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Erin and Chad 12: Not Keeping Up with the Bateses

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3 hours ago, AussieKrissy said:

Does anyone watch this lady? Something about her reminds me (physically) of Erin. I watch her through my jaded view of fundamental religion and so far. I can’t help but like her. She seems so lovely and level headed. 
Even though I have heard some horror stories from  strict orthodox Jewish people and the repression of women. 
I often fall down the rabbit holes of how great the Amish people present and then read horror stories. Just like I thought the Duggars were lovely at first. 
Well that was my train of thought for the evening lol. Now back to your regular scheduling lol IMG_4968.thumb.png.92c7aff9ed93ea84de2383624a52bd2a.png

I dont follow her but I constantly get her videos. She's a NICU nurse and just had her 5th daughter. There might be horror stories in this community, but the mens job is usually to study the torah or their bible. So a lot of the women are the bread winners. Oprah did an interview years ago with a group of Hasidic women. Its an interesting watch. She seems level headed but she also took her second oldest on a $100 sephora shopping spree and let her but drunk elephant products. Nothing wrong with the shopping spree, but people were commenting that her kid was to young for drunk elephant and other things. Her husband Aaron seems fine. Dont know how they afford 5 kids in NY, and all the extra stuff she has to buy like wigs, specific modesty clothes from specific brands and specific jewish school clothes as well as babysitters for yer youngest. She might have some influencing money, but she's still upcoming. Her kids names are Naomi, Zahava, Haddassah "Dassy", Aviva, and Mesodah "messody"

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4 hours ago, AussieKrissy said:

Does anyone watch this lady? Something about her reminds me (physically) of Erin. I watch her through my jaded view of fundamental religion and so far. I can’t help but like her. She seems so lovely and level headed. 
Even though I have heard some horror stories from  strict orthodox Jewish people and the repression of women. 
I often fall down the rabbit holes of how great the Amish people present and then read horror stories. Just like I thought the Duggars were lovely at first. 
Well that was my train of thought for the evening lol. Now back to your regular scheduling lol IMG_4968.thumb.png.92c7aff9ed93ea84de2383624a52bd2a.png

I grew up WASPy as fuck in the middle of nowhere and this is my opinion based on interactions. I come in contact with ultra orthodox folks from time to time. They often stay to themselves. You’ll see a marked difference between reform Jewish folks and ultra orthodox. Reform are so liberal and you often have no clue if they are religious or not. The only way you know is if they tell you. You can spot ultra orthodox folks from a mile away based on how they dress. They remind me so much of any kind of fundie or orthodox religious group. They wear conservative modest clothing. They stick to themselves. They have their own schools. They don’t celebrate the secular holidays like Halloween and trick or treating. Plus the majority are extremely different politically. I can pretty much guarantee the majority of ultra orthodox people are voting for trump. While the majority of reform folks are voting for Harris. I will say I get rather annoyed at the fact that there always has to be one breadwinner only in these conservative religious groups. In Christian fundies, the man is always the breadwinner. In ultra orthodox families, it’s the woman. I would say women get a raw deal because the men just study all day. While the women have the stress of working jobs to support big families while it’s extremely likely they also do cooking and cleaning and childcare. These women must be exhausted! No matter what the religion, I swear the women always seem to be run ragged. 

Again this is just my opinion based on observations. I could be wrong. And I will be the first to admit that. 

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10 hours ago, JermajestyDuggar said:

I grew up WASPy as fuck in the middle of nowhere and this is my opinion based on interactions. I come in contact with ultra orthodox folks from time to time. They often stay to themselves. You’ll see a marked difference between reform Jewish folks and ultra orthodox. Reform are so liberal and you often have no clue if they are religious or not. The only way you know is if they tell you. You can spot ultra orthodox folks from a mile away based on how they dress. They remind me so much of any kind of fundie or orthodox religious group. They wear conservative modest clothing. They stick to themselves. They have their own schools. They don’t celebrate the secular holidays like Halloween and trick or treating. Plus the majority are extremely different politically. I can pretty much guarantee the majority of ultra orthodox people are voting for trump. While the majority of reform folks are voting for Harris. I will say I get rather annoyed at the fact that there always has to be one breadwinner only in these conservative religious groups. In Christian fundies, the man is always the breadwinner. In ultra orthodox families, it’s the woman. I would say women get a raw deal because the men just study all day. While the women have the stress of working jobs to support big families while it’s extremely likely they also do cooking and cleaning and childcare. These women must be exhausted! No matter what the religion, I swear the women always seem to be run ragged. 

Again this is just my opinion based on observations. I could be wrong. And I will be the first to admit that. 

Omg I just assumed he worked too she has said something about him doing night shift. When she has gotten home from night shift she has taken three hours sleep and then gotten up to run the house and I assumed that was because he was at work. Because my fairness brain could not conceive of a partner being home and not letting a night worker sleep, let alone a (at the time) heavily  pregnant woman,

I had no idea that women bore the brunt of everything plus work also. 

She did an reel on how he treated her to a diamond necklace, nah babe you treated yoself. 

I have no problem with only one parent working, male or female. Knowing she will shoulder the work load  and all the rest of the load as well. Woman may as well be single. 

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Aaron works too. I think he might be a paramedic. The worst thing about that religion (to me) is the man cannot touch you while you are bleeding. So she labored without his touch. Not even a kiss afterwards. I know she never had it so she didn't miss it but that always makes me sad.

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1 hour ago, Sweetpickle said:

Aaron works too. I think he might be a paramedic. The worst thing about that religion (to me) is the man cannot touch you while you are bleeding. So she labored without his touch. Not even a kiss afterwards. I know she never had it so she didn't miss it but that always makes me sad.

I’m glad he works. It’s not always the case though. The commonality I’ve found in most orthodox or fundamentalist religion is that the woman gets the shaft. Always. 

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1 hour ago, Sweetpickle said:

Aaron works too. I think he might be a paramedic. The worst thing about that religion (to me) is the man cannot touch you while you are bleeding. So she labored without his touch. Not even a kiss afterwards. I know she never had it so she didn't miss it but that always makes me sad.

She's expressed she doesn't like being touched while laboring. So that wasn't a miss for her. 

Both work nights, but she's PRN in labor and delivery. (He's full time paramedic)

Edited by justpassingthru
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There are a lot of differences between Miriam and some of the fundies we follow.

She has a job that requires education, and Orthodox Judaism definitely supports the education of women, so her girls will be hopefully be able to support themselves. They live in New York City and while their neighbourhood is probably mostly Jewish, they get out and around the city a lot. She says she accepts everyone else's choice to live their lives the way they want and will accept her daughters' decisions about how they practice their religion when they grow up. Her children seem lively and well-fed and well-loved. The huge disclaimer here is that we only see what she shows us, though!

I really don't like how much her children are exposed and exploited in her social media, but that's not an Orthodox problem as much as it is a social media influencer problem.

The men-only-study-while-women-work setup is more ultra-Orthodox or Hasidic; Miriam seems to be straight Orthodox.

Edited by Jigsaw3
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I follow Miriam. I like her approach. I’m guessing the influencer money supports the family. She is well spoken and not pushy or preachy.

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38 minutes ago, SassyPants said:

I follow Miriam. I like her approach. I’m guessing the influencer money supports the family. She is well spoken and not pushy or preachy.

I do like her saying "we live by the rules, we don't die by them." one example being if she went in to labour on their religious day that does not allow them to drive (see how far I went there to avoid a word I can't spell lol) Her Husband would be allowed to drive her to the hospital

I think what I find fascinating about Judaism is all the rituals. If you did not have the religious aspect they could be considered spells or magic which would be a massive no no for fundies. 

Lets face it catholic eating the bread and it turns into christ (don't shoot me I am not catholic that may be wrong in the description) or Priest blessing water and making it holy is just magic too when not spun with religion when spun with religion it becomes symbolic I suppose.

I did like that she mentioned that the girls like Harry Potter, I can't imagine fundies saying that

I am not sure if I got my point across how I meant it 


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8 hours ago, Sweetpickle said:

Aaron works too. I think he might be a paramedic. The worst thing about that religion (to me) is the man cannot touch you while you are bleeding. So she labored without his touch. Not even a kiss afterwards. I know she never had it so she didn't miss it but that always makes me sad.

He is a paramedic. He works night shifts, Miriam is a Labour and delivery nurse. She works part time nights. They have a night sitter for the children if their nights clash.  They saved up for 8 years to buy their current house. 

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7 hours ago, SassyPants said:

I follow Miriam. I like her approach. I’m guessing the influencer money supports the family. She is well spoken and not pushy or preachy.

That’s what I like about Jewish people in general. They don’t push their religion on others. No matter if they are reform, orthodox, ultra orthodox, or Hasidic. I will always appreciate that. That’s how you can spot the fake Jewish folks, lol. Meaning like the messianic Jews. They will push their religion. 

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That is right- Jews, even the most religious, are NOT evangelistic in nature. In fact, if you want to convert to Judaism, it's a year long process to ensure that you really want to commit, and aren't just being flimsy about it. Compare this to the Mormon missionaries who attempt to baptize people within 2 weeks of initial contact. I am a reform Jew who loves our beautiful traditions and culture. I fast on Yom Kippur as part of tradition, not because I think God will judge me if I don't. Many Jewish communities encourage you taking the things that work for you, and leaving behind the things that don't. As another poster said, even women in most Jewish communities are encouraged to explore education. I used to have an Orthodox girl who worked under me who kept Shabbat and did not physically touch people of the opposite sex. However, she was working in a secular corporate job, and that continued after she got married and had a baby.

Of course there is another end of the spectrum; ultra-orthodox communities have been known to throw rocks at other Jews dressed "immodestly" and can be very insular and deny education and basic rights to women and girls. To a milder extent, I had a conservative (not even Orthodox) rabbi ask me when I was planning on converting to Judaism since my mother was not Jewish and Judaism is a matrilineal religion, despite me being raised and Bat Mitzvah'd in the Jewish faith.

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26 minutes ago, front hugs > duggs said:

That is right- Jews, even the most religious, are NOT evangelistic in nature. In fact, if you want to convert to Judaism, it's a year long process to ensure that you really want to commit, and aren't just being flimsy about it. Compare this to the Mormon missionaries who attempt to baptize people within 2 weeks of initial contact. I am a reform Jew who loves our beautiful traditions and culture. I fast on Yom Kippur as part of tradition, not because I think God will judge me if I don't. Many Jewish communities encourage you taking the things that work for you, and leaving behind the things that don't. As another poster said, even women in most Jewish communities are encouraged to explore education. I used to have an Orthodox girl who worked under me who kept Shabbat and did not physically touch people of the opposite sex. However, she was working in a secular corporate job, and that continued after she got married and had a baby.

Of course there is another end of the spectrum; ultra-orthodox communities have been known to throw rocks at other Jews dressed "immodestly" and can be very insular and deny education and basic rights to women and girls. To a milder extent, I had a conservative (not even Orthodox) rabbi ask me when I was planning on converting to Judaism since my mother was not Jewish and Judaism is a matrilineal religion, despite me being raised and Bat Mitzvah'd in the Jewish faith.

Yeah, just like with Christianity, you find such a wide range in the Jewish religion. Comparing some reform Jewish folks to Hasidic Jewish folks is like comparing progressive lgbtq+ welcoming Methodists to the NIFB. 

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I liked when she was asked if she is bothered by women wearing string bikinis at the beach and she said: “Nope, as long as they are comfortable wearing that and she also hoped that those ladies would not be bothered with her attire that covers her entire body.” 

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14 hours ago, justpassingthru said:

She's expressed she doesn't like being touched while laboring. So that wasn't a miss for her. 

Both work nights, but she's PRN in labor and delivery. (He's full time paramedic)

I know that's why I qualified for me. And I had diff labors some I wanted to be touched and some stay away from me! So that was why I thought it was sad she never had that choice. My husband supported me sitting behind me when I pushed, gave counter pressure, held my hand you name it. And then afterwards being able to kiss and cuddle the new baby... I felt bad she never had the choice

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3 hours ago, front hugs > duggs said:

That is right- Jews, even the most religious, are NOT evangelistic in nature. In fact, if you want to convert to Judaism, it's a year long process to ensure that you really want to commit, and aren't just being flimsy about it. Compare this to the Mormon missionaries who attempt to baptize people within 2 weeks of initial contact. I am a reform Jew who loves our beautiful traditions and culture. I fast on Yom Kippur as part of tradition, not because I think God will judge me if I don't. Many Jewish communities encourage you taking the things that work for you, and leaving behind the things that don't. As another poster said, even women in most Jewish communities are encouraged to explore education. I used to have an Orthodox girl who worked under me who kept Shabbat and did not physically touch people of the opposite sex. However, she was working in a secular corporate job, and that continued after she got married and had a baby.

Of course there is another end of the spectrum; ultra-orthodox communities have been known to throw rocks at other Jews dressed "immodestly" and can be very insular and deny education and basic rights to women and girls. To a milder extent, I had a conservative (not even Orthodox) rabbi ask me when I was planning on converting to Judaism since my mother was not Jewish and Judaism is a matrilineal religion, despite me being raised and Bat Mitzvah'd in the Jewish faith.

Yea, no instant prayer and you are done. No tract in a parking lot. 

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20 hours ago, Jigsaw3 said:


The men-only-study-while-women-work setup is more ultra-Orthodox or Hasidic; Miriam seems to be straight Orthodox.

This is incorrect, she is a member of the Lubavitch sect, sometimes known as Chabad.  This is the most prominent and well known sect of the Hasidic movement in the United States.  They are known for their outreach to Jews through their worldwide Chabad Houses network, stated purpose to get Jews to become more religious.  Miriam says her family was not very observant until she was seven when her FATHER decided the family was to become more religious, after encountering this outreach.

Despite her education and the fact that she works, she exists  in a patriarchal world and her worth is measured by her fertility,  behaving children, quality of her homemaking and degree of conformity to the rules of which there are many.  

Sound familiar? 

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On 9/13/2024 at 7:18 PM, Lurker said:

Despite her education and the fact that she works, she exists  in a patriarchal world and her worth is measured by her fertility,  behaving children, quality of her homemaking and degree of conformity to the rules of which there are many.  

Sound familiar? 

Thank you--I was coming to say this. She is Lubavitch, a sect that probably does the most "evangelizing" of any Jewish group. And I bet should wouldn't do any of this social media if her and Aaron's rebbe didn't approve of it as a form of outreach. The girls go to Orthodox (probably Lubavitch) girl's schools and summer camps.

I very much enjoy her videos, all the while keeping in mind that these are crazy Brooklyn tunnels people--who believed Menachem Schneerson was the Messiah. https://www.timesofisrael.com/thirteen-men-plead-not-guilty-for-melee-over-illegal-brooklyn-chabad-tunnel/ 

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21 hours ago, HereticHick said:

Thank you--I was coming to say this. She is Lubavitch, a sect that probably does the most "evangelizing" of any Jewish group. And I bet should wouldn't do any of this social media if her and Aaron's rebbe didn't approve of it as a form of outreach. The girls go to Orthodox (probably Lubavitch) girl's schools and summer camps.

I very much enjoy her videos, all the while keeping in mind that these are crazy Brooklyn tunnels people--who believed Menachem Schneerson was the Messiah. https://www.timesofisrael.com/thirteen-men-plead-not-guilty-for-melee-over-illegal-brooklyn-chabad-tunnel/ 

Evangelizing is the purpose of Chabad, if you are in NYC and some young men come up to you and ask if you are Jewish, it will be part of the outreach.  They give out candles for Shabbos, candles and menorahs for Chanakah, invite you into to the Mitva Tanks to pray.  This sect is more open to converts even though they don’t look for them.

And the most important point that Heretic Hick made was that nothing is done without permission from their Rabbi.  


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My understanding is that that lack of converts and the length/seriousness of the conversion process has to do with the belief that Jewish law only applies to Jews. So if you're not Jewish, not following Jewish law doesn't count against you in the eyes of God because you're not a Jew. But if you convert, then they do count against you if you don't follow them because now you're a Jew.

Edited by Mrs. Kravitz
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