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Duggars have a special announcement!/Number 20 merged


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Girl Jaycee Lee Duggar

That is so wrong, but also hilarious. In a sick way, it almost fits the poor child's situation. And the Duggars are so obtuse I could actually see them using that name. ;)

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In addition to the story about the "man who refuses G-d's rowboat" story, this whole thing is making me think of a Jewish folktale I learned in Hebrew school.

In a small shtetl in Eastern Europe, there was a town that had two women named Miriam. One was very old, and the other was a young woman. In Heaven, a messenger told the Angel of Death to "get Miriam." Very soon, the Angel of Death brought the soul of the younger Miriam to Heaven. The messenger cried, "You made a mistake! You were supposed to get the old Miriam!" The Angel of Death explained that this was no mistake. The younger Miriam was a baker, and one day she dropped a hot pan on her foot. Instead of getting the burn looked after, she left it alone and became infected, which got worse and lead to her death.

Moral of the story: If you willfully take risks with your health and don't take care of yourself, all bets are off.

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:angry-screaming: :angry-screaming: :angry-screaming: :angry-screaming: :angry-screaming: :angry-banghead: :angry-banghead: :angry-banghead: :angry-banghead:

Well, this is going to sound aweful, but JChelle is only what, 4 months along? I'm hoping for an easy miscarriage....for the sake of all involved.

This news made me want to puke & cry @ the same time!!

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I finally got to watch the segment.

First, they were here in Georgia in July so she was wake boarding (or waterboarding lol) the week after. She may very well have been knocked up in the bus on the way back from meeting the Bates family... right about that time...

The season finale is tonight but their "world tour" special starts sunday. Thats BS. I'm guessing they were given an ultimatum - something interesting of this special is the end. So BAM! prego!

I couldnt give a flying fuck where matt lauer is.

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Anyone know when in April she's due? If it's early April then she only has four more weeks or so before she can churn out another micropremie. I hope that the baby is born healthy. I disaprove of their choices and think they are incredibly stupid for not stopping but I wouldn't wish a miscarriage or worse another micropremie on them. I do hope she enters menopause immeditally after this baby.

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There's already a 2nd People article:

http://www.people.com/people/article/0, ... pheadlines

"We homeschool, so we are around our children day in and day out," says Jim Bob, 46. "Because I am in real estate, I am home and can be with the children a lot. When we go to the store or run errands, we take the kids one on one and we get to spend more time individually than a lot of parents do."

Since she spends an hour on the eliptical "a few times a week", that means she spends more time with a machine than a child. I call BULLSHIT

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I think JB spends more time with the kids than Michelle does. Wouldn't surprise me at all if he did.

And how often do they run errands? It would have to be several times a DAY if they're spending one-on-one time with 18 kids more often than a parent of 2 would spend. That's just not possible. Stop bullshitting, JB.

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There's already a 2nd People article:

http://www.people.com/people/article/0, ... pheadlines

Oh, FFS :x

"If we felt that way, we would have stopped back with our second birth," insists Michelle, 45, who experienced preeclampsia during her second pregnancy with twins John David and Jana, now 21. "There are many women who have experienced preeclampsia and have gone on to have more children."

Yes, there are. But there's a huge difference between experiencing preeclampsia and delivering a 25-week micropreemie. I can't tell if they are just being deliberately obtuse or they really are that stupid.

"That whole mind set that you stop after a problem pregnancy isn't realistic," she continues. "You may encounter struggles along the way. You may not have a perfect pregnancy, but each child is a precious gift."

Yes, Michelle, it's all about you, You, you, you, you. I can't stand how she dismisses all of Josie's struggles just to survive as a "problem pregnancy". I have recently been bored with the Duggars, but now they just infuriate me.

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I'm wondering about this "pregnancy." J'uterus is relatively thin, has been water skiing.... Could she be faking, with a "miscarriage" in the offing???

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She looked pregnant in the video I saw.

She may have lost weight at a doctor's orders. Being overweight predisposes you to preeclampsia, so perhaps she is trying to be a little safer.

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She looked pregnant in the video I saw.

She may have lost weight at a doctor's orders. Being overweight predisposes you to preeclampsia, so perhaps she is trying to be a little safer.

Exactly my thoughts, I am sure it does not hurt considering she's 45 now!

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Since she spends an hour on the eliptical "a few times a week", that means she spends more time with a machine than a child. I call BULLSHIT

20 kids divided by 1 errand/shopping trip per day = "one on one" every 20 days. Cool, they're alone with each kid about once a month.

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Yeah they're argument about how they are home all day and so can spend more time with each child than sane families is the dumbest argument I have ever heard. Let's say non-godly-feminazi-socialist-ebil-devil family has two kids, the parents come home from work at 6 and the kids go to bed at nine, that works out to 1.5 hours per child per day and way more on the weekends. For the Jichelle and J'Boob to spend an hour and a half with each of the 18 kids they have at home they would need a 27 hour day. Great. Also, please excuse my not really accurate calculations, it's just to prove a point, namely, AARGRUHAUHA, WHAT IS WRONG WITH THESE PEOPLE!

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I have had a blast today reading all the comments. It's so funny reading all the Duggar apologists. Really? Yes, Michelle takes care of ALL the kids. She teaches ALL the kids. She does ALL the work.

Ha ha ha ha... Ah well, let people think what they want to think.

I want to see a spin off where the four girls go into the city, have their own apartment and work in the real world. Make it happen TLC! We know the producers read here.

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I just threw up a little in my mouth. Apparently I'm the victim of the useless school system and the ebil radical left media, because world overpopulation is a myth. Didn't you know that the population of the entire world could all fit in Jacksonville, Fl?

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I actually think this will hurt their relationship with TLC. TLC knows that there will be an enormous backlash, and they won't wan to be blamed for the irresponsible behavior. The Gosselins only lasted about one season after the divorce because everyone started hating them. Now everyone will hate the Duggars and TLC will drop them like a brick. We will see the birth, but not much after.

This is why I'm actually very surprised by this pregnancy. Jim Bob surely knows how the public will respond to this, and how their gravy train will respond to the public. He's greedy first and foremost, so I thought he would hold off on a another pregnancy to keep the TLC money coming in. I didn't expect them to stop completely, but I expected them to wait a few years until everyone stopped caring about them. I figured they'd have one more in about 3 years to round it out to 20 and pretend that it was just an accident. Now I know that they've been actively trying ever since Josie was born, and they will keep trying even after this one.

I think the show will see a slight bump in viewers, followed by a complete drop-off. This is the shark jump that will finally kill the show.

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Our friend Taryn has officially weighed in on the matter. From Zsuzsu's comments: "Praise the Lord-did you hear the Duggars are expecting? She's 45 and about 3-4 months "with child"(Matthew 1 KJ)."

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Our friend Taryn has officially weighed in on the matter. From Zsuzsu's comments: "Praise the Lord-did you hear the Duggars are expecting? She's 45 and about 3-4 months "with child"(Matthew 1 KJ)."

Wow :lol: :lol: :lol: She actually had to stick in a bible reference for the phrase "with child"? Damn, you can't make this shit up.

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Guest Anonymous

I loved going back and reading the comments from everyone this morning right when they were announcing the news in real time. Lots of f-bombs! :lol:

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I just threw up a little in my mouth. Apparently I'm the victim of the useless school system and the ebil radical left media, because world overpopulation is a myth. Didn't you know that the population of the entire world could all fit in Jacksonville, Fl?

JimBob is SUCH A DOUCHE. :evil:

"overpopulation is a myth"

"people impostor us"

"I tell you wut" (x10)

But the phrase "Jessa is the master packer" out of one of the J'slaves mouths did make me laugh. :D

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