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Trump 68: A Dangerous Criminal And Weird Old Man Who Is In Serious Mental Decline


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Karl Rove has been resurrected with an op-ed in the WSJ where he declares that Trump's debate presentation was an absolute disaster, you can't put lipstick on this pig, and so on. 

 Everybody's all like, "Whoa, I hate Karl Rove but he finally did us a solid calling out Trump's terrible debate performance in an op-ed!"  Eleventy!!!!11!!!!!11

Rove goes on about how Trump missed opportunities to make strategic remarks to counter VP Harris, and what he, Rove, would have done.

I'm not on the Rove bandwagon in this instance.  I'm glad he called out Trump's abysmal performance, but he didn't go into WHY Trump didn't carry out a debate strategy and didn't capitalize on key moments in the debate. Why he rose for all VP Harris' baiting comments but couldn't articulate key policy positions. 

Jesus Cartwheeling Christ, it's because Trump is mentally compromised, can't make coherent statements, can't maintain a train of thought.  Back when he was still in office, some of his key cabinet members called him a moron, claimed he had the intellectual capacity of a 4th or 5th grader and on and on.  Those were the good days!  Now we're almost four years on and he's been declining the entire time.  I can't even imagine what he was pumped up on drug wise to keep him going for 90 minutes.  He was probably saved by the short intervals allowed for responses.  Otherwise he'd have been babbling idiotically -- more than usual. 

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2 hours ago, Ozlsn said:

The worst response I've seen was the idiot saying Harris needed to modulate her facial responses because people don't like that in women and it's too emotional - he, quite frankly, can STFUAD.

I don't remember this being used as criticism of Trump in 2016...

Not only is that a misogynist take, but I think it's politically wrong. Kamala should keep her face loud for a couple reasons.

  • Fascists hate to be laughed at. They hateeeee it. It matters how this is done (for instance, I think widely laughing and repeating the eating cats and dogs thing is not the right way*) but laughing at them the way Kamala and Tim have been is spot on. You don't laugh at people you fear. You don't laugh at people you think are strong and powerful. You laugh at well...losers. Fascists love to be feared and they love and yearn for being normal. They value being normal, not being weird, being average, because they value sameness.  (This is why "weird" has hit such a goddamn nerve with them.)
  • Your face gets you more "words" in the debate even when you can't talk. It expresses so much.
  • Kamala has a big youth vote margin and boy she knows it. Part of what has made this so successful is her laughter, her facial reactions, the infectiousness of her joy, etc. She knows this, her media people know this, and they told her to not quiet anything. Sure enough, TikTok is filled with Kamala laughter the morning after the debate. 

So whoever said that is...well, making their misogyny clear but also just wrong about the state of politics (IMHO) on several fronts. 

*Repeating fascist jokes because they're ridiculous does not kill the joke, it cements it in and spreads it. Laughing at them without repeating their words is much better, but it can be a judgement call that's hard to make in the moment, especially when they say something so absurd that it is funny on the face of it. 

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It is frustrating how the media feels the need to temper their commentary of Trump's lies and senility with criticisms of Kamala for the sake of appearing 'balanced'.



I understand the importance of fact checking and she should be held to the same account that he is, but if you're going to put "756 000 is not 800 000" then the list of lies from Trump should be considerably longer than that.

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No matter how hard I try, I just can't imagine how anyone could think this man is sane enough to be president.


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On 9/12/2024 at 6:38 PM, Antimony said:

Kamala has a big youth vote margin and boy she knows it. Part of what has made this so successful is her laughter, her facial reactions, the infectiousness of her joy, etc. She knows this, her media people know this, and they told her to not quiet anything. Sure enough, TikTok is filled with Kamala laughter the morning after the debate. 

I'm pretty much ignoring MSM's endless take on the current polls, so here's my take:  I do think there will be a youth vote tsunami for Harris. Plus, Trump hasn't delivered, and I make a distinction between Trumpers and MAGA die hards. Many of the Trumpers are now disaffected Former Trumpers. I think there will be a LOT of older disaffected Former Trumpers who either aren't voting at all or voting Harris. 

I was listening to an NPR piece a few months ago and a woman in her early twenties was talking. I was stunned at how angry, enraged really, she was at the Democratic party for (at that time) making Biden the candidate for the upcoming election.  She noted that Biden was the past; she wanted a candidate that would make policies for her FUTURE. 

Kamala Harris is 59.  Yup, 59 years old. Not young, but she looks and presents  like 40. High energy, joyful.  And she is hella experienced in all the ways that count.  As pundits have noted, she's the most experienced and qualified presidential candidate in recent history.  So I think the youth vote and even people who aren't registered to vote can't be reached and will vote Harris. 

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@Howl - I hope (I need a stronger word than that) you're correct. My brain cannot even go to a place where the opposite turns out to be the case.

7 hours ago, fraurosena said:

No matter how hard I try, I just can't imagine how anyone could think this man is sane enough to be president.


I am blown away not only that a portion of the population will vote for that mess, but that a person sounding like even has an audience (other than the staff at a "memory care" facility).

Seriously. That mess of a "speech" is worse than the crap about Springfield, Ohio.

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That speech is crazy. Yes all of the southwest lacks water because of 1 fish."obviously! those friggin liberals!"

I also "love" the implication here that if you buy a multimillion dollar house you're entitled to more water than other people.

republicans, and not just trump, are scary to  me. resources aren't infinite and using them all up for some company to make a short term profit is just soooooo messed up it's hard for me to keep it in my mind these people are human beings. 

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We all know that Trump doesn't listen to briefings and doesn't completely understand what's going on.

I do remember, probably about 15 years ago, I had a friend over at my house who insisted on taking over the TV and turned it to Fox News where I think it was Hannity he watched. Hannity was going on and on about the Central valley in California preventing Farmers from getting all the water they wanted and needed because they were trying to protect the certain kind of smelt. I know similar things have gone on along the Klamath River, where acre feet of water for Farmers has been reduced because of dams being taken out so the salmon can run up the Klamath River. I'm thinking that the rambling may have come from a place that Trump did hear a little nugget of something that was true (although for people who use the smelt and people who use the salmon their livelihoods have been reduced for many years because the farmers have been taking more water) and, because he doesn't want to listen to everything and really delve down to find the whole truth he's presenting what little bit he can remember as fact.

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So just curious. You know how Trump keeps going on about deporting the illegal aliens and building a wall? I wonder if he were elected president (please no!) if he would then decide that Melania has some kind of illegal immigration (you know that when she came with the visa things were questionable) and then deport her so he can get together with Laura Loomer. I wonder if he would be able to get his marriage dissolved and say something like she was here under false pretenses so he doesn't owe her anything.

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1 hour ago, Audrey2 said:

So just curious. You know how Trump keeps going on about deporting the illegal aliens and building a wall? I wonder if he were elected president (please no!) if he would then decide that Melania has some kind of illegal immigration (you know that when she came with the visa things were questionable) and then deport her so he can get together with Laura Loomer. I wonder if he would be able to get his marriage dissolved and say something like she was here under false pretenses so he doesn't owe her anything.

I'm sure they have a pre nup and I'm sure trump has he better end of it no matter what. I think if trump decides to divorce he will do so without much consideration about the consequences.

I wonder though if he and Melania have a sort of understanding. And probably for him that works out better than the divorce -remarry merry go round. A new marriage is costly and I'm sure he knows that. Not the wedding but new houses, gifts etc. If they do have an understanding why would he rock the boat when he (im sure) can sleep around however he wants?


I'm sure Trump heard about the smelt. Most of what he says you can follow back to some fact buried in the crazy. What's scary is his utterly simplistic understanding of the world. Even knowing nothing at all about the smelt (never heard of it before today), I know that there are deep and complicated issues over water rights in the west. I would think that anybody with any vague understanding of water issues in the west would know that?? There's often been news stories about water rights on one river as it goes through different states. That the green spots are being artificially irrigated and there's a cost to that irrigation both in depleted water and infrastructure. I know, without being interested in any particular way, that there's a lot of controversy about dams and the lakes they make.  I would consider myself to have a pretty shallow (sorry for the pun) understanding of water issues in the west - but even I know it's very complicated and there's literal hundreds of years of conflicting water rights issues. So to just say it's all cuz of 1 fish shows a disturbing ignorance. 

Let's be honest here - if it was about 1 fish - it's about 99.9% chance that that fish would be extinct already. I suspect, for this specific case, there were a variety of interests who benefited from saving a fish species. 

Trump is freakishly ignorant. 

Can you imagine what you or I would learn about the world if we were president for 4 years. Having access to the best advisors, top scientists - you could call in almost any expert you wanted to talk to. Seems like you'd just *have* to learn something.

But here's trump. dumb as a rock and proud of it.


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On 9/14/2024 at 1:39 AM, fraurosena said:

No matter how hard I try, I just can't imagine how anyone could think this man is sane enough to be president.

I posted this over on the Loomer thread, but it's useful here as well. 

Some Twitterati may be familiar with Nick Carmody. He's a lawyer/psychologist who is famous (infamous) for  nested tweets that are somewhat hard to follow, but he deconstructs the MAGA phenomenon and why, for example, even if Trump is exposed as having an affair with Loomer and she's pregnant with his child, it won't change the minds of the MAGA hard core, even (and especially) Evangelicals. 

There are three main elements to Carmody's take on MAGA: tribalism, dopamine hits and cognitive dissonance. 

He unrolled one Twitter thread on his Patreon account here: The Non-falsifiability of the Trump myth.....

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The orange moron is now claiming Harris is going to bring back the draft because she’d go to war with Russia. 


Former President Donald Trump has conjured up an inflammatory false claim about Vice President Kamala Harris’ policy positions — baselessly saying Friday that Harris is talking about forcing Americans to serve in the military.

To be clear, Harris is not talking about bringing back the draft and has not put forward any proposals to bring back the draft.

Trump had claimed at a rally in Las Vegas that voting for Harris means voting for war with Russia and voting to bring back the draft, a system in which some men are conscripted into involuntary service in the armed forces.

A Harris campaign aide said, “We have no idea what he’s talking about.”

Bringing back the draft would require Congressional approval and most of Congress is not down with bringing back the draft. 

6 minutes ago, fraurosena said:



I’m sure the feeling is mutual Donald. 

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My suspicion - based in nothing but speculation - is that they want to get Trump into office, and then enact the 25th amendment because he is CLEARLY in mental decline, put JD Vance in office as President, and then JD can move forward with Project 2025.

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1 hour ago, bea said:

My suspicion - based in nothing but speculation - is that they want to get Trump into office, and then enact the 25th amendment because he is CLEARLY in mental decline, put JD Vance in office as President, and then JD can move forward with Project 2025.

I have also thought this for a while. I think part of it is JD is so unlikable and extreme enough that people aren't going to want to elect him on his own so he's going to ride Trump's coat tails then dump Trump. 

Wake up America! Do you really want JD Vance's president? Why do I have a bad feeling that he would choose Stephen Miller as his vice president if JD Vance moved up to become President.


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3 hours ago, fraurosena said:



I wrote something similar on my spelling book.  Of course I was in 4th grade at the time 

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Something else happened. Trying to figure out what went on at the golf course. Alleged attempt 

Take a look at national news 

Just weird and still catching up 

Nothing at the scene being shown. 

Trying to change the narrative? 

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If I was a  conspiracy theorist… I’d say this was a dramatic attempt to shift focus and some sort of positive attention back onto Trump. He’s all upset about getting shellacked in the debate, and the last shooting made him feel important for a while, so why not try it again? Although, again if, it was organized by his handlers, this time they made sure no actual shots were fired by the suspect. A random attendee “taking one for the team” is one thing, but I doubt they really wanted to risk a big name donor getting hit by mistake. 

Am I a conspiracy theorist? I never used to be, but damned if this guy hasn’t brought it out of me. 

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3 minutes ago, AnywhereButHere said:

If I was a  conspiracy theorist… I’d say this was a dramatic attempt to shift focus and some sort of positive attention back onto Trump. He’s all upset about getting shellacked in the debate, and the last shooting made him feel important for a while, so why not try it again? Although, again if, it was organized by his handlers, this time they made sure no actual shots were fired by the suspect. A random attendee “taking one for the team” is one thing, but I doubt they really wanted to risk a big name donor getting hit by mistake. 

Am I a conspiracy theorist? I never used to be, but damned if this guy hasn’t brought it out of me. 

Same. The level of fkery w TFG...  because I'm not a conspiracy theorist either .. except for tfg

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On 9/15/2024 at 1:59 AM, WatchingTheTireFireBurn said:

That speech is crazy. Yes all of the southwest lacks water because of 1 fish."obviously! those friggin liberals!"

I also "love" the implication here that if you buy a multimillion dollar house you're entitled to more water than other people.

republicans, and not just trump, are scary to  me. resources aren't infinite and using them all up for some company to make a short term profit is just soooooo messed up it's hard for me to keep it in my mind these people are human beings. 

Watch for more of that as climate change intensifies. Of course they're entitled to more, they're rich!!/s

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So far, this seems to be the info: The guy has been identified as Ryan Wesley Routh, a gun nut, wing-nut, rabid anti-vaxxer who voted for Trump in 2016, thought that Trump didn't come through and is now a big Tulsi Gabbard fan or maybe he was for Nikki Haley, registered as an Independent voter.  I'm frankly surprised he isn't a big RFK, Jr supporter. Has a history of mental health problems. 

I'm not sure if Routh fired his rifle or if it was Secret Service that fired the shots. (Word is that he never fired a shot.) Routh ran to his car, but local police followed and arrested him. 

The question is, how did Secret Service miss? 

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42 minutes ago, Howl said:

So far, this seems to be the info: The guy has been identified as Ryan Wesley Routh, a gun nut, wing-nut, rabid anti-vaxxer who voted for Trump in 2016, thought that Trump didn't come through and is now a big Tulsi Gabbard fan or maybe he was for Nikki Haley, registered as an Independent voter.  I'm frankly surprised he isn't a big RFK, Jr supporter. Has a history of mental health problems. 

I'm not sure if Routh fired his rifle or if it was Secret Service that fired the shots. (Word is that he never fired a shot.) Routh ran to his car, but local police followed and arrested him. 

The question is, how did Secret Service miss? 


I hadn't heard the name yet, took a brain break.

Apparently he was football field length away, and an eagle-eyed Secret Service agent shot at the guy.  

Earlier they were reporting that he had a Go Pro set up. The evidence pics of the backpacks camera in a chain link fence are on CNN. The comments section on people .com they're losing their minds on both sides. (It's a shit show since they re-instated comments, no surprise.)

Also, djt's tweet didn't entirely "sound" like him. Maybe two hours ago. 

JFC the rhetoric on the right.. he is not Jesus nor (likely) saved by God definitely not the chosen one 🤮



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