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Trump 68: A Dangerous Criminal And Weird Old Man Who Is In Serious Mental Decline


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I am a huge proponent of the Harris-Walz ticket, but need to point out that she’s emphatically centrist, needing to appeal to as broad a base as possible. Given the current political landscape, there’s nothing wrong with that.

Still, I feel like a lonely voice in the wilderness when I say that I was underwhelmed by her performance at the “debate” (which, IMO, wasn’t a debate at all but a Q&A session).

People differ in their reactions to the handshake: Many thought it as her willfully  invading his space, while I saw it as his standing firm and refusing to approach her.

Her move of taking a quiet second to consider what she needed to say could have been interpreted as indecision. His immediate rants looked like strength and decisiveness to his base (even though most of them were so many blatant lies we sat there and laughed).

Her repeated “I was raised by a middle class single mother” thing hit me as a bland, unnecessary sop to the audience.

Despite her amazing zingers (“You were fired by 81,000,000 people”), I wish she had devoted more time to countering his claims with facts and data and less to what sounded to me like “politicking.”

Sadly, I think his absurd grandstanding at the event won’t cost him a single vote.

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11 minutes ago, Hane said:

Despite her amazing zingers (“You were fired by 81,000,000 people”), I wish she had devoted more time to countering his claims with facts and data and less to what sounded to me like “politicking.”

Her strategy was definitely centered less around making her positions clear, but rather around preventing him from being able to land any blows. From this perspective she was undeniably successful. From basically the first question she got him to lose focus completely, while she got to stand there and laugh at him. 

Would it have been nice if we got to have real presidency debates about policy? Sure, but that went out the window when trump took over the GOP. 

I will say though, my favorite part was her response to trump's "overturning Roe v Wade was what everyone wanted." It was a perfect rebuttal on topic that will hopefully matter a lot this election.

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She’s running a social media campaign and needs 10-20 second sound bites of her poised and him dysregulated. It’s shrewd but I too miss the conversations around policy. Middle of the road policy is also shrewd but dang, some of these middle of the road policies would have been extreme 20-30 years ago.

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20 minutes ago, noseybutt said:

She’s running a social media campaign and needs 10-20 second sound bites of her poised and him dysregulated. It’s shrewd but I too miss the conversations around policy. Middle of the road policy is also shrewd but dang, some of these middle of the road policies would have been extreme 20-30 years ago.

This. A policy debate will only win the election if you have a voting public who cares more about policy than personality, who are both willing and able to focus on the full content of each answer and consider what is being said. But much as I wish that was the case, it's not what you have. You have a voting public who informs themselves primarily through shared social media posts, clips, memes, threads like these, and water cooler conversations about who "won". I hope (and believe) that Kamala Harris and her team have detailed policy plans to start implementing the minute she wins, but in order to win she's gotta play the game on the field she's on.

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56 minutes ago, Hane said:

I am a huge proponent of the Harris-Walz ticket, but need to point out that she’s emphatically centrist, needing to appeal to as broad a base as possible. Given the current political landscape, there’s nothing wrong with that.

Still, I feel like a lonely voice in the wilderness when I say that I was underwhelmed by her performance at the “debate” (which, IMO, wasn’t a debate at all but a Q&A session).

People differ in their reactions to the handshake: Many thought it as her willfully  invading his space, while I saw it as his standing firm and refusing to approach her.

Her move of taking a quiet second to consider what she needed to say could have been interpreted as indecision. His immediate rants looked like strength and decisiveness to his base (even though most of them were so many blatant lies we sat there and laughed).

Her repeated “I was raised by a middle class single mother” thing hit me as a bland, unnecessary sop to the audience.

Despite her amazing zingers (“You were fired by 81,000,000 people”), I wish she had devoted more time to countering his claims with facts and data and less to what sounded to me like “politicking.”

Sadly, I think his absurd grandstanding at the event won’t cost him a single vote.

What would you rather have?  Orange Fuck Face would rather see a lot of us dead or in prison.  Along with those who don't subscribe to the worldview of him, Putin, and other fucks like Edrogan.

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9 minutes ago, 47of74 said:

What would you rather have?  Orange Fuck Face would rather see a lot of us dead or in prison.  Along with those who don't subscribe to the worldview of him, Putin, and other fucks like Edrogan.

Whatever made you think I said anything of the kind?

Make no mistake: Orange Julius Caesar is a total waste of carbon and oxygen, and I sat there agape when he thought that mentioning his friendships with dictatorial “strongmen” was a power move.

The most dangerous thing about him is that he can be easily manipulated by yes-men. Should he be reelected, he could just wander around the country spouting toxic nonsense at rallies—while the country is actually run behind the scenes by Heritage Foundation pundits most of us have never heard of, and the Dominionist oligarchs who fund them.

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"sir, you have royally fkd yourself." 

He said tswif will "pay a price" for endorsing Harris. ETA "... probably in the marketplace. "

...but still lol idiot 

Not a swiftie, but her fan base is going to lose their minds and go at him. Dmbfk 🤣🤣🤣🤣

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3 hours ago, Jana814 said:

I fear what is going to happen if Trump doesn’t win.  His supporters are going to go on the attack. 

It's possible that there will be a mark 2, but I'm not sure the momentum is there the same way it was in 2020. A lot of people either experienced or saw the "find out" part up close, and this would not have the (stronger in my opinion) narrative and access of an incumbent. Also the last four years have not been kind to Trump, and I think quite a few people have quietly stepped back without actually saying so, and aren't willing to put it all on the line for him now.

This is not to say there won't be individuals and small groups but I'm not as sure events like Jan 6th will be possible.

22 minutes ago, Smee said:

This. A policy debate will only win the election if you have a voting public who cares more about policy than personality, who are both willing and able to focus on the full content of each answer and consider what is being said. But much as I wish that was the case, it's not what you have. You have a voting public who informs themselves primarily through shared social media posts, clips, memes, threads like these, and water cooler conversations about who "won". I hope (and believe) that Kamala Harris and her team have detailed policy plans to start implementing the minute she wins, but in order to win she's gotta play the game on the field she's on.

The bulk of the media don't care about policy as they have consistently shown over at least the last decade. They pretend to, and put up some graphs but there's been a lot of soundbites with minimal substance for a very long time now.

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2 hours ago, Hane said:

I am a huge proponent of the Harris-Walz ticket, but need to point out that she’s emphatically centrist, needing to appeal to as broad a base as possible. Given the current political landscape, there’s nothing wrong with that.

Still, I feel like a lonely voice in the wilderness when I say that I was underwhelmed by her performance at the “debate” (which, IMO, wasn’t a debate at all but a Q&A session).

People differ in their reactions to the handshake: Many thought it as her willfully  invading his space, while I saw it as his standing firm and refusing to approach her.

Her move of taking a quiet second to consider what she needed to say could have been interpreted as indecision. His immediate rants looked like strength and decisiveness to his base (even though most of them were so many blatant lies we sat there and laughed).

Her repeated “I was raised by a middle class single mother” thing hit me as a bland, unnecessary sop to the audience.

Despite her amazing zingers (“You were fired by 81,000,000 people”), I wish she had devoted more time to countering his claims with facts and data and less to what sounded to me like “politicking.”

Sadly, I think his absurd grandstanding at the event won’t cost him a single vote.

A debate IS a Q&A session... Herrorange just didn't answer any questions ..

with rebuttals on either side. Which they did. 

Sometimes I wonder how people, even some of those interviewed on the news, see something completely different from reality 

2 hours ago, Hane said:

I am a huge proponent of the Harris-Walz ticket, but need to point out that she’s emphatically centrist, needing to appeal to as broad a base as possible. Given the current political landscape, there’s nothing wrong with that.

Still, I feel like a lonely voice in the wilderness when I say that I was underwhelmed by her performance at the “debate” (which, IMO, wasn’t a debate at all but a Q&A session).

People differ in their reactions to the handshake: Many thought it as her willfully  invading his space, while I saw it as his standing firm and refusing to approach her.

Her move of taking a quiet second to consider what she needed to say could have been interpreted as indecision. His immediate rants looked like strength and decisiveness to his base (even though most of them were so many blatant lies we sat there and laughed).

Her repeated “I was raised by a middle class single mother” thing hit me as a bland, unnecessary sop to the audience.

Despite her amazing zingers (“You were fired by 81,000,000 people”), I wish she had devoted more time to countering his claims with facts and data and less to what sounded to me like “politicking.”

Sadly, I think his absurd grandstanding at the event won’t cost him a single vote.

It was to show the difference b/t the elitist rich fk who doesn't give a shit about the middle or lower class. 

I, too, was raised by a single, lower middle class mom. So what if she repeated it. 

All he fking says is the same God damn thing Every. Single. Time. 

1 hour ago, Smee said:

This. A policy debate will only win the election if you have a voting public who cares more about policy than personality, who are both willing and able to focus on the full content of each answer and consider what is being said. But much as I wish that was the case, it's not what you have. You have a voting public who informs themselves primarily through shared social media posts, clips, memes, threads like these, and water cooler conversations about who "won". I hope (and believe) that Kamala Harris and her team have detailed policy plans to start implementing the minute she wins, but in order to win she's gotta play the game on the field she's on.

Does no one look at websites, for the candidate with policy info? 

I mean I know most get their info from sm BS if at all.... I've had to fill in someone in their early 30s and someone who should know more, or be engaged, in their 40s probably 


...yes, I'm in a mood, apparently, lol maybe should just watch more West Wing. 🤣 and finish last of my wine 😢🤣

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1 hour ago, TuringMachine said:

Her strategy was definitely centered less around making her positions clear, but rather around preventing him from being able to land any blows. From this perspective she was undeniably successful. From basically the first question she got him to lose focus completely, while she got to stand there and laugh at him. 

Would it have been nice if we got to have real presidency debates about policy? Sure, but that went out the window when trump took over the GOP. 

I will say though, my favorite part was her response to trump's "overturning Roe v Wade was what everyone wanted." It was a perfect rebuttal on topic that will hopefully matter a lot this election.

It will. So many states have abortion as a state constitutional right on the ballot this season. It's Arizona, Colorado, Florida, Maryland, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, New York, Nevada, and South Dakota. 

Florida and Arizona and Nevada are key key key. Florida less so, but it is increasingly in play. She knows this and I think that's why she hit on abortion so hard. He knows this and that's why he's been doing the flippityfloppity all over the place.

I also have mixed feelings because her performance is seen as overwhelmingly positive. I think it's...good. However, I think the format of the debate works against her in a way that it might not have if it was a classic republican candidate like McCain or Romney. I also think she has a different job up there than he does because of how she has been introduced as a candidate. I feel that the more people see her, the more they like her, and it is her job to define herself there and be seen in a positive light. I think she did that. Given both those things and the collective opinion (which might be better than mine), I gotta say...great job.

I do wish that her team would put a policy tab on her website if only to just shut down the "She doesn't have policy" line of attack that Trump and his team have so clearly narrowed in on. 

I just went to check and she has added policy as of...last night? Great time to do it. That "Issues" tab was not there last week. (I browse the store a lot, okay??!)

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4 minutes ago, Antimony said:

It will. So many states have abortion as a state constitutional right on the ballot this season. It's Arizona, Colorado, Florida, Maryland, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, New York, Nevada, and South Dakota. 

Florida and Arizona and Nevada are key key key. Florida less so, but it is increasingly in play. She knows this and I think that's why she hit on abortion so hard. He knows this and that's why he's been doing the flippityfloppity all over the place.

I also have mixed feelings because her performance is seen as overwhelmingly positive. I think it's...good. However, I think the format of the debate works against her in a way that it might not have if it was a classic republican candidate like McCain or Romney. I also think she has a different job up there than he does because of how she has been introduced as a candidate. I feel that the more people see her, the more they like her, and it is her job to define herself there and be seen in a positive light. I think she did that. Given both those things and the collective opinion (which might be better than mine), I gotta say...great job.

I do wish that her team would put a policy tab on her website if only to just shut down the "She doesn't have policy" line of attack that Trump and his team have so clearly narrowed in on. 

I just went to check and she has added policy as of...last night? Great time to do it. That "Issues" tab was not there last week. (I browse the store a lot, okay??!)

Hey, if I could buy merch or donate I would have/ would lol tho, I don't want to be killed or beat to hell wearing something outside of the house. Sad AF. But legally, can't and know how to follow the laws. 

I guess I had a brain fart, maybe it was on Biden's campaign site. I know I read policy info. Obvs there's info on whitehouse. GOV (never use . com for that, unless you're Pestilence Duggar)

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1 hour ago, LongTimeLurkerOG said:

...yes, I'm in a mood, apparently, lol maybe should just watch more West Wing. 🤣 and finish last of my wine 😢🤣

That’s our comfort show. We’re currently rewatching and are partway through season 2 this time. We’re playing our usual game of “what’s in the fishbowl” where we look at CJ’s fish to see what decoration is in there that ties to the episode. A game that is made much funnier with wine. 😂

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1 hour ago, AnywhereButHere said:

That’s our comfort show. We’re currently rewatching and are partway through season 2 this time. We’re playing our usual game of “what’s in the fishbowl” where we look at CJ’s fish to see what decoration is in there that ties to the episode. A game that is made much funnier with wine. 😂

Nice! I remember hearing about the fishbowl, but will have to look again. I had the hurricane/ship / Mr. Bang bang ep lol playing earlier while cooking...aand it's like some of them ..WHY did I pick a sad one?! 

U kno lol

Also has CJ smacking Danny on the head 🤣 (not in a bad way, for any uninitiated). 



3 hours ago, Antimony said:

It will. So many states have abortion as a state constitutional right on the ballot this season. It's Arizona, Colorado, Florida, Maryland, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, New York, Nevada, and South Dakota. 

Florida and Arizona and Nevada are key key key. Florida less so, but it is increasingly in play. She knows this and I think that's why she hit on abortion so hard. He knows this and that's why he's been doing the flippityfloppity all over the place.

I also have mixed feelings because her performance is seen as overwhelmingly positive. I think it's...good. However, I think the format of the debate works against her in a way that it might not have if it was a classic republican candidate like McCain or Romney. I also think she has a different job up there than he does because of how she has been introduced as a candidate. I feel that the more people see her, the more they like her, and it is her job to define herself there and be seen in a positive light. I think she did that. Given both those things and the collective opinion (which might be better than mine), I gotta say...great job.

I do wish that her team would put a policy tab on her website if only to just shut down the "She doesn't have policy" line of attack that Trump and his team have so clearly narrowed in on. 

I just went to check and she has added policy as of...last night? Great time to do it. That "Issues" tab was not there last week. (I browse the store a lot, okay??!


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I didn't think Harris was particularly compelling. I'm surprised at how strongly the news has come out for her. Did they finally say "wow...we're making this worse?"  I think she should have emphasized his age and his own flip flopping a lot more, emphasized "concepts of a policy," emphasized how dismissive trump and vance are of women at all times and all levels. Her one comment about how he treats women is insulting was great. I would have liked to see more of that. I think women across the board are sick of the demeaning comments from trump and vance.

I went around groups on reddit last night and waded through lots of comments on different youtube channels play of the debate and MANY people were saying trump looked strong and that harris didn't answer any questions. People were also commenting a lot on her odd hand gestures that seemed forced - I hadn't really noticed but after seeing people comment on it again and again it does seem odd. People talked about her seeming to be over rehearsed/not natural or talking about how she was "coached" what to say and they aren't her own thoughts. To b e clear I don't agree with this but I was trying to see what non-harris supporters saw in the debate.

Nobody was commenting on how old trump looked or how he just stood there blinking for long periods. I thought that was strange. But I think at this point people have accepted that trump is like how he is and they don't hold 99% of that against him no matter how weird or extreme it is. The democrats and some others are willing to call him out and say it seems obvious but I don't see that when I get out of liberal areas on the internet. I went around on republican reddit last night and you saw comments over and over how it was "regrettable" that he got "distracted" a few times. Even people who say they don't like trump very much were still saying he did ok. 

However, people's recollection of events can change. So one hopes that if the news and everybody keeps talking about how trump lost then maybe these people will recalibrate their perception.



I fear some republican maga uprising nonsense if trump loses the election but I also feel like hat moment has passed?? I hope I'm not wrong. I also get the sense that people are quietly backing away.  I'd like to believe the narrative that some people are putting out that having Cheney and whoever else republican publicly endorsing Harris "gives permission" to people to vote democrat just this time. I don't quite buy it. I'm not sure that republicans listen to Cheney any more. So democrats can tout these people and say SEE!!! - but do any republicans buy that? I don't know. 

Crossed fingers and toes that people are just tired of it and we can move on. I'm not so optimistic that people will actually see sense on it. Just hoping they're tired and want something new to fixate on and blame.


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This is interesting:


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11 hours ago, Jana814 said:

I fear what is going to happen if Trump doesn’t win.  His supporters are going to go on the attack. 

Most of his supporters who were willing to use violence and organize it were at the Capitol last time— and have been arrested, convicted and sentenced. There aren’t any left who could orchestrate other attacks. So even if there are supporters left who might be willing to use violence (and I don’t believe there are that many of them) they won’t have leaders to tell them what to do. Some lone wolves might cause some trouble (and that’s bad enough), but there will be nothing on the scale of last time. Add to that, any violence will be expected and prepared for this time around. Remember, Biden is still president. He will be the one in charge on January 6 next year. He can do many things to prevent violence from happening (on that or on any other day between the election and the inauguration). The Capitol police will be prepared as well, as will DC guardsmen.

In other words, his MAGA supporters may throw tantrums when their dear leader loses again, and they might even haphazardly attempt an attack, but it will be quickly, and effectively, quashed.

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I too am a bit afraid of what his supporters (and to be clear here, I don't just mean the redneck mob, but the 'supporters'/puppeteers behind the scenes) will do if he loses again, but I'm much more afraid of what will happen if he wins.

I'm probably less concerned about a violent insurrection than I am about what might happen on election day and in the counting of votes. We know they're not bothered about the law or the truth of the result, they want a win more than they respect the decision of the people.

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17 hours ago, onekidanddone said:

I’m all for a rematch but this time I want a buzzer and flashing lights every time he tells a lie 

(Whispers... shock collar)


there's a group of friends and acquaintances that long story short, trying not to have to disown... They, at least in public, are still very in favor of "their felon." However, they also aren't the ilk that would j6 either.

Three percenters are a whole different thing met one once and need to read more but that group ideology... dicey. 

(source: quick fact check, Southern poverty law center)

Edited by LongTimeLurkerOG
info & some punctuation!
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He is such a whiny toddler. 

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Hide the ketchup!


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One of the Orange Fornicator's buildings has been declared a public nuisance


Trump Tower is a public nuisance that threatens the Chicago River with its cooling water intake system that illegally sucked in and killed thousands of fish over a number of years, a judge ruled this week.

Illinois Attorney General Kwame Raoul and a pair of environmental organizations asked Cook County Circuit Court Judge Thaddeus L. Wilson last year to rule on failures of the building operator to comply with environmental laws.

The building at 401 N. Wabash Ave. operates without a proper state environmental permit, does not accurately report water discharge levels and violates at least three other laws, according to the lawsuit. Wilson said those facts were “well founded” and “not materially challenged.”

Those facts are that the Trump Tower “has created and continues to create a a public nuisance in violation of Illinois law,” and the intake system operates “in a manner that substantially and unreasonably interferes with the public right to fish and otherwise recreate in the Chicago River,” Wilson said in an order dated Monday.


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Fuck head is too much of a fucking coward to have the third debate Harris has called for after Tuesday's debate.


Former President Donald Trump says he won’t be debating Vice President Kamala Harris again.

Trump shared online Thursday in a post on Truth Social that “There will be no third debate!”

The former president debated President Joe Biden in June and Harris earlier this week.


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19 hours ago, WatchingTheTireFireBurn said:

I didn't think Harris was particularly compelling. I'm surprised at how strongly the news has come out for her. Did they finally say "wow...we're making this worse?"  I think she should have emphasized his age and his own flip flopping a lot more, emphasized "concepts of a policy," emphasized how dismissive trump and vance are of women at all times and all levels. Her one comment about how he treats women is insulting was great. I would have liked to see more of that. I think women across the board are sick of the demeaning comments from trump and vance.

I went around groups on reddit last night and waded through lots of comments on different youtube channels play of the debate and MANY people were saying trump looked strong and that harris didn't answer any questions. People were also commenting a lot on her odd hand gestures that seemed forced - I hadn't really noticed but after seeing people comment on it again and again it does seem odd. People talked about her seeming to be over rehearsed/not natural or talking about how she was "coached" what to say and they aren't her own thoughts. To b e clear I don't agree with this but I was trying to see what non-harris supporters saw in the debate.

Nobody was commenting on how old trump looked or how he just stood there blinking for long periods. I thought that was strange. But I think at this point people have accepted that trump is like how he is and they don't hold 99% of that against him no matter how weird or extreme it is. The democrats and some others are willing to call him out and say it seems obvious but I don't see that when I get out of liberal areas on the internet. I went around on republican reddit last night and you saw comments over and over how it was "regrettable" that he got "distracted" a few times. Even people who say they don't like trump very much were still saying he did ok. 

However, people's recollection of events can change. So one hopes that if the news and everybody keeps talking about how trump lost then maybe these people will recalibrate their perception.



I fear some republican maga uprising nonsense if trump loses the election but I also feel like hat moment has passed?? I hope I'm not wrong. I also get the sense that people are quietly backing away.  I'd like to believe the narrative that some people are putting out that having Cheney and whoever else republican publicly endorsing Harris "gives permission" to people to vote democrat just this time. I don't quite buy it. I'm not sure that republicans listen to Cheney any more. So democrats can tout these people and say SEE!!! - but do any republicans buy that? I don't know. 

Crossed fingers and toes that people are just tired of it and we can move on. I'm not so optimistic that people will actually see sense on it. Just hoping they're tired and want something new to fixate on and blame.

It's been fascinating to me watching the responses as the two groups unsurprisingly saw or read very different things into the debate. Some of the mainstream media has gone with "Trump was bad but Harris didn't nail it" which seems like a really bad attempt to please everyone.

The worst response I've seen was the idiot saying Harris needed to modulate her facial responses because people don't like that in women and it's too emotional - he, quite frankly, can STFUAD.

I don't remember this being used as criticism of Trump in 2016...

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