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JD Vance: TFG's VP Candidate


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Yeah, I'm gobsmacked by that remark.  And disgusted. And repelled.  What kind of husband says that?  

And can it get worse?  As my best friend always says, "More Will be revealed." 



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On 7/26/2024 at 1:21 PM, GreyhoundFan said:

I didn't realize he thought he was gay in the past.


I don't think he really did. The podcast If Books Could Kill did an episode on Hillbilly Elegy a while back (they've recently re-released it to bump to the top of the list, and I think it's worth a listen as you get the gist without reading the book) and I remember there was a passage about when he was like 11, because all his friends were boys and he liked hanging around with them more than girls, he told his grandmother he thought he was gay. It was pre-puberty and not remotely sexual.

According to the book, his grandmother's response was "do you want to suck dicks?" and when he said no, she was like "you're not gay."

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So much for "backing the blue".

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Is he wearing eye liner?

of course he loves that she's a good mom. What else is a woman for ?

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I laughed out loud:


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ok so it wasn't just me going "is that eyeliner?"

I don't care if guys wear eye liner....but it seems kind of off for a GOP dude...but hey maybe he's taking make up tips from the big guy - Will JD vance start putting bronzer over his beard?

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Oh nice


Before he was the 2024 Republican vice presidential nominee or the junior U.S. senator from Ohio, JD Vance was photographed at a gun show on the 20th anniversary of the September 11 attacks just feet away from framed Nazi memorabilia.

In the photo, which Vance tweeted on September 11, 2021 without comment, the Hillbilly Elegy author is seen holding his infant child while looking at a table displaying several revolvers of various calibers. One vendor at a nearby table is seen sitting next to framed Nazi memorabilia, including a flag bearing a swastika, and two different Nazi war ensigns known as "Reichskriegsflagge" and a variety of Nazi war medals. One of the guns on the table Vance is standing over is a Luger pistol commonly used by Nazi soldiers during World War II.

Journalist Carlos Berrios Polanco, who publishes the Heavy Weather newsletter, noticed the photo of Vance on Friday night and tweeted: "They really did not do any social media vetting or clean up on this guy at all. Kind of hilarious if it wasn't so bleak."

"Pretty cool photo of JD shopping for some guns and/or framed swastikas," comedy writer Lon Harris tweeted. "Solid guy, seems like a good pick."


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Well, this is a little disconcerting: 

Where J.D. Vance Gets His Weird, Terrifying Techno-Authoritarian Ideas

Yes, Peter Thiel was the senator’s benefactor. But they’re both inspired by an obscure software developer who has some truly frightening thoughts about reordering society.

I'll continue sharing things like this, while taking a critical stance to all info. I'll take this article as a heads up, as in the "Is Vance really THAT WEIRD?", and stay alert for corroborating information as legit sources keep digging.  

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Great points about Vance:


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Today's interviews/videos also appear to have quite a bit of eye liner.... it's "weird" 

They need to start attacking him on his strong lack of experience and being an extremist who isn't interesting in working for everybody.

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23 hours ago, Howl said:

Well, this is a little disconcerting: 

Where J.D. Vance Gets His Weird, Terrifying Techno-Authoritarian Ideas

Yes, Peter Thiel was the senator’s benefactor. But they’re both inspired by an obscure software developer who has some truly frightening thoughts about reordering society.

I'll continue sharing things like this, while taking a critical stance to all info. I'll take this article as a heads up, as in the "Is Vance really THAT WEIRD?", and stay alert for corroborating information as legit sources keep digging.  

Simone Collins also worked for Thiel. Yes, Simone of the pro-natal, white supremacist family discussed here

I think the press has yet to fully make the connections, both personal and intellectual.


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Copied from the CNN article


Vance later tried to clean up his comments on Megyn Kelly’s podcast last week. “Obviously, it was a sarcastic comment. I’ve got nothing against cats,” said Vance, adding that his remarks were not about criticizing people without children, but rather focused on policy and claimed the Democratic Party has become “anti-family” and “anti-child.”

Yeah, JD, you don't have anything against cats, just women, especially women without children.

How in the world did you get your wife to marry you, especially since you have such disdain for women?

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JD Vance’s Catholic conversion is part of young conservative movement

The Republican vice-presidential nominee and Ohio senator was raised nominally evangelical, then dabbled with atheism before converting in 2019.

"...drawn by what he has described in interviews as Catholicism’s rich, detailed and nuanced philosophy and also its long history...

...In his conversion, he is part of a cohort of rising young conservative figures who are bucking the general trend of young Americans to reject institutional religion — and many, experts say, are choosing Catholicism. Catholicism, religion analysts say, exudes the confidence and staying power of a two-millennia-old hierarchical institution — not to mention the world’s biggest church — at a time when so much seems unstable.

I might just be an extremely cynical bitch eating crackers, but young Conservative politicians surely can't be overlooking the fact that the Federalist Society (led by Catholic Leonard Leo), Opus Dei members and other Catholics and Catholic groups are in the forefront of power in Washington and on the Supreme Court. 

It could also be that if one wants to be mentored or sponsored by any of the über powerful Catholics, one must be a Catholic. 

This, of course, is not mentioned or speculated on in any of these articles.  

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3 hours ago, Howl said:

JD Vance’s Catholic conversion is part of young conservative movement

The Republican vice-presidential nominee and Ohio senator was raised nominally evangelical, then dabbled with atheism before converting in 2019.

"...drawn by what he has described in interviews as Catholicism’s rich, detailed and nuanced philosophy and also its long history...

...In his conversion, he is part of a cohort of rising young conservative figures who are bucking the general trend of young Americans to reject institutional religion — and many, experts say, are choosing Catholicism. Catholicism, religion analysts say, exudes the confidence and staying power of a two-millennia-old hierarchical institution — not to mention the world’s biggest church — at a time when so much seems unstable.

I might just be an extremely cynical bitch eating crackers, but young Conservative politicians surely can't be overlooking the fact that the Federalist Society (led by Catholic Leonard Leo), Opus Dei members and other Catholics and Catholic groups are in the forefront of power in Washington and on the Supreme Court. 

It could also be that if one wants to be mentored or sponsored by any of the über powerful Catholics, one must be a Catholic. 

This, of course, is not mentioned or speculated on in any of these articles.  

Yeah, I left the Roman church of how they were supportive of teabaggers and then Branch Trumpvidians.  When Bishop Jenky pretty much called President Obama Satan for what he was trying to accomplish I decided nope, I was done.  Within a month I was going to the local Episcopal parish every Sunday and was formally received into the church in November 2012.  So I didn't give two fornicates what any Catholics said in 2016 or 2020.  I sure won't listen to them this November.

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so there's just more and more childless cat lady, childless people are "sociopaths" interviews and shit from jd vance. 

talk about sociopaths.


I saw a clip of him from I guess today and he was SO HAPPPPPPYYYY walking back and forth in front of the maga cult while they cheered. 


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Someone asked AI to create a country song about JD Vance and couch love and this may be the most brilliant parody song ever, with apologies to Randy Rainbow. 



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So true:


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He is disgusting:


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Gee, maybe people don't like being called names by Vance...


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It's funny to me that other people than just me are like - what? eyeliner?

This is what we're talking about the possible next VP of the united states....it's surreal.

But also IS he wearing eyeliner? Does he get up every morning pray with his gold trump bible and put on melania's most recommended eyeliner? Is he buying Rhianna's make up brand?

I NEED TO KNOW! Where does JD Vance buy his MAKE UP!? What brand does he prefer?



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Go, Gretchen!


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17 hours ago, WatchingTheTireFireBurn said:

It's funny to me that other people than just me are like - what? eyeliner?

This is what we're talking about the possible next VP of the united states....it's surreal.

But also IS he wearing eyeliner? Does he get up every morning pray with his gold trump bible and put on melania's most recommended eyeliner? Is he buying Rhianna's make up brand?

I NEED TO KNOW! Where does JD Vance buy his MAKE UP!? What brand does he prefer?



Landon Reid on TikTok is doing a series copying the makeup looks of various republicans. So far, I’ve seen his take on JD, Trump, Giuliani, Gaetz, and Kimmy. I don’t know if that’s it, but  it’s absolutely hysterical, and he’s been taking requests, so there may be more.  

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"JD Vance’s Republican colleagues defend Trump’s running mate saying Ohio senator is a voice for next generation of GOP voters"

“I have often said to him he is the intellectual conscience of the populist movement. In other words, he really does believe it. It’s not an opportunistic thing for him,” said Sen. Kevin Cramer, a North Dakota Republican"


The implication is that Vance represents where they think GOP voters are leaning....

um....1st - I don't think so. From everything I've read, yes there's a core of rapid right wingers and GOP has managed to gerry mander and play elector math better than anybody else. But I don't think there's a lot of evidence that people, especially younger people, are leaning into ultra right wing. so WTF?

and 2nd, if Vance is the "conscience"  I'm disturbed.

and 3rd, Absolutely everything we're finding out about him is that he's a soulless sycophant who will hop on whatever bus he thinks will benefit him most just a quick as he can and he could really not be any more opportunistic than he already is.


The GOP is psychotic, they're living in some alternate reality


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