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JD Vance: TFG's VP Candidate


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2 hours ago, louisa05 said:

Even this article is flawed: Middletown, Ohio is not part of Appalachia.

You're right that the article doesn't make that clear, but I think his claim to being Appalachian comes from his grandparents originally living in Kentucky before moving to Ohio. I think he just sort of claimed the background  - fits in with his oozing idea of what truth is.

45 minutes ago, 47of74 said:

Maybe JD is afraid of the giant cat invasion....


Don't forget the largest cat of all:




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8 minutes ago, thoughtful said:

You're right that the article doesn't make that clear, but I think his claim to being Appalachian comes from his grandparents originally living in Kentucky before moving to Ohio. I think he just sort of claimed the background  - fits in with his oozing idea of what truth is.

I have a set of great-great-great-great-grandparents who came over from western Germany and settled in Ohio for a time but then left for Iowa.  I'm not sure where they lived in Ohio or why they had moved to Iowa.  (I think it was because they saw more economic advantages in moving to Iowa instead of remaining in Ohio).  I certainly don't claim to be any sort of Appalachian or hillbilly and no one else in my family does because of some of my ancestors lived a few years in Ohio.  I never really thought of any part of Ohio as being Appalachian and thought that was more to the south and east.

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With apologies to the Teddy Bears...To know him is to dislike him...

In case you're not familiar with my Teddy Bears reference:


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This guy is so disgusting.

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12 minutes ago, GreyhoundFan said:



"Congratulations - it's a loveseat!"

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I didn't realize he thought he was gay in the past.


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Honestly, if it came to light that he actually did shag a couch (or even just an armchair), that would be the least disgusting thing we’ve learnt about him all week. 

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1 minute ago, Shrubbery said:

Honestly, if it came to light that he actually did shag a couch (or even just an armchair), that would be the least disgusting thing we’ve learnt about him all week. 

You may be right considering that there’s now some kind of rumor going around that he’s into dolphin porn. I do not know where that rumor came from. I do not know what dolphin porn consists of. I do not want to know. I do know that my brain was happier five minutes ago when I did not know any of it. Presumably, the dolphins would also be happier to not be associated with Mr. Vance. I feel like we’re reality tv for the aliens. 

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10 minutes ago, AnywhereButHere said:

You may be right considering that there’s now some kind of rumor going around that he’s into dolphin porn. I do not know where that rumor came from. I do not know what dolphin porn consists of. I do not want to know. I do know that my brain was happier five minutes ago when I did not know any of it. Presumably, the dolphins would also be happier to not be associated with Mr. Vance. I feel like we’re reality tv for the aliens. 

Eh, I really don’t want to know what dolphin porn is 🙈🙈

What I meant, though, was that I find it much less disturbing when someone fantasizes about upholstered furniture, than what Vance has said about women and politics in general.

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49 minutes ago, Shrubbery said:

Honestly, if it came to light that he actually did shag a couch (or even just an armchair), that would be the least disgusting thing we’ve learnt about him all week. 

I don't understand why this even gets brought up. He's entered a race with a convicted felon and accused rapist. Vance f*ing a couch is a non-event. 

Edited by Giraffe
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17 hours ago, thoughtful said:

"Congratulations - it's a loveseat!"

Quoting myself because the only way to get the song out of my head is to do this.

JD's illegitimate child is a girl. Her life has been hard, despite her being upholstered, and now her boyfriend, a Stickley knock-off, is pressuring her for sex, thinking she's easy due to her background and cheap upholstery. She protests:

You think that I’m a bastard
But you can credit Vance, that dastard!
In Mama’s cushions he injected,
I’m worn, ripped, rejected!

Love seat, never meant to be!
Love seat, child of dumb JD!
Love seat, only in my dreams,
My dad’s Saarinen or Eames!

Started my life in a new, blue, stretched out medical glove,
My father left, he never even gave me love,
I shared the guilt as years went by
So afraid that others knew my dad’s that guy!

I know that you’ve got wood, boy,
But you must be a good boy!
Our babe won’t have childhood joy,
He’d grow up in the ’hood, oy!

Love seat, never meant to be!
Love seat, that dumb JD!
Love seat, with two worn armrests,
Love seat, sides are cat-distressed!

And that's enough of that.




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Well I googled for details...and it's pretty tame:


"The rumor started because of a RawStory article involving a tweet Vance posted in February, it was headlined “J.D. Vance ridiculed for accidentally revealing explicit dolphin-based search history.” For whatever reason, Vance had shared a screenshot of a video that purported to show a woman having sex with a dolphin: “Maybe the internet was a mistake,” the Ohio Senator said. Web users were quick to claim that Vance had intentionally searched for the video, due to the words “dolphin” and “woman” being highlighted. It’s not clear whether Vance did, indeed, search for dolphin porn, though it is true that if you enter keywords in X’s search box, results will come back with those words highlighted."

from gizmodo but don't go there it's ad spam crap window.


But I'm delighted that he looks like an even bigger buffoon. DE-lighted!

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2 hours ago, thoughtful said:

JD's illegitimate child is a girl. Her life has been hard, despite her being upholstered, and now her boyfriend, a Stickley knock-off, is pressuring her for sex, thinking she's easy due to her background and cheap upholstery.

I'm so pissed off at myself. Of course the bolded should have been:


thinking she's an easy chair.


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Holy F.  is Vance horrid. He's apparently trying to explain away the cat lady remarks by saying it's "nothing against cats" and "nothing against dogs"

and also that he's not attacking "people who *cant* have children" - you've misunderstood him! He's attacking people who chose to not have children......so...that's better.....

What a fucking asshole. 

I think this guy is possibly more sleazy than trump. trump stumbled into all this cuz he wants fame. This ass sack 1st priority wants to control women.

trump has said a lot of dumb shit but he's not actually said a significant portion of the country doesn't deserve to vote because they chose to not have kids.

wow. that's just so offensive.

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J.D., in my dad's words, "You need to quit while you're behind."

I am concerned about his wife. Being the daughter of Indian immigrants, she would have come from a traditional home. She is an intelligent and accomplished woman, even though I don't agree with who she worked for. If JD is this misogynistic in public, what is he like in private? 

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Even the Mooch is slamming Vance:


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This is awesome!


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I wonder about him and his wife....and just his whole "transformation"

Have you seen his insanely baby faced pictures from before he grew his alpha male beard?

What in the world did she see in him? Was he this psycho then and she's also crazy? Or has he become crazy over time? And she's just like "well....yikes" ??

despite who ever said he's not an incel in previous comments. I stand by it...he is acting like the king of incels. The one who actually got married and is living the incel dream. 

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Scaramucci is hilarious. I love his interviews. He can step back and see how absurd it all is.

I'm reading more about vance prior to his VP nom.  - policy stuff, etc. And he sure is gross. And slick. SLICK SLICK.

Very troubling. 

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5 hours ago, WatchingTheTireFireBurn said:

I wonder about him and his wife....and just his whole "transformation"

Have you seen his insanely baby faced pictures from before he grew his alpha male beard?

What in the world did she see in him? Was he this psycho then and she's also crazy? Or has he become crazy over time? And she's just like "well....yikes" ??

despite who ever said he's not an incel in previous comments. I stand by it...he is acting like the king of incels. The one who actually got married and is living the incel dream. 

That was me that said he is not an incel. Assessing for extreme beliefs is part of my professional career and the only overlap so far I can find between the Vance and the incel movement is his "cat lady" remark. The "cat lady" slur definitely started within the incel movement and then began to be used more broadly within the alt-right. 

I take it to mean that Vance has alt-right connections, not incel per se.

The bottom line is that he is hugely misogynistic, as are many in the MAGA movement. But the core features of incel--the inability to attract a sexual partner(s) and anger over that--do not apply to Vance. He appears to have a wife and functioning marriage and the incels would hate him for that (he would be a Chad or a normie). 

I think the important point here is that misogyny is wildly prevalent in our culture, and incels are only one small part of that world. JB Duggar would be another part of that universe. Alt-right would also inhabit of corner of that world. 

Please understand that tying Vance to alt-right is IMO far serious than tying him to the incel movement. Because alt-right is about white nationalism, extreme misogyny, and Christian nationalism. In other words, it's a bigger tent and has a wider range of problematic beliefs. 

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Wow. Just wow.


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