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Trump 68: A Dangerous Criminal And Weird Old Man Who Is In Serious Mental Decline


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Routh's FB page was been taken down quickly, and within a very short period of time, fake accounts under his name have popped up, claiming to be LGBT+ and the like. 

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4 minutes ago, Howl said:

Routh's FB page was been taken down quickly, and within a very short period of time, fake accounts under his name have popped up, claiming to be LGBT+ and the like. 

Sigh. Social media: 47864982 Democracy: 0 

(She says on a message board... I know, I know.)

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This is wild. WTF is going on. Why are the right wingers shooting at trump? 

I'm not even surprised though. I'm just like. ok...again. 

Ya know if I were Vance I'd be very worried. Trump is drawing crazies with guns to him and they seem to be bad planners and bad shots.

My next thought is - what merch is he gonna roll out tomorrow?


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8 hours ago, WatchingTheTireFireBurn said:

This is wild. WTF is going on. Why are the right wingers shooting at trump?

Ok. So leaping joyfully on the ISB - if Trump were to die in the time before the election is held what happens? If he stays on the ballot does Vance automatically move into President assuming martyrdom is enough to get that ticket over the line?

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12 hours ago, AnywhereButHere said:

Is it really bad that I’m over the moon relieved that it wasn’t a left leaning gun nut? 

No, I feel the same, but you know they will blame it on the left. 

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11 hours ago, WatchingTheTireFireBurn said:

Trump is drawing crazies with guns to him and they seem to be bad planners and bad shots.

Yeah, I find this fascinating.  But ya know, Trump promised the crazies he'd deliver, and some are very very disappointed when he didn't come through on whatever they were obsessed with.  This is certainly true with Routh.  One of his key issues (obsession) is Ukraine.  He's extremely pro-Ukraine.  Putin-proxy Trump is...not. 

The crazies are armed; Routh has a criminal history involving guns and a history of mental illness and he could get an AK-47, no problemo. 

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11 hours ago, WatchingTheTireFireBurn said:

This is wild. WTF is going on. Why are the right wingers shooting at trump? 

I'm not even surprised though. I'm just like. ok...again. 

Ya know if I were Vance I'd be very worried. Trump is drawing crazies with guns to him and they seem to be bad planners and bad shots.

My next thought is - what merch is he gonna roll out tomorrow?


Bets on whether or not he hawks pieces of his polo shirt?

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I just realized this morning that there seems to be a big change in "Trump's" posts on Truthy Social lately.  "Trump's" is in quotation marks because I don't think he's writing that many of his own posts anymore. 

The big change is that these posts aren't filled with perjorative nick names for his opponents.  That was a big factor in his posts in the past.  Every perceived enemy (anyone who disagree with Trump) was assigned an ugly/degrading nickname.  His recent posts don't seem to show that pattern.  Many are written in complete, grammatically correct sentences with no bizarre capitalization or misspelling. 

I could be wrong; I don't follow him directly, just see screen shots of some of his posts. 

Edited by Howl
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He hasn't figured out one for Kamala for some reason....and for some reason he's not going after Walz? (I've not heard anything significant).

Awww poor thing he's losing his bully touch. A good bully knows exactly what little foible /insecurity to go after.

I think the one he liked best was kamamabla? or whatever it was but 1 it's not very insulting and 2 people started saying he was senile since he can't remember her name - so I think that one didn't rise to "sleepy joe" level.


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I'm hoping the fact that it's been right wing gun nuts trying to take Trump out is a sign that the craziest of the crazies have turned on him. If a couple of them are disaffected and disapproving enough to bother making an assassination attempt, surely more of them are bothered enough to vote against him. Third party, most likely, but not for Trump. Or maybe they'll just not vote - there were a few of the Jan. 6 offenders who, it turned out, hadn't actually voted at all. They were pissed Trump lost but didn't bother to vote for him! 

It's insane that there's even a possibility that Trump might win, and that there's literally ANYONE willing to vote for him for any reason. But I hope what we're seeing is true - his flip-flopping is turning some away, he's not radical enough for the craziest ones, those who were abortion issue only voters might be less likely to hold their noses and vote for him again, the Republicans who have some dignity and sense are realizing how insane he is, those who are paying attention and who believe in democracy are realizing he's saying he'll dismantle it...

He's losing some of the long time republican voters. I hope it's enough to make a difference.

And I do think that JD Vance is on board solely because he know it won't take much for him to become president if Trump wins. Orchestrate something that shows beyond all doubt that he's unfit, and have him removed; have the White House candyman/doctor slip him something a little too powerful; or even just wait until he keels over... Vance would be ready to step right in.

And Vance is unpopular enough that the possibility of that alone might be enough to push a few voters away from Trump, hopefully.

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Jared is right. It's concerning that people with weapons can get this close without detection. So far, Trump seems to be the target. But it could just as well be Biden, or Harris...


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32 minutes ago, fraurosena said:

Jared is right. It's concerning that people with weapons can get this close without detection. So far, Trump seems to be the target. But it could just as well be Biden, or Harris...


Especially considering it was Trump who rolled back restrictions on gun ownership allowing known disturbed people access to guns. He's reaping what he had sown, in a way, but it could be anyone.

Also how dumb is it that a couple far right lone wolf types show up with guns near Trump and there's a task force, but when it's schoolchildren it's "thoughts and prayers" and "just a fact of life"? 

Perhaps Vance should tell Trump and the task force that. "It's just a fact of life! Nothing can be done, presidents and former presidents are just assassination targets, and always have been. Thoughts and prayers!"

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3 hours ago, Alisamer said:

He's losing some of the long time republican voters.

Trump doesn't see this but his campaign does.  There are disaffected Trumpers who are disgusted by him.  When the Cheney's have bailed on Trump, it's gotta be bad.  Also, die hard conservative columnist George Will has come out for Kamala. There may be more as the election gets closer. 

Trump's campaign has a delicate balancing act -- they have to continue to be total asses to appease the hard core MAGAs, but somehow not turn off the rank and file Trumpers, some (many? most?) are  hanging on to their party affiliation by a thread and a not insignificant number are totally done with the Trump. 

I have a feeling that anything, literally anything, can happen.  Our country has gone so long without an assassination attempt on a president, now we've had two in a short period of time. 


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1 hour ago, fraurosena said:

Jared is right. It's concerning that people with weapons can get this close without detection. So far, Trump seems to be the target. But it could just as well be Biden, or Harris...

Is it? The first attempt is one thing but like...on the other hand, and it seems that he makes his Secret Service work really fucking hard because he wants to go where he wants, when he wants, his private property, places that are difficult to secure, etc. He's out golfing and they spotted this man from 400 yards away. That's four football fields, so they had to be looking and communicating. While technically in an AR-15's range, it's not within like...most people's shooting range. Depending on from which property line you measure, the distance from the gate to the centerish of the golf club is less than 400 yards. 

In an open carry state, this is effectively "a guy with a gun walked around a golf course the former president was in" and his security detail is smaller than that of the current president or Harris'. Smaller detail, working for a much more mercurial client, spending a lot of his time in an open carry state...I just think, logistically, I'm not really surprised. 

(I did try to find out where Bush golfed most often, including where he gave us the "Now watch this drive!" moment, but I could not. Some internet denizens, however, report that Obama mostly golfed on bases [Ft Andrews and Belvoir] which would be such a different security scenario, one would think.)

1 hour ago, Alisamer said:

Perhaps Vance should tell Trump and the task force that. "It's just a fact of life! Nothing can be done, presidents and former presidents are just assassination targets, and always have been. Thoughts and prayers!"

Love this. Fantastic idea.

And let us all, of course, be thankful that this all happened after Sondheim wrote Assassins, the musical about presidential assassins, so that we don't have to listen to a musical number about these attempts. 

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9 hours ago, libgirl2 said:

No, I feel the same, but you know they will blame it on the left. 

Donald Trump Jr is already doing that, a lot of 2/2 were Republicans responses.

2 hours ago, fraurosena said:

Jared is right. It's concerning that people with weapons can get this close without detection. So far, Trump seems to be the target. But it could just as well be Biden, or Harris...

In Florida though isn't that just someone exercising their right to be armed to the teeth no matter what's going on?

1 hour ago, Howl said:

I have a feeling that anything, literally anything, can happen.  Our country has gone so long without an assassination attempt on a president, now we've had two in a short period of time. 

A long time without people getting close enough to try before being detected. I think a lot of this stems from the normalisation under Trump of violence to achieve political ends. It's in the same spectrum as turning up to intimidate voters and electoral workers, turning up armed at state capitols. All of these should have been clamped down on a lot earlier - you can protest but you need to stand over here at this distance from the queues, you can't be armed, or hinder the process, or harrass people who are working. If you are caught taking photos of number plates you will be arrested. 

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6 hours ago, Howl said:

The big change is that these posts aren't filled with perjorative nick names for his opponents. 

I posted this just a little while ago, and I realized that he's now referring to VP Harris as Comrade Harris in his posts, which is so...ironic. 

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I hate that I've become so cynical that I see a report of someone taken out before he could shoot Trump and think "two months almost to the day, how about that?" and literally nothing else.  Not horror, not outrage, just a sort of weariness.

JD Vance attempting to thread the needle on tv claiming that Harris and Biden are to blame for political violence against Trump due to their rhetoric around Trump being a danger to democracy, BUT that he and Trump are in no way to blame for the bomb threats and terrified immigrants in Springfield, Ohio.  Where the Proud Boys were marching this weekend.  Apparently violent or strong rhetoric is irresponsible, but only for Democrats.  As always, the Republicans can say whatever they want about whoever they want, whenever they want, wherever they want, and never be held accountable for what people do after hearing them.

Also, remember how the Republicans like/liked to talk about "lone wolf" shooters?  Just some guy with no connections to an organization, so no group can be held accountable because he's a lone wolf.  Seems that the people who attack Democrats or marginalized communities are lone wolves, regardless of their politics or who they follow or what they believe, but anyone attacking a Republican is automatically DIRECTLY connected to the GLBTQ+ community, the trans community, BLM, the Democrats, Antifa, the Socialists. and so forth, and that the attacker is held up as an example as what those terrible, terrible librulls will do if given the chance.

I'm just saying.  Hell of a double standard.

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Here's what I don't understand....so a guy with a gun was sorta kinda near the former president....

how is that in and of itself illegal???

Legally couldn't people bicycle back and forth up and down the roads around mar a lago while wearing ar-15's strapped to their backs? 


I read somewhere this morning ta obama had 16 assassination attempts but he didn't publicize it. I don't know the truth of that. I've not followed up on it and I have a horrid headache. I'm not wandering into unrestricted WWW right now....but it would make sense from a security viewpoint to not publicize this shit cuz it inspires more crazies.

sadly on instagram today a cat account I follow got totally piled on for posting something mildly political (cat reaction to trump saying they're eating the cats).

and the trumpers were out in force being crazy. and hundreds of posts that IT"S REAL I"VE SEEN THE VIDEOS!!!!



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4 hours ago, WatchingTheTireFireBurn said:

Legally couldn't people bicycle back and forth up and down the roads around mar a lago while wearing ar-15's strapped to their backs? 

Based on my understanding of Florida law (note: I am not a lawyer, nor am I American, understanding based solely on internet) it may in fact be illegal to not walk around carrying at least one firearm, concealed or not. Pretty sure there's nothing in Florida law preventing people walking past with an AR15 or, in fact, target shooting from the road into Mar-a-Lago. /s

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12 hours ago, Ozlsn said:

In Florida though isn't that just someone exercising their right to be armed to the teeth no matter what's going on?

Texas they can carry whatever, right? I'm not sure about other states. 

I wasn't happy with the law changing last year, for a lot of reasons. I don't care if Responsible gun owners have civilian guns. There was one in the house when I was growing up, and we knew Not to go looking for it. Dad had guns for hunting and protection (genuinely, not the crazy rhetoric that it's become). Etcetera, etcetera. But taking guardrails off even more isn't the answer. Obviously if someone has the mindset they'll get one illegally. 

We need to reinstate licensing for Concealed carry and keep background checks. Along with doing more for people with mental illness, and (separate issue) continue to hold abusers responsible. (none of the "excuses" are why they abuse, it's just that, an excuse. someone having mental health issues, drinking problems, history of abuse as a child, etc. that just means they have more than one problem. They Choose to abuse. and a lot more to the mindset. )

Okay, I've rambled enough lol I also think the complete pile of shit out of TFG and VD blaming Left's rhetoric is disgusting projection. Thank you for coming to my ted talk lol

3 hours ago, Ozlsn said:

Based on my understanding of Florida law (note: I am not a lawyer, nor am I American, understanding based solely on internet) it may in fact be illegal to not walk around carrying at least one firearm, concealed or not. Pretty sure there's nothing in Florida law preventing people walking past with an AR15 or, in fact, target shooting from the road into Mar-a-Lago. /s

I see the /s but respectfully, please lay off Florida. Many of us are just trying to survive in our state until things please God, go back to normal; and to resist the BS that's happening & change who's in office. That includes: cisgender, white, BIPOC, teachers, LGBTQA+, librarians and library staff, women, non-insane (or racist /homophobic/ misogynistic) parents, DV survivors, doctors, people experiencing homeless, someone needing to turn around in a driveway, etc. 

Edited by LongTimeLurkerOG
Spelling... Need caffeine lol
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11 hours ago, bea said:

Apparently violent or strong rhetoric is irresponsible, but only for Democrats.  As always, the Republicans can say whatever they want about whoever they want, whenever they want, wherever they want, and never be held accountable for what people do after hearing them.

Quote snipped for brevity, but I 100% agree with every word of your post. Republicans are brilliant (in a totally immoral way) in their messaging and always have been. They remain consistent, and yes, twist everything to their advantage. In the MAGA social media ecosytem,  every MAGA + bots and trolls is a megaphone amplifying the message/lies du jour.  It's brutally effective.  It also gives every MAGA a retort and rationalization for everything that Trump says and does. 

I still love Twitter, but there are so many bots and trolls and ugly MAGA that I can only read the original post and after that the bots and trolls pile on.  The day of the 2nd assassination attempt, Rachel Vindman posted a fairly short and  innocuous  tweet along the lines of "No ears were harmed. Back to your regular day" and you would not believe the vitriol that came her way.  Ugly ugly ugly.  She  and her husband, Alex Vindman are hated, evil people in MAGA world. 

3 hours ago, LongTimeLurkerOG said:

I see the /s but respectfully, please lay off Florida. Many of us are just trying to survive in our state until things please God, go back to normal; and to resist the BS that's happening & change who's in office.

Ditto Texas.  Back in the day, every rancher had a gun rack with a simple rifle (.22 or .30-06) in their pick-up truck. It was a tool. 

Now we're stuck with Gov. Greg Abbott,  Sen. Ted Cruz, corrupt AG Ken Paxton, and obnoxious Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick.  All MAGA leg humpers and very much into voter suppression, but so in favor of making it hella easy to buy firearms, carry them out in the open and carry out mass shootings. When I worked for The Big State University, I actually feared seeing someone on campus (legally) carrying an AR-15 and no one confronting them. 


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17 hours ago, Ozlsn said:

A long time without people getting close enough to try before being detected. I think a lot of this stems from the normalisation under Trump of violence to achieve political ends. It's in the same spectrum as turning up to intimidate voters and electoral workers, turning up armed at state capitols. All of these should have been clamped down on a lot earlier - you can protest but you need to stand over here at this distance from the queues, you can't be armed, or hinder the process, or harrass people who are working. If you are caught taking photos of number plates you will be arrested. 

I think there have probably been quite a few assassination plans/attempts that were just quietly stopped before getting to the point where it became a news item.

13 hours ago, WatchingTheTireFireBurn said:

I read somewhere this morning ta obama had 16 assassination attempts but he didn't publicize it. I don't know the truth of that. I've not followed up on it and I have a horrid headache. I'm not wandering into unrestricted WWW right now....but it would make sense from a security viewpoint to not publicize this shit cuz it inspires more crazies.

Like this. I have to say my biggest worry was that Obama would be assassinated by some crazy racist. I'm not surprised there were attempts. I was surprised and relieved he made it through two terms alive and uninjured.

I think the difference now is that Trump wants to be seen as a Chuck Norris type figure, so he wants stuff like this publicized - and that he probably had somewhat fewer attempts due to the fact that left-leaning gun owners generally are not insane nut jobs in comparison to far-right gun owners. And so far it's been right-wing people attempting on Trump. It's not the "he's a risk to democracy" people trying to off him, it's the "he's not holding up his ridiculous promises to support my crazy pet issue" types.

And since Trump knows any attempt at "gun control" will piss off his "base" there's not much he can do about it other than stand in a bulletproof box and hope they keep missing.

1 hour ago, Howl said:

Ditto Texas.  Back in the day, every rancher had a gun rack with a simple rifle (.22 or .30-06) in their pick-up truck. It was a tool. 

This. We had a rifle and a shotgun behind each door, and my grandparents did too. They were tools, to scare off the feral packs of dogs that threatened the cows on our farm. Grandma used to go out in her housecoat, slippers and curlers and shoot the shotgun over the dogs' as she yelled "GETONOUTTAHERE!!!" at them, if they were too far for her to throw rocks at them.

But guns were a tool, not a person's whole personality. I'm not concerned about the farmer or rancher with a shotgun in their truck. I'm concerned about the people who make guns their "thing" and strap on like they're headed into battle to go to WalMart or McDonalds. The problem is that Trump's messaging and his base like to try to make the normal gun owners who are safe and common sense think that the left is going to come take away all their guns. And the "well, if I was a millionaire I wouldn't want to pay lots of taxes..." people also become the "well, if I had an AR-15 I wouldn't want someone to come take it from me..." people.

I think most gun owners would agree on a lot. If you need a semi-automatic that sprays bullets everywhere, you're not much of a shot. If you own guns, you should be responsible and safe about them. People who are mentally unwell and a potential danger to themselves or others shouldn't have easy access to guns. Gun safety is important and should be emphasized. 

But the NRA and the crazies do their best to convince everyone that limiting guns in any way will result in your home being raided and your guns taken from you, and then likely either used to oppress you or given to criminals somehow.

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Unfortunately this isn't back in the day and the "culture" around guns (how ever you call it) is vastly different from somebody's dad carrying a shotgun in his truck. Now guns are marketed as toys and we have parents buying military type weapons for their kids for christmas. Not to mention there's a vastly different culture around raising children now AND what appears to be a downward spiral in mental health in children (and possibly all levels?). It's a pervasive problem in the US that's not isolated to TX or FL. 


I think the gun issue would start to resolve itself if POC would start buying guns and open carrying everywhere it's legal. I think all of a sudden "people" would be real interested in more gun regulation. 

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