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Branch Trumpvidians 8: It's A Cult Of Dangerous Weirdos


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BTs are so tiresome:


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12 minutes ago, GreyhoundFan said:

Megyn needs to just go away.


So providing free menstrual products to young girls who  might not be able to afford them is bad? Wow, this country and a lot of the people in it are really f-ed up. I fully embrace Tampon Tim. They are just angry because they have Donald Shitzenpanz. 

2 minutes ago, GreyhoundFan said:

BTs are so tiresome:


And the left are the snowflakes???? 

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17 minutes ago, GreyhoundFan said:

Megyn needs to just go away.


Dripping with sarcasm 

And Vance just absolutely brings so much to the ticket and makes the ticket.

4 minutes ago, GreyhoundFan said:

BTs are so tiresome:


I can't imagine wanting to spend my entire life being constantly outraged. Maybe they don't have enough to do in life.

Edited by Audrey2
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BTs are disgusting.


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7 hours ago, libgirl2 said:

So providing free menstrual products to young girls who  might not be able to afford them is bad? Wow, this country and a lot of the people in it are really f-ed up. I fully embrace Tampon Tim. They are just angry because they have Donald Shitzenpanz. 

And the left are the snowflakes???? 


7 hours ago, libgirl2 said:

So providing free menstrual products to young girls who  might not be able to afford them is bad? Wow, this country and a lot of the people in it are really f-ed up. I fully embrace Tampon Tim. They are just angry because they have Donald Shitzenpanz. 

And the left are the snowflakes???? 

Would somebody mind telling me where the shitzenpanz originated from?  I’m afraid to google. I keep seeing the depends jokes and have no idea where it came from. Please and thanks. 

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34 minutes ago, srlm said:


Would somebody mind telling me where the shitzenpanz originated from?  I’m afraid to google. I keep seeing the depends jokes and have no idea where it came from. Please and thanks. 

There have been long standing rumors that he wears adult diapers and is not afraid to use them. This is seemingly going back to The Apprentice days. As a result, standing next to him apparently presents an extreme olfactory assault. 

So yeah, he shits his pants and then lets it marinate. 

Sorry, everyone. Here’s some Lysol. Hopefully three will be enough. 


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1 hour ago, srlm said:


Would somebody mind telling me where the shitzenpanz originated from?  I’m afraid to google. I keep seeing the depends jokes and have no idea where it came from. Please and thanks. 

The term was actually read into the court record in the NY trial. See here:


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Actually I think you would need a whole pallet of Lysol for this job....


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I’m submitting this because the intersection of fundamentalism religion and politics has reached a crescendo like no other time in U.S. history. The Duggars reality show contributed to the reason we’ve reached this point. 

An upcoming book “Dawn’s Early Light: Taking Back Washington to Save America” by Heritage Foundation president Kevin Roberts spells out in detail what the Republican agenda should/would be with Trump in office.

Trump is trying to distance himself from the book, but he is closely aligned with Heritage, and the book’s forward was written by JD Vance. “Dawn’s Early Light” was supposed to be released next month but is now delayed till after the election. However, advanced copies of it went out, and excerpts from it are posted online.  

Here’s a link to the full article about it, some of which I’ve posted below because it discusses banning contraception and basically insisting that people have children rather than make a choice whether to have them or not. A chilling read. Devastating if it comes to fruition. 


(Heritage President Kevin Roberts) says that having children should not be considered an “optional individual choice” but “a social expectation or a transcendent gift.” He describes “contraceptive technologies” as “revolutionary inventions that shape American culture away from abundance, marriage, and family.” He labels reproductive choice methods as a “snake strangling the American family.”

“…..That’s a problem because a childless society becomes decadent and nostalgic. Aging, barren societies literally become consumptive, taking on higher levels of debt and depleting savings as they pay foreign workers to keep things going. They become less and less capable of innovation (a young person’s game) and more and more stuck and decrepit every year. Their traditions, culture, and way of life die out, with nothing to hand on and no one to hand it on to. A culture of childlessness is, in the final analysis, a culture of despair.

Getting married and having kids, on the other hand, gives you skin in the game for the future of your country. It forces you to grow up, give up childish things, and live in the real world. It grounds you, gives you a sense of purpose in life, and helps generate community, gratitude, and joy. A culture of children is a culture of hope.” 

Edited by Cam
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Keep talking Megyn. 

When I was in high school, eons ago, we could go to the nurse’s office to get a sanitary product if we didn’t have any, but not before we had to get a hall pass from the teacher of whatever class we were in. And they never could discreetly just give us the damn pass. No, they always wanted to know why.  Nothing at all embarrassing about having to tell your middle aged male teacher why you needed to go to the nurse’s office. 
The other option was buying a sanitary  product in the girl’s bathroom for a dime. The machine often malfunctioned, or had been broken into by other students who stole all the dimes, as well as all the products. I don’t think I ever saw one that worked properly. 

Tampon Tim only makes me like him more, and I’ll bet I’m not alone. That might not be the way to bring women voters into the maga fold. So yeah, keep talking. 


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1 hour ago, Cam said:

I’m submitting this because the intersection of fundamentalism religion and politics has reached a crescendo like no other time in U.S. history. The Duggars reality show contributed to the reason we’ve reached this point. 

An upcoming book “Dawn’s Early Light: Taking Back Washington to Save America” by Heritage Foundation president Kevin Roberts spells out in detail what the Republican agenda should/would be with Trump in office.

Trump is trying to distance himself from the book, but he is closely aligned with Heritage, and the book’s forward was written by JD Vance. “Dawn’s Early Light” was supposed to be released next month but is now delayed till after the election. However, advanced copies of it went out, and excerpts from it are posted online.  

Here’s a link to the full article about it, some of which I’ve posted below because it discusses banning contraception and basically insisting that people have children rather than make a choice whether to have them or not. A chilling read. Devastating if it comes to fruition. 


(Heritage President Kevin Roberts) says that having children should not be considered an “optional individual choice” but “a social expectation or a transcendent gift.” He describes “contraceptive technologies” as “revolutionary inventions that shape American culture away from abundance, marriage, and family.” He labels reproductive choice methods as a “snake strangling the American family.”

“…..That’s a problem because a childless society becomes decadent and nostalgic. Aging, barren societies literally become consumptive, taking on higher levels of debt and depleting savings as they pay foreign workers to keep things going. They become less and less capable of innovation (a young person’s game) and more and more stuck and decrepit every year. Their traditions, culture, and way of life die out, with nothing to hand on and no one to hand it on to. A culture of childlessness is, in the final analysis, a culture of despair.

Getting married and having kids, on the other hand, gives you skin in the game for the future of your country. It forces you to grow up, give up childish things, and live in the real world. It grounds you, gives you a sense of purpose in life, and helps generate community, gratitude, and joy. A culture of children is a culture of hope.” 

This is very important information.

Heritage Foundation (and Kevin Roberts) is behind Project 2025, the formal policy document that they are hoping to enact under a Trump presidency. The Family Research Counsel, the think tank that employed Josh Duggar in DC, is a member of the advisory board of Project 2025. (See here.)

Trump is trying to distance himself from Project 2025 and claimed that he did not know who was behind it, but Washington Post found a photo of Kevin Roberts flying on his private jet.

As of two days ago, Roberts is saying that he will delay the release of his book.

I truly believe that JD Vance is the kind of politician Josh Duggar wanted to be. 

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MAGAs are stupid:


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Some of the more influential BTs are walking back support for Adolf Trumpler


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My fear is that this won't matter. My fear is that after contesting the election so strongly in 2020 enough Trump minions have become county recorders that they are not going to certify the election throwing it into chaos, sending it to the house, and the house will elect him anyway.

This did happen in the election of 1876 between Rutherford b Hayes and Samuel Tilden, after a lot of genuinely suspicious votes in Florida, South Carolina, and Oregon. The vote was thrown into the house and Hayes won by one vote.

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7 minutes ago, Audrey2 said:

My fear is that this won't matter. My fear is that after contesting the election so strongly in 2020 enough Trump minions have become county recorders that they are not going to certify the election throwing it into chaos, sending it to the house, and the house will elect him anyway.

This did happen in the election of 1876 between Rutherford b Hayes and Samuel Tilden, after a lot of genuinely suspicious votes in Florida, South Carolina, and Oregon. The vote was thrown into the house and Hayes won by one vote.

Given what happened in 2021 I don't blame you for being afraid. But back then, the number of Trump supporters willing to do battle for him was larger by far than the ones he has left now. Those willing to fight for him and overthrow the will of the people were all there at the Capitol that fateful day, and although not all of them have gotten their just deserts in the courts of law, a great many of them have felt the consequences of their actions on Jan 6. Of course, there are still gullible idiots who believe in the Trump (or Project 2025) cause. And a fair few of them will talk the big talk of violence, but I really don't believe that many of them will actually walk the walk if push comes to shove. 

Will there be attempts to contest the election results in November? You betcha. I would be mightily surprised if Trump and his minions don't throw a hissy fit repeat of the Big Lie. But it didn't work then and it won't work now. 

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Unfortunately, in GA they've just made a new rule/law? that makes it very very easy for the GA results to potentially not get certified in time. GA is definitely turning democrat in time and the republicans that are still in power are doing everything they can to fuck up the system so they don't lose again. 

They've also set up a new system to help de-register voters.

And this is in addition to the many rules/laws they've implemented the last few years including closing down polling locations while simultaneously making it illegal to give people food and water if they're standing in line for hours. 

So while it stands to reason that maybe there are less maga nut jobs overall ...unfortunately the republicans in general seem to have seen the writing on the wall that their policies aren't winners with regular people and they're not willing to change policies (presumably because money) but they are willing to make it harder and harder for elections to be a fair representation of actual voters.

The fact that there are more than 1 or 2 popular vote vs electoral college conflicts is just gross. For a country supposedly about democracy there sure are a lot of old school ideas about governing elites and the peasants (who don't know what's best for them/shouldn't vote maybe?)

Anyway. I live in the state mentioned above and I've very worried that if the contest is close that these new rules are going to make it so that georgia can't certify. 

Which trump knows about-- he gave shout outs to the 3 new republican elections boards people right before this got passed. Somehow he's by passed the people who foiled him last time and got some of his own people installed. It's insane. Is it on the news? nope 

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18 minutes ago, WatchingTheTireFireBurn said:

Unfortunately, in GA they've just made a new rule/law? that makes it very very easy for the GA results to potentially not get certified in time. GA is definitely turning democrat in time and the republicans that are still in power are doing everything they can to fuck up the system so they don't lose again. 

They've also set up a new system to help de-register voters.

And this is in addition to the many rules/laws they've implemented the last few years including closing down polling locations while simultaneously making it illegal to give people food and water if they're standing in line for hours. 

So while it stands to reason that maybe there are less maga nut jobs overall ...unfortunately the republicans in general seem to have seen the writing on the wall that their policies aren't winners with regular people and they're not willing to change policies (presumably because money) but they are willing to make it harder and harder for elections to be a fair representation of actual voters.

The fact that there are more than 1 or 2 popular vote vs electoral college conflicts is just gross. For a country supposedly about democracy there sure are a lot of old school ideas about governing elites and the peasants (who don't know what's best for them/shouldn't vote maybe?)

Anyway. I live in the state mentioned above and I've very worried that if the contest is close that these new rules are going to make it so that georgia can't certify. 

Which trump knows about-- he gave shout outs to the 3 new republican elections boards people right before this got passed. Somehow he's by passed the people who foiled him last time and got some of his own people installed. It's insane. Is it on the news? nope 

I've been watching a lot of political things on YouTube besides Politics Girl and this is something that was recommended to me that I found interesting and terrifying.

I want to say it's about 10:00 or 11 minutes long but this is about the money behind a movement to deregister people in the largest cities in the swing States. 

While I would like to have hope I know that in the last 4 years the Trump camp has more been working very hard to get its people elected as county recorders who are in charge of the election as well as state officials who are also in charge of certifying the election. For the first time in my lifetime I'm concerned that this is not going to be a free and fair election. I think voter suppression is going to be a really big issue that people won't find out about until they go to the polls to vote and discover they're no longer on the rolls. 

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25 minutes ago, Audrey2 said:

I think voter suppression is going to be a really big issue that people won't find out about until they go to the polls to vote and discover they're no longer on the rolls. 

This is why people should continuously check if they are still registered.

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9 hours ago, fraurosena said:

This is why people should continuously check if they are still registered.

Just did that the other day. I've moved, but I still own my old house and I wanted to be sure I'm registered under my new address so I can vote just down the street instead of driving across town to my old precinct. Everything was fine, but I'll be checking at least one more time, maybe twice, before election day!

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29 minutes ago, Loveday said:

Just did that the other day. I've moved, but I still own my old house and I wanted to be sure I'm registered under my new address so I can vote just down the street instead of driving across town to my old precinct. Everything was fine, but I'll be checking at least one more time, maybe twice, before election day!

I'm planning to move closer to family before election day this year.  I'll be checking a whole bunch of times between now and election day so I don't get left out voting against fuck face.

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Due to the crazy roll out in GA of the new de-register system, the local news did say that here if you get de registered "incorrectly" you can file a provisional ballot and so on. But good god how you resolve that in a timely fashion I don't know. 

Apparently TX also has a very easy way to now challenge voter registration as well and all sorts of people got challenged presumably because they were democrats. I watched an interview with a generic looking white dude who had lived in the same place for many years and he was very upset. But what comes of it?

I am very worried about this new rule/law in GA. It's hard for me to read about anything local any more because even the trashiest local news is paywalled. But it seems to me from what I do know that the whole state could be stopped from certifying due to nonsense from a rogue local election board....and if that seems unlikely - please be aware it was in GA last time that election workers let trump people in restricted areas to "inspect" and laughed about it.  That was in one small town area. If several small towns decided they didn't like the looks of things apparently they will be able to challenge their own stuff and refuse to certify without much (any?) oversight

Some pundit was saying this will most certainly be overturned legally but they wondered if it was even possible so close to the election. I'm so sick of these people

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3 minutes ago, WatchingTheTireFireBurn said:

Due to the crazy roll out in GA of the new de-register system, the local news did say that here if you get de registered "incorrectly" you can file a provisional ballot and so on. But good god how you resolve that in a timely fashion I don't know. 

Apparently TX also has a very easy way to now challenge voter registration as well and all sorts of people got challenged presumably because they were democrats. I watched an interview with a generic looking white dude who had lived in the same place for many years and he was very upset. But what comes of it?

I am very worried about this new rule/law in GA. It's hard for me to read about anything local any more because even the trashiest local news is paywalled. But it seems to me from what I do know that the whole state could be stopped from certifying due to nonsense from a rogue local election board....and if that seems unlikely - please be aware it was in GA last time that election workers let trump people in restricted areas to "inspect" and laughed about it.  That was in one small town area. If several small towns decided they didn't like the looks of things apparently they will be able to challenge their own stuff and refuse to certify without much (any?) oversight

Some pundit was saying this will most certainly be overturned legally but they wondered if it was even possible so close to the election. I'm so sick of these people

All of this is what scares me. There are too many travidians in places that certify elections now for me to feel comfortable. 

And there are now basically computer programs that go through and do ridiculous numbers of challenges and very short times for voter registration.

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