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Branch Trumpvidians 8: It's A Cult Of Dangerous Weirdos


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I feel like the MAGAs don't even see other people as human beings.  Not just immigrants, but anyone who doesn't share their beliefs.  I have a little personal TikTok where I've made some political statements, and a big MAGA account (somebody named Austin Forman, a country singer who makes pro-Trump songs) decided that I had been "harassing" a MAGA account by leaving a comment - the comment was, IIRC, "imagine putting that on social media for everyone to see."  He made a whole TikTok about how I was a bully.  Mind you, he has something like half a million followers.  I woke up the next morning to several hundred horrible comments and dozens and dozens of threatening messages. And this has gone on for weeks.

I've been on the internet since the days of Usenet, and I know how to use filtering tools, so I just block them when they pop ups, but I realized yesterday that I have blocked hundreds of people as a result of this - people I've never met, or talked to, who have never interacted me or seen any of my posts. But because some big MAGA account told them I should be targeted, they came after me.

They're PROUD of their hatred.  They WANT people to be afraid of them.  That's the whole message - if you don't toe the line, if you don't bend the knee to their God-King Trump, they will obliterate you.  This group goes around doxxing people, calling their employers, finding their landlords, all over a political disagreement.  They'll make death threats, bomb threats, whatever it takes to make people afraid to publicly disagree with them.

And then they'll say "the election was stolen because everybody agrees with us."

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There's this woman/couple we know and they were JWs. I thought it was good that they seemed to get out of the JWs, but now they're big MAGA people. They bought so much Trump merch it's ridiculous!

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