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Duggars have a special announcement!/Number 20 merged


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I don't think the Duggars are quite that klassy

Yeah JuLeah Ghrace is probably more their speed.

Anyway Okay I wouldn't wish ill on a poor defenseless unborn Duggar but let's not count this chicken until its hatched, kwim? Anyone know what J'Chelles risk assessment is for having another preemie?

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Singing: Jolene, Jolene, Jolene, Jolene

Or maybe they'll really throw us for a loop and use a different letter!

Oh noes! They can't do that! It would make the newest blessing feel "left out." :roll:

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I've been following this thread sporadically since I heard the news this morning before work.

Ugh, I just knew it. From the moment I got home last night and saw the title of this thread, I just had a feeling in the pit of my stomach that these fame-hungry morons would be breeding again. I know that there had been some speculation that the Josie scare had concluded Michelle's babymaking days, but short of menopause or a hysterectomy, I always suspected that #20 was inevitable.

I love the Duggar lovers' argument, "They don't take government assistance, so leave them alone!" Gah. I have no interest in dictating Michelle Duggar's reproductive choices. Even if I did have an interest, I don't (and absolutely shouldn't) have that right.

But given her history, her age, the brood of loved ones that might be traumatized if she and/or this new kid died from complications related to pregnancy/childbirth (and let's face it, the chances of this are MUCH higher than in your average pregnancy, or even your average high-risk pregnancy), even Michelle and Jim Bob Duggar are not so dense as to not see the potential trainwreck ahead. Yet they choose to bring more and more children into the world under more and more dangerous circumstances. I find that stupid, and since they appear electively on national TV, they're putting themselves into the line of critical fire. I think what they're doing is stupid and irresponsible and fame-seeking, and I'm damn well going to say so, even if I can't do anything to stop it.

It appalls (but sadly, doesn't surprise) me.

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I actually had someone accuse me of wanting to stamp out Michelle's reproductive rights because I didn't think she should have another kid, after Josie. The other kids are all well-cared for (well, they're fed, clothed, and washed, anyway), but Josie still needs a lot of extra care and likely always will. I don't doubt they could do pretty well without TLC, but if #20 is as bad off as Josie, they would need TLC.

I know it's Michelle's choice, but I just don't think she's making a very good one. Especially considering her treatment of the kids she already has.

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I wonder in these 2 years since Josie fell out... how many miscarriages were there?

None! They haven't used birth control in YEARS! (obviously!)

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This may be an odd question, but I am wondering about the condition of J'chelle's bladder. After all she has been pregnant for over 12 years.

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Amen...Genesis 1:22 says be fruitful and multiply it damned well does not say Schtup like crazy and create an entirely new race of people.

I've been following this thread sporadically since I heard the news this morning before work.

Ugh, I just knew it. From the moment I got home last night and saw the title of this thread, I just had a feeling in the pit of my stomach that these fame-hungry morons would be breeding again. I know that there had been some speculation that the Josie scare had concluded Michelle's babymaking days, but short of menopause or a hysterectomy, I always suspected that #20 was inevitable.

I love the Duggar lovers' argument, "They don't take government assistance, so leave them alone!" Gah. I have no interest in dictating Michelle Duggar's reproductive choices. Even if I did have an interest, I don't (and absolutely shouldn't) have that right.

But given her history, her age, the brood of loved ones that might be traumatized if she and/or this new kid died from complications related to pregnancy/childbirth (and let's face it, the chances of this are MUCH higher than in your average pregnancy, or even your average high-risk pregnancy), even Michelle and Jim Bob Duggar are not so dense as to not see the potential trainwreck ahead. Yet they choose to bring more and more children into the world under more and more dangerous circumstances. I find that stupid, and since they appear electively on national TV, they're putting themselves into the line of critical fire. I think what they're doing is stupid and irresponsible and fame-seeking, and I'm damn well going to say so, even if I can't do anything to stop it.

It appalls (but sadly, doesn't surprise) me.

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Guest Anonymous

The 19 kids and counting facebook page is blowing up with such positive responses! Imagine that. A lot of "children are blessings" blah blah blah. Not surprised.

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I am still doing good after 5, but there is a huge difference between 5 and 20. Also, I had several years between most of my children's births so things had the time to get back to normal. I kinda wonder about various prolapse problems with her. The muscles that hold everything in place cannot be doing well.

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Part of me can't help wondering if the Duggars would get this much support if they weren't good little white Christians - if they were black or Hispanic.

They may not get government assistance, but they're getting the TLC assistance - I'm sure they could manage to get by without it, somehow, but one) they've gotten used to it and two) it's going to suck for the kids who've gotten used to it.

ITA with the poster who advised the kids to run and run now.

No frickin' way. We all know the answer to that one.

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I hope Kid Farm does an episode to spoof this craziness.

That was literally my first thought upon hearing the news.

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The Today Show comments are closed--I wonder if it is because of bad comments. Most seemed to fall into this category:

The Duggars have declared themselves a church and therefore pay NO TAXES! Republican hypocrites!

They also don't pay for health insurance, as Jim Bob was once a congressman and gets 100% coverage from the state of Arkansas. The taxpayers of Arkansas picked up the tab for little Josie's preemie care which was probably close to a million dollars. Looks like the idiots of Arkansas will pick up the tab for this one, too.

Gluttonous greedy pigs hiding behind god. I'm gonna puke!

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:doh: OK two more thoughts

Boy Jose Canusee Duggar

Girl Jaycee Lee Duggar

Boy Jeronimo Samson

Girl Jemima Mamie Duggar

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

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:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: Bravisimo!!!!!!!

The Today Show comments are closed--I wonder if it is because of bad comments. Most seemed to fall into this category:

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How about naming the kid Monkey? Doesn't that start with J?

No but Janet Jackson Duggar starts with J

and ummm Junkie Tweaker Duggar starts with J too and that rhymes with Monkey.

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Dang, I was really hoping for an engagement announcement. Anyone else?

Maybe the announcement will inspire John-David to pop the question...

Jim Bob: Hey everybody, we have an announcement!

Michelle: We just got the ultrasound results and--

Jim Bob: It's a boy!

John-David: Great, he can sleep in my bed. Bye!!!

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