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Duggars have a special announcement!/Number 20 merged


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Indeed...so what is your take on Hashems command in Gen. 1:22? Nu?

God said to multiply, but he was talking to the two sole members of the human population (if you are a literalist). I'd say we have multiplied and then some.

A lot of Jews take that commandment very seriously even now. I have heard that a good Jew should have at least two children (multiplying by one) and another opinion that you should have four (multiplying by two, more than replacing yourself). I have even heard specifically that you should try to have at least two girls and two boys.

The Duggars passed that milestone a long time ago.

I have two girls and three boys; I have multiplied and then some. Regardless of how a Jew interprets the Genesis 1:22 command, there is also a general belief in the community that you should only have children to the extent that you can provide a good life for them. A lot of rather privileged Jewish women work outside the home simply to pay for the private school education and college funds of their large families.

QF people think that the commandment is to breed without restraint and without regard for the lives of the children. That is a huge diversion from the beliefs of even the strictest Jewish families. I have a friend who is Orthodox and has (I think) 9 children with the intent to have more, but she is very concerned about the spacing of the pregnancies and also the long-term well-being of the brood. Her oldest is a young adult and in college, not at home pinch-hitting for mom. I have no doubt that the mom would get permission from a rabbi to stop as soon as she felt that further procreation was bad for the health of the family.

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I wish. But unfortunately, I don't think so. How shall J&J get to see her? It's not like they can just go on a road trip.

I remember hearing something that they communicated with her through email and that they hung out with her when she stayed with Josh and Anna. I think the Duggars probably know about the Keller rift and I can see Jim Bob and Michelle instructing the J'Slaves to cut off communication with Suze.

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Did Susanna Keller finally have enough of the Kool-Aid and leave the Krazy Kellar Kompound? I remember seeing some photos of her somewhere wearing shorts and she had her hair cut shorter.

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Did Susanna Keller finally have enough of the Kool-Aid and leave the Krazy Kellar Kompound? I remember seeing some photos of her somewhere wearing shorts and she had her hair cut shorter.

Yup she left. She lives in Texas and I believe she is staying with her sister Rebekah. Susanna recently got engaged and she works as a baker.

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Yup she left. She lives in Texas and I believe she is staying with her sister Rebekah. Susanna recently got engaged and she works as a baker.

I just went to the old Free Jinger pages and found the link to Suze's pictures. OMG! Suze is HOT! Suze's fiance is also HOT! I'm glad Suze got out and it seems Dad and Mom Keller aren't shunning her. I saw photos of the family. Seems like some of the Keller grandchild go to some form of organized school (first day of school photos were posted). I have a feeling the Keller's are a bit more genuine about their faith than the Duggars. It's not all for show with them.

I saw that Suze graduated from Culinary School and works as a baker at the Cheesecake Factory (all in her profile). Go Suze! Please go free Jinger and Hannie.... We'll all supply you with cash and a ride in the pimped out RV!! TEE HEE!

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Yup she left. She lives in Texas and I believe she is staying with her sister Rebekah. Susanna recently got engaged and she works as a baker.

I just went to the old Free Jinger pages and found the link to Suze's pictures. OMG! Suze is HOT! Suze's fiance is also HOT! I'm glad Suze got out and it seems Dad and Mom Keller aren't shunning her. I saw photos of the family. Seems like some of the Keller grandchild go to some form of organized school (first day of school photos were posted). I have a feeling the Keller's are a bit more genuine about their faith than the Duggars. It's not all for show with them.

I saw that Suze graduated from Culinary School and works as a baker at the Cheesecake Factory (all in her profile). Go Suze! Please go free Jinger and Hannie.... We'll all supply you with cash and a ride in the pimped out RV!! TEE HEE!

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There is a grade school student here named A. There is no middle name. His legal name is A. There is another student whose first name is E, middle name E. Both are boys.

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There's a new People article, the third in two days:

"I am taking a power nap every day," she tells PEOPLE. "And I'm eating a lot of protein and green vegetables and no caffeine, which is a new thing for me."

So she consumed caffeine during the other pregnancies? We know green vegetables are a new thing for you, Michelle. I'm betting that "power nap" is 8 hours long with regular food delivers by the J'slaves.

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I just went to the old Free Jinger pages and found the link to Suze's pictures. OMG! Suze is HOT! Suze's fiance is also HOT! I'm glad Suze got out and it seems Dad and Mom Keller aren't shunning her. I saw photos of the family. Seems like some of the Keller grandchild go to some form of organized school (first day of school photos were posted). I have a feeling the Keller's are a bit more genuine about their faith than the Duggars. It's not all for show with them.

I saw that Suze graduated from Culinary School and works as a baker at the Cheesecake Factory (all in her profile). Go Suze! Please go free Jinger and Hannie.... We'll all supply you with cash and a ride in the pimped out RV!! TEE HEE!

Anyone seen her engagement party pictures? On facebook? While I'm not a fan of the shirt or the nails, it looked beautifully arranged, the food looked yummy, and the cake looked awesome. She has nothing on Rebecca, of course ;)

(I mean not surprisingly the caked looked great...Susanna IS a professional baker, after all)

If Susanna frees Jinger and Hannie, that will give me back my belief in makind ;)

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God did you see this comment on Suze's snarky announcement on fb?

God continues to bless that family. She is a wonderful mother and it is evident that God is using her to touch a list world that needs to see how to be a mother to their own children. She is making a difference. I believe Gods plan for us Christians is to be salt and light to a list world.

GO MICHELLE!!!!!!! And JIM BOB!!!!!!!!!!!

31 minutes ago

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Yes, she is an amazing mother who ignores doctors' orders and continues to have risky pregnancies, mothers them until they're weened off, and hands them off to one of her older girls to continue to raise them while she goes back into her bedroom, prays to God for more, and continues on the process.

However, the ones who have 1 or none, and are struggling for another one because of complications are considered bad mothers because they don't have Jesus in their life. The ones who refuse to have more than 1 or 2 children are awful mothers compared to Michelle because even though they have plenty of time to raise them on their own without any help and work a 9-5 job, they are refusing God's precious little rewards by taking birth control.

Yes, lets all bow down to Michelle Duggar for being such an amazing and inspirational mother who loves all her children and does not have to rely on anyone to help her be a mother. All other mothers would definitely learn a thing or two from how she handles being a wife and mother. Look at that Mother of the Year award--nobody else deserves it except for her.

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You would think by now the baby would just fall out.

This is just totally irresponsible of them! I was wondering if Michelle was doing something to actively get pregnant again by taking progesterone shots or something. Of course we'll never hear about it. I was really hoping they were done, especially after Boob's comment earlier this season about Michelle's womb starting to close.

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Yes, she is an amazing mother who ignores doctors' orders and continues to have risky pregnancies, mothers them until they're weened off, and hands them off to one of her older girls to continue to raise them while she goes back into her bedroom, prays to God for more, and continues on the process.


Doesn't she wean kind of early too? For some reason I keep thinking she weans around 3 months.

You would think by now the baby would just fall out.

For the record, according to my grandmother, my great-grandmother who had 15 kids in rural Canada (from 1910-1930, aka pre-hormonal bc) was able to give birth within 1-3 hours and go back to doing her regular activities within 24 hours after about the 10th kid.

So yeah, that 20th kid should probably come out pretty fast :D Though, realistically, its probably going to be a c-section.

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So she consumed caffeine during the other pregnancies? We know green vegetables are a new thing for you, Michelle. I'm betting that "power nap" is 8 hours long with regular food delivers by the J'slaves.

They got her a 14-cup coffee maker for Mother's Day in 2008.

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I really hope one of the J-Slaves escapes that poor excuse of a family and ends up writing a tell-all book.

My money was on Jinger to do that but it looks like they've force fed some Kool-aid into her system and has now turned into one of them.

My money is on Joy or Josiah. Both just seemed tired, frustrated, and annoyed.

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God did you see this comment on Suze's snarky announcement on fb?

WTF is a list world? Why can none of these people write a coherent sentence? :doh:

I think Michelle has mentioned in the past that she weans at around 6 months. She's also said that BF'ing has never really stopped her from getting her cycles back, so I'm not sure if she makes an active effort to wean that early or if it just becomes harder to BF because she's very often pregnant again by that point.

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WTF is a list world? Why can none of these people write a coherent sentence? :doh:

Probably a typo for "lost world". Took me a bit to figure that one out.

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You would think by now the baby would just fall out.

Be careful what you wish for--there's such a thing as "incompetent cervix"...

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I seem to recall with either Johannah or Jennifer, there was an article that said the entire labor was 20 minutes!

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Be careful what you wish for--there's such a thing as "incompetent cervix"...

Apparently Michelle has stitches or something to stop hers falling out.

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Today i saw a show on the German/French TV Station which had a bit about the Duggars. My first TV sighting :D . It was fairly recent as it was already 19 children and Josie was at home. They called em out as Fundies but overall it was nicely done and not too condescending. They snarked just a teeny tiny bit. :lol:

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