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JD Vance: TFG's VP Candidate


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Of course he wouldn't.


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Father of the year. /s


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2 hours ago, GreyhoundFan said:

Father of the year. /s


I would say that's appalling but I can't say I'm surprised. I just wish that his son as an adult would find this video and when JD is old and in a nursing home and would like help that his son plays this and reminds himself not to visit because what he's doing is way more important than his father. 

The cat's in the cradle, JD.

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I had to look up happy dad, all those boxes next to him. It is hard seltzer, in other words, alcohol. Why is he posing with all that alcohol?

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3 hours ago, Emma said:

I had to look up happy dad, all those boxes next to him. It is hard seltzer, in other words, alcohol. Why is he posing with all that alcohol?

Thanks for pointing this out. You inspired me to do some sleuthing as well. Apparently it's a level of alcohol equivalent to beer.

I agree it's an odd thing to pose with.

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Between the cases of seltzer and the blatant manspreading, he’s going for some sort of vibe. 

With that oversized chair kind of dwarfing him though, all I can see is this…


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19 hours ago, GreyhoundFan said:

Of course he wouldn't.


That seems awfully specific.

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It looks like a shopping channel show … is he going to offer an amazing deal on those seltzer boxes if you call in the next 30 minutes?

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It seems he's trying to appear to be a "regular guy", the kind of guy who will be a little bit of an ass, so he doesn't offend his BBF (best bud forever) who is being an ass,  so nobody else will consider him the least bit woke/soft.  It's all performative and carefully orchestrated to present him as a regular guy. 

Don't make the mistake of thinking that Vance is stupid -- he's not.  Here's what he's actually up to. 

Why A Nerve Center for MAGA Intellectuals is ‘Jubilant’ About JD Vance  The president of the Claremont Institute explains how Vance is aligned with their vision for America.

Vance is also backed by Peter Thiel, and that's seriously big bucks.  Thiel bucks bought Vance a Senate seat. 

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Hearing that Vance's wife is of Indian descent makes me feel that this was also one of the perceived (additional) benefits of naming him Trump’s running mate. As Kamala, then Biden's running mate, is also of (partial) Indian heritage, this would make Vance be able to say that he too connects with that heritage, and the particular group of voters that associates with that. 

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On 7/28/2024 at 9:07 PM, WatchingTheTireFireBurn said:

ok so it wasn't just me going "is that eyeliner?"

I don't care if guys wear eye liner....but it seems kind of off for a GOP dude...but hey maybe he's taking make up tips from the big guy - Will JD vance start putting bronzer over his beard?

I've finally found the exception to my general opinion that most guys look hotter with some eyeliner. Oh well. 

10 hours ago, fraurosena said:

Hearing that Vance's wife is of Indian descent makes me feel that this was also one of the perceived (additional) benefits of naming him Trump’s running mate. As Kamala, then Biden's running mate, is also of (partial) Indian heritage, this would make Vance be able to say that he too connects with that heritage, and the particular group of voters that associates with that. 

I am not sure if they thought of that or not - maybe, but I suspect the number of R voters upset by the fact she's not white are significantly bigger than the number of R voters who appreciate that she has Indian heritage.

The whole thing seems like a flub to me. Pick him likely because he is a veteran and is younger and also has some money behind him, only to suddenly be saddled with someone the racists hate for marrying an Indian woman, who has popped up with a scandal about an alleged affair with a couch and potential interest in sea mammals, who can't seem to stop insulting people and groups of various sorts. And not in the expected Trump "if you're not with me I hate you and will begin the bullying immediately" way, but in a strange clunky makes himself looks like a psycho way.

Like even that interview above. Evangelicals are a major voting force on the R side, and Trump is the opposite of all they believe in. And with Roe no longer being a carrot on a stick for them, they keep manufacturing outrage in an attempt to keep them on board. And here's their VP candidate surrounded by cases of alcohol telling his kid to "shut the hell up" about Pokemon. Alcohol? Evangelical no-no, for many. Pokemon? Satanic evangelical no-no, for most of them. Cursing at your kid? Evangelicals would largely frown at that - he should be able to just give the kid "the look" and then spank him later.

There were a lot of people who Trump thinks voted for him, but who were really voting for Pence. They're unlikely to vote for Vance. They won't want a Catholic/Hindu family in the White House after Trump kicks the bucket.

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She's an apologist:


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So true:


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22 hours ago, Alisamer said:

I've finally found the exception to my general opinion that most guys look hotter with some eyeliner. Oh well. 


Same. On some guys it is just really hot. 

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Vance done really fucked up here with his opinions on cat people.  Even more so now.



Edited by 47of74
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Vance's staff seemed to fail...


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Awkward and weird...


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How sad that he can't answer such a simple question.


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21 minutes ago, GreyhoundFan said:

How sad that he can't answer such a simple question.


What an anal orifice! That is something I like to know about my candidates. I like to know that to relax and unwind they like to spend time with their family, they like to take the dog out for a walk,  they like to go on a hike, or they like to go hunting. But then I'm still optimistic enough that I want a real human being as a president and not this grand person on a pedestal that knows nothing about living as a real person.

And I definitely find Vance quite grating. I'm not a beer drinker but I wouldn't want to sit down and eat cheese curds with him. He would be one of those dates that within 5 minutes of meeting them I would excuse myself to use the restroom and send my friend the help text so they could call me and I could pretend an emergency happened and I need to go away real quick.

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1 hour ago, GreyhoundFan said:


Wow. Vance & Trump deserve each other. 

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vance is so bad. I don't understand. he's NOT ready for primetime. he should have vetted  talking points by now. And come on - they asked about drinking alcohol - why didn't you plug the hard cider? you've already sold out. you could have at least plugged the alcoholic beverage you sat amoungst the other day


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2 minutes ago, WatchingTheTireFireBurn said:

vance is so bad. I don't understand. he's NOT ready for primetime. he should have vetted  talking points by now. And come on - they asked about drinking alcohol - why didn't you plug the hard cider? you've already sold out. you could have at least plugged the alcoholic beverage you sat amoungst the other day


I heard that Don Jr and Eric really pushed for him. I think they were more interested in someone to have a good time with who believe the way they did and less into could he take over for president.

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I would expect that money has been promised for choosing him. And not directly to trump but o his family just like jared kushner was able to make bank through influence.


I hope for so many reasons that trump doesn't win. but I'm now VERY vested in the idea that jd vance's political career needs to be trashed for all time

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29 minutes ago, WatchingTheTireFireBurn said:

I hope for so many reasons that trump doesn't win. but I'm now VERY vested in the idea that jd vance's political career needs to be trashed for all time

I'll stand with you on this one! I'll raise a glass to Vance's political career going the way of Sarah Palin and Jim Bob Duggar.

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