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Branch Trumpvidians 8: It's A Cult Of Dangerous Weirdos


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McNaughton has been busy. He took the bullshit about the angel flag and turned it into a painting:




"Angelic Intervention," by Jon McNaughton

Just before Trump took the stage in Butler, Pennsylvania, something remarkable occurred. The American flag suspended above the stage was tangled in the wind and, to those in the crowd, appeared to look like an American eagle soaring above them. Was it a sign of something to come? Shortly after President Trump began to speak, shots rang out, and by the divine hand of God, he moved at the precise moment that spared his life from the assassin. I believe historic moments like this are a sign of angelic intervention, as God is on our side!

Looks like he whipped that one out (you should pardon the expression) to make a quick buck. But the latest magnum opus, on which he has toiled for months, is just a mess, reminiscent of his bizarre Jesus Constitution painting.

The title and huge "cast" seem to reference the 1963 film "It's a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World," the style, while similar to his usual, seems to hint at MAD Magazine of the same era. Neither deserve such ill treatment, if either or both is what he was going for.

And, of course, the ideas behind it are pure bullshit. It comes with a 16-page pdf explaining it, which I have copied for you below:




Over 100 figures depict the modern story of America’s mayhem. Do you agree?
Not only is our country spiraling into madness, but I’m also enraged at how our government has subverted our rights and endangered our safety in the name of political power and leftist ideology.

Each figure is explained here:


It's A Mad Mad Mad Mad America  Identification Kev 

Everything is explained Here: 

1. Donald Trump 

"Watching the former president rise in the polls as he seeks re-election has led to the most outrageous series of unprecedented lawfare. Multiple charges have been filed against Trump by partisan district attorneys and corrupt courts determined to imprison him and prevent him from running for another term as President. I chose to depict him hogtied by those who intend to thwart the will of the American people. His face bears the blood from the recent assassination attempt in Butler, Pennsylvania, as the words of a defiant president echo in our ears: 'Fight, Fight, Fight!'" 

2. Barack Obama 

“I used to say if I can make an arrangement where I had a stand-in or front-man or front woman and they had an earpiece in and I was just in my basement in my sweats looking through the stuff and I could sort of deliver the lines while someone was doing all the talking and ceremony, I’d be fine with that because I found the work fascinating.” – Barack Obama 

3. Michelle Obama 

I always get the feeling she knows something she’s not telling us. 

4. Joe Biden 

Something has seriously been wrong with him for a long time. We all knew it, but literally the day after the debate with Trump suddenly the entire Democrat Party establishment knew it and forced him out of the election. Poor Joe, no respect. 

5. Kamala Harris 

It must be nice to serve four years as a VP and do absolutely nothing, to have no respect, the queen of word salads, and suddenly be the darling of the Democrat Party. Perhaps the most radical Communist presidential candidate in American history. 

6. Hillary Clinton 

Her big chance was stolen by Donald J. Trump. It gives her great pleasure to watch Trump and all the deplorables sink under the joy of Kamala’s potential rise to power. 

7. Nancy Pelosi

The former Speaker of the House, the great fighter for Trump impeachments and radical  social policy. A true hero of the leftist state. Is she gone yet? 

8. Middle Eastern Illegal Alien 

They are coming across the southern border like an army from every middle eastern  country. Their sole purpose is to live the American dream.  

9. Latino Illegal Alien 

Tens of thousands of gang members and released prison inmates blend nicely with all  the Latino immigrants just seeking a better life. How dare we think we can seal the  border or detain them. Let’s give them amenities and schedule a court date to review  their immigration and asylum status. 

10.Chinese Illegal Aliens 

I don’t know how they’re all getting here. Another army of young men from China  crossing the border. It must be all those jobs in California paying higher minimum wage. 

11.Human trafficking 

I agree with Trump’s policy: we should have the death penalty for all child traffickers.  12.Alejandro Mayorkas 

The Deputy Director of Homeland Security, Mayorkas was barely impeached in 2024 by  the House for failing to enforce the laws at the border. Finally, somebody got the boot  for dereliction of duty. 

13.Border Patrol Agent 

Being a border agent in the US is a thankless and hopeless job. Let’s make the border  great again! 

14.Gavin Newsom 

He has completely mismanaged California and led the great exodus of millions out of  the sunshine state in record numbers. Imagine if he ran for president?  

15.California Flag

Why is the flag burning? It used to be the state everyone wanted to live in. Today, it has  the highest taxes, homelessness, and a lawless pile of manure in most cities. Besides  that, it’s pretty nice. 

16.Preferred Flags 

China, Venezuela, Mexico: just a few flags waving proudly as they enter the country. We  don’t know what is going on that might undermine our security. Maybe we should look  closer at potential threats posed by shady business and drug deals. 


17.Mitt Romney 

He was elected Senator in Utah on a pro-Trump ticket and as soon as he was elected  became the biggest RINO in my lifetime. Please just go away. 

18. Liz Cheney 

Can TDS (Trump Derangement Syndrome) really cause someone to be so non objective, or is it just pure evil intent? Former congresswoman from Wyoming, goodbye. 

19.2000 Mules 

Where is the proof of the 2020 stolen election? In Dinesh D’Souza’s movie by the same  name the proof is laid out clearly, but nobody will touch it. Some things the media  chooses to ignore. 

20.Ballot Harvester 

How do you fraudulently win an election? Thank heavens for COVID 19 and millions of  unsecured mail-in ballots! 

21.January 6th 

Meet Jacob Chansley, the QAnon Shaman who was charged and imprisoned for rioting  on January 6th, but quietly released when the video footage was suddenly exposed to  the public showing him peacefully escorted by the capitol police into the House  chamber. Only in a Mad America do hundreds of peaceful protesters go to prison while  thousands of looters, arsonists, violent criminals are set free during the George Floyd  Riots of 2020. 

22.Marjorie Taylor Greene

The Congresswoman from Georgia who speaks her mind in defense of truth and  American values. She is no fan of our tax dollars going to the support for the Ukrainian  War and would like to see House Speaker Mike Johnson get the boot.  


I’m the artist, so why not? 

24.Chuck Schumer 

Senate Majority Leader from New York, doesn’t know a leftist policy he won’t endorse. I  also wouldn’t trust him to barbeque a hamburger with cheese. 

25. Zelensky 

Former comedian and the current President of Ukraine, the best grifter for American  support of a non-NATO-ally in American history. Is the threat of nuclear war with Russia  worth supporting a corrupt country? There is far more to this story than the media  wants to share, and somebody is getting very rich at our expense. 


Hundreds of thousands of Americans are dying from the illegal drugs crossing over our  border. Fentanyl is coming to harm all our families. This is madness. 

27.Mike Johnson 

Speaker of the House and congressman from Louisiana, became speaker on a small  margin with the promise he would not capitulate with Democrats, and within the year  passed a huge spending bill that included funding for Ukraine. He’s waving his flag next  to his buddies. 

28.Mitch McConnell 

The current Senate Minority Leader who always manages to choose the most pithy,  neo-conservative position on any issue. A great RINO for the ages. 

29. Lindsey Graham 

There never was a war Lindsey didn’t like. Senator from South Carolina that never goes  away.

30.Elon Musk 

“The woke mind virus is either defeated or nothing else matters.” – Elon Musk 31.Dinesh D’Souza 

A conservative political commentator, author, and film maker that has kicked the wasp  nest so many times and still keeps going. 

32. Tucker Carlson 

Former Fox News show host, Tucker likes to dissect the madness going on around us.  Once a liberal leaning CNN host, he now is like Saul changed to Paul in the New  Testament. 

33.Alex Jones 

The man behind Infowars, Alex Jones is the first great casualty of cancel culture in  America. His show was deplatformed throughout the country and he was eventually  given a verdict and sentencing in a civil court trial for the parents of the Sandy Hook  Massacre to pay 1.5 billion dollars in settlement. Now, that’s crazy. 

34.Patrick Bet David 

He began as an immigrant to America, joined the Army 101st Airborne, founded his own  insurance company, and now is the owner of Valuetainment, a media company that  promotes conservative American values. It’s nice to have some sanity within all the  chaos. 

35.Conservative Activism 

Just good folks peacefully expressing their love for America, God, family, and decency.  We do have our limits. 

36.Glenn Beck 

A political commentator and radio host, Glenn has had a front row seat to the madness  and is continually trying to figure out what the heck is going on! He’s doing a great job. 

37.Joe Rogan 

He’s the most curious guy in podcasting. He doesn’t seem an ideologue as much as a 

seeker of truth and that’s what people like about him. I like the way he tries to sift  through the madness, so he deserved a quarter inch of the painting. 

38. Benjamin Netanyahu 

I have a soft spot for Israel, but Netanyahu is always poking his head around here. I  believe Israel is an important ally, so give the guy some respect. 

39. Antony Blinken 

The Secretary of State responsible for the botched withdrawal from Afghanistan and  deaths of 13 US soldiers. Also, unfroze 6 billion in Iranian funds for a 5-prisoner swap in  2023 that was likely used to fund the attacks against Israel by Hamas and other Iranian  proxies. An absolute failure of American foreign policy. 

40. Xi Jinping 

The president of the People’s Republic of China, which has made numerous payments  to Biden for undisclosed dealings. My oh my! 

41. Kim Jong Un 

Little Rocket Man, as Trump has called him, is the supreme leader of North Korea.  American policy since 1991 has made North Korea gradually capable of becoming a  nuclear threat to the US and the world. 

42. Vladimir Putin 

Prime Minister of Russia: "They are burning themselves from the inside, their state, their  political system ... It is obvious all over the world that the prosecution of Trump,  especially in court on charges that were formed on the basis of events that happened  years ago, without direct proof, is simply using the judicial system in an internal  political struggle." 

43. Edward Snowden 

“I can't in good conscience allow the U.S. government to destroy privacy, internet  freedom and basic liberties for people around the world with this massive surveillance  machine they're secretly building.” – Edward Snowden 

44. Klaus Schwab 

Former leader of the World Economic Forum: “You’ll own nothing, and you’ll be happy

about it.” The planner of the “Great Reset,” the end of American and world state  sovereignty.  

45.Janet Yellen 

Secretary of the Treasury, Former Federal Reserve Chair, blames inflation in the US on  “lack of competition.” So, you believe poor monetary policy has nothing to do with it?”  

46.Yuval Harrari 

The anointed spokesperson for the WEF’s transhumanism agenda.  

47.King Charles 

Today’s British monarchy is more of a formality, as the country is run by lunatics that  have abandoned their own self-preservation for woke politics and a police state worse  than any dictatorial British monarchy in centuries. 

48.Ebrahim Raisi 

The President of Iran who died in a mysterious helicopter crash. Not a friend of Israel,  but truly benefitted from recent US policy. 

49.Mohammed bin Salman 

The prince and heir to the Saudi Arabian throne. It is considered illegal and dangerous  to one’s health to touch the crown prince, however, Trump likes to sneak up to him at  international meetings and touch his shoulder and walk away quickly. 

50. Larry Fink 

American billionaire and co-founder of Blackrock, Fink has managed to spread  wokeness to many of the largest companies in the world including Disney, Comcast,  Warner, and News Corp by being top owners. He follows the golden rule: he who has  the gold makes the rules.  

51. Loyd Austin 

Secretary of Defense who participated in the disgraceful withdrawal of troops from  Afghanistan, Loyd was a part of Biden’s DEI hiring spree to be the most inclusive  administration in US history. Skin color and gender identity rule are always more  important than competency. 

52.Rachel Levine 

An Admiral in the US Public Health Services, His pronouns are she and her.

53.Hunter Biden 

Son of Joe Biden, former board member of the Ukrainian company Burisma, wealthy  deal broker with foreign entities, and convicted felon. Hung out in the White House  awaiting trial doing nothing illegal. Also, a financially successful artist to anonymous  patrons, from China. 

54.Sam Brinton 

Former deputy assistant secretary of Spent Fuel and Waste Disposition in the Office of  Nuclear Energy. A gender fluid LGBTQ activist fired after allegations of stealing pretty  clothes from airports which he wore with attitude. 

55.Emmanuel Macron 

President of France, Macron’s country is overrun with immigrants determined to destroy  France, and the people are protesting. This will be America in the very near future. 

56.Justin Trudeau 

Prime Minister of Canada, like his father, Trudeau has an affection for old Communist  regimes. He’s doing all he can to bring the hammer and sickle down on the people of  Canada. Many leftists in the US would like us to be more like Canada. 

57.George Soros 

Businessman, Investor in corrupt politicians, and Democrat philanthropist, Soros is  doing all he can to place as many radical leftists in US power positions as possible. A  close ally to almost every left-wing politician since Obama. Many countries have  already banned him from entering due to currency manipulation.  

58.Pete Buttigieg 

Ran for President as the first ever openly gay candidate, he was appointed Secretary of  Transportation after extreme qualification of being mayor of small town in Indiana.  Pothole Pete, as he was called, recently wanted to promote rebuilding “racist roads.”  Yes, even our roads must be woke. 

59.Julian Assange

Founder of Wikileaks, which published confidential reports related to war, spying, and  corruption. After fourteen years of seeking asylum is now in US custody. You can get in  big trouble when you expose the dirty laundry of Uncle Sam. 

60.Karine Jean-Pierre 

The glamorous Press Secretary for President Biden, KJP has a way of answering  questions, without answering. “I am obviously acutely aware that my presence at this  podium represents a few firsts. I am a black, gay, immigrant woman, the first of all three  of those to hold this position.” Another DEI hire to make White House history! 

61. Trans Activist 

When in doubt, SHOUT! Ever try and talk with some of these people?  62. Trans Sports 

It has been disheartening to watch women’s sports become the fodder for trans  activism, as Title IX rules are augmented to allow men who identify as women to  dominate their competition. 

63.Secret Service 

Another casualty of leftist run government institutions, as the secret service has been  politicized and DEI hires have made a mockery of its ranks.  

64.Commander the Dog 

On record, Commander has bitten at least 24 secret service agents. Thanks a lot Joe. 65.CDC 

Centers for Disease Control is the US agency under the Department of Health and  Human Services that is supposed to protect the American public from serious  diseases. They receive healthy donations from pharmaceutical companies and have  too many conflicts of interest. Public trust plummeted after the COVID 19 debacle and  coverups that led to widespread shutdowns and mask mandates. 

66.Anthony Fauci 

The former director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases. Turns  out the guy in charge of America’s response to COVID 19 is the same guy who funded  the creation of COVID 19 at the Wuhan Lab! During House Hearings when questioned 

about social distancing arrogantly said, “I am science!” 

67.Jeffrey Epstein 

Sex trafficker for the world’s most powerful and famous did not kill himself. Lots of  coverup going on here. 

68.Merrick Garland 

Attorney General of the US in full cooperation with the Biden Administration. He  couldn’t get the US Supreme Court appointment, so is willing to do whatever it takes for  his comrades. 

69. Fani Willis 

District Attorney of Fulton County, Georgia. Indicted Trump on 13 charges of election  interference. Found guilty of a conflict of interest with prosecutor for an inappropriate  romantic affair. Judge said she could stay, he had to go. Anything to stop Trump! 

70.Conflicts of Interest 

It’s always cringy when the district attorney and prosecutor are planning romantic  getaways while trying to imprison a former President of the United States.  

71. Letitia James 

New York Attorney General who campaigned on the pledge to bring charges against  President Trump. Her vendetta led to multiple straw man indictments in the single most  atrocious lawfare sweep in history, in a state that is predominantly Democrat. Her  actions resulted in many businesses leaving New York City and the disgrace of law and  order in America. 

72.Arthur Engoron 

The judge in the Manhattan Supreme Court that presided over the civil case against  Trump for claiming he lied about his finances to get business loans. Evidence was  suppressed and Trump was railroaded by a kangaroo court bent on causing harm to a  presidential candidate leading in the polls. 

73.Katangi Brown Jackson 

Recent US Supreme Court Judge when asked in a House Hearing how she would define  a woman said, “I’m not a biologist.” 

74.Juan Merchan 

New York State Supreme Court judge presiding over criminal trial of President Trump  who is accused of paying off Stormy Daniels before the 2016 election and found guilty  in another highly motivated conviction of 34 counts of falsifying business records.  Another dark and unjust court trial. 

75.Alvin Bragg 

New York County District Attorney famous for releasing dangerous criminals in NYC  while spending millions to prosecute a former president in the most political motivated  charges in US history. 

76.Jack Smith 

The Special Council appointed by Attorney General Garland to indict President Trump  of Insurrection for the January 6th protest at the Federal Capitol. The Supreme Court  said, “Nope, sorry.” 


Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, the former bartender, now the congresswoman from New  York City that screams in a high pitch and rants at every leftist policy that serves her  political purposes. 

78.Ilhan Omar 

A Somalian immigrant who is a congresswoman from Minnesota, she is openly  antisemitic and anti-American. Definitely a mad America. 

79.Rashida Tlaib 

Another loud, pro-Hamas, Michigan congresswoman who hates America. 

80.Hamas Supporters 

All across America, from sea to shining sea, colleges and young people are staging  protests in favor of Hamas and the Palestinians, while also violently attacking and  blocking Jewish citizens. It’s no longer fun to be a Jew in the Democrat Party. 

81.Jewish Victim 

Americans used to defend our Jewish brothers and sisters. Now they are no longer the  minority suppressed class of the Democrat Party, replaced by the transgenders and 



Thanks to many “defund the police” policies and an American society in decline, we  now have cities where no person is safe to walk alone.  

83.Victims of Crime 

Without the means to protect themselves many citizens in “gun free zones” are not  permitted to carry a firearm and are at the mercy of criminals that are favored in the  justice system over their victims. 


Rising over 12% in the last year, American citizens take a back seat to new foreign illegal  aliens coming across the border. How can we abandon our own for the sake of a  political football. The homeless include veterans, mothers, fathers, children, and the mentally ill. It is not safe and must be solved. 

85.Underground protesters 

The idea for this came from the Jewish students who dug a tunnel under a street in NYC  to access a synagogue during the COVID 19 lockdowns. For me, it’s a symbol of those  who are willing to go underground to fight against tyranny. 

86.US Constitution 

Thank God for the Constitution or we’d be toast already! However, that document is  close to becoming obsolete if the corrupt leaders in Washington can make the changes  they are shooting for. Here it lays on the dirty ground, stepped on and wrinkled, yet still  intact. 


This symbol has appeared in my previous paintings, representing the call to wake up.  We're now beyond that point—the rooster isn't crowing anymore; it's simply trying to  survive what's coming. 

88.Border Fence and snake 

We don’t know what kind of vermin are crossing our border. This is a diamond back  rattle snake. You don’t want to get bit.

89.UFO Coverup Hearings 

Did our government cover up UFO technology and real encounters with aliens? That’s  what some whistleblowers told a recent House Committee Meeting. I can’t imagine our  government would lie to us? 

90.US Capitol 

All those elected and non-elected people who work in Washington, how many are doing  what is good for the country? Cut out the government bureaucracy and inefficient  agencies. Revoke the 17th Amendment, make term limits, and prohibit lobbying to  government officials.  

91. LGBTQ+ activism 

End the Gay Pride Month, Gay Pride Parades, Trans Kid Reading groups - just stop. Don’t  make your sexuality something we all have to celebrate. Just mind your business. 


The number one leftist. 

93.Storms of Destruction 

There is a storm brewing on many fronts: reckless foreign policies that could lead to  nuclear war with China, Russia, or Iran; illegal bioterrorism experiments; the infiltration  of terrorist cells in the U.S. through the border; drug and human trafficking; societal  decay in moral standards; and the turning away from God to moral relativism and  humanism. 

94.New York City 

A hotbed of leftist corruption and decay. The setting for Trump Tower and the corrupt  lawfare against a leading presidential candidate. 

95.Crumbling America 

The very foundation of our nation is crumbling. “Our Constitution was made only for a  moral and religious People. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.” – President John Adams, 1798 


All these missiles being sent to Ukraine and other nations. The American Military 

Industrial Complex is strong. 

97. Top Secrets 

Trump was accused of keeping top secret documents at his home in Mar-a-Lago. Yet,  VP Biden and Hillary had boxes stashed at their residences not protected under the  Presidential Records Act? 


The Deep State is infested with all kinds of vermin. The rats need to be removed. 99. Fake News 

Journalism is dead. Plenty of fake news to distort the truth and pretend its non-bias  reporting. 

A few additional thoughts: 

I chose to just share my feelings about why I included certain things in the painting. I  figured there is plenty a person can read on their own without me writing a book. The chaos  in America seems immense right now. However, I wanted to have a few spots of positive  messages in this work, and I hope you noticed that. I think it’s good to use art to shine a  light on our world, both what is good and what needs to change. Ultimately, it is my  personal vision of the world I live in. If people see what I see it will resonate. Some will be  angry and disagree, and others will have no idea what I’m talking about.  

This painting took about 5 months to complete and was a test of my patience. So much to  try and express in a small space! Faces can be difficult, getting the right likeness and  expression. If you recognize them its good. I'm hoping that if this painting filled with  madness causes the viewer to think, even just a little, it will be worth it.


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3 hours ago, thoughtful said:


The number one leftist. 

That entire thing is deranged but the one quoted made me literally laugh out loud on the bus. Also surely in this theology Jesus of Nazareth is the number one leftist? Feeding the hungry, healing the sick, including the outcasts...? Where's Jesus in your pantheon here John?

As to the divine intervention of the flag and Trump not being hit by a bullet, holy hell these people are nuts.

Has anyone done a mental health assessment on McNaughton, it feels like that could be illuminating. 


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2 hours ago, Ozlsn said:

Has anyone done a mental health assessment on McNaughton, it feels like that could be illuminating. 

Good question.

Here is some nightmare fuel from Top Dog Direct:





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Devin still hasn't internalized that Everything Trump Touches Dies.


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MAGAs want to Make Polio Great Again.


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24 minutes ago, GreyhoundFan said:

MAGAs want to Make Polio Great Again.


Cool! Can we also use it as a do not treat card if you catch anything that could have been prevented by an immunization?

You can probably get horse dewormer now.

Edited by Audrey2
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9 hours ago, GreyhoundFan said:

MAGAs want to Make Polio Great Again.


Who do these ignoramuses think they need to show this to? I must have missed the roving bands of public health workers harassing random passers-by and administering vaccinations against their will.  :rolleyes:

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11 hours ago, Audrey2 said:

Cool! Can we also use it as a do not treat card if you catch anything that could have been prevented by an immunization?

You can probably get horse dewormer now.

I agree, because I am completely out of compassion for the willfully stupid. 

I dislike that I am this way now, but I just am. I just cannot muster up any sympathy for the people who are depraved or delusional enough to support Trump and who believe ridiculous conspiracies and Facebook "research" over actual science. Don't want vaccines? You don't get other medical treatment either. Be consistent. Be true to your convictions. You don't believe in science when it comes to preventative care, you don't get to suddenly be all for it and benefit from it when it comes to treatment for whatever disease you end up with.

Someone should renovate and open up a couple of the old tuberculosis sanatoriums and let them all use those, and only those, for medical treatment. Sunlight, fresh air, essential oils, and horse dewormer. Dig out the old treatments like enemas, cod liver oil, and sniffing turpentine. Stay away from sensible people and isolate yourself with the other conspiracy theorists.

You don't vaccinate yourself, you get no treatment for vaccine preventable diseases. You don't believe in science? You don't get to benefit from scientific advances in medical care. If you think vaccines are dangerous, you definitely don't get chemotherapy. 

Live by your convictions, die by your convictions. Your votes will definitely not be missed. I feel sorry for your loved ones while hoping they can see clearly enough to avoid the mistakes you made.

I would like to be sympathetic and compassionate and kind, but I just am burned out on that. These people are making the world a worse, sicker, less advanced, more divided, and worst of all STUPIDER place. And they are doing it deliberately and proudly. 

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No thanks. 

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46 minutes ago, GreyhoundFan said:

No thanks. 

I wouldn't let a dog go see those idiots. 

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10 minutes ago, libgirl2 said:

I wouldn't let a dog go see those idiots. 

Anyone surprised Matt Gaetz is turning up at a Youth Summit? No? 

Hope the teen girls there have sense enough to be wary.

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Just now, Alisamer said:

Anyone surprised Matt Gaetz is turning up at a Youth Summit? No? 

Hope the teen girls there have sense enough to be wary.

It is just sickening. 

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On 8/31/2024 at 11:15 PM, GreyhoundFan said:

How disgusting.


More from the "artist". The delusion runs strong in BTs.


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On 9/3/2024 at 12:03 PM, GreyhoundFan said:

MAGAs want to Make Polio Great Again.


Laughing out loud at having an exemption under the "law of informed consent".

These guys are the least informed dimwits out there.

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8 hours ago, GreyhoundFan said:


I love mail in ballots but this is the one thing that concerns me. I can see these maga men telling their wives they have to vote male in and sitting down with the wives to make sure they vote the 'correct' way.

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My MAGA cousin posted the below. How? How does he not see that he’s referring to himself and the rest of the reich wing republicans? How?



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Such a lovely holiday sweater. /s


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My eyes hurt from rolling. 

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1 hour ago, GreyhoundFan said:

My eyes hurt from rolling. 

And that person is probably complaining about the price of groceries and gas.

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On 9/2/2024 at 10:27 PM, Audrey2 said:

Cool! Can we also use it as a do not treat card if you catch anything that could have been prevented by an immunization?

You can probably get horse dewormer now.

Can we prosecute them for willfully killing others?

On 9/4/2024 at 4:28 PM, Alisamer said:

Anyone surprised Matt Gaetz is turning up at a Youth Summit? No? 

Hope the teen girls there have sense enough to be wary.

not just the girls, allegedly 

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