” They have been using this as a kickoff to go into the usual bullshit about all migrants being criminals and generally causing havoc and misery. According to Vance in this interview, migrants are murdering local kids left and right and the mainstram media has been ignoring it.

Aiden's father has asked them to stop using his son's death in their talking points. He says that his son was acidentally killed by the driver--it was not murder. (The driver was convicted of involuntary manslaughter and vehicular homicide; he was at fault, but he did not intend to kill anyone.) The father went so far as to say that he wishes that his son had been killed by a 60-year-old white guy because then [paraphrasing] it would be seen as the tragic accident it was and not a political tool to demonize immigrants. He said that he will not listen to these politicans unless it is an apology. Interestingly, at least in that statement, the father seemed to be fine with the general 'migrants are evil' rhetoric, he just wanted his son's death kept out of it.

Vance was asked about this, and he did the usual pivot to Harris's "open-border policies" (you know, the ones she doesn't have and would have no power to enact even if she did) and his xenophobic, racist talking points. And "I'm gonna keep talking about that" (referring to the nonexistent policies and resultant, equally fictional, crime wave). He clearly does not give a flying fuck about the grieving family, only that he can point to an immigrant who did something wrong to cast them all as evil.

This was moments before Vance admitted that the "they're eating the dogs!" story was something they made up: "If I have to create stories so that the American media actually has to pay attention to the suffering of American people, then that’s what I’m going to do." When interviewer Dana Bash pressed him on this, he tried to spin it as saying that the anecdote was true and that he was making it into a news story, which was obvious bullshit to try to walk back his confession: “I say that we’re creating a story, meaning we’re creating the American media focusing on it." 

When she pressed further, he told her to "shut up" because, according to Vance, violence caused by xenophobic and racist rhetoric is the fault of the person who reports on the violence (maybe? it's not really clear what he thinks happened here), not the one who spews the rhetoric and inspires the violence: “What is the implication when you say calling out these problems has caused a bomb threat? You accused me of causing a bomb threat. Doesn’t that mean you should shut up about the residents of Springfield? Don’t you realize you’re engaged in basic propaganda to silence the concerns of American citizens?”

Your instinct to both want to punch that incredibly punchable face and throw up is appropriate. What I wrote here was bad enough, but it doesn't convey the smarmy, condescending way he taked to Bash (who he kept calling by her first name). He was clearly irritated that someone--a woman!--dared imply that he had said or done anything wrong.


I need to go watch a Tim Walz speec. It'll be a Silkwood shower of rhetoric.

I can’t believe I’m saying this, but Vance is more of a misogynist than Trump

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4 hours ago, K'Z'K said:

This was moments before Vance admitted that the "they're eating the dogs!" story was something they made up: "If I have to create stories so that the American media actually has to pay attention to the suffering of American people, then that’s what I’m going to do." When interviewer Dana Bash pressed him on this, he tried to spin it as saying that the anecdote was true and that he was making it into a news story, which was obvious bullshit to try to walk back his confession: “I say that we’re creating a story, meaning we’re creating the American media focusing on it." 

For those who can stomach it, here's this part of the interview.


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oh my god. that sounds so much worse than what I expected. thank you @K'Z'K that was a very thorough break down.

he seems ...psychotic...which is such an overused word at this point - but what else can you say about somebody who admits they're lying on purpose and has no human feelings about a father who has lost a child.

He strikes me as somebody who will snap and lash out in violent manner when he's "tested" and say "you drove me to it!"


I want to watch it  now because it's worse than I thought and I guess I can't quite believe it. But I also know I have to go to work the rest of the week. So I shall not.

I feel genuinely sad that people follow these people and think the way they speak is ok.

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