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Duggars have a special announcement!/Number 20 merged


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Oh nooo!!! And I thought my day couldn't get worse, but with JB and the Juterus it's always possible. I really hope for a healthy pregnancy, because the J'slaves can handle no more than they already have. Imagine the trauma of the little ones if their mother would die pregnant.

Damn fertility. Another Smuggar baby would have been much better.

In light of this aggravating news, it cheered me up to see the name "Juterus". I don't know if you coined it or not, but thanks. I feel heartened by FJ today. :)

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No, the Duggar boys are brattier than the typical kids I see at Walmart or the grocery store. Remember they rode bikes inside a store, which I would have never dreamed of doing as a kid. I have only seen that two other times and it is far worse than screaming or running. I can't blame them bc they were so bored but it's still bratty.

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Jackson was almost named Judah. Hey, Judah, don't make it bad.....don't we find out tonight if the Duggars have ever heard of the Beatles?

No no no no no! My son is Jude (and his middle name is Levi, Jackson Duggar's middle name). No Jude Duggar please!!!

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What the hell is wrong with those people? Didn't the last pregnancy scare her enough? These people are bat shit crazy. And they're trying to convince me to lead their lifestyle? Hell no. I like my little family. I like having freedom. I like having kids that can grow up being kids instead of slaves. I like having the means to offer my children every opportunity in life. I like not having to own a damn bus in an effort to move my family from point A to point B. I like my birth control!

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I agree. The Duggar kids are bratty and it has nothing to do with having a meltdown. It has to do with riding bikes in a store, running around like hooligans in a store, etc. Which is also a testament to bad parenting. If you can't control 18 kids in a store, then you'd best not be bringing 18 kids to a store. It doesn't take that much effort to hold a child's hand so they don't get into stuff.

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If Michelle is due in April then she got pregnant around July, right? Was that around the time she was water boarding? I can't remember what episodes they were showing that were around the July time frame.

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Announcements like this make me consider taking up recreational pharmecuticals. *Ahem* Actually, since I heard the news right before I stepped in the shower, I spent my entire shower (very valuable thinking time; I usually use it to outline term papers or discussion points for class) thinking about how grateful I was to have a very loving mother who stopped at two. Oy vey.

I totally want a boy named Jaeger, or something, just because the Duggars seem that frickin oblivious. For a girl...? Nothing as classically beautiful as Julia/na. I agree on the southern-style double names. Jemma Jo, maybe?

Christ on a cracker, these people need to stop. I called my mother to tell her this, and she groaned into the phone with the same tone she used when I once threw out my retainer on accident in high school. She then said what she always says about Juterus: "God, that woman must be built like a horse!"

She does look quite good, though. Very vital and fresh, and decent figure. Her older daughters look sad-eyed and wan. Quite a contrast, yes?

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Thanks, DA6. I was so bored by the book I didn't read it that closely. It was also a library book so I don't have it for reference anymore.

As I have noted elsewhere, the wording of this statement might be misleading. "We" haven't accepted government assistance for Josie does not preclude government assistance going directly to the hospital or to physicians.

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Oh, now we can speculate on names!!!

I vote Jacob for a boy and Jeena for a girl. Maybe Jubilee if they are really feeling festive over #20.

I think Jubilee (or Jewel) are very likely because that's what the Bateses were going to name the two babies that they miscarried a couple of years ago. In that vein, I'm going with Judson for a boy because that's what Gil and Kelly named their youngest son. You know the Duggars can't resist an opportunity to stick it to their "dear friends".

I do think Judah Benjamin is still on the table though. I think that's been an option for all of the kids since Jackson had they been boys and not girls. I don't think they would care if friends had used it first; they still used Jackson and Josie even though the Bateses had already used those names. Johannah Faith was also an option for Jackson, then they used it for Hannie because she was the next girl to come along. When they find a name they like, it seems like they hold on to it until they can use it.

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In light of this aggravating news, it cheered me up to see the name "Juterus". I don't know if you coined it or not, but thanks. I feel heartened by FJ today. :)

When I saw the word "Juterus" I somehow got a mental image of a giant, sentient uterus floating in a jar somewhere in the Duggar compound. It uses the power of telepathy to control the Duggars' thoughts. At least it would be cheaper than stuffing Michelle full of antidepressants.

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As I have noted elsewhere, the wording of this statement might be misleading. "We" haven't accepted government assistance for Josie does not preclude government assistance going directly to the hospital or to physicians.

Also true. They are masters of the Lie by Omission :confusion-shrug:

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If Michelle is due in April then she got pregnant around July, right? Was that around the time she was water boarding? I can't remember what episodes they were showing that were around the July time frame.

Water boarding ! (I called it the same thing.)

Water boarding would explain a great deal. :lol:

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Water boarding ! (I called it the same thing.)

Water boarding would explain a great deal. :lol:

no doubt the sight of Michelle's bare wet shins heated up Jim Boob and voila #20

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Also true. They are masters of the Lie by Omission :confusion-shrug:

They also don't have any problem Lying for the Lord, iirc. Nothing they say has to be true if it might draw us heathens to Jeebus.

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I've figured out the perfect name- it's a girl name- Jorah, meaning "the end of the drought season." After a drought of pregnancies, lasting almost two years, Michelle gets pregnant again.

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Also true. They are masters of the Lie by Omission :confusion-shrug:

We had a premie, Katherine, born at the same gestational age as Josie, 24 years ago. Katherine was in the NICU for 4 months and on the ventilator for 3 of those months. I can't recall how much our bill was, but it was HUGE. Fortunately we had good insurance which paid most of the bill because this was before CHIP. I would imagine Josie's hospital bill was well over a million dollars. I think the government assistance kicks in regardless of parental ability to pay.

edited: for punctuation

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If Michelle is due in April then she got pregnant around July, right? Was that around the time she was water boarding? I can't remember what episodes they were showing that were around the July time frame.


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I've figured out the perfect name- it's a girl name- Jorah, meaning "the end of the drought season." After a drought of pregnancies, lasting almost two years, Michelle gets pregnant again.

Jorah would not be a good name. I have a similar name (substitute "ah" with an "ee" sound.) While I love my name, I have been told by more than one Hebrew/Arabic speaker that Jorah/Jarah means "garbage" or "sewer" in those languages. Not that the Duggars would care, of course. They probably think that after G-d lifts the "curse of Babel" that everybody will speak KJV English.

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If Michelle is due in April then she got pregnant around July, right? Was that around the time she was water boarding? I can't remember what episodes they were showing that were around the July time frame.

I think so. The trip to Georgia might have been in June.

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The term refers to the torture practice used at "Gitmo."

I actually saw that episode -- my first one -- where Michelle does what looks like water skiing, but you stand on a single board instead of the two skis and are pulled along behind the boat.

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I actually like Julie Grace.. also that means I have the same tast like JB which is kind of terrifying. Judith would be nice to. I hope the don't name the baby Jonah if it's a boy. They already took Johannah and Jeremiah from my "list"

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Children are like flowers and you can never have too many...

Liar! If you can't water all of your flowers, then obviously you have too many.

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I have a feeling its a girl. I don't know why but I do. Girls are hardier in the womb and are not seen such as a threat to the immune system. I could be wrong but you are more likely to carry a girl to term when you are older.

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I actually like Julie Grace.. also that means I have the same tast like JB which is kind of terrifying. Judith would be nice to. I hope the don't name the baby Jonah if it's a boy. They already took Johannah and Jeremiah from my "list"

I actually have the same taste as M&JB too. I like all the names they chose, especially Jessa, Johannah, and James.

Except Jinger. Seriously, wtf.

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The term refers to the torture practice used at "Gitmo."

I actually saw that episode -- my first one -- where Michelle does what looks like water skiing, but you stand on a single board instead of the two skis and are pulled along behind the boat.

Wakeboarding? That's what we call it where I live.

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