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Modest Apparel USA


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Safari, Vermont Country Store, Deva Lifewear (American made by home workers even!!)--modest clothing is easy to find even if you don't go to the mall or go online; it's in catalogs. All three of the catalogs I just named feature frumpers.

I think the problem is that these companies don't market themselves specifically to fundamentalist, with the approved shibboleths and other tribal signals. Deva, for instance, sells supplies for (shudder) yoga. And Safari markets cute little earrings shaped like giraffes. Ooh, and Vermont Country Store? Along with a couple of pages of classic granny gowns, they matter-of-factly carry vibrators. Including the "dual pleasure" model. The horror!

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And what the fuck is up with the "comfort bra"? That is one ill-tailored piece of shit.

ETA: Oh my GOD, it's made of polyester, rayon, and spandex. Sweat bomb much? Yeesh.

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I think the problem is that these companies don't market themselves specifically to fundamentalist, with the approved shibboleths and other tribal signals.

Yeah, word. It's not enough to just have some modest clothing options, you have to be an outspokenly Christian company.

And what the fuck is up with the "comfort bra"? That is one ill-tailored piece of shit.

ETA: Oh my GOD, it's made of polyester, rayon, and spandex. Sweat bomb much? Yeesh.

Oh my god. Hell no.

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Oh good lord, that stuff is ugly.

Did you check out the culottes page?? They have gym culottes with this disclaimer: "(*please note: the red dazzle is a little thinner than we would like so you may want to wear a culotte slip underneath)"

Can you imagine trying to play sports while wearing a slip under your shorts???? Ick!!

They also have pink camoflauge culottes...can't even imagine when/where those would be appropriate.

I loved culottes back in the day, even had a culotte slip though I can't remember ever wearing it. I only saw one pair of culottes on that page that I'd order. The red dazzle culotte didn't look like a culotte to me at all, it looked like regular basketball shorts.

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Those are some sad, sad clothes. Don't even get me started on culottes. Where's a crying smiley? :crying-blue: Ah, there we go.

Much of the time, I dress in a way that *technically* would fit most fundie modesty standards. Ankle-length skirts, sleeves past elbow-length, no cleavage, nothing tight or revealing. But my hippie-Bohemian-artsy self wouldn't be caught dead in any of those dresses. They do a wee bit better on skirts, but almost none of them (other than the gored "Western" skirt) look like they were made to fit an actual female body. The tiered "prairie" skirts don't use enough fabric in the lower tiers (seriously diminishing the twirl factor), and all the straight skirts all use far too much fabric--if I ever need to bag a crop of potatoes, I know where to go.

I'm an inveterate Goodwill shopper, and I'm always seeing denim frumpers, sacklike poly blend dresses, and poorly-cut long skirts like that on the racks. I've only ever seen them in thrift stores. So seeing those exact same garments offered for sale, as new clothes--while at the same time looking like they just came off the racks at Goodie's--is more than a little weird.

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And what the fuck is up with the "comfort bra"? That is one ill-tailored piece of shit.

ETA: Oh my GOD, it's made of polyester, rayon, and spandex. Sweat bomb much? Yeesh.

Well, you can wear it to bed. It says it right there on the page. Don't we all do that? :o

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I liked your post and pictures, annalena. :)

Has anyone seen Hart of Dixie? I like Lemon's "modest apparel." Even when her head is covered by a bandanna, she looks great. Her 1950's flair is pleasing to my eye instead of fugly. There are many different ways to dress both modestly and attractively which would be appealing instead of off-putting, but clothes from the Modest Apparel USA catalog is not one of them.

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I would think it would be a little more modest to wear things that are a little less ugly. It's super easy to be modest and stylish. If you're wearing hideous things like are on that site you are just going to stick out from a crowd more because people will stare at you in a WTF are you wearing way. And that's not modest.

I think that may be a feature, not a bug.

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Guest Anonymous


These are truly frightening.

Aside from the pattern and fabric, who on earth is making these up? They look like a 7-yr old has been let loose with the sewing machine.... :shock:

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They're ugly as heck so a girl can't tempt a guy. At least that's what my mom always said. That and the fact that a guy would like you for your 'personality' not your body. Idk actually some of them are surprisingly comfy just really ugly like sweatpants(I know thy aren't all ugly but they're my personal fat day wear). I finally got to stop wearing them about two yeas ago but i still have some of my jumpers just in case i feel the urge to go to a fundi shin-ding with my family.

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aw, i'm totally asking for the pink camo culottes for christmas. Gonna be awwwwesome.

Also, wtf do shoulder pads have to do with modesty? Make you look ridiculous?

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I used to dress like that in elementary school because my parents couldnt afford anything other than really cheap thrift stores. Brings back bad memories. :cry:

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These are truly frightening.

Aside from the pattern and fabric, who on earth is making these up? They look like a 7-yr old has been let loose with the sewing machine.... :shock:

That is really bad. I could actually do better when I was seven, so I'm thinking that evil monkeys, from the Wizard of Oz, actually made these shorts....

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