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Christianity Today Reviews Hillary's "Quivering Daughters"


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Not finding anything on FB by "Pastor" James McDonald.

The fact that Stacy won't name "Quivering Daughters" tells me she is running scared. That the "Steadfast Daughters" website isn't getting the hits. If she forbids comments, does she still know how much traffic she's getting? I'm guessing so.

It's interesting to wonder how deeply she holds her beliefs, as opposed to how utilitarian they are to her by this point. Recall that she was a troubled (teen?) mother with a history of health and emotional problems, married to a philanderer and supporting herself and her daughter by managing apartments. Not a job for the faint-of-heart.

So if Pastor James wandered away and Stacy had the chance to make a real living with a real job - not shilling oils and mother/daughter teas - I wonder if she'd slip right back into working womanhood with only a few speed bumps. I can imagine her joining a mainstream church where women are celebrated as persons who have callings and worldly vocations. I also imagine she would set things up so that she would have a better life than she did as an apartment manager.

But this is all speculation about a person, which is not really my point. My point is that i think that this patriocentric heresy can be shrugged off. Sometimes with some mighty shrugs, indeed, but shrugged off nonetheless, and I imagine that might be true for a lotta lotta women who adopted it in adulthood.

There. That's what I meant to say. I'm working on 3 hours' sleep. Have mercy!

ETA: I just rambled through the most recent third of the comments and AI have never been so proud to cyber-know people, as I am to know the FJians who are arguing with Stacy from positions of strength in true Christianity. I'll buy you all pizza if we ever get together IRL!

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I wonder if Stacy realizes that all her comments really want to make me read this book even more than the review already did. Surely I'm not the only reader who had this reaction.

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The reviews are gone :shock:

But I found this tidbit in the article

Well my one Christian sister who loves her children very, very much says if she had to do it all over again she would never marry or have children. She says it with such honesty that I have no choice but to believe her. I know many other Christians who say the same type of things. Again, parenthood isn't something for everyone or is it a good idea for everyone one to have large families. Some are much better parents to one or two children than they could be to 5-15 children. Some rare women can be wonderful mothers to 15 kids but I doubt most could handle it a positive way.


Of course there are Christian women who regret getting married and regret WHO the father of their children is!

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Not finding anything on FB by "Pastor" James McDonald.

It's not on a public FB page. Did you check Jim's FB?

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There's nothing on his facebook page about QD/SD or the review...at least, not visible.

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I wonder if Stacy realizes that all her comments really want to make me read this book even more than the review already did. Surely I'm not the only reader who had this reaction.

Yes, all the more intriguing, right? "The-book-which-shall-not-be-named". . . lol

SM is such a twit.

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Stacy, it's a damn rare woman who's going to admit, aloud and publicly, that she regrets having had any or all of her children--but I bet there are plenty who have THOUGHT it.

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Stacy, it's a damn rare woman who's going to admit, aloud and publicly, that she regrets having had any or all of her children--but I bet there are plenty who have THOUGHT it.

And I suspect that, if a woman she previously considered a Christian admitted it, Stacy would pull the "no true Scotsman" routine, and claim that the woman was, therefore, not really a Christian.

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Stacy, it's a damn rare woman who's going to admit, aloud and publicly, that she regrets having had any or all of her children--but I bet there are plenty who have THOUGHT it.

And this doesn't mean that she loves the children she has any less, or would choose which ones not to have. It just means that they wish circumstances were different. So asking them if they would rather not have had number 5 (or whatever) isn't going to answer that question anyway!

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