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JD Vance: TFG's VP Candidate


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Salon had this to say about a recent Vance event compared to a Harris event in the same time


One upside to the Vance event: There was no line to use the ladies' room. Sure, there were women in attendance, but the gender ratio felt like the guest list on Joe Rogan's podcast. There was one kind of diversity in this small but weirdly intense crowd. Every type of white man that gets a hasty "swipe left" on his dating profile was in attendance: 'Roided out dudes with bad tribal tattoos. Older men radiating "bitter divorce" energy. Men with enormous beards that have never known the touch of a trimmer. Skinny fascists wearing expensive suits, despite the oppressive heat. Glowering loners staring at the two women under 40 like cats watching birds out a window.

But boy, I was there (Harris/Walz event), and they are very real. More than that, the contrast with the Vance event underscored the Democratic messaging about "normal vs. weird." The people who flooded the Temple stadium looked like any cross-section of America on any given night. There was old, young and all in-between. There were tattooed hipsters and soccer moms. There were people of every race, dressed in every which way. It could have been a crowd of people chosen at random from the streets of Philadelphia, or any city in America, really. They were brought together by the chant quickly becoming the Harris campaign slogan: "Not going back." They were also brought together in laughter when Walz offered a corny dad joke about Vance: "I can't wait to debate JD Vance. That is, if he's willing to get off the couch and show up."


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I think I'll put this here instead of in political ads. The Lincoln project absolutely savages JD. 


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He has a Jack Nicholson in The Shining look in that still.



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2 minutes ago, AnywhereButHere said:

He has a Jack Nicholson in The Shining look in that still.



After Trump's arrest photo, someone put together a collage of The Kubrick Stare, explaining how the director used it:



I know I saw it posted here - in fact, you may have been the one who posted it, @47of74!

Vance turns himself more and more into a clone of Trump.

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I put this on the Kamala Harris thread but I want to repeat it here. I think she really needs to hammer it home that JD Vance will be One heartbeat away from the president and Trump is 78 years old. Would we really want JD Vance as president as he is now? I could also see Trump becoming president and JD Vance really pushing me 25th amendment to get him out of office through just so Vance can become president. I don't trust him and I think he is extremely power hungry.

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2 hours ago, Audrey2 said:

I could also see Trump becoming president and JD Vance really pushing me 25th amendment to get him out of office through just so Vance can become president.

Ooooh! I think you hit the jackpot here! It would not surprise me in the slightest if this is a primary part of the Project 2025 plan to grab authoritarian power. 

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On 8/9/2024 at 10:45 AM, AnywhereButHere said:

He has a Jack Nicholson in The Shining look in that still.



Don't do Jack dirty like that 

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Why am I not surprised?


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Dear JD, I'm postmenopausal. Fuck you.



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Well damn. I'm going to have to go wake my son up and tell him he’d better get on the “giving me grandchildren” train. 
On second thought, nope. He’d be suitably horrified, and his girlfriend may never speak to me again. 😆 I guess I’ll just have to be cast adrift into my purposeless life.  🤷‍♀️

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So if I'm a postmenopausal childless cat lady how does that work? Who am I supposed to take care of since I don't have grandchildren (or children or a husband)?

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2 hours ago, Audrey2 said:

So if I'm a postmenopausal childless cat lady how does that work? Who am I supposed to take care of since I don't have grandchildren (or children or a husband)?

Right?! 😏

Take care of yourself and live your best life! Fk that guy! 

Not menopausal (yet, the end is near lol ... dread) but JFC misogynistic POS! and the comment about being married to an Indian woman... I just can't even... waist of air and brain cells 

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3 minutes ago, LongTimeLurkerOG said:

Right?! 😏

Take care of yourself and live your best life! Fk that guy! 

Not menopausal (yet, the end is near lol ... dread) but JFC misogynistic POS! and the comment about being married to an Indian woman... I just can't even... waist of air and brain cells 

And I think he just uses a word salad of "big words."

No surprise, contradicts himself... Family is important (don't be childless... sure Fuck head ) but his MIL should have kept working (given them part of her salary for child care), instead of helping with the newborn and helping his wife. I'm sure he was no help with the baby ..."women's work" BS.

Some people want/ed kids, luckily had no whoops or intentional kids w the wrong people (hindsight...), or are passed any logical/biological, safe age to have a kid .. not everything is as black and white as his tiny brain thinks! 

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On 7/30/2024 at 4:53 PM, Howl said:

JD Vance’s Catholic conversion is part of young conservative movement

The Republican vice-presidential nominee and Ohio senator was raised nominally evangelical, then dabbled with atheism before converting in 2019.

"...drawn by what he has described in interviews as Catholicism’s rich, detailed and nuanced philosophy and also its long history...

...In his conversion, he is part of a cohort of rising young conservative figures who are bucking the general trend of young Americans to reject institutional religion — and many, experts say, are choosing Catholicism. Catholicism, religion analysts say, exudes the confidence and staying power of a two-millennia-old hierarchical institution — not to mention the world’s biggest church — at a time when so much seems unstable.

I might just be an extremely cynical bitch eating crackers, but young Conservative politicians surely can't be overlooking the fact that the Federalist Society (led by Catholic Leonard Leo), Opus Dei members and other Catholics and Catholic groups are in the forefront of power in Washington and on the Supreme Court. 

It could also be that if one wants to be mentored or sponsored by any of the über powerful Catholics, one must be a Catholic. 

This, of course, is not mentioned or speculated on in any of these articles.  

Yes, I'm trying not read too much into Vance's Catholic conversion, since he seems like the kind of guy who flip-flops and probably won't last. But there's a reason conservatives are the ones staying Catholic and converting to Catholicism. They're attracted to the church's policies on reproductive rights, repopulate the planet and find a woman who will have to stay home with your quiver of children. People like this are why I left the church. It keeps getting more conservative, especially with the younger generations. 

Not having kids myself is just one reason to despise this guy. 

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I strongly suspect that Vance's retirement plan is to have your children take care of you while you are babysitting your grandchildren. He hasn't said the quiet part out loud yet but to me he doesn't need to.

Who needs social security when you have kids to take care of you?:pb_rollseyes:

Edited by Audrey2
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9 hours ago, Audrey2 said:

So if I'm a postmenopausal childless cat lady how does that work? Who am I supposed to take care of since I don't have grandchildren (or children or a husband)?

Same, except that my "cat" is a dog. So, what is my function?

Funny thing, my Mom is still alive, and, as it turns out, needs my help and care. My brother feels as responsible to be nurturing as I do - he happens to be far away, but he'd be a loving caretaker to a parent, as he has been to his children. Sexist crap is insulting to decent men, as well as women.

JD's naive idea of family roles, which only works if people die at a conveniently early age, not needing care from their adult children, is just as fucked up as the rest of his views (if, in fact, he actually holds any views  - who knows, with this guy?).

I haven't ignored children and their needs. In fact, I've spent my entire career being part of the village that helps other people raise and educate their children. And, by teaching in the arts, I may have added some beauty to the world, some preservation of culture. My not having children of my own probably helped me do more for others, just because there are only 24 hours in a day.

But I suspect that Vance thinks music and art are trivial anyway. And he's ignoring how many women who work outside the home - really, anyone working in a job or career that isn't purely about greed, from a devoted doctor to a cashier at Walmart - can be helping to make a better world for children.

Oh, and let's cover the whole "it's the old-fashioned way, and the old-fashioned way is the right way" bullshit. I wouldn't have had a decent life, and might not even exist, if it hadn't been for two women who worked to earn money, my grandmothers. In the 1920s, one went to work because she had to when her husband became an invalid, the other started the family business, just because she was more of a go-getter than her husband.

His arguments are those of a little boy in the "girls are icky" phase, with a rigid sense of "what mommies do" because he happens to have a SAHM.

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On 8/7/2024 at 7:58 PM, Audrey2 said:

I heard that Don Jr and Eric really pushed for him. I think they were more interested in someone to have a good time with who believe the way they did and less into could he take over for president.

I could believe this, especially because "Dictator on Day One" is such a thing MAGA morons are wearing shirts with that on it now. They aren't worried about whether Vance can take over as president because they fully expect daddy to go all supreme leader and proclaim one of them (though more likely Ivanka) as his successor. Trump says once he's in office he'll fix it so people no longer need to vote. I believe he's totally going to try to do that.

On 8/9/2024 at 11:32 AM, Audrey2 said:

I put this on the Kamala Harris thread but I want to repeat it here. I think she really needs to hammer it home that JD Vance will be One heartbeat away from the president and Trump is 78 years old. Would we really want JD Vance as president as he is now? I could also see Trump becoming president and JD Vance really pushing me 25th amendment to get him out of office through just so Vance can become president. I don't trust him and I think he is extremely power hungry.

I agree with this, too. I think this is Vance's angle, and a lot is riding on how quickly Trump, if elected (please no), manages to declare himself emporer for life or galactic warlord or whatever title he's enjoying that day.

9 hours ago, Audrey2 said:

So if I'm a postmenopausal childless cat lady how does that work? Who am I supposed to take care of since I don't have grandchildren (or children or a husband)?

I'm in the same boat! I take care of my cat. And try to take care of myself. Eventually it'll be helping care for my parents most likely. 

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I imagine , “Adult children take care of mom and dad in their old age so no need for social security.” Is buried somewhere in those 900 pages of Project 2025. 

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19 minutes ago, kpmom said:

I imagine , “Adult children take care of mom and dad in their old age so no need for social security.” Is buried somewhere in those 900 pages of Project 2025. 

Meanwhile, the people voting for the supporters of Project 2025 I suspect largely resent the thought of having to be beholden to their children and would like "their" social security that "they paid into" so they can live independently as long as possible.

As they should. They just don't seem to understand that what they "paid in" wasn't saved up for them, it was used for their parents, and their kids are paying for their social security, and that's how it all works... so people who have no children, or children who need support themselves, or whose children predecease them aren't just out of luck in their old age. What I'm paying in is going to my parents' generation. I have no kids, but my friend's daughter's money she pays in will go to my generation, eventually. Our contributions support those in need now, with the understanding that the favor will continue for us later on.

I suspect cutting social security helps the Project 2025 agenda, though. If children are the only safety net, more people will feel forced to have children. Which will lead to more SAHMs (stay at home parents in general, but their preference is moms) who aren't paying taxes, which reduces the money available for services...

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You know I put this all together and I figured out Republicans plan for women. 

Get married shortly out of high school and college and then start reproducing as much as possible. Your mom will take care of your kids if you happen to work but you're better if you stay home. If you have kids in your 20s and 30s then your mom would be in her 40s and 50s and maybe her 60s while you have young children to care for. Then when your kids are in school your job is to take care of your parents and to support them until your grandkids come along and then I guess you just take care of everyone as a stay-at-home mom if your daughter or daughter-in-law is working.

What a dystopian version of our future and what a disservice to so many intelligent motivated qualified women. 

I'm in an organization that raises money for scholarships grants and loans to educate women. The Republican plan sounds great until it isn't. The organization I'm a part of sets aside money to help women go back and get an education who were unable or not ready to get one when they were younger and usually it's because of some life change that makes it important for them to have a good income, like the death disability or divorce of a spouse.

JD your fantasies just don't work.

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