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JD Vance: TFG's VP Candidate


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46 minutes ago, GreyhoundFan said:



Yikes! I really don't want to know the details behind this picture. 

I know when I was in high school there were some guys who cooked breakfast in the boys bathroom to be funny, which I thought it was a pretty good prank, but this is just creepy.

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2 hours ago, Audrey2 said:

Then when your kids are in school your job is to take care of your parents and to support them until your grandkids come along and then I guess you just take care of everyone as a stay-at-home mom if your daughter or daughter-in-law is working.


I think they are largely wanting to get rid of public schools though so you have to continue staying home to homeschool, then ALSO take care of your parents. Unless you can afford whatever Christian school they have approved and available.

1 hour ago, GreyhoundFan said:



But... but... but... in the wrong bathroom?!??! The HORROR! (Of course this exact image is what they'd like to see in the case of trans women being forced to use the men's room.)

I'm sure this was just regular high school joking around most likely and there's nothing to it, but it doesn't look great when you're up for VP representing the party who is all up in arms about which bathroom people use.

Also that one girl must be breaking dress code. Exposed shoulders!!! 

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7 hours ago, Audrey2 said:

You know I put this all together and I figured out Republicans plan for women. 

Get married shortly out of high school and college and then start reproducing as much as possible. Your mom will take care of your kids if you happen to work but you're better if you stay home. If you have kids in your 20s and 30s then your mom would be in her 40s and 50s and maybe her 60s while you have young children to care for. Then when your kids are in school your job is to take care of your parents and to support them until your grandkids come along and then I guess you just take care of everyone as a stay-at-home mom if your daughter or daughter-in-law is working.

What a dystopian version of our future and what a disservice to so many intelligent motivated qualified women. 

I'm in an organization that raises money for scholarships grants and loans to educate women. The Republican plan sounds great until it isn't. The organization I'm a part of sets aside money to help women go back and get an education who were unable or not ready to get one when they were younger and usually it's because of some life change that makes it important for them to have a good income, like the death disability or divorce of a spouse.

JD your fantasies just don't work.

I don't want to go back in time. I want a better future. I know how it was for my mom pre-1990's and for my grandmother, and I've read all the LH books, and classes in American/colonial history, etc. No... 


Education for all ages and levels, educational research, all of it is vital. It's friggin 2024 we shouldn't be having this conversation or debate! yet here we are... Hopefully, not for long! 😁😏

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1 hour ago, LongTimeLurkerOG said:

I don't want to go back in time. I want a better future. I know how it was for my mom pre-1990's and for my grandmother, and I've read all the LH books, and classes in American/colonial history, etc. No... 


Education for all ages and levels, educational research, all of it is vital. It's friggin 2024 we shouldn't be having this conversation or debate! yet here we are... Hopefully, not for long! 😁😏

Why do you think so many stay-at-home moms needed mother's little helper (Valium ) in their 60s and 70s? I would take many women were miserable with the only options being a wife and mother. For those who choose to be a stay-at-home mom I commend you. For those of you who work I commend you. I'm sick of our politicians telling us as women what we can and can't choose to do.

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1 hour ago, Audrey2 said:

Why do you think so many stay-at-home moms needed mother's little helper (Valium ) in their 60s and 70s? I would take many women were miserable with the only options being a wife and mother. For those who choose to be a stay-at-home mom I commend you. For those of you who work I commend you. I'm sick of our politicians telling us as women what we can and can't choose to do.

Exactly. So far as I'm aware, she didn't... and doesn't drink hardly ever... So, no valley of the dolls. But, the (low) expectations, opportunity, access (their own credit card... Silly talk! /s), autonomy, agency... then she Had to go back to work.. it's a struggle all the way around 

Wish politicians would remember who gave birth to them (Cosby sux, but the old "I brought you in to this world, I can take you out..." bit)

and the evil politicians can take their Tiny dick energy, leave my uterus and everything else alone - my choice and body - and fuck off!  💙

Edited by LongTimeLurkerOG
Typing and spelling are hard LOL
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The thing that blows my tiny mind about the whole "postmenopausal women are there to take care of grandchildren and my kids had their grandmother and it was terrific" thing is that Vance's mother-in-law is a full time tenured professor of biology at a major California university who took a year of leave to help with her daughter's new baby.

Sure, JD, the college professor's only function is to take care of her grandchildren.

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30 minutes ago, bea said:

The thing that blows my tiny mind about the whole "postmenopausal women are there to take care of grandchildren and my kids had their grandmother and it was terrific" thing is that Vance's mother-in-law is a full time tenured professor of biology at a major California university who took a year of leave to help with her daughter's new baby.

Sure, JD, the college professor's only function is to take care of her grandchildren.

He doesn't think women should go to college, much less teach at one.

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I truly despise this jerk.


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5 hours ago, GreyhoundFan said:

I truly despise this jerk.


As the sibling of one, they can kindly fuck all the way off 

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22 hours ago, GreyhoundFan said:

He doesn't think women should go to college, much less teach at one.

I didn't even get into the fact that she's Provost of Sixth College at UC San Diego, or that she used to be the supervisor of all the undergraduate microbiology labs in the UC system....

Can you imagine being his mother in law and finding out that the father of your grandchildren thinks your childbearing status is more important than your PhD, your job history, your brain, or nearly anything else about you?  Ugh.

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Not a psychologist nor do I play one on TV but I think JD is working through some of his own issues with women.  He doesn't exactly appear to be a lady's man in his high school pictures.  We've heard his story about his mother having drug problems and we've been told about his abrasive grandma who raised him.  Now I think someone did an okay job because JD, from outward appearances, did okay.  He got a good education.  He's made more than adequate salaries.  He's married to a lovely woman.  But I just think he's carrying around some heavy baggage and blaming women for it.

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4 hours ago, Xan said:

Not a psychologist nor do I play one on TV but I think JD is working through some of his own issues with women.  He doesn't exactly appear to be a lady's man in his high school pictures.  We've heard his story about his mother having drug problems and we've been told about his abrasive grandma who raised him.  Now I think someone did an okay job because JD, from outward appearances, did okay.  He got a good education.  He's made more than adequate salaries.  He's married to a lovely woman.  But I just think he's carrying around some heavy baggage and blaming women for it.

Yes! It is very interesting that he went from his quite dysfunctional family to an Indian American family that, by all accounts, is stable and loving. It has to be head-spinning, especially given the white supremacy waters he has chosen to swim in. He seems very obtuse as to how his wife's and in-law's cultural background benefits him without him doing any of the (literal) labor and sacrifice. Wishing one of the aunties would dress him down.

I am curious as to where he goes with policy, especially in the post-Trump years. It's harder to raise kids in the US compared to many other industrialized nations because of lack of universal healthcare, no federal maternity leave, few choices for affordable childcare, etc. In countries that score worse than the US on those metrics, survival depends on interdependence and cooperation among family members and especially across generations. So yeah, as long as he is on the Trump-train, he has to promote post-menopausal women raising grandchildren because there aren't other good options.

But I don't think he is tied to the Trump-train indefinitely. This is a stepping stone for him.

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One would hope that they lose the election. I'm not sure he would have much political career after that. He's now got sooooo many polls saying people basically hate him, he will have a very negative history of being associated with trump and being a turn coat anti trump/pro trump. Hopefully they lose and he would ALWAYS be associated with loser felon trump.  I think most political savy people are going back away from him. Why pick up somebody so tainted with bad press? It's not like he has a solid base in Ohio either. 

If they win - god only knows.

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43 minutes ago, WatchingTheTireFireBurn said:

One would hope that they lose the election. I'm not sure he would have much political career after that. He's now got sooooo many polls saying people basically hate him, he will have a very negative history of being associated with trump and being a turn coat anti trump/pro trump. Hopefully they lose and he would ALWAYS be associated with loser felon trump.  I think most political savy people are going back away from him. Why pick up somebody so tainted with bad press? It's not like he has a solid base in Ohio either. 

If they win - god only knows.

My guess is that if he loses he will go back to venture capitalism which is an indirect way of doing policy. IOW, his beliefs matter either way unfortunately.

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The excitement is boiling over. /s


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Gee, I wonder why he won't answer the question. /s


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Why is he standing in front of boxes of a medical waste company?

Is he....sponsored ....like a youtuber...by a medical waste company and a hard cider company? I don't understand.

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9 minutes ago, WatchingTheTireFireBurn said:

Why is he standing in front of boxes of a medical waste company?

Is he....sponsored ....like a youtuber...by a medical waste company and a hard cider company? I don't understand.

I was wondering the same thing. How weird of him.

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Apparently the speech is at the medical waste place's building....but when other candidates campaign at various factories and what not I don't recall them putting the product on stage with them.

The fact that the "product" here is some janky old carboard boxes - it's bizarre.

he's so gross.


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LOL, his team must hate him to not brief him on the basics of a true Philly cheesesteak. Or, maybe like his lord and master, he doesn't listen to briefings.


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