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Duggars have a special announcement!/Number 20 merged


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How do we know the TLC producers read here?

The producers probably read FJ, twop, IMDB and other boards. Many scripted and reality TV show producers do read various message boards to sort of get a feel for how the viewers feel. With TLC and the Duggars, it seems some of the episodes are done in response to some of the discussion/criticisms of the Duggars.

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It's a headache and a chore trying to debate with anyone about the Duggars. They refuse to acknowledge the link between them and ATI and how abusive Gothard's teachings truly are. I would love to see someone do a tell all piece about life in Gothard world that the Duggars so praise.

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It's a headache and a chore trying to debate with anyone about the Duggars. They refuse to acknowledge the link between them and ATI and how abusive Gothard's teachings truly are. I would love to see someone do a tell all piece about life in Gothard world that the Duggars so praise.

That will happen at some point. A former ATI/Gothardite will probably go to the mainstream press or write book or have documentary about Gothard's teachings. People have shed the light to the mainstream about the FLDS and the Pearls. There wll be a time for Gothard and ATI to be exposed to the mainstream.

I have mentioned this before, but there are some people who liked the Duggars in the past but once they started researching the quiverull movement they found out more and they also found out about Gothard. The Duggars and TLC will never admit on the show about the Gothard connection, but they none of them realize that there are online sites that discuss Gothard and link them to ATI.

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Don't forget Jackson! He should be free too!

I'll bring the chips and the Velveeta. If you'd like, I can bring some sports equipment: soccer balls, shin guards, field hockey sticks and balls, lacrosse sticks and balls and so forth. Joy-Anna deserves to be able to play sports if she wants to. Heck, all the kids do. JimBoob and Mullet have said before that their kids don't get to play team sports.

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Jessa, age 18, says one of the common misconceptions about her family is that the older children resent taking care of their younger siblings: "We love it, it's like having live baby dolls or something!"
from http://moms.today.msnbc.msn.com/_news/2 ... -pregnancy

That is fucked up. You are 18 years old, you should not be thrilled about "live baby dolls!" GROW UP.

Oh, and children are a blessing, and if you apply god's principles you'll end up happy! or 18 years old with a substandard education, no hope for the future, giving vacant looking sound bites while you talk about "our blessing."

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from http://moms.today.msnbc.msn.com/_news/2 ... -pregnancy

That is fucked up. You are 18 years old, you should not be thrilled about "live baby dolls!" GROW UP.

Oh, and children are a blessing, and if you apply god's principles you'll end up happy! or 18 years old with a substandard education, no hope for the future, giving vacant looking sound bites while you talk about "our blessing."

I think Jessa is just speaking what she knows. Jessa loves babies because she is always around them. She doesn't know what it is like to be a teen who isn't caring for siblings all the time.

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Didn't take too much digging to find out where the Jacksonville overpopulation myth shit came from: parroted straight from God's....err....Gothard's writings.


The idiots who posted this can't even cite properly. I don't think: (This essay was based on the classic wok of Bill Gothard.) is going to cut it, even in Gothard's academic circles.

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When I told the news to my mom--who didn't hit menopause until she was 55--she replied, "Oh G-d, she could be having kids for the next 10 years!"

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How small is Josie atm? Unless the pictures I saw recently were actually quite out of date, she's tiny for a two-year-old. That's not at all surprising, considering how extremely premature she was, but... she's still a baby! :(

I am genuinely shocked that they're having #20. I really did think they were done. Perhaps they'll be able to eke out one or two more over the next ten years.

Re: round numbers, 20 seems much neater than 19 to me, too. But then, I'm not the parents of those individual children who are actually more than their number identity. Was it Jordyn who was wearing a "#18" shirt? Get it, kid, that's your identity. Jim Bob's comment about numbers might be kind of cute and funny, but I think it's a bit close to the mark - the kids represent numbers to them, and #20's number will be far more important to them than the actual individual child, at the end of the day.

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I think Jessa is just speaking what she knows. Jessa loves babies because she is always around them. She doesn't know what it is like to be a teen who isn't caring for siblings all the time.

I was rather disappointed to hear that from her.

I sometimes wonder how many of these kids actually believe what they say. I don't foresee any of them actually saying what they mean with TLC cameras there and appearing on national TV, so I wonder what they're actually thinking or feeling in that house. Would you really expect any of the kids to say anything on TV along the lines of "I don't want mommy to have anymore children"?

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I was out and about all day and when I finally had a chance to check my email I found a post from a buddy, the title was 'your favorite family is on #20'. Man this is a trainwreck. These people only care about extending their tv season another year. What if jchelle croaks? The daughters will be left to raise the brood and have no hope of ever having something close to a normal life.

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I was rather disappointed to hear that from her.

I sometimes wonder how many of these kids actually believe what they say. I don't foresee any of them actually saying what they mean with TLC cameras there and appearing on national TV, so I wonder what they're actually thinking or feeling in that house. Would you really expect any of the kids to say anything on TV along the lines of "I don't want mommy to have anymore children"?

Jessa tends to be very defensive of her family, which means defending their lifestyle. This could be a sign of loyalty or maybe she simply does not take criticism well. Or she could be like certain African-Americans I knew in school, who vehemently defended OJ whenever there were white people around, but would admit to each other that they believed he was guilty as hell. (They forgot I was in the room.) Whatever the case, based on Jessa's behavior during the regular episodes, I'd say she does not especially enjoy caring for small children. She's quite strict when she's teaching the homeschool (which is good for the howlers, IMO) and I don't see her paying much attention to Jordyn.

Jill, OTOH, is a true believer, more so than anyone else in that family. She also adores the little kids.

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This is becoming a freak show. Or like watching NASCAR where you watch with sick fascination to see if someone will crash and burn.

Exactly. You can't watch, but can't look away either.

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Wow, Jinger does NOT look happy. And in the next video ("What the Duggars really think about the new baby"), she still doesn't look happy, Jessa keeps looking over at her, and I have the feeling Jackson is pulling his answer out of his butt.

I think Jessa needs some more bullshitting lessons from Josh and JimBob.

where is the video? i can't find it in the video list here:

http://tlc.discovery.com/videos/19-kids ... gn=tbtlc18

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Jinger's face is priceless; she looked like she just barely stopped herself from rolling her eyes. Poor girl. Jessa is like the poster child for cult-mind, Stolkholm Syndrome, Kool-Aid-chugging, sheeple and every other type of "follower" mentality there is. I bet she'll follow in Michelle's footsteps, she just seems to have that natural easy-to-warp doormat personality.

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Jacob, Jeremy, Jarrod, Jägermeister....all valid boys names thus far passed over.

I've always thought Jacqueline was a very pretty name.

Jägermeister :lol: :lol: :lol: LMAO... as in, Jygermeister

I'm in! Or maybe Jewel for a girl, or

but Jezebel and Judas are the best ones, I think. :twisted: Maybe Julius Caesar.


Jimbobna or something, to honor JB *puke*



Jousekeeper, if it's a girl






or just :


ok.... I'm drifting off to being silly...but who knows...they might actuallly use those names :twisted:

May I point out I was the first who speculated on names. Around page 15 I think. :)

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On page seven, I posted this:

"We would love more but, of course, I'm 45, so we don’t know if that will ever happen again. But we love more," Michelle told me, admitting that when she looks back at her family in their mini bus she thinks, "Whoa, that’s a lot of people."

http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2011/10/1 ... ir=Parents

The thing is, now that we know that the baby is due in April, we know that Michelle must have gotten pregnant sometime in late July or early August. The interview above is from the middle of October. Regardless of whether the interview actually took place in October, it definitely took place after they returned from their trip overseas. In one of the recent People articles, Michelle mentioned feeling morning sickness in her first trimester, so that means that she more than likely already knew that she was pregnant at the time of that interview. My point? It seems she may have been lying in that interview! :shock: I mean, I'm not going to act all pearl-clutchy about it because I can see why someone would lie about something like that in their first trimester, but it does seem hypocritical coming from a self-professed conservative Christian.

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I second your name vote but I suggest Jack Cass Duggar

I also like Josie, Josiah, Joseph and Joy. But some of them are english names and since I don't live in an english-speaking country I'd never pick them and Josiah and Joseph don't sound that nice when you pronounce it german.

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Indeed...so what is your take on Hashems command in Gen. 1:22? Nu?

In addition to the story about the "man who refuses G-d's rowboat" story, this whole thing is making me think of a Jewish folktale I learned in Hebrew school.

In a small shtetl in Eastern Europe, there was a town that had two women named Miriam. One was very old, and the other was a young woman. In Heaven, a messenger told the Angel of Death to "get Miriam." Very soon, the Angel of Death brought the soul of the younger Miriam to Heaven. The messenger cried, "You made a mistake! You were supposed to get the old Miriam!" The Angel of Death explained that this was no mistake. The younger Miriam was a baker, and one day she dropped a hot pan on her foot. Instead of getting the burn looked after, she left it alone and became infected, which got worse and lead to her death.

Moral of the story: If you willfully take risks with your health and don't take care of yourself, all bets are off.

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Jägermeister :lol: :lol: :lol: LMAO... as in, Jygermeister

I'm in! Or maybe Jewel for a girl, or

but Jezebel and Judas are the best ones, I think. :twisted: Maybe Julius Caesar.


Jimbobna or something, to honor JB *puke*



Jousekeeper, if it's a girl






or just :


ok.... I'm drifting off to being silly...but who knows...they might actuallly use those names :twisted:

May I point out I was the first who speculated on names. Around page 15 I think. :)

I really detest the name 'Judah' or 'Judas'. It sounds terrible and Jackson is lucky he dodged that bullet. What about Jameson or Jayden for a boy? Or if they really want to sound Biblical, 'Jonas'?

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