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Kendal's list of "bad words" (no one say PEE! Or BUTT!!!11!


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You and my dad should get together and go bowling... Sounds like his parenting philosophy. 'Cept around here, we tend to use the words "twat" and "pissant" along with "asshole" and "little shit". The only off limit word is "cunt." As for when I'll become a parent...well, my kid will probably end up cussing like a sailor the second she can talk. Taking after her mama and all.

I think its important that if our kids use these words they be taught to use them appropriately and in context. :D

You would hate my neighbourhood. There's no one here who doesn't say "fuck". Including small children. Some people just use it as a stop in a sentence. " Right, fuckin right, ye listenin'? Went tae the fuckin shop the day, fuckin cunt behind the counter and that, he said..."

I've got friends here who are Scotts and I can always hear the accent when I read your posts. I'm a lazy talker in my old age and often begin and end a sentence with fuck.

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Kendal~ I know you read here, and there's something I wanted you to know.

Remember when you were talking about how you prefer to be around children who are spanked? Well, something happened here today and I wanted to share it with you.

My son and daughter each had $60. Both sets of grandparents gave them money and their dad and I give them an allowance each week. Anyway, they were talking about what to do with their windfall and my son came over and asked me if I could look something up for him on the internet (he's only 8). I figured he wanted to check the reviews on something (he does that before he buys anything), but he didn't. He wanted me to look up Heifer. It's an organization that helps give farm animals to starving families. He wanted to buy a flock of chicks. His only concern was that the chicks would be treated nicely. He also wanted to make sure the chicks didn't end up pecking the children.

This is a child who has NEVER once in his entire 8 years had a hand raised to him. He and my daughter have been treated like what they are - the joy of my husbands and my life.

Remember this the next time you go and hit your children. There is another way.

eta~ because I left out the word "didn't"

That's because your son has that thing called empathy. Sounds like an awesome kid who is going to do great things with his life.

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Like a proper American of Polish decent, I believe the only acceptable word for one's butt is clearly "dupa." :D

And Koala, :clap: :clap: :clap: to your son!

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Koala -

How incredibly sweet and giving your son is! :clap:

I'm glad you like my avatar, but I have to fess up and admit it isn't my cat.

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Koala -

How incredibly sweet and giving your son is! :clap:

I'm glad you like my avatar, but I have to fess up and admit it isn't my cat.

It's Maru, right?

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My daughter says butt. LOL! I guess it's better than ass, right? Pee? Yeah... I'm fine with it so long as one does not announce in front of everyone "Mommy! I gotta PEEEEEE!" *sigh* LOL! I guess they could be considered crude, and I know of people who do NOT like them, but I"m ok with them. I guess they're not exactly lady-like but who cares? LOL

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The word "pee" uttered by her daughter bothers Kendal so much that it "sends shivers down her spine".

How hyper-dramatic, much?...

What sends shivers down my spine is the way she views her daughter's future and her methods of discipline. :(

ETA: I swear a lot, bad habit, although I do swear less than before. Where I'm from swear words are derived from the Catholic religion, not from sex like in the english language (weird, I know). Remnants from the years when the Catholic Church ruled our life here...

Ma voiture, c'est une chalice de la merde, mon estie tabarnak!

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Oh Maru.

We had a lengthy conversation about how to name body parts. We came up with crotch. We will teach her vulva and vagina later, as of right now it is just one entity to our three year old. She does say butt, and bum, and time to time will tell you to smell her toots. She caught my favorite phrase of "for fucks sake" which has made the husband pretty mad. I got in trouble as well when she came up and said she farted from her crotch, to which I said ah you queefed. She had a field day with that one.

The one thing we will not allow is her saying she hates someone.

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When I was growing up we would usually say, "I have to go to the toilet," (and I have never understood why that's rude in the US, or why you say restroom...I mean, you don't go there to have a rest! :lol:) but wee wasn't a rude word (we said that rather than pee) and neither was poo. I am still mortified whenever I hear the story about the time when I was five and started singing about going to the loo to an old lady who sat next me to me on a bench - so glad I have blocked it out! Anyway, I don't really see how they are rude words. We were never allowed to say the f word, but damn was fine, and I was always got confused if someone told me off for it. When I was younger and my mum was annoyed she would say, "Oh...fiddlesticks!" and she still says it now around me, even though I know it's in place of the f word :lol:

In the UK fanny means vagina, not bottom, so I was taught to call my vagina that as a child. It still kills whenever I hear Americans refer to their 'fanny packs'.

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Oh Maru.

We had a lengthy conversation about how to name body parts. We came up with crotch. We will teach her vulva and vagina later, as of right now it is just one entity to our three year old. She does say butt, and bum, and time to time will tell you to smell her toots. She caught my favorite phrase of "for fucks sake" which has made the husband pretty mad. I got in trouble as well when she came up and said she farted from her crotch, to which I said ah you queefed. She had a field day with that one.

The one thing we will not allow is her saying she hates someone.

Prior to the "most boys have penises, most girls have vulvas" conversation the crotch area was called their "private parts" but only to keep them from stripping completely down while company was over. "The parts your underwear cover are private. We keep them covered up in public and when company is over because they are considered private in our culture."

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Guest Anonymous

We love Maru, here, too!

We started out with "bum" or "bottom". The first time I heard our son use "butt" it was a bit jarring. Then his friends introduced "booty". He was given correct terms for "penis" and "testes", but we also talk with him about words you use at home and words to use in public. He uses "privates" in front of others.

When he was 4 or so, and we happened to be in a public restroom, he suddenly became aware, and was asking if a couple of his male friends also had penises, and I replied that they did. Then he asked about one of his girl friends, and was told that she had a vagina (we'll get to vulva later!). Anyway, he thought about the whole thing for a minute, and exclaimed loudy, "Mommy that makes 3 penises!!" :lol: :oops:

As far as bodily functions, we've never had an issue with "pee" or "poo" - again at home, but just tell him a general "I need to use the bathroom" works in public.

My gram is Austrian and used "wee-wee". I've heard "tinkle" and "ti-ti" used, too.

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When I was growing up we would usually say, "I have to go to the toilet," (and I have never understood why that's rude in the US, or why you say restroom...I mean, you don't go there to have a rest! :lol:) but wee wasn't a rude word (we said that rather than pee) and neither was poo. I am still mortified whenever I hear the story about the time when I was five and started singing about going to the loo to an old lady who sat next me to me on a bench - so glad I have blocked it out! Anyway, I don't really see how they are rude words. We were never allowed to say the f word, but damn was fine, and I was always got confused if someone told me off for it. When I was younger and my mum was annoyed she would say, "Oh...fiddlesticks!" and she still says it now around me, even though I know it's in place of the f word :lol:

In the UK fanny means vagina, not bottom, so I was taught to call my vagina that as a child. It still kills whenever I hear Americans refer to their 'fanny packs'.

I have a hard time with toilet when I'm in Europe...I think in the US to say you are using the toilet is a bit more of a description of what you are about to do whereas restroom is a bit more general (I could be powdering my nose in the restroom, or washing my hands...but you are only doing one thing when you are using the toilet).

Anyways, my parents weren't overly sensitive to bathroom words, but curse words were off the docket growing up. LOL when DH accidently called someone a "wee cunt" in front of my parents the look on their faces was priceless.

Anyone here use turd? Or say "Taking the Browns to the Superbowl?". :lol:

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Kendal~ I know you read here, and there's something I wanted you to know.

Remember when you were talking about how you prefer to be around children who are spanked? Well, something happened here today and I wanted to share it with you.

My son and daughter each had $60. Both sets of grandparents gave them money and their dad and I give them an allowance each week. Anyway, they were talking about what to do with their windfall and my son came over and asked me if I could look something up for him on the internet (he's only 8). I figured he wanted to check the reviews on something (he does that before he buys anything), but he didn't. He wanted me to look up Heifer. It's an organization that helps give farm animals to starving families. He wanted to buy a flock of chicks. His only concern was that the chicks would be treated nicely. He also wanted to make sure the chicks didn't end up pecking the children.

This is a child who has NEVER once in his entire 8 years had a hand raised to him. He and my daughter have been treated like what they are - the joy of my husbands and my life.

Remember this the next time you go and hit your children. There is another way.

eta~ because I left out the word "didn't"

What a lovely kid!

I love Heifer, too.

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Oh Maru.

We had a lengthy conversation about how to name body parts. We came up with crotch. We will teach her vulva and vagina later, as of right now it is just one entity to our three year old. She does say butt, and bum, and time to time will tell you to smell her toots. She caught my favorite phrase of "for fucks sake" which has made the husband pretty mad. I got in trouble as well when she came up and said she farted from her crotch, to which I said ah you queefed. She had a field day with that one.

The one thing we will not allow is her saying she hates someone.

You're going to be the first person she levels it at.

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You're going to be the first person she levels it at.

Undoubtedly. Small children can be AWFUL like that. They like to go for the shock value, and it certainly pays us back for telling them a thousand times a day to "use your words".

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Guest Anonymous
Koala wrote:

Kendal~ I know you read here, and there's something I wanted you to know.

Remember when you were talking about how you prefer to be around children who are spanked? Well, something happened here today and I wanted to share it with you.

My son and daughter each had $60. Both sets of grandparents gave them money and their dad and I give them an allowance each week. Anyway, they were talking about what to do with their windfall and my son came over and asked me if I could look something up for him on the internet (he's only 8). I figured he wanted to check the reviews on something (he does that before he buys anything), but he didn't. He wanted me to look up Heifer. It's an organization that helps give farm animals to starving families. He wanted to buy a flock of chicks. His only concern was that the chicks would be treated nicely. He also wanted to make sure the chicks didn't end up pecking the children.

This is a child who has NEVER once in his entire 8 years had a hand raised to him. He and my daughter have been treated like what they are - the joy of my husbands and my life.

Remember this the next time you go and hit your children. There is another way.

eta~ because I left out the word "didn't"

Koala, your boy is so sweet. I could share stories of our son, too, for Kendal's benefit, but

Kendal, it's true. There are thousands and thousands of children who are loving, compassionate, & giving without having been beaten into your version of "JOY" into them. Children do not need guilt and punishment to grow into kind adults. You can beat someone into looking and acting like they are "JOYful", but it really isn't the same as true from the heart compassion - like Koala's son. It takes patience and maturity, Kendal and you have neither. You keep modeling anger and the right to hurt someone smaller for mistakes - that does not teach empathy. The lessons they internalize are from your actions and behavior.

For crying out loud, don't you get that people will say/do anything to make pain stop? That is called survival. That's all it is, no matter what you want to see or call it.

Koala, thanks again for sharing a joy that neither she nor her kids will ever know (that of genuine - non-fear based living.)

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When I was in grade school, we'd raise our hands to ask permission to go to the girls' or boys' room. Normally, permission was given unless we were taking a test where cheating could be an issue. One day during a spelling test, one of my clasmates had an urgent need, but his requests for permission were denied.

After the test, we were allowed to ask for certain words to be repeated before turning in our papers. My friend saw this as an opportunity, and raised his hand again. He said "Mrs. L, I hafta go number 2!" She was an older lady and maybe didn't hear him clearly. What she did was read #2 on the spelling test for him. The class laughed. Alot.

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I have to share this story about my cousin's child. My cousin has four children and her youngest, Lulu, is a really sweet, girly girl, totally proper and almost verging on prudish and uptight (if you can say that about a five year old). No one knows why - the rest of the family is rather laid back and open. But this little girl would be happiest if she could wear white gloves, drink tea with her pinky extended and never hear of anything that wasn't about rainbows, kittens and beautiful flowers.

One day, however, Lulu had left her dainty shoes strewn through the house for the millionth time. My cousin, Sarah, told her to pick them up and put them away and for god's sakes quit leaving her shoes all over the place. That no, she could not finish watching her tv show with her siblings, but that she had to take care of it immediately.

This little girl stomps over to her mother, puts tiny hands upon her hips and screams with great indignation and self-righteous fury, "I hate you, motherfucker!" and proceeds to stomp down to her room and slam the door shut.

Sarah said it was so unexpected, so outlandish that all anyone could do was burst out laughing. The next day she had a conversation with Lulu and it's never happened again.

I thought it was classic!

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When I was in grade school, we'd raise our hands to ask permission to go to the girls' or boys' room. Normally, permission was given unless we were taking a test where cheating could be an issue. One day during a spelling test, one of my clasmates had an urgent need, but his requests for permission were denied.

After the test, we were allowed to ask for certain words to be repeated before turning in our papers. My friend saw this as an opportunity, and raised his hand again. He said "Mrs. L, I hafta go number 2!" She was an older lady and maybe didn't hear him clearly. What she did was read #2 on the spelling test for him. The class laughed. Alot.

That reminds me of when I was in first grade and asked to use the restroom. Five or six girls were already in the bathroom and permission was denied. I begged and pleaded while doing the potty dance but still told to wait for someone to come back. I told my teacher that it would be too late and I really had to go right now. Nope, I was told to go sit down. Not 5 minutes later and I was crying while trying to mop up the floor with paper towels. My teacher was horrified and asked why did I wait until it was too late? I told her off and said that I did and it was all her fault. I got the floor cleaned up and thankfully school was going to be over in an hour or two as I lived 10 miles out of town and it would have taken that long for my mother to bring clothes anyway if she happened to be home in the first place. The girls did come back from the restroom about 30 minutes later and I was never ever denied from going to the bathroom for the rest of my grade school career. Still mad about being forced to piddle myself. :evil:

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Anyone here use turd? Or say "Taking the Browns to the Superbowl?". :lol:

Being from the greater-Cleveland area, yep, that's pretty much the only way that football team is going to make it there!

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Ladypuglover, that's a sad story. I'm glad you told your teacher it was all her fault, even though she should've drawn that conclusion on her own. : (

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That reminds me of when I was in first grade and asked to use the restroom. Five or six girls were already in the bathroom and permission was denied. I begged and pleaded while doing the potty dance but still told to wait for someone to come back. I told my teacher that it would be too late and I really had to go right now. Nope, I was told to go sit down. Not 5 minutes later and I was crying while trying to mop up the floor with paper towels. My teacher was horrified and asked why did I wait until it was too late? I told her off and said that I did and it was all her fault. I got the floor cleaned up and thankfully school was going to be over in an hour or two as I lived 10 miles out of town and it would have taken that long for my mother to bring clothes anyway if she happened to be home in the first place. The girls did come back from the restroom about 30 minutes later and I was never ever denied from going to the bathroom for the rest of my grade school career. Still mad about being forced to piddle myself. :evil:

I was close to incontinent at that age, and had a teacher pull a similar stunt. Except I'd already had problems, the school knew about it, she knew about it, in fact I'd already wet myself at school on at least two occasions... but nope. Make the medically incontinent kid wait! Make the timid (almost to the point of disorder) kid humiliated! I'd say more but it actually still humiliates me, even though I'm not the one at fault.

Another teacher, who even more certainly should never have been around children, made a child who was green to the gills wait to go to the loo to vomit. She projectile vomited over the entire room, and another teacher took that class while he had to clean it all up. Not a good enough punishment, but we'll take what we can get.

/what a great school

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These stories remind me of the endless litany of rules about going to the bathroom we had in school. In elementary, you were supposed to go at recess, but if you forgot to stop in the bathroom on the way out to recess, you had to ask for permission to go back inside the school to use it, which made you look like a major dork because I guess it wasn't cool to go to the bathroom. In junior high we basically weren't allowed to go to the bathroom, ever (I think they were worried we would do drugs in there or something). Teachers would never let you out of class. At lunch you had to ask permission, and it would often be denied. There was one mid-morning break where the bathroom was fair game, but from ten in the morning to three in the afternoon was a long time to go without a bathroom break, especially if you had anything to drink at lunch. In high school they got a little more reasonable. Some teachers would let you out of class, and passing periods were longer, so if you didn't have to walk all the way across the campus you could usually go between classes. Just another reason why I'm so glad to be in college, where, if you have to go NOW, you can just discretely slip out and unless the professor is an enormous jerk, they won't care.

Sorry for the rant. This thread just took me back to the endless discussions about how hard it was to last through practically an entire school day without going to the bathroom.

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