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Jed and Katey 4: The First Next Gen Twins

Coconut Flan

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Four children under 3.  That's all I'm going to say.

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I am sad that the twins are girls because I feel like these two are going to pump babies out at an alarming rate (they will have 4 kids under 3) and I hate that they will have 3 potential sister moms for their brood. 

Katey turns 26 this month. she has a lot of time to have a brood and that is terrifying.

also, thanks to the twins, she is now caught up to Kendra (unless Kendra is currently pregnant, which she very well could be), which is also terrifying since Kendra had 3 kids when Katey got married.

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6 hours ago, CanadianMamam said:

I am sad that the twins are girls because I feel like these two are going to pump babies out at an alarming rate (they will have 4 kids under 3) and I hate that they will have 3 potential sister moms for their brood. 

Katey turns 26 this month. she has a lot of time to have a brood and that is terrifying.

also, thanks to the twins, she is now caught up to Kendra (unless Kendra is currently pregnant, which she very well could be), which is also terrifying since Kendra had 3 kids when Katey got married.

Yeah, I'm surprised no one's brought up the fact that these two had arguably the most conservative courtship out of all of the siblings. It was fast, it seemed heavily parentally orchestrated, and maybe I'm misremembering but didn't they almost not touch at all? Like even more so than Joe and Kendra?

Of the Howlers, I think the twins are going to end up with highest number of kids. Jed and Katey because of the implied level of how conservative they are (even compared to others in the family), Jer and Hannah because both come from mega families and so it's normal to them. If there's a reason I would doubt the current Jana/Stephen rumors, it's because she's old enough that she'll max out at about five or so blessings for him to wave his dick about.

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I'm actually shocked that they already have 2 kids because in my mind they just got married. That is some crazy turnaround. 

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2 hours ago, CaptainFunderpants said:

Yeah, I'm surprised no one's brought up the fact that these two had arguably the most conservative courtship out of all of the siblings. It was fast, it seemed heavily parentally orchestrated, and maybe I'm misremembering but didn't they almost not touch at all? Like even more so than Joe and Kendra?

Yes, they had a to-touch engagment to avoid temptation and the whole thing had so many wired vibes. They are definitely all in on the fundie train. I think the biggest surprise is that they were married 13.5 months before the first baby but they have more than max up for that with the current pace. 

2 hours ago, CaptainFunderpants said:

Of the Howlers, I think the twins are going to end up with highest number of kids. Jed and Katey because of the implied level of how conservative they are (even compared to others in the family), Jer and Hannah because both come from mega families and so it's normal to them. If there's a reason I would doubt the current Jana/Stephen rumors, it's because she's old enough that she'll max out at about five or so blessings for him to wave his dick about.

Most of the Wissman girls have married pretty late, like late 20s/early 30s, so I think her age limited fertility might not bother him the way it might a fundie from a different family (like the Bates boys who married “late”, aka. Late 20s, but married women who were only in their early 20s.) 

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1 hour ago, CanadianMamam said:

Yes, they had a to-touch engagment to avoid temptation and the whole thing had so many wired vibes. They are definitely all in on the fundie train. I think the biggest surprise is that they were married 13.5 months before the first baby but they have more than max up for that with the current pace. 

Most of the Wissman girls have married pretty late, like late 20s/early 30s, so I think her age limited fertility might not bother him the way it might a fundie from a different family (like the Bates boys who married “late”, aka. Late 20s, but married women who were only in their early 20s.) 

Rachel Wissmann will probably be done at 4 kids and a Rachel Wissmann may be done at 5 kids since she had an ectopic and lost a tube. Or maybe she will just have a long gap before the next comes along. Josiah and his wife might be done at 4. They haven’t had a kid in 5 years. Plus Andrew’s wife dealt with infertility. So it’s possible they are done at just two kids.  It’s interesting that none of the Wissmanns have even come close to their parents’ 13 kids. 

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Jed and Katey were the ones who didn't announce a courtship or engagement or anything until after they were married, right? And for a while there the sleuthers had figured out that someone was courting Katey but we thought it was Jer? She's also not from a super fundie family and already has more kids (on the way) than she grew up with. I worry for her, honestly. 

Now, given that Jed not only comes from an entire sibling group of matchy names, but is the epitome of "when naming my twins I didn't consider that they are two separate people" (seriously, as if Jedidiah and Jeremiah wasn't bad enough, they had to give them the same middle name??) do we think these girls will have cutesy twin names or do we think they'll go for two different girl's names that they like?

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Naw, Jed's wedding was live on YouTube, IIRC. I watched it until they ran into technological difficulties.

They also posted the creepy engagement video before the Jedding. 

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Thanks, @llucie, for the run-down on others who were at the reveal. 

It appears the photo which includes Meech is the moment the news of “twins” is revealed. Her reaction stands out to me because while absolutely everyone else whose face we can see has a smile and looks happily surprised, she looks like she’s ready to throw up. Her reaction in comparison to the rest of the crowd seems off. Plus it looks like her hair has some gray in it. Not sure what’s going on with her.


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Wasnt Katey dad the one that had an old blog people found with a password protected entry about arranged marriage?

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44 minutes ago, Cam said:

Thanks, @llucie, for the run-down on others who were at the reveal. 

It appears the photo which includes Meech is the moment the news of “twins” is revealed. Her reaction stands out to me because while absolutely everyone else whose face we can see has a smile and looks happily surprised, she looks like she’s ready to throw up. Her reaction in comparison to the rest of the crowd seems off. Plus it looks like her hair has some gray in it. Not sure what’s going on with her.


I wonder if she had a mouthful of food and was about to spit it out in shock. 

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10 hours ago, CanadianMamam said:

I think the biggest surprise is that they were married 13.5 months before the first baby but they have more than max up for that with the current pace. 

And we have no idea if they suffered any losses in that first year. Given how fertile she is, I wouldn’t be surprised. 

52 minutes ago, Cam said:

Plus it looks like her hair has some gray in it. Not sure what’s going on with her.

It’s called aging 💀

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23 minutes ago, viii said:

And we have no idea if they suffered any losses in that first year. Given how fertile she is, I wouldn’t be surprised. 

They dudn’t go a year without pregnancy, they were married a year when Truett was born. They announced their first pregnancy in in September, so they had been married almost exactly 5 months. 

she was also really early on in her pregnancy when they announced (she announced 8 months before she gave birth). And her second pregnancy got leaked on Pinterest really early too. 


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Jed and Katey were married, 13 months later had Truett, 13 months later had  Nora and 13 months later announced the twin pregnancy. I hope they take a break after the twins. Doubt they will, but stranger things have happened. 

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I am going to give Jer a little bit of credit, at the end of the YouTube video where Jed mentioned wishing the twins were boys (I guess to recreate his own experience of being a twin brother?) Jer kinda agreed but also said that when the girls watch this someday for them to know that they are so loved and wanted. I like that he thught to say that, wish their father had. 

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7 hours ago, JermajestyDuggar said:

I wonder if she had a mouthful of food and was about to spit it out in shock. 

Yeah, that’s the other thing. Why are she and JB the only ones with plates in their hands? Did they arrive late to the party and everyone else had already eaten? It kinda comes across as blasé. “Oh, here we are at yet another gender reveal. I’m hungry, let’s eat. Oh, they’re doing the reveal now? Let me saunter over with my plate. Nom! Nom!” And if anything, she should be surprised, not shocked. Maybe she was hoping one of her daughters would be the first to have twins.

Edited by Cam
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Oh I surely would be shocked if my daughter or daughter in law told me that she was expecting twins while having a 2-year-old and a 1-year-old. Maybe Michelle thought about what life was like in 1991 when she had a 3-year-old, 1-year-old twins and an a newborn.

But probably not. She is Michelle Duggar and should be the last one to be shocked about people procreating like crazy.

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3 minutes ago, LancetteShing99 said:

Oh I surely would be shocked if my daughter or daughter in law told me that she was expecting twins while having a 2-year-old and a 1-year-old. Maybe Michelle thought about what life was like in 1991 when she had a 3-year-old, 1-year-old twins and an a newborn.

But probably not. She is Michelle Duggar and should be the last one to be shocked about people procreating like crazy.

I think she's just shocked its twins. no one has has twins yet and who would have thought it would have been a twin. usually twins skip a generation.

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4 minutes ago, raayx01 said:

I think she's just shocked its twins. no one has has twins yet and who would have thought it would have been a twin. usually twins skip a generation.

That is not quite true. Twins skip generations if the father is a twin, because the hereditary factor is ovulating more than one egg in a cycle. But any of the Duggar daughters could theoretically be more likely to have twins, even if it hasn’t happened yet (but the sons also have 9 more kids than the daughters).

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10 hours ago, llucie said:

Wasnt Katey dad the one that had an old blog people found with a password protected entry about arranged marriage?


And oh goodness, he must be ridiculously high on his horse that it was his daughter out of all of the Duggar girls and spouses that was blessed with twins first.

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Her and Hannah had a secret relationship for a long time.

Jed had the "Katey" Jack o lantern 😂

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Michelle looks shocked, but she always kind of does big eyes and overdone responses for approved emotions.  I don't think we can say much more than that from a still.  Was there a video?  I'm probably not going to watch it, but that would give more insight into her response.

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Every time I see Jed, he looks more and more like Josh. If I was starting to look like him, I would try really hard to do something different. Like I would grow a Magnum PI mustache. Or I would grow my hair a lot longer. Just to look different from Josh.


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To me he looks completely different. Besides, by the time Josh gets out he will have aged so much and probably look like he's spent 10 years not caring at all about his body. 

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Michelle was probably shocked that it's happening after 30 grandchildren. She was probably thinking it would never happen at this point.

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