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JD Vance: TFG's VP Candidate


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I'm sure Dana Bash appreciated that JD mispronounced her first name. It's Dann-uh, JD, not Dayne-uh. 🙄



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I wondered why people were talking about diet mountain dew....what a bizarre thing to say.

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On 7/17/2024 at 12:05 AM, WatchingTheTireFireBurn said:

I deeply truly wish I could stop reading this stuff. Things are bad at work. My favorite youtube cat died. My favorite youtube dog isn't doing well. there's no good comfortable snark......just a scary, sad world right now. This guy seems so extra horrible. how can that even be? how does it keep getting worse with each new development? 

Billie? I was so sad to hear about her.

On 7/18/2024 at 5:55 PM, Audrey2 said:

To me the role of vice president is kind of like the role of a mother-in-law- keep your mouth shut and wear beige. It's good to have a good relationship with the president and have the president bounce ideas off of them but I feel and fear that Vance is going to take a much more visible and more vocal view of the vice presidency.

I think you're 100% right. Pence was the hold back and be background sort and this guy isn't - and he knows full well Trump did NO work as president 99% pf the time. It'll be super easy for Vance to slide right in and be all "I got this, no need for you to bother with it..." about thing after thing until he's effectively President and Trump just drops in off the golf course once in a while to sit at the fancy desk and autograph whatever Vance sticks in front of him.

I don't trust anyone willing to support Trump, especially someone who had such a clear true perspective on him at the beginning and has swung the opposite direction to benefit himself. But there's something about this guy that seems super slimy.

I'm glad his wife is Indian, if only so maybe a few of the worst racists will refuse to vote in protest. Not likely many  will, but any vote that doesn't come in for Trump is a benefit IMO.

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Vance doesn't realize that the extent to which he has to always praise Trump.  Always.  Trump is a giant sucking hole and whoever doesn't constantly dump praise and flattery into that hole will be on the outs with Trump.

Vance is thinking that Trump will kick the bucket and he'll ascend to the presidency.  Easy peasy.  He doesn't yet understand the price he'll pay in having to be a relentlessly obsequious toady to stay on Trump's good side.  Being on Trump's bad side? Verbal abuse at the least.  And start the countdown until Trump disparages Usha. 

Lots of Twitter speculation that Vance is desperately charisma impaired.  Like Jeb Bush impaired.  If Trump gives Vance an ugly nickname, it's all over. 

22 hours ago, Loveday said:

I'm sure Dana Bash appreciated that JD mispronounced her first name. It's Dann-uh, JD, not Dayne-uh. 

I've known multiple Danas.  There is no consistent way to pronounce it. I had to remember one of them as Dana Banana.  Another one was Dana La Rayna. 

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@Alisamer yes Billi and her buttons. I want her to be MAD forever. 

And the dog was Sherpa. I'm much more a dog person and I'm still so heartbroken over Sherpa. He and his dad also had soooooo many videos. So you feel like you knew them that much more.

I'm also watching the Katmai bear cams if any of you are into that. And if something happens to Grazer's COY I may just need to stop engaging with the outside world anymore. 

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4 minutes ago, WatchingTheTireFireBurn said:

@Alisamer yes Billi and her buttons. I want her to be MAD forever. 

And the dog was Sherpa. I'm much more a dog person and I'm still so heartbroken over Sherpa. He and his dad also had soooooo many videos. So you feel like you knew them that much more.

I'm also watching the Katmai bear cams if any of you are into that. And if something happens to Grazer's COY I may just need to stop engaging with the outside world anymore. 

You may also enjoy Girl With Dogs and Girl With Dogs 2. She's a groomer out of Canada. I don't know what's so relaxing about watching dogs and cats get groomed but something sure works for me.

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1 hour ago, Audrey2 said:

You may also enjoy Girl With Dogs and Girl With Dogs 2. She's a groomer out of Canada. I don't know what's so relaxing about watching dogs and cats get groomed but something sure works for me.

Youtube constantly recommends that to me! I've never liked it though. I'm not a cat person. I'm very allergic so while I think cats seem nice I can't touch them and there's a feeling of anxiety around them because of it. But I fell in love with Billi because I am a speech pathologist and that cat going on about how everything made her mad was just... special. 

I get into videos where I can know all the back story and family relationships and all that. Sherpa was friends with Key and so I watched Key's videos too and it was like being in a marvel cinematic universe only less sexist and  less generally preposterous and with doggos and pleasant walks in the english country side.  When I watch people grooming dogs all I can think about is how my back would hurt and I hope they have good drains to catch the fur and I wonder if they get stray single hairs jammed in their skin like happens to me....it's not relaxing at all! I get caught up in wondering about the most random crap.

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1 hour ago, Howl said:

Vance doesn't realize that the extent to which he has to always praise Trump.  Always.  Trump is a giant sucking hole and whoever doesn't constantly dump praise and flattery into that hole will be on the outs with Trump.

Vance is thinking that Trump will kick the bucket and he'll ascend to the presidency.  Easy peasy.  He doesn't yet understand the price he'll pay in having to be a relentlessly obsequious toady to stay on Trump's good side.  Being on Trump's bad side? Verbal abuse at the least.  And start the countdown until Trump disparages Usha. 

Lots of Twitter speculation that Vance is desperately charisma impaired.  Like Jeb Bush impaired.  If Trump gives Vance an ugly nickname, it's all over. 

I've known multiple Danas.  There is no consistent way to pronounce it. I had to remember one of them as Dana Banana.  Another one was Dana La Rayna. 

If Trump does win, and Vance has managed to hang on through the election and inauguration, it will be interesting to watch Trump try to get rid of him. He fired so many people during his other term. But they weren't elected officials. I don't think a president can just fire his duly elected vice president.  I can see Donny trying, though. 🙄

And yeah, every other Dana I've ever known pronounced it 'la Rayna' style. Dana Bash is actually the only person I've ever heard of to pronounce it like 'banana.'  I have a feeling ole JD knows that and deliberately pronounced it the other way just to try and get under her skin. I don't think he's too familiar with her--nothing gets under her skin as far as I've ever seen. But I'd put money on her getting under HIS skin at some point. 😁


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Can you fire a VP after the election?? hmmm.

the news was extremely critical of vance all day and it was delightful. Take your misogynist BS somewhere else. 

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11 hours ago, WatchingTheTireFireBurn said:

@Alisamer yes Billi and her buttons. I want her to be MAD forever. 

Billi was the cutest, always quick to express when she was mad about something. It was super cute that she invented her own term for coffee - Catnip Water! 

My sister wants me to get my cat some buttons. I told her if she bought them I'd try to get him to use them, though he'd probably wear out the "snuggle" button. Lately a cat named Todd with buttons has been recommended to me... there are three cats in the family and only he uses the buttons, but he used them once to tell his human dad that one of the other cat's (a senior I think) back was hurting her. The syntax was "Back Glamour (other cat's name) Want Happy." And he's used the buttons to tell his dad to check HIS back - "Look Back Ouch" I think - when one of the other cats scratched him and he had a scab there. He's also asked for combined toys using the buttons and requested toys for the other cats to play with. It's fascinating how they do their best to communicate. I think my cat might appreciate buttons to tell me to go to bed, instead of staring at me until I get up! He clearly knows when I should be headed to bed. Although he is often a bit early requesting his medicine/treat in the afternoons.

Some cats are better than lots of people. Especially this Vance dude I think.

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Fuck this guy.


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I am so immature. Laughing hysterically at the JD Vance did not have sex with a couch news articles.

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4 hours ago, GreyhoundFan said:

Fuck this guy.


Fuck this d-bag. Sideways. 🤬

Also, at first, my brain keeps seeing his name as "VD." 😏

On 7/17/2024 at 12:05 AM, WatchingTheTireFireBurn said:

I deeply truly wish I could stop reading this stuff. Things are bad at work. My favorite youtube cat died. My favorite youtube dog isn't doing well. there's no good comfortable snark......just a scary, sad world right now. This guy seems so extra horrible. how can that even be? how does it keep getting worse with each new development? 


Part of me wants to stay informed... or just watch mindless, crap TV lol

ikr? Someone said the other day that maybe TFG is the Antichrist... 🤔


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re cat buttons - I've seen some very interesting things various pets have done. And I believe a lot although some seem really - "interpreted" by the pet parent.  I'm pretty sure my dog would be telling me to go to bed right now. He's sighing quite a bit. But unfortunately I fell asleep for 3 hours in an involuntary nap after a long day....and now it's 3am and I'm not sleepy. 

i used to see a dog who knew a lot of places around outside his house (beach, park, etc) and I always thought my dog would be able to pick what he wanted. but I speech therapy by day....I dunno I just don't want to at night.

one day I was asking my dog if he wanted more treats and I literally made the "more" ASL sign at him said "more??" and waited and legit like 20 seconds later I was still expectantly waiting for him to make a more sign for me so I could give him treats. (for those not in the know - a dog cannot make a more sign).  My dog is freaky smart so sometimes I have a twinge that he would actually do amazing with buttons.


as to vance.

fuck him man. he seems like a psychopath.

I've seen a few interesting break downs of him and his political career - and the gist is - he didn't even do that well in his own area and therefore has absolutely zero anything to bring to trump's campaign. He's constantly saying asinine things and seems to have the charm of Eric Jr (ie....none)

He's changed his name twice and I've never seen any logical accounting for why that is. I don't really care but it seems like an odd thing for standard issue republican to do.

He seems to be a total poser/sham. I didn't even know he wrote hillbilly elegy. I thought it was just a guy with the same name (Vance is a common name in Western NC mountains). I've not read the book but it's my understanding is that it doesn't have much nice to say about appalachia (where he is not from anyway). I saw an interview with a "common man" I don't recall where from but he stated "I'm for vance, I'm a hillbilly and he is too" and I thought Ah! you've not read his book or know anything about him cuz he's about as hillbilly as trump.

He honestly seems like a democrat incel. So being democrat incel didn't get him votes but being republican slime ball did. ta dah! change tactics - I'm super right wing now!

I've not looked into his marriage and wife. I read somewhere that she until recently was registered democrat and is well educated a lawyer. And that their kids have hindu /hindu sounding names....I mean good for them and I don't really care about their relationship. But boy it sure is an unexpected combination for any politician but particularly a rabid right wing incel looking white dude politician type. I'm really surprised trump's supporters aren't more upset about it.



haha I was just perusing some comments on a vance article to see what people are saying about him and the best one was "I'm starting to question the quality of a yale degree"

same. I am starting to question it very much. Why are so many of these right wing sycophants educated at these "top tier" schools?  I don't know that much about that stuff - is yale not a place you want to go these days???

A few years ago I would have said people from Yale and other similar schools would have been ashamed to be seen with trump much less actively campaigning and working for him. Isn't the whole point of going to those type of schools is to have that excellent reputation and connections so that you don't grovel to the trumps of the world??

I mean I guess...being a VP pick is pretty high "achievement" on paper so "check" that box. But at what cost man?? at what cost? have you no self respect?

also sort of side bar.....is yale producing incels? is that what's happening? ivy league colleges are producing neck beards and trad wives?


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8 hours ago, noseybutt said:

I am so immature. Laughing hysterically at the JD Vance did not have sex with a couch news articles.

I know - funnier than the rumor itself, and the memes, is how there now have to be serious-sounding articles debunking it.



I'm not sure why anyone would want to embellish on who he actually is and what he actually wrote in Hillbilly Elegy - from what I've heard him say, and what I've read about the book, he's phenomenally dishonest and disgusting for real. Luckily for us, he is also dopey, unlikable (even to MAGA, it seems), and dull.

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7 hours ago, WatchingTheTireFireBurn said:


He's changed his name twice and I've never seen any logical accounting for why that is. I don't really care but it seems like an odd thing for standard issue republican to do.

He seems to be a total poser/sham. I didn't even know he wrote hillbilly elegy. I thought it was just a guy with the same name (Vance is a common name in Western NC mountains). I've not read the book but it's my understanding is that it doesn't have much nice to say about appalachia (where he is not from anyway). I saw an interview with a "common man" I don't recall where from but he stated "I'm for vance, I'm a hillbilly and he is too" and I thought Ah! you've not read his book or know anything about him cuz he's about as hillbilly as trump.

He honestly seems like a democrat incel. So being democrat incel didn't get him votes but being republican slime ball did. ta dah! change tactics - I'm super right wing now!

I've not looked into his marriage and wife. I read somewhere that she until recently was registered democrat and is well educated a lawyer. And that their kids have hindu /hindu sounding names....I mean good for them and I don't really care about their relationship. But boy it sure is an unexpected combination for any politician but particularly a rabid right wing incel looking white dude politician type. I'm really surprised trump's supporters aren't more upset about it.



haha I was just perusing some comments on a vance article to see what people are saying about him and the best one was "I'm starting to question the quality of a yale degree"

same. I am starting to question it very much. Why are so many of these right wing sycophants educated at these "top tier" schools?  I don't know that much about that stuff - is yale not a place you want to go these days???

A few years ago I would have said people from Yale and other similar schools would have been ashamed to be seen with trump much less actively campaigning and working for him. Isn't the whole point of going to those type of schools is to have that excellent reputation and connections so that you don't grovel to the trumps of the world??

I mean I guess...being a VP pick is pretty high "achievement" on paper so "check" that box. But at what cost man?? at what cost? have you no self respect?

also sort of side bar.....is yale producing incels? is that what's happening? ivy league colleges are producing neck beards and trad wives?


JD Vance is the living embodiment of “I will literally do anything but go to therapy.” He had a rough upbringing with his mom an opioid pill addict who married multiple men of questionable character. He and his sister were mostly raised by maternal grandparents who originated from Appalachia but didn’t live there. On the Adverse Childhood Experiences scale (ACEs), he’s probably like a 9/10. In other words, lots and lots of early trauma followed by a stint in the Marine Corps. At Yale he bumped up on the socioeconomic scale and never looked back.

Vance seems like an appropriate name given that was the family who raised him. I have zero issues with people picking their names and it especially makes sense if they come from complicated family backgrounds. (Vance’s opposition to transgender name changes does seem quite hypocritical though and yet another example of hate being easier than therapy.)

He is not an incel. At all. In fact, he seems to have had zero issues finding social groups and partners and eventually a wife. 

IMO his misogyny is not about sex but about mommy. And about wanting power. Because ruling the country is easier than therapy.

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Do we know how much of what he's said about his upbringing is true?

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49 minutes ago, thoughtful said:

Do we know how much of what he's said about his upbringing is true?

IIRC, his family did not dispute the facts of his book and some of it was verified independently (eg his mother’s marriages).

The criticism around the book by the people with ties to the region had to do with the way he blamed individuals for their horrible choices and poverty as opposed to systemic issues. For example, the region was flooded with pain pills thanks to pain management standards at the time and doctors willing to prescribe in pill mills.

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1 hour ago, thoughtful said:

Do we know how much of what he's said about his upbringing is true?

Here's a (long-ish) discussion. (I was able to read it without paying).


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19 minutes ago, apple1 said:

Here's a (long-ish) discussion. (I was able to read it without paying).


Adding “What You Are Getting Wrong About Appalachia” to my reading list.

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19 hours ago, GreyhoundFan said:

Fuck this guy.


Well then. No votes for priests.

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4 hours ago, apple1 said:

Here's a (long-ish) discussion. (I was able to read it without paying).


Thanks. That tells me more about the book and its influence. I vaguely remember hearing about it, but didn't realize it had been popular among liberal readers.

Some of it I already knew - Tennessee Brando has protested how insultingly Vance wrote about Appalachians.


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17 minutes ago, thoughtful said:

Thanks. That tells me more about the book and its influence. I vaguely remember hearing about it, but didn't realize it had been popular among liberal readers.

Some of it I already knew - Tennessee Brando has protested how insultingly Vance wrote about Appalachians.


Even this article is flawed: Middletown, Ohio is not part of Appalachia. My dad was born and raised in the Appalachian part of Ohio. I was born one county over that was not Appalachia. We moved out of state when I was two and my brother was eight. Every summer of our childhoods, we spent at least a week back in Appalachia with my very Appalachian grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins; we spent Thanksgivings there roughly every other year and returned for family weddings and funerals and reunions as well. 

By Vance's logic, I, too, could write a memoir on growing up in Appalachia and wax not quite eloquently about it. Except the part where I could not accurately do so at all. 

Edited by louisa05
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If that rumor had been true, it would've been only the latest bit of wierdness in this cycle.


The 2024 election is already historic for a number of reasons, from an assassination attempt to a last-minute dropout, with the country’s first Black woman candidate slated to secure the Democratic nomination. It is also perhaps the first time in American history that a vice presidential nominee has been rumored to have had sex with a couch.

Let’s get this out of the way: J.D. Vance did not say he had sex with a couch. The rumor began as a joke on X, when user @rickrudescalves tweeted on July 15: “can’t say for sure but he might be the first vp pick to have admitted in a ny times bestseller to fucking an Inside-out latex glove shoved between two couch cushions (vance, hillbilly elegy, pp. 179-181).” That the tweet appeared to be directly sourced from Vance’s memoir, Hillbilly Elegy, convinced many people that it was in fact true, but if they were to read pages 179 to 181, all they’d find is Vance talking about his time at Ohio State University.

What’s more bizarre is that the couch joke was only one of the three most off-putting things Vance has been known for during his first 10 days as a VP nominee, and the only one that wasn’t verified as true. After Trump announced his pick on July 15, a clip from his 2021 appearance on Tucker Carlson went viral in which he complained that the US was “effectively run” by “a bunch of childless cat ladies who are miserable at their own lives,” naming Kamala Harris, Pete Buttigieg, and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. “The entire future of the Democrats is controlled by people without children, and how does it make any sense that we’ve turned our country over to people who don’t really have a direct stake in it,” he said, discounting Harris’s two step-children whom she co-parents with husband Doug Emhoff. Then, Vance tried and failed to get laughs at a Trump rally by making an awkward joke about drinking diet Mountain Dew and how “[Democrats] are going to call that racist.”

I don’t really need to explain why everyone believing a joke about a vice presidential candidate having sex with a couch is funny, it just is. Much like the memes implying Kamala Harris is a pop icon queening out to “Brat” summer, “JD Vance fucked a couch” is just another absurdity of the wildest election summer in recent history, one where the truth is so much crazier than fiction that the fiction starts becoming believable. No, J.D. Vance didn’t fuck a couch. But he’ll always be remembered as the vice presidential nominee that was once rumored to have fucked a couch. And that’s pretty weird.


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