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Duggars have a special announcement!/Number 20 merged


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They were originally going to name Jackson "Judah Benjamin," but they changed their minds for some reason. I'm sure it has nothing to do with the fact that Judah Benjamin was the Secretary of State for the Confederacy--and was Jewish.

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Does anybody think the controversy will lead to an Anderson Cooper expose? I certainly hope so, but I don't think they'd ever agree to being interviewed by him.

What's going to happen if the ultrasounds reveals that Michelle will have a normal, healthy pregnancy, but the baby is doomed to die in minutes/days/weeks after being born due to some irreparable defect? Now that would pump up the ratings for sure.

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Jacob, Jeremy, Jarrod, Jägermeister....all valid boys names thus far passed over.

I've always thought Jacqueline was a very pretty name.

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Clearly the next reality show hybrid nees to be 20Kids and Counting/Intervention. I would relish the J'Slaves sitting on the couch saying, "Your addiction to popping out spawn has impacted my life in the following ways....."

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I think Jacqueline is nice too, but they already have a Jackson.

Of course, they have a Jana, Joyanna and Johanna, so obviously they are not too concerned about names sounding too similar.

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Jacob, Jeremy, Jarrod, Jägermeister....all valid boys names thus far passed over.

I've always thought Jacqueline was a very pretty name.

Jeremy is too similar to Jeremiah, IMO. OTOH, they have Joseph and Josiah back to back.

I have always wondered why there's no Judith though, or even just Jane.

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Oh I just thought of the perfect name, JoMichelle. In fact they could take any name they like and just put Jo in front of it. Smuggar could pull the same trick with Mc.

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What about Jeezur for a boy.It means 'Isle of help';If it is twin boys Jebus meaning 'treading under foot' would match well.

I think Jemima is a very pretty name for a girl but I don't see them using it.I hope the go Julia this time for a girl.

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I don't think they are that smart. :)

Oh, yeah -- knowing what words actually mean is not too important at the SOTDRT.

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Given JB's love of double names, I bet they go with Janie Mae or similar. He really liked Julie Grace and he seems to always be pushing for typical Southern names.

They could also go with the many Italian G names that are common right now, but just change it to a J. Jia, Jianna, Jiovanna, Jiada, etc.

She would already know if it were twins, right? She might even know the gender. I bet they are watching this baby closely, lots of ultrasounds and such.

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One of my FB friends posted a link to the story. This friend dislikes the Duggars with a passion and a few people myself included are agreeing with her feelings on the Duggars, one of her friends posted this, "I like this family and the kids are well behaved and respectful".

I have seen too many people make those comments about the kids. I don't think the Duggar kids are angels, but they aren't devils either. I'm tired of people always overpraising the Duggars.

I think comments like these are more of a slam on other people's children than praise for the Duggars. Let's face it, there are a lot of bratty, unruly, sassy-mouthed kids out there. I'm not saying all kids are like this or even that most kids are like this. But all it takes is one trip to Kmart or your local grocery store and I guarantee you'll witness behavior that makes the most howlerish Duggar seem angelic. Or if you talk to the average elementary school child, he or she will tell you stories about all the rotten kids in his/her class (which invariably end with "and the teacher didn't do ANYTHING!"). And of course, if you're at Toys R Us and there's one kid screaming his lungs out and another making Veruca Salt-ish demands, those are the kids you're going to notice and remember, not the dozen or more children who are behaving themselves.

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Jacob, Jeremy, Jarrod, Jägermeister....all valid boys names thus far passed over.

I've always thought Jacqueline was a very pretty name.

My vote is on Jägermeister, with a funky new spelling.

All kidding aside,I can't help but feel this is not going to have a good ending to it

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If you are sent to the prayer closet and spend time on the training blanket, of course your better 'behaved'. Fear based 'training' does work to some extent.

*Waves* to Josh, because you KNOW there's some Duggar lurkers on this thread.

I think comments like these are more of a slam on other people's children than praise for the Duggars. Let's face it, there are a lot of bratty, unruly, sassy-mouthed kids out there. I'm not saying all kids are like this or even that most kids are like this. But all it takes is one trip to Kmart or your local grocery store and I guarantee you'll witness behavior that makes the most howlerish Duggar seem angelic. Or if you talk to the average elementary school child, he or she will tell you stories about all the rotten kids in his/her class (which invariably end with "and the teacher didn't do ANYTHING!"). And of course, if you're at Toys R Us and there's one kid screaming his lungs out and another making Veruca Salt-ish demands, those are the kids you're going to notice and remember, not the dozen or more children who are behaving themselves.

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Quick thought: Does anyone think that josh and anna's website "ja20" might really refer to josh and anna of the duggar's second generation? You know, Duggars 2.0? This announcement means the Duggars get a new season (at least) and that gives JD and Jana enough time to start publicly courting. If they do then a 2nd Gen show would be viable right at the time the main show gets cancelled. Just a thought.

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Oh, and as the parent of little kids who sometimes act up in stores, I say, lighten up! When you don't go around beating your kids when they disobey you sometimes have to deal with taking them out of the store while they cry/scream and yell "BUT I WAAAAAAAAANT". That's called normal toddler behavior.

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Yes, if one of your kids melt down in a toy store 1/20 visits and there are 20 families in the store, there is a good chance some random stranger will see a meltdown every single time they go. Even though all of the children in this scenario are relatively well-behaved for the most part. If you add in the chances that one of those families has a child with autism or another issue that can lend itself to public meltdowns, even more so.

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On the episode where they were picking out names for baby #19 (or maybe it was #18, not 100% sure) they briefly showed a list of possible baby names. If you pause on it, no joke there were variations of 'Jimmel' and 'Jshelle' and so on, I'd link the video but I'm on extremely limited internet!

I'm calling Jacob for a boy and Julie for a girl.

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My vote. Nothing says "sure we love you and you are totally not a mere number for us" like a name that you share with a sister (Giovanna is the Italian form of Johanna). Like many others I'm also more worried than angry...much of both but a little bit more worried.

My vote for a boy would be Jacob though I don't know what the Duggar's opinion on Twilight is, maybe that made it off-limits.

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