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Tim Walz: Our VP Nominee


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How nice. More of this, please.


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Can you imagine TFG ever sounding proud of his kids for anything like this? My father died when I was young and I would have loved having a dad like Tim as I was growing up.


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I've seen several of Tim and Hope's videos. They are so fun. You can tell they love each other.


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The more I see and learn about Tim Walz, the more I like him. It doesn't surprise me that he noticed someone was having issues with the heat at his rally. When you are responsible for 28 to 35 students at a time it becomes second nature to carefully monitor your kids and keep an eye on them, and he would have done the same thing as a coach. You need to know which of your players is trying to hide an injury or an illness, who really needs liquids and is trying not to admit it, and who is out of gas and needs a sub in.  Plus, like President Biden, he is a genuinely good, humble, decent man who really wants what is best for the people in our country and not just his followers.

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1 hour ago, GreyhoundFan said:

How nice. More of this, please.


I hope that the Lincoln project is all over this, contrasting Tim Walz's reaction to an attendee having issues with heat with what Trump did I want to say it was in May or June and I want to say it was in Florida, but that may be wrong. He did not do anything about it.

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Tim Walz fireside chats are gonna be lit!  

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4 hours ago, GreyhoundFan said:

I've seen several of Tim and Hope's videos. They are so fun. You can tell they love each other.


The new 'murica's dad.  Of course people who know me know I am highly resistant to labeling anyone as 'murica's anything because they totally wind up being unworthy of the title.  Like 'murica's mayor Ghouliani or the previous 'murica's dad Cosby.  Hell, I was resistant to calling Dr. Fauchi 'murica's doctor because of Cosby and Ghouliani because of how I felt it was lowering Fauchi to Cosby and the Four Seasons Guy. 

I know the new America's Dad has and will continue to be an excellent America's Dad.

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Of course, from my point of view, Walz is more like a younger cousin than a dad or grandad! 

Hope really seems to enjoy their stints as Governor and sidekick. If she ends up wanting a life in politics or other public work, she's got a good start.

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9 hours ago, GreyhoundFan said:

How nice. More of this, please.


This, this is how we're supposed to be. I feel he's a lot like Joe - cares about others and the country. 💙 Not a selfish, man-baby prick (and their Major Flip-flopping flying monkey...who dishonors the Corps IMO).

*Who remembers how everyone lost their Shit over John Kerry being a flip-flopper? How we have changed... some people, anyway 

9 hours ago, GreyhoundFan said:

Can you imagine TFG ever sounding proud of his kids for anything like this? My father died when I was young and I would have loved having a dad like Tim as I was growing up.


Well, TFG had "pride" during the first convention for Ivanka, I want to vomit because... ya know... Gross 🤢🤮

My dad wasn't in my life for most of it, and he passed away not too long ago. A couple decades doesn't feel like enough. Tim should adopt All of us! 

Edited by LongTimeLurkerOG
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4 hours ago, 47of74 said:

The new 'murica's dad.  Of course people who know me know I am highly resistant to labeling anyone as 'murica's anything because they totally wind up being unworthy of the title.  Like 'murica's mayor Ghouliani or the previous 'murica's dad Cosby.  Hell, I was resistant to calling Dr. Fauchi 'murica's doctor because of Cosby and Ghouliani because of how I felt it was lowering Fauchi to Cosby and the Four Seasons Guy. 

I know the new America's Dad has and will continue to be an excellent America's Dad.

Oh, I love them! Yep, America's Dad! I liked Mark Kelly, but Walz is a great pick for VP! 

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The BTs are really grasping at straws.


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So true:


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1 hour ago, GreyhoundFan said:

The BTs are really grasping at straws.


And your point is, Byron?

A championship caliber team might be led by the coach but the coach always has a fantastic team of dedicated hard-working assistants. The head coach might set the tone for the team but ultimately it's up to the position coaches and coordinators and the players to go out there and execute the coach's plans. Plus I don't know specifically what Walz coached, but the head coach frequently also acts as defensive coordinator or calls the place on offense. The head coach needs other great people on staff. 

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Here's some eye candy for the crazy cat ladies here on FJ:


Posted on Xtwitter by the Harris Campaign.

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15 minutes ago, FiveAcres said:

Here's some eye candy for the crazy cat ladies here on FJ:


Posted on Xtwitter by the Harris Campaign.

I got laughed at and called a CAT LADY on FB. There was an article posted about the Chicago White Sox manager being fired. Someone made a Biden/Harris comment. A few of us mentioned why does something like that have to be political.... CAT LADY it is and damned proud of it. 

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So true:


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I'm just wondering if the secret service will allow Walz to go hunting, after what happened to Dick Cheney.

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2 hours ago, Audrey2 said:

I'm just wondering if the secret service will allow Walz to go hunting, after what happened to Dick Cheney.

I thought that Cheney royally screwed up safety-wise. Also there was suspicion he had been drinking but that part of the story was seriously minimized.


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18 hours ago, LongTimeLurkerOG said:

This, this is how we're supposed to be. I feel he's a lot like Joe - cares about others and the country. 💙 Not a selfish, man-baby prick (and their Major Flip-flopping flying monkey...who dishonors the Corps IMO).

I remember when President Obama stopped to make sure the pregnant woman behind him was starting to faint and he stopped what he was doing to make sure she got the care she needed.

And he said that happens when he talked too much.

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In an extraordinary show of support from the furry mammals, on Wednesday America’s cats gave a full-throated endorsement to Gov. Tim Walz of Minnesota.

The felines, who have been unusually active this election cycle, said they were supporting Walz because “this November, cats are on the ballot.”

“Unlike some candidates, who have used language that belittles and ridicules us, Gov. Walz makes us feel seen,” the cats’ official statement read.


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Someone shared this with me and aside from how interesting/scary the story is, it also seems like you've got an ideal VP candidate to take on fascism.



“The Holocaust is taught too often purely as a historical event, an anomaly, a moment in time,” Mr. Walz said in a recent interview, recalling his approach. “Students understood what had happened and that it was terrible and that the people who did this were monsters.

“The problem is,” he continued, “that relieves us of responsibility. Obviously, the mastermind was sociopathic, but on the scale for it to happen, there had to be a lot of people in the country who chose to go down that path. You have to make the intellectual leap to figure out the reasons why.”

So Mr. Walz took his students — Brandon Bell, the wrestler; Beth Taylor, the cheerleader; Lanae Merwin, the quiet girl always reading some book about Queen Elizabeth; and all the other children of mechanics, secretaries and a town dentist — and assigned them to study the conditions associated with mass murder. What factors, he asked them to determine, had been present when Germans slaughtered Jews, Turks murdered Armenians, the Khmer Rouge ravaged their Cambodian countrymen?

“It was different and unusual, certainly not a project you’d be expecting,” Mr. Hofmann, now 31, of Phoenix, remembered recently of the class. “The biggest part was just the freedom to explore things. No matter how abnormal or far-fetched an idea might sound, you can form an opinion. Instead of just going in and having a teacher say, ‘Here’s information, learn it, know it, you’ll be tested on it,’ it was, ‘Here’s an idea, run with it.’ ”

For nine weeks through the winter and early spring that school year, through the howling blizzards and the planting of the first alfalfa on the plains, the class pored over data about economics, natural resources and ethnic composition. They read about civil war, colonialism and totalitarian ideology. They worked with reference books and scholarly reports, long before conducting research took place instantly online.

Most, like Mr. Hofmann, had spent their entire lives in and near Alliance. A few had traveled to Washington, D.C., with the school marching band. A few had driven four hours to Denver to buy the new Nirvana CD. Mostly, though, the outside world was a place they built, under Mr. Walz’s tutelage, in their own brains.

When the students finished with the past, Mr. Walz gave a final exam of sorts. He listed about a dozen current nations — Yugoslavia, Congo, some former Soviet republics among them — and asked the class as a whole to decide which was at the greatest risk of sliding into genocide.

Their answer was: Rwanda. The evidence was the ethnic divide between Hutus and Tutsis, the favoritism toward Tutsis shown by the Belgian colonial regime, and the previous outbreaks of tribal violence. Mr. Walz awarded high marks.

Then summer arrived and school let out. The students did what teenagers did in Alliance over the summer. They water-skied at the reservoir, swam in the Bridgeport sand pits and mostly “cruised the Butte,” endlessly driving up and down Box Butte Avenue.

THE next April, in 1994, Mr. Walz heard news reports of a plane carrying the Rwandan president, Juvenal Habyarimana, being shot down. He told himself at the time, “This is not going to end up good.”

It did not. Over the next three months, militant Hutus killed 800,000 Tutsis and moderate Hutus. The reports reached even The Alliance Times-Herald, the local daily newspaper. Mr. Walz’s students, now juniors, saw their prophecy made into flesh and blood.

“It was terribly chilling,” Lanae Merwin, now 31, of Hastings, Neb., recalled in a recent interview. “But, to us, it wasn’t totally surprising. We’d discussed it in class and it was happening. Though you don’t want a prediction like that to come true.”

Mr. Hofmann remembered having a similar reaction. “It was just strange to know that something was discussed not too long before that could actually happen,” he said. “Just a surreal feeling. To everyone else, it’s 8,000 miles away — no one cares. How can you grasp it? But to us, it was, we talked about it. For us, it was something that reached us directly.”


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I'm liking him more and more each time I hear something about him. As much as I was hoping for Mark Kelley, I have to say Walz was a far better choice. 

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